Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Fifteen: The Dance ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, haha so you can't sue.
Chapter Fifteen:
Konoha High: The Dance
Friday was the most anxious day of the week. Everyone was itching to get home and get dressed up for the dance. Everyone thanked god for Hinata, because if it wasn't for her Naruto would be bouncing off the walls. She held him down, and they kissed when no one was looking.
Kiba had been extra protective of Sakura. His arm was always around her waist, just waiting to another guy to look at her the wrong way. Neji had been as close to Tenten as possible. Tenten just smiled up at him when he asked, “Are you positive that you still want to go to the dance with me?”
Gaara and Shino had been walking around together. They didn't say a word to each other. They just enjoyed the other's company. It was cute, in a Goth-quiet-gay-guys-liking-each-other way.
Shizune and Sasuke were acting the same way around each other. Or at least that what everyone else thought, except for Tsunade-sama. She had walked in on the two lovebirds kissing in the nurse's room. Tsunade just closed the door silently and walked away; she had a soft spot for young love.
Now it was gym and Anko-sensei was not pleased that her students were so engrossed in the upcoming dance. Right now they were all sitting on the benches talking about their plans. Anko sighed and looked at what was planned to do today. She grinned mischievously.
“Okay class, I know you're excited for the dance tonight,” a little wail was let out from a certain blonde girl, “But you're going to play a game. You will choose partners, and then you'll split in half. One group will help me set up and obstacle course, while the other group will have to blind fold themselves. Then the people who set up the course will lead the people around the obstacles, only by voice.” The crowd looked to each other. Tenten automatically pouted; Neji wasn't there. Sasuke reached out his hand to her. She looked and him and realized Shizune wasn't there either. She smiled and took it gratefully. Kiba grabbed Sakura around the waist and planted her on the floor. Naruto escorted Hinata down the steps. Gaara looked at Shino and he looked back. They stepped down to the floor. Shikamaru was lead by an eager Temari.
Ino huffed; her friends had paired up with the rest of the people in the class and there was no one left.
“You want to be my partner?” a voice asked behind her. Ino spun, and saw a painted man behind her.
“Uhh…yeah,” Ino said with a small smile. Kankuro reached out a hand to her and she took it gratefully. He led her down the steps. `It's just a stupid gym project; don't let him get to you!' Ino's inner voice was nagging her. She shrugged it off and smiled at him.
* * *
“Okay Sakura, now a try a two foot step over the chair that's on the floor in front of you,” Kiba shouted at his girlfriend. She took a big step over the chair but her left foot dragged over the top of the chair.
“Kiba and Sakura, you're out! Tenten and Sasuke, your turn!” Anko-sensei yelled. Kiba removed Sakura's blindfold and walked her to the benches, where everyone else was sitting. Sasuke looked back at his partner who was stuck in between two stilts that held themselves up like an “x.” She had to go in between them and over a rolled up mat.
“Okay Tenten, you need to crouch down so you're on your knees. Now inch your way about a foot. No farther than that. Then stop,” Sasuke called to his seeing impaired partner. It was only him and Tenten up against Naruto and Hinata, who were breezing by this. Tenten followed through. One of her buns almost hit the stilts, but she ducked her head just in time. Sasuke let out a relieved sigh.
“Now what?” Tenten asked.
“You need to stand up very slowly. Then take the biggest step possible over the rolled up mat in front of you.” Tenten stood and extended her right leg in front of her, and shifted all her weight from one foot to another. She made it.
“Okay, now it's Naruto and Hinata's turn!” Naruto was blind folded and crouched in front of a table.
“Okay, Naruto-kun, you can do this!” Hinata was flushed from excitement. Ever since she kissed Naruto, it was like her stutter had left for good. Naruto nodded that he was ready. “Okay, you're going to have to lie down on the ground, but watch you feet; you might hit the bars behind you. Also watch your head; the table is only two feet tall.”
“Okay, Hinata-chan! I got this, believe it!” He practically yelled. He lied down, and made sure his knees were partially tucked in under him. He shimmied forward so he could lay flat.
“Good job, Naruto-kun! No just pulled yourself forward with your hands for about two feet, then you'll be able to slide out and stand up.” Naruto followed Hinata's instructions perfectly, and stood.
“Back to Sasuke and Tenten,” Anko yelled. Now all Tenten had to do is walk through a path of barbells.
“Tenten you're in front of a maze of barbells. First you need to take a step that's about your foot's width apart,” Sasuke instructed. Tenten took the step, but as her foot came in contact with the ground, the end bell sounded. Tenten fell over and landed on a mat.
“Well, that makes Naruto and Hinata our winners by default,” Anko-sensei declared. Sasuke and Tenten went up to Naruto and Hinata and shook their hands. Most everyone followed their lead and shook their hands as well. They bolted to the locker rooms after that and got dressed.
“I'll see you tonight Kiba-kun!” Sakura kissed his cheek real quick then caught up with Neji, Tenten, and Hinata.
“We're getting ready at my house right?” Hinata asked while they climbed into Neji's car. Tenten nodded, as well as Sakura.
“Well, I'm going to get my car all spiffed up,” Neji said. The ride was quiet as they stopped off at each of the girls' houses to pick up their stuff. Neji dropped them off and drove off.
* * *
“I'm so excited!” Sakura pulled out her dress from a bag. The dress was off-the-shoulder, and cut right beneath her knees. It was a deep shade of red, with cherry blossoms falling down the right side of the dress. Tenten and Hinata oohed and awed at the dress.
“It's so pretty!” Tenten gushed.
“Let's see yours, Tenten,” Hinata said. Tenten moved toward her stuff, and pulled out a dark green dress. The sleeves flowed to the elbows, and started right off the shoulder. The hem was a deep v-neck. The right side of the dress cut off at her knee, and the other side cut of at below her knees. The dress had sparkly gold swirls going all along the bottom.
“Oh my gosh, Tenten, it's so much prettier than mine!” Sakura yelled holding the dress up to her body. Hinata nodded.
“Well, now its Hinata's turn,” Tenten smiled at the girl. Hinata ran into her closet and pulled from the hanger a dark purple dress. It was strapless but came with a gold shawl to wear over it. The dress had a princess bottom, and a beautiful corset back. The hemline was covered in gold mess and ribbon.
“Hinata, you're going to look like a true princess!” Sakura squealed. They were going to look so awesome. Just when they were about to change there came a knock at the door. Hinata looked at Sakura and Tenten, but they just shrugged. Hinata opened the door, and her dad was standing there grinning, and little Hanabi was holding three tiaras and one on her head.
“I thought you might want to be princesses for the dance tonight!” He grinned, and Hanabi held out the delicate pieces of metal.
“Oh, Hiashi-san, you shouldn't have.” Sakura said taking one into her hands. Hiashi smiled and pulled Tenten and Sakura into a hug.
“You've been so good to my daughter. You two are true friends.” He didn't often show so much emotion. He leaned down to whisper in their ears. “For the first time ever, she called me dad.” Tenten's chest swelled with pride, and Sakura felt on the verge of tears.
Hinata pulled her dad into a hug, “Thank you, daddy.” He bent down and kissed her on the forehead.
“You three need to finish getting dressed,” he said and turned down the hallway with little Hanabi following. They squealed one last time and locked themselves into Hinata's room to finish getting ready.
* * *
“So Neji, do the girl's know that we got them a limo?” Kiba asked sliding into the back. He had a buttoned up dark red silk shirt with black slacks. He was holding a box with pink orchids inside. Naruto sat next to him. He was in a full suit with a gold undershirt. His box had lavender rose with accompanying baby's breath.
“I don't think so; I think that they're going to meet up with you at the dance. That's what Temari was supposed to tell them.” Neji closed the door. He wore a dark green silk shirt under a chocolate-colored blazer. He had a small box with a beautifully intricate yellow flower.
“So who do we go and get first?” Sasuke asked. He showed up in a dark blue silk shirt with khaki slacks. He picked out a white daisy corsage for Shizune. After the guys found out what he had to go through with Ino, they adopted him as a friend.
“This is so troublesome. They should just be at one person's house,” Shikamaru said. Shikamaru also wore a suit, but with a black vest and a lavender undershirt. Shikamaru thought that Temari would like the purple Cattleya flower.
“Well, let's get Shizune, since she's the farthest away, then Temari, and then Tenten, Sakura, and Hinata,” Neji suggested. Everyone nodded and they were on their way.
* * *
Shino pulled up in his blue mustang. He stepped out of the car, and walked up to the front door. He only had to knock once. Gaara stepped out in a black button-up with black pants. Shino looked at him and smiled. Shino had worn a white silk shirt and black slacks as well. Gaara gave him a quick smile, which was rare, and walked to his car. He opened his own door and slid into the passenger seat. On the inside, Shino was laughing. `There is no girl in this relationship,' he thought to himself.
* * *
“Oh my gosh, is he here?” Ino's mind was racing. She was pacing her living room floor, waiting for his arrival. `Why the heck are you doing this? This is going to ruin you!' Ino's inner voice was screaming at her. In her mind, Ino punched the inner voice and threw her in a closet. Ino heard an engine. She ran to the window and looked outside. “HE'S HERE!!!”
Ino looked down at herself. Her light blue dress cut at mid-thigh, and was clinging to all the right places. She had let her hair down from its usual ponytail. `I hope he likes it!' The door bell rang, and Ino rushed to open it. Stood there, was Kankuro in a leather jacket with a helmet under his arm. You could see the plain white shirt and black pants her wore. He handed her a corsage made of little white roses. Ino's heart fluttered.
“Hi,” he said.
“Let's go!” Ino dragged him towards his motorcycle.
* * *
“Where's Neji? He should be here by now! I need to see Kiba!” Sakura checked the clock in the Hyuuga living room for the 57th time that minute. Tenten and Hinata sat opposite her on a couch. Hinata was playing with her dangling earrings, and Tenten was fingering her hair.
“I don't know, but if he doesn't get here soon, he'll be in trouble,” Tenten said. Hinata turned around and looked out the window.
“Guys, I don't know about Neji and his car, but there's a limousine outside.” Tenten and Sakura joined Hinata at the window, and watched their dates step out of the car. They stepped back and waited for them to ring the doorbell. It rang and Sakura was pushed to answer it. All three girls stepped outside, and their dates took their positions.
“You guys got a limousine? I thought we were going to take Neji's car…” Hinata said.
Naruto grinned and handed her the corsage, “Yeah well, you're worth so much more than Neji's car.” Neji shot him a mean look, but then turned back to Tenten.
“He's right. You deserved to be treated like princesses,” Neji said softly and touched her tiara. Tenten blushed.
“Here you go babe. I thought it would match your hair.” Kiba took the orchids from the box and slipped it onto her wrist. Sakura smiled and hugged him. “Hey watch it! You might crush my boutonnière.” Kiba grinned, and Sakura punched him softly.
“Well, my princess, may I escort you to your carriage?” Naruto kneeled down on one knee and stuck out his arm.
“You may, my lord,” Hinata giggled and took his arm. The other men took his lead and stuck their arms out for their princesses. They walked to the limo, and saw the two other couple waiting inside for them.
“You guys look so beautiful!” Temari gushed. She wore a black strapless dress that cut off above her knees with a thick lavender sash around the waist. Shikamaru sat behind her with his arm around her shoulders.
“She's right you look lovely,” Shizune smiled at them. She was always so nice. She wore a simple blue dress with a boat neck hemline witch cut of above the knees. The bottom was decorated with a sparkly water pattern.
“As do you,” Tenten said. She slid in beside her and Neji next to her. Sakura and Kiba sat next to Shikamaru and Temari. And Naruto and Hinata sat opposite them all.
“Off to the dance!” Naruto yelled, so the limo driver could hear him. The car started up and they were on their way…
* * *
“Whoa,” was the only thing that left Sakura's mouth. The entire cafeteria was made into a dance's dream. Hanging from the ceiling, there were tiny white lights, creating a luminescent glow on the dance floor. The ugly green and gold walls were covered with large pieces of white paper. A makeshift stage was located at the end of the cafeteria and covered in small pieces of glitter. There was equipment that looked like a band was going to play. Some tables were located to the side, and covered with food. Choji was standing over the cheese tray.
“Hey guys,” he said with a mouth full of cheddar in his mouth. On his arm was on one of Ino's giggle-gang members, who was holding up a plate for Choji to eat from.
“I guess her motto is, `The more there is, the more to love,'” Kiba whispered in Sakura's ear. She giggled.
“Hey guys look! It's Gaara and Shino!” Tenten waved at the two. Gaara lifted his hand slightly and Shino smiled.
“Hey, it looks like everyone's here!” a voice said from behind them. The group spun around towards the stage, and saw the class president standing in front of the microphone. “First, I'd like to thank everyone for coming. I'd also like to thank Anko-sensei and Kurenai-sensei for helping to decorate the gym. Please do not leave the cafeteria, and once you leave, you may not come back. And now, I'd like to present our band for the night….THE SHINOBI!” She stepped back and gestured to four men who came on stage.
“Is that…” Hinata pointed to the stage.
“I think it is…” Tenten said.
Naruto, who wasn't paying attention at first, yelled, “Dude, that's Kankuro and Kakashi-sensei!”
“I think we got that dobe, but who are the other two?” Sasuke said. The other two were almost unrecognizable.
“That's Kabuto. He's a junior. And I think the other guy is my biology teacher, Orichimaru,” Neji said. Everyone sweat dropped. Orichimaru was the biology teacher for the tenth grade students, and he had a reputation for being, well, perverted and strange.
“This song goes out to Ino!” Kankuro shouted into the microphone. Everyone in the cafeteria gasped and looked at Ino who was blushing. Kabuto sat at the drums. Orichimaru was at the keyboard and Kakashi on lead guitar. Kankuro picked up a bass. Kabuto called out a “1,2,3,4…” thing and a hard rock ballad came out of the speakers.
“They're pretty good!” Sakura yelled to Kiba. He nodded. They grabbed some snacks and then sat at a table with everyone else. They munched and tried to talk over the music. And then the band decided to take a break.
“I love this song! Come on, let's dance,” Tenten grabbed Neji and they walked to the floor. Everyone thought this was a good idea, so they walked to the floor.
* * *
“So what did you think?” Kankuro walked right up to Ino and hooked his arm around her waist. She was glowing.
“I thought you guys were so awesome! You especially,” Ino blushed. Kankuro knew that she's been ignoring offers to dance the entire time he was up on stage. He glanced toward a pouting Rock Lee in the corner.
“Well, let's dance,” he said bluntly and dragged her to the dance floor. A lot of the couples were dancing around them but he didn't care. Ino moved up against him and shook her hips suggestively. Kankuro let out a laugh. “You don't have to impress me. You should know I like you…”
“Well, how about if I don't like you?” Ino challenged.
“Don't think I didn't see you at my band practice. I saw you last Friday staring into the band room.” Ino flushed a deep crimson. She nodded solemnly. “So that's why you gave up on Uchiha. You've got the hots for a true bad boy.” Ino didn't nod or shake her head. She just looked up at him with baby blue eyes. He took the back of her head in his hands and pulled her lips to his. Ino fell limp in his arms.
* * *
“I didn't know Ino liked bad boys!” Sakura said to Tenten, Hinata, Temari, and Shizune in the bathroom.
“Well, then why did she give up on Sasuke?” Hinata asked.
“Cuz he's not a real bad boy. He's just quiet and dark.” Shizune combed her fingers through her hair.
“Shizune would know!” Tenten exclaimed, and elbowed her slightly. Shizune blushed a deep crimson.
After a good laugh, Sakura spoke up, “I guess everything turned out right…” Everyone nodded slightly recalling the past two week's events.
“Well, the boys are waiting!” Temari finally called out, and walked to the door. They laughed one last time and left.
Author's Note: I finished. I finished. Jess finished. Woohoo! Ow, ow, it's my birthday. Not really, but it's fun to anyways. Thanks to everyone who reviewed. You're the reason I kept this story alive. I was seriously thinking about cutting it off. Now here I am at Chapter Fifteen! Wow this is also my longest chapter, but it was so worth it. My next fiction, I think, is going to be an AU Hina/Kiba story, just because I love them so much. If I don't do that, I don't know what else I'll do! Well, till my next story, I'm R.V.A. and thanks for reading! (that was so the end of news broadcast, but it's okay!)