Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Thirteen: Codenames ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, but I love all the characters very much.
Chapter Thirteen:
Konoha High: Codenames
Neji held the walkie-talkie up to his face, “This is Kendo King, repeat, Kendo King. The fish is in the water, repeat, the fish is in the water. Over.”
“I don't know why we have to use codenames, it's so troublesome. Over,” Shikamaru's voice came over the walkie-talkie.
“Overlord to Cloudgazer, just use the fricken codenames okay. Cuz someone could come on and figure out our plan and ruin it, over.” Neji laughed at Sakura's voice. `Overlord,' he laughed to himself.
“Puppet Master to everybody, why does she get to be overlord? And why am I stuck with Hungry Man over here? I could work with Sandman, he's just standing around,” Kankuro complained over the walkie-talkie. Neji was glad he was stuck with Tenten.
“What does fish in the water mean? I really didn't get that message?” Temari must have taken the walkie-talkie from Shikamaru.
“Kendo King to Wind Princess, it means we've completed our part of the mission,” Neji looked to Tenten who smiled.
“This is Overlord. The gem had entered the building. Reporting from the foyer. Stage two of Operation Pale eyes is in action. Over,” Sakura's voice was urgent. Hinata had been dropped off by her dad. Neji said he had to go to school early for a project.
Sakura put the walkie-talkie in her backpack and walked up to Hinata.
“Hey Sakura, what's going on?” She asked innocently.
“Nothing's going on. Why, do you think there's something going on because there's nothing going on,” Sakura panicked.
“No, I was just wondering how you were.” Hinata smiled a little.
“Oh well, I'm fine,” Sakura said relieved.
“Well, I need to go to my locker…” Hinata trailed off and turned in the direction of her lockers. Sakura mumbled an excuse about going to the bathroom, and walked in the opposite direction. She grabbed the walkie-talkie out of her backpack.
“This is Overlord. The gem is moving towards her base, over,” She said into the walkie-talkie. Now it was Choji and Kankuro's turn…
* * *
Sasuke pretended to look busy by his locker. He was excited to see what was going to happen. When he found the note this morning, he had followed the instructions exactly. He texted Shino saying he was going to tell everyone about their love. It was going to hurt him, but they'd just say it was Ino who did it. After that he placed his cell phone in Ino's locker. He was told after that to wait at his locker, and when given the cue by Kankuro, he was going to kiss Shizune. `The lovely Shizune…' he let his mind wander off on her…She was the one who healed up his cuts from soccer when they were in junior high. Now she was the nurse's apprentice, and she had helped out there. He had a secret crush harboring since junior high, and now he was going to dump Ino and going to confess his crush on her.
* * *
Ever since Shino got the message from Sasuke, he was so excited. He'd picked out a clean polo shirt and he flipped up the collar. He gelled up his hair, and found his sunglasses. The text said to meet him at the front of Sasuke's locker at 7:30. It was 7:15. `I should get going,' he thought, and he walked out his door.
* * *
“Overlord to Sandman, are you ready?” Sakura spoke into the walkie-talkie from the bathroom. She sat on the sink getting ready. Kiba was going to be there soon. He was going to meet up with Naruto and walk him to school, just to make sure he was early. She'd already called him and he said he was on his way.
“Yeah, I'm fine,” Gaara replied. He was supposed to stand up against the lockers and wait for Shino. Then he'd use whatever charm he had to woo him. `I don't if that part is going to work,' Sakura thought lining the bottom of her eyes.
“OVERLORD, SHINO'S HERE!!!” Tenten screamed into the walkie-talkie. Sakura was so surprised she poked herself in the eye.
“Bug man is not supposed to be here until 7:30. Dark Wolf is not even here yet with the Fox. What are we going to do?” Sakura cried into the walkie-talkie.
“Don't worry babe, I'm here,” Kiba's voice came over the walkie-talkie.
“Thank God! Where are you? Where's Naruto?” `Screw the codenames, no one else brings walkie-talkie to school,' Sakura thought.
“He's in the bathroom. We're almost at destination A, is there anyone to hold up Bug Man?”
“Archer Queen here, Kendo King and I can do it, but hurry up!” Tenten said and left. Tenten and Neji ran up to catch up with Shino. “Hey Shino!”
He turned around, “Hey Tenten.”
“Um…can we talk to you? Like we thought you'd be the only one to understand what we're going through. Neji and I are…having problems…” Tenten looked at him pleadingly.
“I'm actually heading to a meeting. Can we do this later?”
“And give Tenten time to break up with me! I can't handle that kind of pressure,” Neji literally begged. Shino sighed. `I have some time,' he thought. He sat with the couple on the bench and heard their problems.
* * *
“Shizune, can you come quickly? Some kid just ate the breakfast from the cafeteria, and he's vomiting all over the hallway!” Choji said huffing from running. Kankuro was behind him. She grabbed a mop, bucket, and a package of damp clothes. `I wonder who it is.' Shizune thought.
To Be Continued…
Author's Note: That was long enough…Sorry for the wait, SCHOOL SUCKS!!! And I have too much homework. Well the next chapter should come sooner that this one!