Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha's Fall ❯ Team Kakashi and the Last Sannin ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Sorry…I forgot the disclaimer in the last one. Ahem. Naruto is not mine. My plushie is though! *huggles bear plushie)
The pummeling torrents of rain could be seen pouring down on the forests of Huni no Kuni, the wind blowing it nearly horizontal as the trees swayed dangerously. As the wind howled, it blew the rain mercilessly into the windows of an old cabin that was hunkered against the side of a small cliff, cleverly hidden by well-placed brush that had been planted years ago and allowed to grow as it pleased. The rain ran down the windows in rivers, obscuring what could be seen within save a dull orange glow.

Inside the cabin, the source of said glow could be seen, burning low but steadily in the brick fireplace. It was a simple one-room cabin with wood floors and a low roof to accommodate a second floor that was tall enough for a older child to stand upright, just enough to put some sleeping bags in. However, what was happening in front of the fire was much more interesting. There was a old, wooden round table, and around it were four chairs. In each was seated an adult male, albeit of different ages. One was well into his fifties and looked it at the moment, the low light flickering across his saddened face. Another was gray as well, but noticeably younger in his appearance as he was in the last year of his twenties. Another was raven-haired and stoic, not betraying any of his thoughts. Though all were holding steaming cups of tea, the fourth one was about to break his due to the amount of strength that he was applying to the grip, his fist barely shaking, showing ill-concealed rage. The flickering light did nothing to remove the mood from his whiskered face and blonde hair, the pupils in his cerulean eyes beginning to form slits. Suddenly he just couldn't take it any more and slammed his cup onto the table, shattering it with the force and stood up, knocking his chair over.

"We have to do something! We're wasting our time here!" Naruto yelled. His canines were just slightly more visible than usual. Kakashi's lone coal eye lazily slid up, unworried. "Control yourself Naruto. We were separated from Yamato-san, so if you start going Kyuubi he can't help." Naruto growled in response. "So we're just going to sit in this cabin and do nothing after Granny Tsunade died?!" Suddenly he stopped, seeing the look in Jiraiya's eyes. He stared Naruto down, menacing. "You think we plan on doing nothing, Naruto? Use your head for a moment. Konoha's been taken over completely, and as such we can't just run in and do as we please. We have to come up with a plan. She wouldn't want us to charge in mindlessly and die without a purpose." Sensing the truth in the last Sannin's words, Naruto sat down. Sai took one more sip of his tea and spoke. "And as if a guy that doesn't even have a pe-" Naruto immediately punched Sai out of his chair, causing the young man to fall back, if not really hurt him. "Shut up Sai. You're not helping." With that, the four men sat, each in their own thoughts, each trying to come up with a plan.