Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Nights ❯ the wedding ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Konoha Nights
GaaxSaku HinaxNaru NejixTen
The Wedding
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me!
Gaara effortlessly landed in his bedroom and found that Temari's summon was sitting on his bed patiently. Taking out the parchment from the pouch, he glanced over her encrypted message.
Shizune- the late apprentice of Tsunade. Kunoichi of great tactics and specialized in poisons. Cell team consisted of Asuma and Kurenai. Disappeared along with Tsunade 18 years ago. Presumed dead.
Idiots. Shizune wasn't dead but in fact in Konoha. Surely the spies of Suna weren't this misinformed, although to their credit a brothel, located above a flower shop in the central part of a city, would be the last place to look for a missing kunoichi.
Mission status has been reported to the kage. The penmanship changed slightly although it was still coded it had more of a feminine touch. Baki has not reported. Missing. Kankuro has volunteered to retrieve him.
Why Temari thought he should know what Kankuro was up to was beyond him but he reached for a clean paper and scribbled back his response. I need my gourd to successfully carry out my mission.
It seemed to be enough. He would liked to have asked Temari personally about what the Kage had planned, she wouldn't hesitate to tell him the truth. The only problem with that was that she also had a fierce loyalty to their father and would inform him of anything Gaara asked. So for now, the gourd was all he needed. After he talked to Jiraiya, he would know who was eluding information. He slipped the sheet back into the carrier and went to his pack.
Now that Uzumaki and Sakura knew where he was from there really was no point in going out of his way to dress like a civilian.
Taking out his shinobi black sandals that would help him place chakra to his feet he deposited the larger boots he wore into the trash. Picking out more clothes, he went to the side bath of this room opting for a relaxing shower instead of focusing on the day that lay ahead. The sand shield he wore fell to his feet as he stepped into the shower, the water as cold as the tap could get it. The slight fatigue he felt dissipated as soon as the needles of ice hit his form.
With both hands against the wall, he leaned his head down letting the water continue to wake his body. His thoughts drifted to the woman named Sakura. It was pure stupidity to dwell on something as simple as a touch. But the Shukaku had been stirred by it, and nothing made him stir unless it was blood, anger or the need to fight. She fit none of the criteria, so why had he felt it move within him?
Unless it hadn't been the demon.
His third eye sent a shock through him, alerting him that it was something worth watching. Closing his eyes in mediation, he concentrated and formed the necessary hand seals and saw outside her apartment.
A hawk had just landed on the sill and she walked towards in wrapped in a white towel. The bird jumped to her shoulder as she made her way inside, the eye followed keeping its distance. Taking the slip of paper tied to it's talon she reached for a pen tucked in one of the drawers.
I highly advise you to keep a tighter leash on Sasori. Tell him I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks and that he should stay away. This goes for all of your lackeys. If I even think that one of them is trailing me or anyone that I know, I will not hesitate to end our agreement and join Orochimaru. Do not cross me again. Furthermore, if you do not heed my warning I will take the nine tails with me. You know that his loyalty to me is unrivaled.
I do not wish to end our agreement, so please do as I wish and I will see you in two weeks and I will hand over the eight tails.
Love Sakura
Gaara could have snorted at the last part, the sarcasm and fake cheery scribble fit her. She wrapped the scrap up and slipped it back into the holster. The hawk flapped its wings eager for the flight and she released it outside of her window again. The eye watched as the hawk flew east, straight for the high tower of Akatsuki.
What in the hell was going on?
The small bit of peace the shower had restored to him was snatched away and now he was once again irritated from lack of information. Apparently, Sakura had information for Akatsuki on the whereabouts of the Hachibi. But she neglected to tell them about the one tail? Her bluff was transparent when it came to Uzumaki. Gaara had only met him today but he already knew that there would be no way in hell he would ally himself with Orochimaru. Either the Akatsuki leader never met the energetic shinobi, or he was simply humoring her.
The third eye jutsu was starting to wear on his energy so he went to deactivate it when he watched Sakura drop the towel that she had wrapped around her body. He had his hand seal ready to go but he couldn't seem to say the words. His mouth went dry.
Her backside was all that was currently visible to him, but the black mamba that danced on her body as she moved entranced him. Her hair, a few shades darker, pulled into a messy bun offered no cover. The rosary she still wore and even as she dressed, he could see her occasionally toying with it. The black undergarments she slid into did even less to cover her and it wasn't until she laid on the mattress with the sheet above her that he was finally able to dispel the jutsu.
His breaths were coming out a bit more shaky than he would have liked and his fists were clenched tightly as he put more weight on them. Ignorance was bliss and right now he was ignoring everything. That included:
The Shukaku that howled with laughter.
His shaking form.
The unfamiliar warmth.
And the fact that his body was reacting in another way was what he was ignoring the most.
The Shukaku howled again and Gaara instantly regretted the word. He hit his head against the tile shower wall trying to regain some control of his traitorous body. This was not a familiar feeling, especially on a mission.
When all the blood had returned to its proper place, he turned off the showerhead wrapping a towel around his waist. If there was one thing Gaara could ignore….it was lust.
Yes, denial truly was a beautiful thing.
Sakura entered the Nara Inn heading straight for the receptionist desk. The familiar woman saw her and ran out to hug her before she made it all the way. “Sakura, it's been so long. How are you dear?”
She patted the older woman's arm, “I'm doing great Nara-san and you?”
“Just great.” She ushered her towards the desk using it to lean her arm on, “So what can I do for you Sakura?”
“Oh I just came by to pick up a friend of mine who is staying here,” she said coolly fighting the urge to pull at the silk kimono that hugged her a bit to snuggly. She desperately needed to buy a new much larger one.
“Really? Hmm, well let me go look at the books, what's his name?”
Sakura eye twitched as she felt the obi slip. This was why she didn't wear kimonos. They were a real bitch. “He's a traveler from Suna,” she offered as she reached behind to fight with the pink obi once again.
“Oh, yes him…..He's in room 11 dear.”
Nodding her thanks, she walked with more restricted movements towards the hall. The woman's laughter drifted to her and she turned back. “What is it Nara-san?”
The older woman politely covered her mouth as she laughed, “Sakura-chan you always were such a tomboy. Here let me help you with that kimono.”
Sakura would have kissed her blessing in disguise until she felt the woman tighten the obi until she couldn't breathe. Maybe she would hit her instead.
“There.” she said as she patted the now perfect obi. “You're ready to go.”
This time she only faked a smile as she walked away from her, slower than before, this time it wasn't because of the kimono but because of the dots that were forming behind her eyes.
She stopped and made a semi turn. “How's Shika doing Nara-san?”
The older woman's smile fell slightly, “Oh you know how it is, some days I think he's doing fine and other's he just closes up again.”
“I'm sorry to hear that.”
“No it's okay, he went to cloud watching the other day so it must be a good sign.”
Sakura nodded goodbye before walking away from the depressed woman at the counter. Cloud watching was something that Shika had only done with Choji. Something about him being the only person that didn't disturb him, although that was pretty hard to believe considering he was munching on chips the whole time. Door 11 came into view and she doubled her efforts to make it without ripping her kimono.
If what Nara-san was right, maybe Shika was finally starting to move from Choji's death. God knew Ino would probably never be the same.
She would have sighed but the tightened obi prohibited her from even thinking about it. Before knocking on the door, she tried in vain to look over her shoulder at the offending piece of fabric. No longer able to contain herself she reached behind her and tried to loosen the pastel pink obi from hell.
With a lot of grunting and pulling, she was getting nowhere. When someone cleared their throat she froze looking back at the door to find Gaara standing there with an amused expression. “It's not funny,” she pouted in frustration.
“I thought you weren't allowed to wear black.”
“It's not all black,” she defended as she went back to fighting with the piece.
“A black kimono with a hint of color is still considered a black kimono.” He said humorously as he contended himself with watching her struggle.
He had spoken the truth; the black kimono only had traces of pink cherry blossoms the only real color came from her obi that matched her hair perfectly. The two sticks that held her hair up jingled occasionally with her retaliation against the obi. Stomping her foot she turned back around with her arms tucked into the long sleeves of the kimono.
“You're supposed to be on my side.”
Turning around so that the obi was within arms reach, she looked over her shoulder, “Could you please loosen that damn thing up I can't breathe.”
She felt nothing for a while the silence of the hall was deafening. Had she gone too far? It wasn't her fault she didn't know how the hell to wear a kimono, or tie and obi for that matter. Naruto never minded helping her out…… but Naruto was more like a brother to her, and they had known each other for years.
Going to pull away she felt two hands grab the fabric that shrunk her waist by inches. She could feel the warmth of his hands through the clothes she wore and she felt her breath catch at his gentleness. She felt his hands pull away from her and she snapped out of her stupor. Her breath was much easier to take in now.
She turned back to him, “Thank you so much, I'm not use to wearing such formal attire.”
He walked back into the room and she watched as he put on a familiar black coat over his slightly more fitted black pants. The straps of leather that tied them snugger to his legs at under his knees and one on his thigh were tan like the vest-like one he wore over his long-sleeved black shirt. Coming back to the door, he closed it behind him and they began walking out of the hotel.
Linking her arm through his she felt him stiffen considerable. She half wondered if she would have to drag him the rest of the way. 30 steps later and one street across he began feeling less like a dead weight and more like a person. They walked in a comfortable silence across two more streets until Sakura stopped at a winery store.
“I have to pick something up,” she told him before disappearing into the somewhat isolated store. She returned minutes later with a wine bottle wrapped in white silk and a sting of pearls. Practically skipping to him, she held it up for him to inspect her find.
“I ordered it when I found out Hinata was pregnant,” she told him as she tucked it to her torso and linked her arm again around his. “I had thought it was going to be a girl so I had the pearls added, but I guess Hinata can just keep them.”
“Uzumaki's having a boy?” Pleasant conversation was starting to be easier with him.
“Yeah, but don't tell him that, then he'll never shut up,” she said as she lead them into a narrow alley. Knocking on the wooden door, the peephole in the center opened revealing two familiar Hyuuga eyes. The door slid open later and the owner of the Byakugan was a man probably a few years older than both of them, with the Leaf hiate on his forehead.
“Neji,” she said respectfully as she bowed somewhat.
He bowed his head in response, “Sakura-san I'm glad you could make it.”
His eyes drifted towards her guest and she stopped him mid question, “He's a friend of mine and Naruto's. He was invited personally by him.”
The narrowing eyes did little to effect Gaara and they were instantly in a staring match. “Neji don't you dare use your Byakugan on him.”
He looked away from the guest and back towards the woman who was giving him a fierce look. “Naruto's expecting you,” he said moving out of the doorway and locking it after them. Before leaving, she eyed him suspiciously, “Hey Neji?”
“Why aren't you in the reception hall, I'm sure Hinata would like you to be there.”
Sighing deeply he looked towards the bamboo covered fence shielding the main house.
Not liking his silence, she answered for him, “How armed is she?”
“She's got two sebon in her hair, three shuriken on her torso, six kunai strapped to her thighs and small scythe in her boot.”
Sakura whistled at the number, “Looks like Tenten really prepared herself for your reunion huh?”
He shot her a dirty look and she practically `eeped'. “So…… we'll be going now,” she said taking Gaara's arm, “But you really should at least make an appearance, no matter how much Tenten hates you, Hinata would be crushed if you weren't there, you're her only family.”
Their boots crunched under the gravel but Neji's voice floated above it, “You know that she considers you and her to be more of a family than I.”
She said nothing and kept her pace next to Gaara, she really hoped that Hinata didn't consider her anything more than her sensei. Otherwise, it could make things much more difficult in the end.
After a few more twists and turns, they located the reception hall that held only a few people. Naruto was the most obvious to spot, not because of his bright hair but because of the rambunctious attitude. When he saw them enter, he quickly ditched whoever he was talking to and ran towards them in his traditional blue robes. He ran straight into her squeezing her for all she was worth, “Alright Sakura-chan! You made it and you brought Gaara!”
She regretted ever complaining about the obi, the current `hug' she was in seemed to be twice as bad. The bottle of wine was pressed painfully against her ribs before he released her just as quickly, and he patted Gaara on the back “Thanks for coming man.”
The other looked mildly irritated at the contact but said nothing. “Hey Sakura-chan, Hinata wanted you to go to her dressing room when you got here.”
Looking towards the door that would lead her there she glanced back questioningly at Gaara. “Oh don't worry about him Sakura-chan! I'll go introduce him to the guys, you go to Hinata!” He laughed and Sakura didn't know what was so amusing.
“We're extracting all that alcohol you drank before the wedding,” she ground out and saw through his feigned innocence.
Holding her hand up she stopped his protest, “Don't even deny it Naruto I can smell it from here.”
He wiffed the air around him before breaking out into a grin, “Alright.”
Shaking her head, she handed him the bottle and went to find Hinata. Chances were Tenten was there calming her nerves.
Indeed when she found them, Hinata was sitting in a chair, her lavish traditional kimono spread about her with Tenten brushing her hair.
“Whoa Hinata you look beautiful. Where'd you get the kimono?”
The younger woman smiled softly running her hand softly on the pastel lavish robes, “Um, Neji-san brought it for me.”
Behind her Tenten sneered.
“It was my mother's,” she finished.
“Well it's gorgeous,” Sakura added and began looking around the room. “Where's Ino?”
Tenten, who had been shaking her head behind Hinata, let her shoulders sag at her question, Hinata timidly answered, “Well, she said she probably wasn't going to be able to make it.” Her downcast eyes made Sakura feel like shit for even bringing it up. Stupid Ino probably just didn't want to run into Shika.
That coward.
“But she did send beautiful assortments of flowers though, right Hinata?” Tenten tried and the bride returned to her old self. “Yes she did, she sent lots of wonderful arrangements.”
There was knocking outside the door, the muffled voice sounded like that of Shizune, “Hinata it's time to go Naruto's cold feet jitters are driving everyone insane.”
She giggled softly into her kimono before standing, “I'm ready.”
The ceremony itself was something that Sakura wasn't looking forward to, but it went by quickly and she caught herself looking at the man beside her. He didn't look bored but his eyes told her otherwise. He was probably meditating and hadn't heard a word that was said. When the reception finally got underway, Gaara disappeared a few times before mysteriously reappearing beside her without saying anything. She didn't ask, but chances were that he had gone to speak to Jiraiya.
Jiraiya himself served as an entertainment option with his loud singing and the occasional slap from Tenten for his attempts to fondle her in her black and gold Chinese style dress. Staying mostly in a corner with a few bottles of sake, Sakura was content with just watching from the sidelines. She recognized Shino, Kiba and Shika instantly as they talked at their table, wanting to stay safely away from a talkative drunk Kiba was a mission all on its own.
Neji had managed to sneak in later and gave Hinata a courteous congratulations, she could see her tear up from the other end of the room. They spoke for a while quietly amongst themselves while Naruto harassed Jiraiya for drinking all the sake. Neji lived up to the name genius for waiting until Hinata was alone to speak to her, otherwise whatever he told her could become public knowledge.
He slipped her white box into her sleeve and her eyes widened before fresh tears fell from her face. She hugged him briefly but then Neji's eyes caught hold of Tenten, who was making her way towards them shuriken spinning on her finger, and he bowed respectfully before leaving.
Sakura sighed. If only things had been different.
“How is it that she can intimidate the head of the Hyuuga Clan?”
Sakura almost spilled her drink. She hadn't even heard him return and now he sat coolly next to her with a new bottle of sake. Realizing he asked her a question, she debated her answer. “I think that's one secret I'm not allowed to tell you,” she told him truthfully.
Tenten would have her head if anyone ever found out what really happened between her and Neji. And as it stood Tenten was of greater use as an ally. “And it's probably best if you never say Hyuuga around her, she tends to let her kunai slip.”
Pouring the new sake into her dish served one for her `date' as well. She was impressed that he managed to drink it all in one drink. It shouldn't have though, all shinobi were required to build up their alcohol tolerance levels in case they had to work uncover.
After finishing their new bottle, and watching Naruto and Hinata partake and all the rituals required, they made their way towards the pair to say their goodbyes. The room was already nearly empty and everyone who wasn't drunk had already left.
Naruto's eyes were a bit red and unfocused so Sakura excused them to the hallway leaving Gaara and Hinata. She extracted the alcohol from his body and gave him a small energy boost to go along with it to help fight the hang over he could have tomorrow. Naruto may not have been as obsessive with sleep like she was, but no one should have to deal with a moody Naruto.
“Thanks Sakura-chan,” he told her before making their way back towards the reception.
“No problem.”
When her hand reached the door, he stopped her, “Gaara's a really nice guy huh?”
There were many ways to answer that, “Yeah, I guess,” just seemed to fit.
“What is it?” she prodded.
He sighed deeply before hugging her, “Sakura-chan, I just want you to be happy.”
“What in th-
“You know that I love you right?”
What in the hell was going on. “Yeah.”
“Okay, just making sure,” he released her from his embrace but held her arms still, “Thank you for all that you've done for me and Hinata.”
“Naruto you know that I would-
“What is it?”
He said nothing but didn't release her and she began to wonder if she had somehow added alcohol to his system instead of remove it.
“Life is worth living for.”
“Just listen,” he said tightening his hold, “I know that you blame yourself for teme, but it wasn't your fault. Itachi tricked you, you were vulnerable and he took advantage of that. It wasn't your fault. We'll get him back I promise.”
His words hit her but she could not believe in them, not anymore. She didn't have the heart to tell him, that this was one promise he wouldn't be able to keep.
“Okay,” she would appease him for now; it was after all his wedding day. And besides Naruto was as stubborn as an ox when it came to Sasuke.
“I miss him too you know.”
Releasing her he reached down and opened the door leading her through with on arm wrapped around her shoulder. “So do you wanna be my kid's guardian?”
Naruto had always been one for surprising people; she just never expected it to be her on the receiving end. “What? Naruto, I'm touched and all but shouldn't you find someone with maybe a…….better past and better mental history?”
A guardian? Her? Yeah right, there was no need for her to be exposed to the future leader of Konoha, there was no telling how badly he'd turn out. Not to mention that she had had guardians of her own and she also learned how to tick them off in under 10 seconds flat.
Thinking back on all the things she put Anko, Kakshi and Shizune through, she knew she didn't want to be anyone's guardian. Especially if there was a possibility, the kid would end up with Naruto's energy.
He chuckled squeezing her shoulder, “Sakura-chan there's no one better than you, Hinata agrees.” By now that had already reached Hinata and Gaara who were shockingly talking.
Hinata turned towards them expectantly, “Sensei? Did Naruto ask you about becoming our child's guardian?”
Oh fuck.
Why did they have to call in the reinforcements? Hinata had always managed to get her way when they were younger, mostly because she didn't ask for much so when she did Sakura felt guilty and obliged her. “Hinata, I just think you need to consider this more before you decide on me. I mean Tenten would love to do this.”
Yeah right, Tenten would have that baby throwing shuriken from his highchair. Ino probably wasn't a better choice, little boys that arranged flowers usually got picked on. That only left Shizune, and she wasn't getting any younger. Jiraiya did not exactly scream trustworthy and Neji wouldn't be able to adopt it. Fuck, why did they have to have such a limited family?
“Sensei, we have talked about it,” she replied sweetly placing her hand unconsciously to her unnoticeable bulge. Naruto stood next to her practically bouncing raising his eyebrows to indicate `so?'
“Um… well I guess I-
“Alright!” Naruto cheered grabbing Hinata and hugged her, they looked entirely too pleased. Looking for the quickest way out she saw Gaara looking at her amused again.
`Don't even say anything.' She thought hoping he got the point.
After their hasty retreat, they walked back towards the Nara Inn. Gaara hadn't even batted an eyelash when she missed the turn back to her apartment. The night was quiet and the streets long ago deserted. Their comfortable silence from earlier bled into their walk home and she still had her arm linked with his.
It was a nice change having a warm body to walk next to, well at least one that hadn't tortured her previously. The door to the inn was left unlocked and they slipped in silently. She followed him into the dark room, flipping the light switch as she went.
Sakura was shocked to find that they were not alone. Another woman was in the room, her hair pulled in four ponytails with her giant fan ready to strike. Although her posture was threatening, she looked confused as hell when she spotted Sakura.
“What are you doing here?” Gaara's voice commanded both of their attention.
“Something happened,” she said shooting a look back towards the pink haired woman.
“What is it?” He didn't sound too interested in what she had to say Sakura mused. Gaara really wasn't the friendly type.
“It's Kankuro,” she closed the fan and slipped it back into the sash strapped around her. “We have to help him.”
“You need t be more clear Temari,” his irritated tone made her stiffen and she looked back at Sakura.
“Are you sure it's oka-
“Tell me or leave,” was his ultimatum.
She hesitated, “It's Kankuro, do you remember where I told you he was going?”
He nodded.
“Well he was poisoned badly and I couldn't carry him back to Suna, the poison would only spread. Gaara I don't think he's going to make it,” her voice was becoming more and more desperate.
“Where is he now?” he asked monotonously.
“I left him in one of the deer fields outside of the city,” she worried her lip with her teeth, “There was a guy there…….he said he would watch him till I got back.”
“What was his name?” Sakura's voice interrupted earning herself a dirty look from the girl.
“His name was Shikamaru,” she answered.
Sakura couldn't hide the surprise, “He told you his name?”
“Yeah…..what's the big deal, is he mute or something?”
She waved her hand at the thought, “No not really, it's just that Shika doesn't talk to just anyone, I can't imagine him just giving out his name to a stranger.”
She smirked despite the tense situation, “Well he didn't really have a choice, I told him I would kill him if he didn't and then he mumbled something about being troublesome and then he told me his name.”
Sakura would have laughed at the perfect imitation Temari had just done of Shika, but she remembered the poisoned man Shika was currently watching. “Okay, let's go, I'm pretty sure I know where Shika would take him.”
Reaching towards the window, she slid the screen back before jumping out with Temari close behind. “I don't mean to be rude but-
“I can probably help your friend,” she told her jumping into the towering trees Konoha was known for.
The trees continued to blur by as the three made their way towards the fields.
Ah ha! I told you this chapter was almost done : ) Hope this one was a bit better. Is it just me or are these getting longer? lol Anyway here's another one done!
Questions? Ask!
Yes I MEANT to throw in Anko to her list of guardians (caretakers) whatever : )
With the wedding over fun times are now past. In the next chapter we learn of a spy!
AN: I hope that I made it clear that in this story Neji doesn't HATE Hinata, in fact he wants to protect her…. : ) Details later…..
I'm also working on a TenTen special that tells us more about the history between Neji and her and why things are they way they are now. Probably just throw it in as a filler chapter… I'm turning into the anime! Fillers are horrible!
The semester's almost over *does a dance* now I just hope I pass my classes…. : )
AN: I just finished the Tenten side story I wanted to do so I'll post it probably tomorrow. I have a final tomorrow I have to study for.
ALSO Chapter 8 is finished but it's majorly short. Need to edit.
And I started writing chapter 9 and ended up with a lime…… O.o don't ask me how or why I wrote it, it just came out. So now I have to go back and edit it outta there. What's's policy on that anyway?
Don't want any stories deleted!
I'll probably post the lime on my mediaminer account when I finish it.