Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Master ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It was a nice day and a young man was lying in the middle of the forest, he had long blond hair in a ponytail, was lightly tanned and very handsome. He was dressed in an all black bodysuit, boots and a green vest. He had guns underneath in his vest and in his hands. He slowly started to come around and sat up his eyes were blue, “where the hell am I?” He said, he started to look around and noticed he was in a forest. “Well might as well, head for a village.” So he started to walk, to look for a village.
He came up to the main gates and saw the logo above them. “Impossible, but how?” That's right he was standing in front of the gate to Konoha, he walk up to the gate and one of the guards saw him coming. He quickly opened the doors to let him in, “Naruto!” He said as he noticed that Naruto was injured, he was favoring his right side and blood was coming from between his fingers. “QUICK, GET SOME MEDIC-NINS, NURSE JOYS AND HOKAGE-SAMA HERE NOW!” He said, “Just relax Naruto-sama. Everything will be alright.”
When they showed up they realized that he had bullets inside of him and he had been poisoned. The hokage was a tall, gorgeous blond woman with amber eyes and a figure that would make a centerfold jealous. She was in a blouse, a green robe, black slacks and spats. She went over to Naruto's head and held it in her lap, she was focusing her powers to heal Naruto from the poison but they were going to have to remove the bullets from his body.
“Tsunade-kasan?” He slurred, “Is that you?” She softly stroked his hair and made cooing noises. “Yes, it's me Naruto-kun. You don't have anything to worry about, I'm right here and we're going to get those bullets out of you. Let's get him to the hospital and prep him for surgery.” She said, so they do.
The operation was a success, the bullets were out of Naruto and he was going to be fine. Tsunade was in his room because she wanted to find out who this young man that looks like the boy she raised as if he was her own son was. `Who are you and where is my little Naru-kun?' She thought he slowly started to come to. He noticed that he must have been in a hospital. He slowly opened up his eyes and saw her, “thanks for saving my life Tsunade-kasan.” She went over to him and softly stroked his hair, “it's alright. Who are you?” She said.
“I guess that, someone like me couldn't pull him off huh?” He started coughing and she went over with some water for him. “I am Naruto Uzumaki, but I'm from a different universe.” He started to explain his life as a mercenary for different governments, of coming back to Konoha to live, hired to fight in the 3rd world war, coming back to marry Hinata, fighting in the second great ninja wars, watching Hinata and their child die and the final match with Sasuke. “And that was what happened.” She kissed him on his forehead, feeling his heart break when he talked about Hinata and their child.
“Well, as you know this is not your home world.” She said, “Can you go back?” He shook his head, “that would put me back into my body killing me.” She was broken hearted she just held him against herself. “Alright then, we'll just have to accept you here.” She said, “I'm pretty sure no one will harm you, because one with me being the hokage and your godmother they wouldn't dare. Two, you, or my Naruto was seen as a hero like you were supposed to.”
Naruto was in shock, “but how I mean Kyubi attacked here right?” “Yes she did, but when Arashi defeated her, she became his alpha in his harem. She was a legendary Pokegirl that brought my Naruto in the world and he was raised with love until Orochimaru came and attacked trying to kidnap him so he could brain wash him against us. He killed both of his parents and I became his guardian.” “I see, what happened to him?” “He was taken by Orochimaru during a test. His teammates tried to get him back but they failed and it had seemed like he died. But now, if what you're saying is true, then he really is dead.”
He shook his head, “no he's not. He's still here,” he touched above her chest. “If you still love him he'll always be there.” She shedded tears and grabbed him in a tight hug just then someone came in to the room. She has shoulder length pink hair and was dressed in a red dress with white trim, black bike shorts and boots. She also had beautiful green eyes, when Naruto saw her tears came out of his eyes. “No,” he whispered. “You're dead,” Sakura walked in to Naruto's room to see how he was doing and she when she saw him, she smiled.
“Hey Naru-kun,” she said that was when she saw his tears. “What's wrong?” She said he almost fainted. “Naruto, are you alright?” she walked over to him and tried to get away from her as if she was a monster trying to kill him. “GET AWAY FROM ME!” “Naruto,” she started and he tried to jump out the window or started to reach for some weapon to make the pain go away. It wasn't he was afraid of her, it was the guilt from doing nothing but watch her die in front of him during the Wave. He still hasn't gotten over it, tears softly fell from his eyes and he was shivering in fear.
`He looks terrified of her.' Thought Tsunade. She pulled her protégé to her and started to whisper in her ear. Sakura nodded and went over to him, Naruto was still sobbing as the guilt was tearing him apart. Sakura saw how his heart was breaking and it was her fault somehow. She had to make things right, she went over to him without him noticing and slowly wrapped her arms around her distraught team mate. “Sh, it's okay.” She said while hugging and rocking him.
He pushed off of her, “NO! YOU SHOULD HATE ME!” She looked at him, “Naruto….” But he didn't let her finish, “I LET YOU DIE!” “But that's the point Naru-kun,” she said softly. “I don't hate you, you had no choice. I can not blame you for some you had no control over.” She hugged him again and gave him a hug, while using a sleep jutsu behind his back. Naruto was getting sleepy, “sh it's alright. I love you Naru-kun, you are my best friend.” With that he fell asleep she stroked his hair and kissed him on the forehead.
“I want to be here when he wakes up.” She said Tsunade nodded. “Ask him about what happened, you must have meant a lot to him to get that reaction from him.” Sakura nodded at her, Tsunade left her pokegirl protégé with her godson to protect him and comfort him.
End for now