Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Nights ❯ The New Mission ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Konoha Nights
The New Mission
AN: I own nothing.
So sorry it took me so long to update. It wasn't the writer's block that kept me from writing, but life. *________* Maybe things will be better this week cause I desperately need this finished before school starts.
“I need you to stay in Konoha.”
His eyes narrowed at the woman sitting across from him. Catching on to his reluctance, she intercepted his thoughts, “I don't mean a permanent change of address or becoming a missing nin; all I need you to do is stick around for a while.”
His annoyance at such a request was evident and she took a heaving sigh before starting again, “Look, I'm not going to lie to you since I really need this big favor from you okay?” She didn't even bother for a response, “In two weeks I'm no longer going to be able to look after Naruto since I'll be under Akatsuki's jurisdiction.”
“My reasons aren't what's important here, it's what comes after that I'm worried about. According to a source of mine, Akatsuki isn't going to keep their end of the bargain I had with them and instead they're going to come after Naruto right after I'm out of the way.”
“Is your source reliable?”
A small smile made its way on her features, “Yeah, Deidara's not really that bad of a guy and he's never lied to me before so I believe what he says. Anyway, Diedara made it clear that once I'm no longer of assistance, Akatsuki's going to finish extracting the remaining bujii, and the first one they're going to go after is Naruto.”
“I fail to see how this is of relevance to me staying here.”
She was really fighting an uphill battle on this one, “Well, assuming that they know who you are and what you are, they're going to come after you too. Considering that your country is momentarily weakened by the lack of a Kage, it might not be in your best interest to head back so soon.”
He stopped glaring at her and instead shifted a bit on the bed, “There is no need for you to pretend to care for the safety of my country. But if you do want me to stay here, you're going to have to tell me the real reason why.”
She was momentarily wounded at his words, she had truly been a worried at the thought of Suna in chaos and Akatsuki seizing control there also. Huffing she crossed her legs, “Fine. I need you to stay here and help Naruto lauch his attack on Orochimaru and Akatsuki.”
That seemed to have caught him off guard and he didn't say anything for a while.
“You may or may not already know, but Jiraiya and Naruto, as well as many of the clan heads are planning a revolt to finally take back Konoha from both vermon that currently inhabit it. If you leave before hand, I know Akatsuki will dispatch a team after you immediately, and if my some chance they manage to capture you then it'll all be over.”
“I don't see the connection.”
“If word gets to Naruto that you've been captured and are still alive he'll be too distracted to launch the attack and go and rescue you.”
“That's stupid, he has no reason for-
Holding her hand up, she stopped his rant. “Naruto isn't exactly normal, and he has a habit of getting strongly attached to people he feels are like him. He considers you a friend whether you care to acknowledge it or not and if Naruto is one thing, that's protective of his friends.”
“He's a fool.”
“Well; I guess I can't really argue with you there, but believe it or not, it's his attachments and love for other people that make him a force to be reckoned with. Akatsuki's hasn't quite caught on to this, but Orochimaru has so he hasn't provoked him much lately.”
His silence was making her a bit edgy so she took the opportunity to go grab another cigarette from her drawer. It was the last box with only two left. Great, no-good drugs and now no cigarettes, at least she had plenty of sake. Locating the lighter, she made her way back to the bed and laid on her stomach flicking her black lighter. After successfully lighting it, she offered the other to her partner and almost smiled at his disgusted expression.
“I'll take that as a no.”
“I didn't know you were the type to let yourself become addicted to such an annoying habit.”
“Addicted?” she asked, raising a pink brow before laughing, “I'm not addicted, the nicotine in these is hardly enough to give me any satisfaction. I only smoke because I like pissing her off.”
She could see the question forming on his tongue and she reacted with a quip of her own. “I didn't think something as minute as a little smoke could bother you,” she teased put the cigarette out on her hand and got up to throw both of them away. It was going to be a long two weeks if she wasn't going to be able to smoke once in a while to get her fun.
Throwing herself back on the bed, she barely heard, “My father smoked.”
Wow, he really should get laid more often if he was going to be this open afterwards she mused. But this time he cut off her impending question.
“I thought you said Uzumaki was protective of his friends, how is it that he's going to let you go to Akatsuki? Wouldn't you just be doing the same thing you warned me about?”
Cringing she looked away and toyed with the rosary again, “Well, see I also needed your help with that too.”
“You want me to lie to him.”
“Is there something wrong with that?”
“Shinobi lie all the time when on missions, this would be no different.”
She turned back to him trying to see if he was seriously willing to help her. “So you-
“This is why Uzumaki is an idiot.”
Gaara shifted again on the bed pulling one of his legs to be half bent on the bed. Sakura eyed the towel wondering just how tightly he'd tied it on.
“Uzumaki is stupid because he puts trusts in others and protects people who only turn around and betray him.” His words cut deep and she couldn't stop her flinch.
“Not everyone would betray him Gaara, in fact, his fierce loyalty earns him beneficial relationships that will help him have strong allies when he's the Hokage. I was just a lost cause right from the start, Naruto knows this, so when he finds out the truth I'm sure he won't be too surprised.”
“You're asking me to stay and to help him fight, but I don't understand why you would even care what happens to him considering you're going to be on opposing sides when fighting breaks out.”
“Don't try to understand my reasons Gaara,” she said solemnly as she lowered her gaze, “If there's one thing I truly want in this world, it's for Naruto to become the Hokage of Konoha, grow old with Hinata and raise their child in a city of peace and not of corruption.”
“Then why-
“Let's just say that Akatsuki can offer me something I've been wanting since I discovered what I was.”
Sakura could visually see the idea coming to Gaara before his eyes narrowed dangerously, “They're going to kill you.”
There were many responses to that accusation but she chose to ignore them all and instead safely avoid the subject. “So I'll make you a deal. You stay here with Naruto after I'm gone and help him in whatever way you feel comfortable and then you can go back to your beloved Suna with a treaty I'll draft up with Jiraiya beforehand.”
“I'm listening.”
Grateful he let the subject drop she continued with her persuasion. “The treaty won't be as beneficial as the one we had originally agreed on with the Kazekage, but it will enable Suna and Konoha to work together after the defeat of Orochimaru and Akatsuki, to rebuild themselves to what they were before. I'm sure we could also throw in a nice bonus for extending your services here in Konoha as well.” He nodded once, somewhat pleased with her offer but she wasn't quite done, “Also, for the remainder of my vacation I'll be sealing the bujii so that you can get some sleep and rejuvenate yourself in a way before heading back.”
“You seem to have given this a lot of thought,” he said half amused at her diplomatic approach.
“I've been planning this for a while now, so I had plenty of time to think of how to propose this offer,” her eyes sparkled with mischief, “So do we have a deal?”
He crossed him arms tightly across his chest, “For the moment….yes.”
Immediately she jumped up and pulled him to his feet along with her. “Well let's get started then,” she said in an excited manner.
“What are we doing?”
“We're moving you in,” she said in a `duh you're so stupid' kind of way.
He drew back his arm from her clutch, “And why would I be doing that exactly?”
Another devious smile worked its way on her face as she leaned in close, “So that we can fulfill the other part of our deal.”
Sakura didn't know if he was confused about the way she was invading his personal space, or that he didn't know what the hell she was talking about, but either way he was still fun to tease.
“What other part of our deal?” he asked as she stood directly in front of him wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Well, it would be kind of hard to let you take advantage of me whenever you wanted if you were living on the other side of town,” she said gently brushing her fingers over the kanji on his temple.
“I don't remember saying I required these services from you,” he replied looking down at the woman who was intimately pressed against him, yet didn't push her away.
“Are you saying you don't want to have sex with me?” she asked feigning shock, “You know it's not everyday you meet a girl you can let your bujii enjoy.”
“I never said I didn't want you,” he said wrapping his arms around her waist he pulled her tighter against him, “But there simply is no fun in a woman who will spread her legs just because she has to.”
He bent his head lower, putting his mouth near her ear, “So if we're going to add this part of our arrangement, I want you to do it because you want it, and not because you feel that this will sway my decision any.”
Every word and hot breath that touched her ear sent chills of promises of what was to come during their time together. “And I also want you to be the woman you were last night, and not the obedient puppet you've allowed yourself to become for your clients.” His tongue traced her ear and he felt herself becoming aroused all over again, and not only by his actions but by his words.
“I believe it will make things more interesting this way, don't you think?” he asked and she bit her lip to recompose herself.
“I do indeed.” Was all she managed to say before his demanding mouth fell upon hers.
OMG, I felt like gouging my eyes out while writing this. I just can't seem to make this story flow like I want it too. : (
Anyway, I promise the next chapter will be longer; I just needed to get this one out of the way. Hope Gaara wasn't too OOC on this one but I'm discovering that he's a real pain in the @ss to write. (even though he's one of my fav characters) XD
So yeah, like I said above, I'm going to try my hardest to finish this story by next weekend and judging by my notes it only has about 5 or 6 chapters left so cross your fingers.
LoveShinobi4eva- as always your reviews cheer me up. >__< Thanks
LynGreenTea- I'm TRYING! I really am….*sobs*
XxShadow-Of-LiesxX- Yes Gaara now has a new mission that involves doing `other' things to sakura XD
Xinthos- LOL Loved your review, and I couldn't write a story like what you described if my life depended on it. I tend to be the draw it out type of person instead of the `quickie' type ;)
DarkAngel Rose XS- Awww Thank you! 100 reviews? I'm just grateful for the ones I do have!
yuki bozu- thanx I liked that paragraph too : )
no one important- I'm glad you've continued to follow my story this far.
bigityboo- I too enjoy stories where Sakura isn't a pushover and can actually kick some ass. Gaara's just hot @_@