Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High ❯ To Star's House We Go ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Uzumaki House, Sakura's room
Hinata and Sakura are sitting together on the latter's bed, side-by-side, pressed close together as they look at a common pad.
Hinata(looking at one of Sakura's sketchbooks): These are really good. I didn't realize that I wasn't the only one who drew zombies.
Sakura: What? You've been sketching the high-quality zombies at the Konoha Mall, too?
Hinata: Naah. I do it from memory. It's a great way to scare people when demonstrating artistic principles. I thought Star was going to freak out when I demonstrated one-point perspective to her today in art class.
Sakura: So you've met the Inflatable Bimbo; haven't you?
Hinata: Yeah. She invited me to her party.
Sakura: No kidding! Are you going?
Hinata: No way. It was a pity invitation. She heard about how my parents died from Hanabi.
Sakura: Oh, the thing about them skydiving onto a cow.
Hinata: Yup. I'm going to kill Hanabi.
Sakura: Don't bother. Think of this as an opportunity to get to know people better, babe.
Hinata: I got to know people too well in Shinobi High. That's why I'm a pessimist.
Sakura: OK, think about it as an opportunity to get to know one person better.
Hinata: Oh, great.
Sakura: You wouldn't happen to know if Star's hired a band?
Hinata: I have no idea. You really are Spiral's manager?
Sakura(picking up the telephone and dialing): Do you really think Naruto and Jesse could manage themselves?
Star picks up on the other end.
Sakura: Hey, Star! It's Sakura.(beat)The one who's been helping you with geometry.(beat)Lots of circles, squares, and triangles.(beat..Sakura slaps her forehead then continues) I hear you're having a party Saturday night. You need a band? I just happen to know one that's available.(beat)Spiral.(beat)Is there such a thing as too many cute guys?(beat)I knew you'd see things my way.(beat)That'll do.(beat)Can do. See you then.(hangs up)
Hinata: This really is all a plot to get me and Naruto together; isn't it?
Sakura: We'll pick you up in the Tank about seven. Don't be late.

The Hyuuga House, Hanabi's rooom.
Among an orgy of pink, green, and lace, a menagerie of stuffed animals, Hanabi stands before her closet selecting clothes. Her closet is like the gateway to another world, seemingly hung infinitely deep with clothes of all kinds and colors, undiminished by the large volume which has been pulled out and arranged all over the lace-trimmed canopy bed and pink plush carpeting. Mariah Carey's "Revenge" plays in the background.
Hanabi(looking in mirror while handling clothes, to herself): Sheer, semisheer, or opaque? Textured!
Hinata(walking by open door, stopping, imitating Hanabi): Oh, what the Hell! I'll just go naked!
Hanabi: Don't mock the creative process, Hinata. I'm trying to select the perfect outfit for a party.
Hinata :What the hell kind of is that music? Preparing to slice your wrist Hanabi?
Hanabi: It's Mozart. Haven't you heard? It makes you smarter.
Hinata: And who would have thought you needed a boost, eh Hanabi?
Hanabi: Ha ha. Parties are one of the most important social gatherings for young adults. It is a place to bond with our peers, to maintain and improve our social status.
Hinata: And not a bad place to hook up with cute guys.
Hanabi: They're not mutually exclusive goals.
Hinata: So how did you get invited to Star's party?
Hanabi: How did you know it was Star's party?
Hinata: She invited me.
Hanabi: That's awfully nice of her.
Hinata: It was a pity invitation.
Hanabi: It doesn't matter how you get there, only what you do when you arrive.
Hinata: And how did you get invited? I was under the impression you and she weren't on good terms.
Hanabi: I'm technically the guest of someone who was invited. You can't a priori throw out someone's date.
Hinata: I can't argue with that logic.
Hanabi: This will be a good opportunity for you, give you a chance to loosen up. Now,(holds up white blouse to Hinata's chest)maybe if we put you in this blouse, and maybe a miniskirt--
Hinata: I don't think so.
Hanabi: Image is important, Hinata. How do you expect to meet anyone if you're wearing all black? It's so depressing.
Hinata: That's funny. I met someone the other day, and he didn't seem to mind what I was wearing. I wouldn't want to upset Naruto by suddenly dressing too cheerily.
Hanabi: Naruto? As in "Naruto Uzumaki"?
Hinata: uhmm yea who else? I did make a note of the name of the guy who I was talking to.
Hanabi(throwing down clothes she's holding, storming out): Mom! Dad! Hinata is ruining my life!

The Hyuuga House, Kitchen.
Hizashi, Sayuri, Hinata, and Hanabi are sitting around the dinner table. Sayuri is still giving part of her attention to that flat computer.
Hanabi: Mom, tell Hinata she can't go to Star's party! My popularity is at stake! She's determined to be a social black hole!
Hinata: I thought Konoha was a social black hole. That's why my mom never accepted that job offer here.
Hanabi: Shouldn't you ground her(beat)'cause her room is a mess? She's got fake bones all over the floor.
Hinata(to Hizashi): You wouldn't believe what Hanabi's hiding under all that lace and frilly stuff in her room.
Hanabi: Wait, there's something worse: she's been hanging with a Satanic head-bangers band. Everyone in school knows it.
Hizashi: What!?(to Hinata)In Shinobi High you hung with those imbeciles who could barely form sentences! Now you have to hang with Satanic head-bangers! Must all your friends be weirdoes?
Hinata: As if Hanabi gravitated towards decent people. Those idiots that were always around me were not friends; they were guinea pigs for my science project. As for Naruto and Sasuke, they're not Satanic head-bangers; rock musicians, maybe, but not demented. And I can't really claim to have hung with them yet; I've only met them once.
Neji (coming to get some poptarts from the cupboard): And also those Satanic Head Bangers are my friends
Hizashi: So are they in the football team too? I thought the football team were your friends!
Neji (as he was leaving): No They're not in the football team. This guys ACTUALLY have brain cells and can manage to speak in full sentences.
Sayuri(obviously not having paid attention to much of what's been said): I think it's great that you two are going to be spending time together. We'd be happy to drive you to the party and pick you up.
Hinata and Hanabi: No!
Hizashi: Have you even been listening, Sayuri?

Ze Tank (Naruto's clunky van)--on the way to Star's house.
Naruto is driving, Sasuke is riding shotgun, and Hinata (wearing dark gray), Gaara, and Sakura are in the back. Hinata has her hand resting on Sakura's knee.
Hinata: Thanks for the ride, Naruto.
Naruto: No problem. Any friend of Sakura's is a friend of ours, so we're happy to give you a lift.
Hinata: Um, thanks.
Gaara(to Hinata): Sakura tells me you're very unhappy with life.
Hinata: Sort of.
Gaara: Then why are you wearing such upbeat clothing?

Star's House.
The Tank pulls up in front of it. Every gets off.
Hinata: Do we really want to do this?
Sakura(imitating Hanabi): You know, just because people are cliquey and snotty is no reason to hate them.
Gaara: Or like them.
Naruto: Besides, we've a gig in there.
Hinata: Hard to argue with that.
Everybody takes at least one piece of equipment.
Sakura: Ten hut! Forward march!

Star's House, Living Room
Besides the standard furniture, there are two ceramic tigers. Star and Itachi are putting food on a table. The doorbell rings. Star approaches and opens the front door, revealing our heroes.
Star: Hinata, you're here! I'm so glad! Hi, Sakura, Sasuke, Gaara, Naruto.
our heroes(asynchronously): Hi.
Star: Come on in!
(pointing)You can set up over there.
Naruto: Sure thing.
Our heroes start moving towards the other side of the living room, opposite the refreshments table. Hinata nearly runs into Hanabi (anomalously wearing her "sunglasses" indoors) and Kisame, who are walking around a corner into the living room. Their hair looks a bit messed up.
Hinata: My, my, my. Did you two get here early for the two kinds of chips?
(to Hanabi, quieter): Confidentially, I think he'll need some time to choose between the flat and ridgy ones.
Kisame: Uh...
Hanabi: Very funny, Hinata. Kisame and I just got here early and took a look around. The den's fairly interesting.
Sakura: Now, now, ladies. Hinata, I'm sure Hanabi wasn't doing anything illicit and, in fact, probably has a lot on her mind.
Hanabi: Thank you.
Sakura: Such as the fact that she's lost a contact and now has to wear glasses inside or else be walking into walls.
Hanabi gives a short shriek and runs off.
Gaara: You always know the perfect thing to say.