Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High School - Sleepover ❯ Konoha High School - Sleepover ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5
“Hey guys!” Tenten said as she opened the doors “Come on in!”
Everyone walked through the brown double doors. When they walked inside the home, everyone took there favorite spot, they've been to Tenten's home for a couple of times. Shikamaru took his big and fluffy blue chair and turned it around to where he was facing a big white window that looked out to the shiny blue lake, but he was most interested into the high clouds above his head. Ino sat on the bottom of the clean white stairs, everyone knew why she sat there, that was the place she first saw Shikamaru. She could even see Shikamaru bright and clear from where she was sitting. Sakura took her seat on the black grand piano, this was no surprise, and she was the best piano player out of everyone there. Sasuke always sat on the wide window sill of a small-but-not-so-small window, but no one knew why he sat there. Naruto sat on the counter while Hinata sat next to him, the first place they kissed…not surprising, ne? Neji was helping Tenten prepare the food for dinner, he had no special spot. As for Tenten, the whole place was special to her, it's her home aint it?
“Hey Teme?” Naruto asked “Why do you always sit there?”
“I mean, everyone sits at there spots for reasons, and you?”
“Come on!”
“Fine then! At least my piss doesn't smell like burnt popcorn!”
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, he had an evil aura surrounding him. Naruto gulped. Everyone tried to hold in their laughs.
“You have 5 seconds to run.”
Everyone sweatdropped, except Sasuke…he was `busy'.
They continued to fight for about five minutes, until Tenten got tired of the show. “Hey, you guys…stop, I'm bored.” Naruto and Sasuke stopped and returned to there spots. “Let's go eat now?” Tenten asked.
“Yah, Im getting pretty hungry.” Sakura admitted.
Everyone walked into big dinning room. It had hot and cold food everywhere. Everyone had took there seat. Sakura sat on the end, across from Sasuke. Hinata sat next to Sakura, across from Naruto. Ino sat next to Hinata, across from Shikamaru. Tenten sat next to Ino, across from Neji. Everyone ate their food in peace, until the great Uchiha broke it up.
“Neji's special spot will soon be Tenten's bed.” He smirked.
Neji gave a death glare to him, and he got one back in return. Tenten choked on her fried rice. Everyone else did the obvious, laugh.
“Hey wait, that's right!” Ino exclaimed “The dare, I almost forgot about that!”
“Ano…Neji-niisan?” Hinata asked “Are you really…?”
“Yes, he is.” Sasuke stated “It was a dare.”
Tenten and Neji blushed to a maximum of 9,987,654,321 shades of red, or even more. `Oh, was this gonna be fun' Inner Sasuke said. `Shut it' Sasuke fought back. `Hn.' Inner Sasuke Replied. `…' Sasuke stated. They continued to do a mind fight while the rest were watching Sasuke do retarded faces to himself. They shrugged it off.
“Hey!” Ino yelled. “Let's all share rooms tonight!”
“…” was her cold response.
“Hey, wait that's not a half bad idea.” Hinata said.
“YaY!” Ino yelled “I call dibs on the biggest room with Shikamaru!”
“Troublesome, but whatever.” Shikamaru said.
“I call Hinata in the second biggest room!” Naruto said. He earned a death glare from Neji that said `touch-her-imma-kill-you'.
“Ano…hai…” Hinata said.
“Tenten and Neji have to be together.” The great Uchiha sated.
“Fine!” Tenten said, she was irritated by this time.
“…ya.” Neji said.
“So, then?” Ino started “Sasuke and Sakura, together?”
“Hn.” Sasuke said
“……………………&# 8230;…………I g-guess.” Sakura quietly stuttered.
“It's settled then, Im gonna go to sleep!” Ino said, she was dragging Shikamaru to their room.
“Hey, Im pretty tired, too.” Naruto said
“Okay, wanna go up now?” Hinata asked
“Sure” With that, Naruto and Hinata went upstairs to their room to do who knows what. ! No lemons!
When Sasuke, Sakura, Neji, and Tenten were alone, it was complete silence among the dark green walls. They ate the rest of their food, gave the empty plates to the waiter, and walked up to their divided rooms in silence.
Ino and Shikamaru's room:
“Shika!” Ino yelled to her new boyfriend “Do I match in this?”
“Don't call me Shi-“ Shikamaru couldn't finish his sentence, he was caught in what Ino was wearing. She wore red pajamas that were a bit tight, but matched with her perfect curves. He stared at her and nodded. Ino replied with a light smile and went to sit in front of the fireplace with Shikamaru. It was dark outside now, it was beautiful though, because the fire's light glowed on their faces. They soon fell asleep on the couch, in front of the fireplace, together…
Naruto and Hinata's room:
The sun is shining everyday
The clouds never get in the way for you and me
I've known you just a week or two
But baby I'm so into you I can hardly breathe” Hinata sang
“You sing awesome.” Naruto said as he walked out of the shower.
Hinata blushed but started to sing again.
“And I'm in
So totally wrapped up
Emotionally attracted
So physically active
So recklessly I need you
So desperately sure as the sky is blue
Baby I love you
I love you

I never knew that I could feel like this
Can hardly wait till our next kiss
You're so cool
If I'm dreaming please don't wake me up
'cause baby I can't get enough of what you do

And I'm in
So electrically charged up
Kinetically active
Erractically need you
Fanatically you get to me
Magically sure as the sky is blue
Baby I love you

I can't believe
That this is real
The way I feel
Baby I've gone head over heels

And I'm in
So totally wrapped up
Emotionally attracted
So fisically active
So recklessly I need you
So desperately sure as the sky is blue

And I'm in
So electrically charged up
Kinetically active
Erractically need you
Fanatically you get to me
Magically sure as the sky is blue
Baby I love you
Baby I love you
Do you love me too?
Baby I love you” Hinata finished. Her voice was amazing like the other 3 girls.
“You should start a band.” Naruto said
“Hehe, I don't know?” Hinata replied
“You and the other girls are great singing, Sakura is good on the piano, Shikamaru can play the keyboard when he's not lazy, I can play the drums, Sasuke and Neji can play the electric guitar. Plus were all good singers here!” Naruto said,
“That was the first time I heard you talk so much without saying the word ramen. Hehe…” Hinata giggled
“Ya, ahaa.” Naruto agreed
“Im gonna let you have noodles tomorrow, no more ramen.”
“It's the same…”
“So, about the band thingy…?”
“Let's ask everyone else tomorrow in the morning.”
“Im getting a little tired…”
“Let's go to bed…”
They walked to the bed and fell asleep in each others arm, smiling.
Neji and Tenten's room:
“Imma take a shower.” Neji said as he walked into the bathroom connected to their room
“Ok.” Tenten replied
Tenten walked into the room and sat on bed. `He'll never like me!' She yelled to herself. `Never, Never, Never in a thousand years!' she whispered to herself. She felt a small hot part of water come down her cheeks. She wiped away the tear that escaped her precious brown eyes. She looked for a hidden blade in one of the drawers and started to do what no one ever thought she did. She pierced her skin on her left arm with the sharp blade cutting across her skin. She let the clear burning tears run down her pale cheeks. She watched as the blood leaked out. She grabbed the blade again and pushed it down deep into her skin and cut it across her arm. It was painful, but it wasn't painful enough for her. She wouldn't stop until the pain was worse than the pain in her heart. She loved him, but she would never tell. `why?...' She asked herself. She let the tears run down her cheeks once more. She got the sharp now bloody blade back and put it on her skin and was about to cut when something caught a hold of her hand. It was Neji, now fully dress and hair dry. He was holding her hand in one of his hand and looking deep in her eyes.
“Why?!” He yelled at her
“Because!!” She yelled back; she took her hand back and turned around.
“Because Why?!”
“Because…” She said now quiet “I love you…”
Neji's eyes softened and now said quietly “You don't need to-“
“I know.”
Tenten was surprised when she felt him wrap his arms around her, but she liked the feeling…the feeling of forgiveness, sadness, yet it was still happiness in a way no one could understand. She fell asleep quickly from all the crying.
“I love you, too.” Neji whispered as she closed her eyes in the darkness.
Sasuke and Sakura's Room:
“Why do I have to be with you?” Saukra asked Sasuke
“Because im awesome.” The onyx boy bragged
`He'll never know…' Sakura thought.
`She'll never know…' Sasuke thought
Little did they know, they were both thinking the same thing
“Im going to bed.” Sasuke said as he walked into the bedroom
“Whatever.” Sakura said as she walked over to the piano left in their room.
“She walks to school with the lunch she packed
Nobody knows what she's holdin' back
Wearin' the same dress she wore yesterday
She hides the bruises with linen and lace”
Sakura sang while playing the song on the piano.
“The teacher wonders but she doesn't ask
It's hard to see the pain behind the mask
Bearing the burden of a secret storm
Sometimes she wishes she was never born”
`Now that's true…' she thought
“Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where she's loved
Concrete angel

Somebody cries in the middle of the night
The neighbors hear, but they turn out the lights
A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate
When morning comes it'll be too late

Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where she's loved
Concrete angel

A statue stands in a shaded place
An angel girl with an upturned face
A name is written on a polished rock
A broken heart that the world forgot

Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where she's loved
Concrete angel”
“Your not bad.” Sasuke smirked
“HUH?!” Sakura whipped her head across to where Sasuke was.
“Guess I shouldn't have said anything…”
“You were listening?!”
“No shit Sherlock.”
“Im going back to bed, next time, don't make it to loud. Night, babe.”
“Stop taunting me!” Sakura said as she followed him into the room.
They slept together on the bed, but on different sides, far apart.
Now, all they had to do was get through the sleepover of hell, or maybe even heaven? Let's see who rocks and who smell like socks.