Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoho's Dogs ❯ Hinata's Saved ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hinata's Saved
“What d-do you mean I-Ino-chan?” Hinata stuttered. Ino leaned in closer to her.
“You know, for example, who you like or a deep deep secret,” Ino grinned at her evilly. Hinata looked at her nervously.
“Oi! Ino pig! Stop being so annoying!” Sakura snapped at her. Ino turned at her and gave her that I-hate-you look. Tenten immediately knew what going to happen if nothing happened.
“OK! Let's not get in any arguments!” Tenten said running between the two. Hinata sighed with relief. Tenten sat back where she was. “Ok, Let's go with Ino's plan. Ino, Sakura, we know who YOU like. Hinata, what about you? Your not the kind to like Sasuke,” she looked at Hinata. `And I am sure for hell that I don't like him' Tenten muttered under her breath. Hinata's fur all stood on end at the question. She looked away blushing.
“W-well, um, I-I don…uh…well, really…uh,” Hinata stuttered. Tenten knew that she didn't like Sasuke and even if she said she did, Ino and Sakura would pulverize her. Too bad too, Sasuke was the least peculiar answer. If she told the truth, she'd pulverized that way too or get laughed at the rest of her life.
“Well, I guess me and Hinata don't really like anyone,” Tenten interrupted. Hinata looked up at Tenten like she just saved her from death (a.k.a. Ino and Sakura XD sorry, I just don't really like them two *dodges flying objects*). “Weeeell, I don't know about you people-um, dogs, are going to do, but I'm going to get some sleep. Who KNOWS what's going to happen tomorrow.”
“Well, I-I'll go to s-sleep, too,” Hinata said, turning to her corner of room. I'm not going to be with them when THEY start arguing! For, if Tenten wasn't there, Ino and Sakura would start arguing and Hinata wouldn't do anything. …poor Hinata… The other two thought it was something they should do, so they joined. Of course, after throwing some nasty remarks at each other.
Sasuke, however, couldn't get to sleep. He got up and glanced around the quiet box room. Naruto was snoring loudly. Kiba seemed to be growling in his sleep, and squirming. Sasuke walked outside and heard the busy noises of night owls and partiers. He wasn't going to go to sleep at a time like this. He climbed a hill off garbage and looked over the junkyard.
UH! Sorry for the shortest chapter ever! I CAN'T GET ANY IDEAS! ;-; I WOULD LOVE ANY IDEA! Anyway, I can't believe my story has over 200 visits, but…no reviews -_-;. Yah, please review, too! X3