Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Nights ❯ The Missing Pages and Zepherus ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Konoha Nights
The Missing Pages
Disclaimer: I own nothing; these are not my characters.
The mahogany box sat staring at him on the kitchen table. Gaara with both arms crossed only glared back as he continued to wait for Temari and Kankuro to arrive to help him with the favor he'd agreed to. The apartment was the same as it had been two days ago when Sakura had last inhabited it. He'd mostly stayed in the kitchen strategizing and at night he would sit an meditate on the worn recliner that was oddly comfortable for something that looked like it belonged in the trash heap.
The bed no longer had a purpose and her belongings still lay scattered in her room. Although he avoided the mess, he was soon going to have to shove it back in the closet; there had been two disturbing chakras that circled her building a few times yesterday. He'd suspected that perhaps it had been members of Akatsuki and with a great deal of control on his part, he didn't' release his sand and initiate combat.
It was mostly due to the Ichibi's taunting that he desired to kill every member of Akatsuki anyway, and nothing to do with the fact that they had taken Sakura, or so he told himself. But surprisingly the inner rumbling of the demon didn't affect him as much as it use to, he no longer jumped at the suggestion to kill. It didn't seem to bother the Shukaku much that he no longer had much of an influence over him, and when Gaara told him to shut up- he did.
Admitting that the pink haired medic had been right with her assumption that Shukaku could be sated was unlike him. But things were sure beginning to look that way…Three other Suna natives had been jinchuuriki of the Ichibi, and all had been driven to insanity until he'd been expelled from them. Shortly thereafter they all committed suicide. Their journals and logs of their experiences with the demon showed that they all had tried several ways to appease him, but Shukaku was relentless and pushed for complete dominance. Gaara had been the most successful case yet and even he didn't come out unscathed. No one could have possibly figured out that he could have been somewhat bought off with lots of sex, the occasional bloody feast and the promise that Gaara would allow him complete escape for the retrieval of Sakura, which had been his suggestion in the first place.
The blood didn't come from hunting down Konoha natives, instead it came from a more willing victim. The blood seals she cast on him didn't hurt, and in fact let to sex in some instances satisfying two out of the three requirements. It had been the third night when Sakura first used her blood in addition to her seal. Gaara had never experienced REM until that night and found it odd to do so. When he meditated, his mind could touch on different things or nothing at all. But when he dreamt he had no control over what he was shown or experienced and it was refreshing to let his mind truly rest for the first time in his life and not raise hell in the process.
She'd been squeamish when he woke, saying she was sorry for having to use such a technique explaining that it actually allowed her to conserve her chakra and seal Shukaku at the same time. He licked the open wounds she inflicted on her palms and she shivered under his tongue. `I don't mind' he'd told her and it had been the same ever since. The technique itself was something taught to her by Shizune, who mentioned it would be beneficial if Naruto ever lost control and she were around. While her sensei had taught her the technique, only Sakura had been able to administer it correctly.
He wondered if that old hag in Suna knew such jutsu, or if perhaps Konoha was simply more advanced in suppressing their bujii. The thought of Chiyo cutting herself for his sake was a joke. She was one of the most heartless people in Suna, therefore making her one powerful and much-feared elder. This all lead him to wonder why Sakura was so willing to bleed for him if his own Council wouldn't.
Temari and Kankuro arrived and he briefed them both on the two missions he needed them to execute.
“I'll go to the monastery,” Kankuro responded, “We wouldn't want Temari here to be the first woman they see. Otherwise they'll think all women are as ugly and ow!!”
Temari's fan never missed its target. “Stupid here can go to the damn monastery for all I care. Maybe they'll see how damned he is and keep him,” she said glaring at the man rubbing his newly acquired bump. “Gaara, why is it that you need something taken there in the first place? I've never even heard of it.”
“It's none of your business,” he replied and Temari stiffened, “But if you must know I gave my word to someone that I would safely deliver this box. Since I will be unable to, for quite some time, I'd rather take care of it sooner than later.”
Temari wasn't waiting for an answer and his admission caught her off guard. But as always Kankuro took things in stride and didn't keep his mouth shut like he was suppose to, “Oh I get it! It's that Sakura chick right? Wow, she's got you doing stuff for her now?” he asked amazed looking over the box he now held.
Kankuro never believed in fighting his curiosity and made the mistake of opening the box. “Woah! Check out all this money! Gaara did you-
His words and his breathing for that matter ceased when Gaara's sand wrapped around him in a strangle hold. The sand carried the box back to the table and he turned to Temari. “As much as I would rather you be the one to take this, I know that you have a greater influence in Suna. Deliver the message scroll directly to Chiyo and do not leave until she has assigned you 12 ANBU.”
Temari's blank look wasn't one he was accustomed to and when his words sunk in she looked horrified, “What?! Gaara you know as well as I do that Chiyou will never allow ANBU become subordinates of a Jounin and I-
“I've drafted up a treaty with Konoha that will benefit Suna immensely. The sooner she gives you shinobi, the sooner I'll get her the treaty,” he calmly explained and she numbly nodded. “Okay, I'll do it. But why would we require dark troops here? Konoha isn't defenseless and we can take care of ourselves. What are you planning to do?”
He debated whether or not to even answer or send his sand to rattle her until she left. Being more tolerant was hard work, “The future Hokage is planning on taking back his city. He will require outside help to win and this will strengthen our bonds to Konoha. It should take you six days total but this battle could last weeks so you need to return as quickly as possible so that we may end it sooner. 12 dark troops aren't adequate, but it would not be wise to leave Suna short on available shinobi.”
She clutched her fan tightly before nodding, “Right. I'll make sure Chiyo understands and we will rush back to aid you.” She looked over towards Kankuro who was fighting against the sand in vain and turning blue. “Maybe you should put a seal on the box before you give it to `irresponsible' over there,” she suggested.
The sand started slipping back, “Kankuro will not be ignorant enough to trifle with something that does not belong to him,” Gaara told her, “For he knows that if one ryu is missing, I'll have his head.”
The now pale puppeteer nodded vigorously, “Of course!” he spit out still unconvinced that he was out of harms way. He straightened his black jacket and hesitantly grabbed the box again. “I'm heading out; I want to get this taken care of and back to-
“Sake, women and gambling,” Temari supplied tucking the scroll Gaara had entrusted to her in her sash.
“Right!” he agreed exiting out the front door, “See ya in a few days Gaara. And Temari…..when you come back try to look more womanly an less butch, I'm sure Shika- FUCK!!” He cursed closing the door behind him just in time to avoid the shuriken that embedded themselves in the plaster by the door.
Temari unclenched her fists and turned back towards her younger sibling. “Gaara, where is Sakura? Your chakra is the only one in the entire apartment,” her tone was much softer and rare to his ears. He was use to brash Temari barking orders and nothing else.
“Akatsuki has captured her.”
Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second before recomposing her slip. “I see…..and are there any plans being made to retrieve-
“Her friend, the future Hokage of the village is already taking care of it,” his resentment coming with every word.
“And you're-
“I was asked to hold off any attacks and wait.”
“Ah,” she said looking around the room before turning her attention back to him, “You could go stay where Kankuro and I are staying. Shikamaru let us borrow one of the cabins on their deer fields.”
The thought of staying anywhere else hadn't even crossed his mind until now. When he left the Hyuuga compound, his legs had naturally led him back here. Jiraiya had even known where he was, sending one of his messengers to deliver a message to him yesterday afternoon. The young boy with the overbearing blue scarf and green goggles had informed him of the situation and then bounced off…..literally. The hyperactive boy spoke an acted much like Naruto and Gaara wondered if he had corrupted anyone else or if his attributes were contagious.
“I'll stay here.”
Temari was not on top of her game and allowed herself to look completely flabbergasted. Was the Shikamaru boy Kankuro kept mentioning responsible for such a change in his sister? The perfect kunoichi? Their father's pride and joy? Shikamaru may have to be eliminated…..
“Alright, I understand,” she said smiled shakily at him before taking her leave… Understand what? He didn't know but waited for her to distance herself before making his way down the cluttered hall, and picking up the light boxes along the way. He entered the chaotic room and decided it best to see just what he was working with. There were only two brown boxes left in the far back and one was tipped over. He crouched down shifting the papers that had fallen out.
Their edges were frayed on one side and the paper was worn. The script looked messier than her writing now, but it was still hers. Concluding that these were the missing pages to her journal he went to put them back, after all it wasn't his business what was written there in the first place. However, the date on the top corner made him hesitate; if his numbers were right, that meant that this entry was from when Sakura was only 9 years old.
Kakashi sensei gave you to me today and I have to admit I've never had a journal before. I'm not very good at writing my thoughts out but sensei said this would be good practice. I think he gave me a journal to keep me from asking about his orange book.
The first few pages continued in this manner, describing her life at the monastery, how she avoided being seen and often skipped out on her chores. On the back of the third page, the script seemed a bit off and a familiar name caught his attention. Zephrus, the name she suggested as an alias for him when they first met.
Today was a horrible day. During training with sensei near the waterfall, I hurt him really badly. I know I always said I wanted to land a punch on him so he'd stop reading his book, but I never thought that I would actually do it, much less hurt him!
I don't know what happened exactly, one minute we were sparing like usual, the next he was face down in the water. I appoligized over and over and even helped to heal the injury. I felt so bad; I told him if he'd had a normal student he wouldn't have gotten hurt. But a normal kid wouldn't have had to be protected by an ex-ANBU captain in the first place.
Gaara began to wonder just how badly she'd hurt him to be frightened to this extent. Walking through the boxes, he sat on the bed and kept reading the manuscript that became less legible as he went on.
He really understands me I think. He doesn't push me into doing things I don't want and best of all he doesn't test me constantly just to see how much I can take. I wish he wasn't so sad all the time though. The only times I've ever heard him laugh is when he has his nose in that damn book. I think it has something to do with losing his best friend in his last mission. Anko-san told me it was why he retired.
Although Copy-nin Kakashi was well known even in Suna, it was unknown what became of him after a mission in Grass Country. People assumed he had died in the line of fire, himself included. Shinobi, especially shinobi with his talent, didn't just disappear or give up that lifestyle.
It's crazy but somehow Kakashi sensei ended up feeling bad for making me cry. So to make it up to me he told me I could have anything I wanted. Naturally, I asked for his orange book but he said he'd give me a story instead.
It was a myth from Grass Country he'd heard that took place long ago when people believed only deities controlled the lands and had tremendous powers. There was a nymph named Chloris who was the keeper of spring and flowers. It was said that whenever she opened her mouth, a simple breath could make flowers flourish. She was a kind beautiful woman who was loved by everyone she met but rarely smiled and was secretly lonely and unhappy with her life. Sensei said that she had pink hair like the spring Cherry Blossoms…..but I think he was just teasing me. Anyway, she felt trapped by her responsibility and her fate to be a lone deity for the rest of her life.
Sakura's alias had been this goddess she spoke of, perhaps it was her way of keeping the memories of her sensei close after his death.
One day Zepherus, the Western God of the Wind came across the beautiful deity and kidnapped her, carrying her off on his winds back to his domain. Zepherus was intrigued by her saddened gaze and told her that he too knew the burden that came with being a god and how lonely it could be. Although Cloris resented him for taking her from her home and all that she knew, she fell in love with him and later bore him a child…Carpus and she gained dominion over spring.
Gaara turned to the next page ignoring the nagging in his head from Shukaku.
This was the first story I'd ever heard that didn't have a moral to it or have a King Snake that always triumphed in the end by being clever and conniving- Kabuto had a weird way of telling me bedtime stories. Even though I don't believe in fairy tales and happy endings because it would be stupid to do so…..I ……I secretly hope that one day I'll be like the nymph Kakashi sensei described. Loved by everyone for simply existing and not because she had a special ability. And maybe….just maybe….I'll have a God like Zepherus that will come on his wind from the West and rescue me from my hell……
A girl can dream right?
Gaara's stomach twisted uncomfortably. At 9 years old she already sounded like a grown up with no hope of being free from Orochimaru's grasp. It was a wonder she wasn't more psychologically damaged after experiencing all that she had by this age. Standing he shifted all the papers back like had found them. While he could see the possible connections she could have made to the story… like coming from the West of Konoha and a native of Wind Country….but the similarities stopped there. So why would she have chosen that name to want to give to him? She didn't look like the type to cling to a myth for over ten years in hopes of one day it could happen for her too, just in another situation.
Telling the Ichibi to shut up once again, he placed the ripped out pages back in the box that contained a red ribbon, a Leaf hiate-ate, and a few red dresses. Trying to do as best as possible and somehow get everything back into the void, he was rather relieved when the room was once again bare.
The familiar flapping of wings was heard and a raven hawk perched itself on the open window ledge. The tan parchment tied to its leg called to him and he untied and read it.
Come now was all it said and he knew it was Jiraiya who sent for him. Strapping his gourd on hastily, he made it back to the Hyuuga compound in good time. It wasn't as lively as it had been a few days ago. The same boy with goggles and scarf ushered him into the main room that contained several of Konoha's most import people. He took the only empty pillowed seat next to Jiraiya that was unfortunately next to Tsunade.
There were 10 total, Uzumaki sat at the head of the table with two men in ABNU uniform with no masks next to him, one of them he recognized as Neji. Shizune was also among them, to her side sat a man with a beast in white fur sleeping behind him. There were a couple more he'd never seen before, but the one that struck him as odd was Shikamaru.
“I'm glad you could make it Gaara,” Uzumaki's solemn voice stopped his analysis of the characters that had gathered. Gaara said nothing but looked to the blonde and could easily read his aura: miserable. Even the blonde hair that usually had a life of its own was dropping. Add to that blood shot eyes, hollowed face and he wasn't much of a leader at the moment.
For the next half hour he listened to Shikamaru instruct them with great detail on how they were to go about rescuing Sakura. It was the most he'd ever heard ever heard him say and apparently he wasn't the only one who was use to his silence. Everyone looked genuinely happy that he was talking as much as he was….A strategist was not one the things Gaara would have pegged him as, but the plan itself was flawless. He had even taken into account Shukaku as well as the Kyuubi. Shikamaru was more intelligent than he let on.
Tsunade, who had been drinking sake the whole time with Jiraiya set down the empty, and expensive, white bottle next to the others. “Alright, those are the orders you are all dismissed we'll meet back here on the eve of the 5th night.”
Various hai's rang through the room and the occupants left except for the two Sannin, Uzumaki, and Shizune. Gaara couldn't get his fists to come unclenched. “Why are we waiting so long to launch the attack?” he asked monotone deeply confused but furious as hell. “The average lifespan of a prisoner of Akatsuki is two days, and that's if they have valuable information. During those two days, they are brutally tortured and undergo a process that ultimately leads to death.” Shizune who was making her way towards the door simply shut and locked it before sitting down again.
“I am aware that she has an unusual healing ability, but I doubt that she'll b able to hold out another 5 days there.”
The blonde sannin huffed and reached for the sake bottle in front of Shizune, but the assistant swatted her hand away, “Look, during our last visit to Akatsuki we were able to eliminate 3 more of its members, that means that there are only six left. While it is true they could easily replace them, it is completely impossible for them to replace these,” she said pointing to the three rings that dangled on a chain around her neck brushing along her cleavage.
“I do not see the connection you're trying to make,” he replied taking his eyes away from his chest, a feat Jiraiya was having difficulty with.
Tsundade's brow creased in annoyance, “Well as you know the ten rings that Akatsuki possess can't be replaced, so that means that if they're going to extract a bujii with the remaining seven, they're going to need a much longer period of time to do so. Probably a week and a half, this gives us ample time to break in because once the procedure begins they'll be easily distracted. All six members must be physically present at the ritual. The most we'll have to deal with are clones with chakra levels of only 50% at most.”
“How can you be certain that they'll be extracting a bujii during this time?” he asked. Sakura had written to the Leader saying she knew where the two tails was. Could it be possible for them to retrieve it so quickly?
The pigtailed woman looked deeply confused and turned to her apprentice. “I though you said she trusted him.”
Shizune rolled her eyes, “And how in the hell am I suppose to know who she trusts and who she doesn't?”
The older woman downed the rest of her sake. “Tsunade-sama all I can tell you is that she wouldn't have let him get as close as she did if she didn't think `something' of him. I mean she actually allowed herself to seen in public with him, it was all over town,” she said matter of factly.
“Then why in the hell didn't she tell him-
“Because she didn't want him to get hurt,” Uzumaki's voice cut through their argument. “She knew what a burden it would be for him to know and she didn't want to risk losing his friendship.”
Gaara looked towards the Kyuubi vessel and found him staring at the wall.
“She did trust you, for what it's worth, I could tell it in her eyes. She was scared to tell you because everyone that has ever found out about her secret has either died like Anko, Kakashi, and Kurenai or had to resort to hiding, like you did Shizune and Baa-chan.”
Tsunade snorted, “I didn't hide you little prick. I just had better things to do than baby-sit a walking-
“You mean better things to do than be a mother,” Uzumaki said nonchalant still staring at the screen wall.
Gaara learned that day that the only one who could ever shut up the annoying woman was the future Hokage of Konoha. She didn't argue back or look annoyed as usual, she simply hung her head and took the unsuspecting Jiraiya's sake.
“Shizune, could you please put up a sound barrier please?” the older man asked.
“Hai Jiraiya-sama,” she replied clapping her hands together once and making the hand seals, “It's done.”
Jiraiya yawned into his hand and stood up stretching. “What Naruto said is true Gaara, so when we let you in on this I don't want you to lose yourself.”
The uneasy feeling Gaara had been experiencing since the beginning of this particular conversation doubled. The temptation to drink the sake in front of him was great but he opted to listen to what the older sannin had to say, knowing he wasn't going to like it.
“Cut the crap Jiraiya,” Tsunade interrupted, there is no softening this blow,” she looked at Gaara straight in the eye and he felt the onslaught of many emotions striking him at once after hearing her confession.
“You see, no matter how Pervert here would of phrased it, it still hurts don't it?” she asked looking a bit dejected herself. “Hate me if you want kid, but nothing can change the past,” she finished before collecting herself and walking out of the room, Shizune hot on heels.
The remaining two shinobi waited for what could have been a disaster but it never came. Tsunade had been right in her assumption. The uneasy feeling only spread until he felt nauseous and his mind was flying with thoughts, things she's said in the past were slowly starting to make sense. His chest tightened painfully and Gaara had no idea what the feeling was. The only thing that was repeating in his mind now was Tsunade's words.
“Sakura is the Hachibi vessel and I was the one who sealed it her. They're probably extracting the demon from her as we speak.”
AN: : ) Okay so was that a really bad cliff hanger or what? First, I want to apologize for taking so long to get this chapter out. It has been sitting here just waiting for me to get a spare moment to edit but school is a major bummer. I seriously have no free time and I'm taking an online test while I write -_- probably won't do too good on it.
Cloris myth- I went back and checked and she was actually a Greek nymph and she wasn't kidnapped by anyone before Zepherus, I think I wrote that somewhere. Anyway, just look for it on the encyclopedia and all kinds of good info will pop up. I kind of liked how Sakura and Gaara fit into this particular myth. ^__^
Ah and the hachibi means eight tails, again I don't remember where I read that the hachibi was probably a snake……but I thought if it IS a snake Orochimaru would have some kind of association with it, right? So yeah….the eight tails snake is also a myth and if you type that in it will pop up more info *_*