Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Idol ❯ I'm too exhausted to name this one. ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Konoha Idol”
By Trio Wing
Rating: PG/PG-13
A song fic- Well, sequel to “Fever.” Ha ha, I love doing stupid things like this. …and, Riisa kept reminding me about this sequel. Well, actually, Women's Choir really reminded me, BECAUSE WE SING “FEVER” EVERY WEEK. …that can be good, though.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto- the characters, plot, etc, etc! Neither do I own ANY of the songs used in this fic! And, if any song comes up in this fic and I don't mention it now, I WILL PUT THE DISCLAIMERS IN LATER, FOR KAMI'S SAKE, SHUT UP. (heart) Fever: Words and Music by John Davenport and Eddie Cooley, Arranged by Kirby Shaw.
A/N: Is it me… OR DO YOU PEOPLE NOT LISTEN?! (cries) I told you to review, and review you have not! …with exceptions to Cherrymoonblossoms, and therefore I shall make Cherrymoonblossoms an underling and make you all review. OKAY?! (spurts fire from her eyes) …so, here's another pitiful attempt at butchering American Idol, Naruto style!! CHAPTER EDITED 19 APRIL, 2006. THANK YOU, RIISAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (glomps)
TWO: I'm too exhausted to name this one.
All of those present just stared at the semi-unconscious form of Itachi lying prone in the doorway.
Yeah, even the now-recovered Gaara had a hard time putting Itachi and KO'd together.
Fortunately, or so we'd like to think, Naruto broke the silence.
“What the HELL are you doing here, Itachi?!” Naruto demanded. A lot of the (still) hung over genins were wondering why Naruto never got hang overs. Itachi's body just twitched in response to the demand. “…Itachi…” Naruto growled.
“KONOHA IDOL!!!” Itachi suddenly declared, jumping up onto his feet. Everyone started voicing their complaints of the sudden, loud noise. “What's wrong with all of you? Are you all DRUNK?! Oh my, oh my! Underage drinking! Gasp, gasp!” Naruto, being the only one that was sane and standing, stared at the Uchiha with a puzzled look.
“Are you…feeling okay?” Naruto prodded. Itachi directed his attention to the loud-mouthed blonde…and fixed his black-red-I-have-no-idea-what-color-his-eyes-are-because-I-haven't-been-abl e-to-watch-past-the-Chuunin-exams-since-my-brother-took-his-Naruto-DVDs-to- college-with-him on Naruto. Poor kid.
“You! Uzumaki Naruto!” Itachi declared and pointed. More moans resounded through the apartment.
“Yes. You know my name. Congrats.” Naruto deadpanned. Itachi's OOC-ness just…BLOSSOMED, for lack of a better word, because Itachi smiled, and we all know how scary that can be, and proceeded to verbally corner the little kitsune.
“No, no! I should be congratulating YOU!!” Itachi cried, looking awfully like Rock Lee when Lee attempts to woo Sakura. And THAT, my friends, is just as bad as seeing (insert name of a really big, burly, fugly guy in a dress or someone/thing equally hideous here). Oh, yes.
“And why the hell would you be doing that for?” Naruto asked cautiously. Bad move, Uzumaki. Ba~d move. Itachi just brightened up even more. (A/N: IT BUUUUUUUUUUURNS!!!)
“Because YOU, yes you, have been GRACIOUSLY invited to be a contestant on KONOHA IDOL! OOOOOOOOOOOH!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!” Itachi exclaimed. He got up right in Naruto's face, oddly enough imitating a little kid from one of those psychotic Barney & Friends shows, and…attempted to make a puppy dog/pleading face. Well…we all pretty much know that Itachi can't really…do that. Of course!
But…since this is a paradoxical fic, and I've already mentioned how OOC Itachi is, if you haven't been able to tell…………………………< /font>
“OH MY KAMI, IT'S TOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!” Naruto shrieked. Itachi just grinned happily and pointed at the twitching bodies of the genins still littering the floors of Naruto's apartment.
“And guess what, little friends of my adorable brother?!” A cry of protest was heard somewhere in the apartment. Huh, it sounded awfully like, `WHO THE FXCK ARE YOU CALLING ADORABLE?!' but I could be mistaken. “YOU ARE ALL CONTESTANTS ON THE AMAZING KONOHA IDOL SHOW, AND YOU SHALL SHOW UP BECAUSE IF YOU DO NOT, I SHALL WREAK HAVOC UPON YOU, YOUR FAMILY AND ALL THAT IS TO COME!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!”
…yes, you can all go buy some strait jackets now. In fact, it is greatly much preferable. I mean, who knows what other crack-like chapters will surface?
(at the Hokage Monument)
“YOU LET WHO RUN THE WHAT?!” Tsunade screamed, her eyes nearly popping (A/N: (cracks up) I nearly wrote “pooping.” (falls on the floor laughing)) out of her head.
“…I, uh…” Shizune stuttered. Kami, Tsunade wasn't even DRUNK yet, and she was already red-faced and about to pummel someone! “It was Uchiha Itachi…?” Shizune tried.
“You… you… ITACHI?!” Tsunade wailed, flailing her arms around desperately. “Do you know how PSYCHO that guy is?! Sasuke wants to KILL him, for Hokage's sake!!”
“…um, Tsunade-sama… You DO realize… you kind of… swore on yourself?” Shizune asked carefully, so as not to startle the already pissed off and probably PMSing Godaime. Tsunade just gave a look to Shizune.
“…I think Itachi-san would actually be able to destroy a building in his current OOC state.” Shizunde offered. Hee hee, not a smart move! “Would you rather him be OOC or an S-class killer?”
“…” Tsunade thought on this. Like, she REALLY thought on this. “OOC,” she said simply.
“That's what I figured.”
“Just shut up and get me some sake,” Tsunade grumbled.
(look! At the TV Station)
“Okay, okay. You, go find some judges,” Itachi said, pointing at Sakura and Ino. “You, find me a stage,” Itachi said, indicating Shikamaru, Kiba and Shino. “Hmm, hmm, what can I make my little brother do…?” Itachi mused.
“I'm going to sit here and pretend I don't exist.” Sasuke stated. Itachi laughed loudly, and looked at his tied up brother.
“I'm afraid not, otouto! (A/N: Japanese for little brother. Yay.) You, and the kitsune shall… um… go find an audience. Yes! Yes! We'll have Konoha Idol LIVE!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, brilliant!”
And so, Itachi went off into his little world for the moment, declaring how smart, and dashing and etc etc etc he was, leaving the tied up Sasuke, deprived of any sharp objects or hope of getting out of the room, stuck with Itachi rambling about who knows what.
“GET ME OUT OF HERE.” Sasuke wailed. Naruto popped his head into the room.
“Not unless you, we, I, WHOEVER, manages to figure out how the hell we shut HIM up.” Naruto said. “So, since no one has done that, YOU'LL HAVE TO SIT AND WAIT OUT THE TORTURE JUST LIKE THE REST OF US, BASTARD, SO SHUT UP AND BITE THE BULLET!!!” Naruto screamed.
And Sasuke cried.
A/N: There is A LOT more OOC-ness than I originally planned. …but…that's okay. (grins) And NO, I am NOT on CRACK. (laughs) Just had…another long day of being unwillingly volunteered to work at this medical office my mom works at in town. (dies) At least I'm being paid. AND WHY HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE REVIEWED?! HUH? HUH? I lovey you. Just letting you know. (laughs hysterically)