Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kryponite ❯ Kryptonite ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind

I left my body lyin' somewhere in the sands of time

But I watch the world float to the dark side of the moon

I feel like there's nothing I can do, yeah…

Sasuke Uchiha walked through the dark forest in the middle of the night. The previous day had been an odd one and he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened…

"Sasuke," Naruto let his hand slide down the young Uchiha's face. "You're beautiful, and you know it."

"Naruto…" Sasuke stuttered as Naruto embraced him, holding him tight to his chest.

"Shhhh, Sasuke," the ninja ran a slender hand through Sasuke's rich black hair, his nose following closely and taking a whiff of the scent that smelled heavily of blackberries and cinnamon. "You smell good."

Sasuke opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

Sasuke shook his head to rid of the memory and started to run, as if to chase an unseen object. Deeper into the forest he ran, not looking back or knowing where he was headed. The twigs and leaves crunched under Sasuke's black sandals; the wind howled through the trees, causing them to sway back and forth. A crack of thunder sounded somewhere in the distance and Sasuke stopped. Leaping up to the top of a tree above him, he held his hand over his eyes and peered into the distance.

Trees were all that could be seen for miles. They seemed endless… never seeming to cease. Sasuke looked to the sky and was given a spectacular display.

The Aurora Borealis flared brightly in the sky. The dazzling colors of blue, indigo, violet, and hazy pink flowed together, creating a beautiful sight to behold. The waves danced and swayed in the night, and the stars twinkled their reply, flashing as bright as the heavens themselves.

"Gorgeous, isn't it, Sasuke-chan?" whispered a light voice behind the raven-haired boy.

Sasuke turned his head around to see the one he had least expected the most: Uzumaki Naruto.

"What are you doing here at this hour?" Sasuke asked, his deep blue eyes studying the boy next to him carefully.

"I was just about to ask the same," replied Naruto, smiling lightly. The young boy tightened his hetai-leaf band and leaned back against the trunk of the tree. He sat slightly below Sasuke, munching on a red apple as he closed his eyes.

"I asked you first," Sasuke started to climb down from the tree.

"I had a feeling that you would be here, tonight," was Naruto's simple reply. "Why are you here, Sasuke?"

"I…" Sasuke didn't really know what to tell Naruto. He didn't really have a good reason for coming here, except the fact that he wanted to.

Naruto stifled a laugh as he chucked the apple at the ground. "It's ok, Sasuke. I know why you're here."

Sasuke's eyes widened quite a bit, "You do?"

"Yeah," Naruto looked up again where the lights were still dancing upon the midnight sky. "You had a feeling too, didn't you?"

Sasuke thought about it for a minute. Then it occurred to him that he did have some sort of feeling. After their training earlier that day, he started to wander off instead of going home. Now that he thought about it, he didn't even watch where he was going.

"I guess you're right," replied Sasuke in a soft whisper. The summer wind whipped his hair about, making his eyes water as the warm front hit them.

Naruto leapt down from the tree, landing with a soft thud as the leaves cushioned his landing, "Come here, Sasuke. I wanna tell you something special."

"What do you mean by… special?" Sasuke cocked an eyebrow as he too jumped down from the tree.

"Come here and I'll whisper it to you," was Naruto's reply.

Sasuke sighed and obeyed, not knowing what his comrade was up to. As soon as he was nose to nose with Naruto, the shorter boy leaned closer and hissed lightly in his ear.

"I want you, Sasuke."

Sasuke twitched at those words. He wasn't quite expecting that from him. What am I supposed to say to him? Sasuke thought desperately as Naruto was probably waiting for a reply. He could always tell him no… but there was this strange emotion inside him, sort of as if he wanted Naruto as well. Then again, accepting Naruto might hurt his ego. He WAS an Uchiha after all… But he couldn't go against his heart. That's what he'd do. I'll give him a chance, Sasuke confirmed himself. Here goes nothing…

"I will give myself to you, only if you give yourself to me," Sasuke finally said after his inner dialog with himself.

Naruto seemed sort of surprised at Sasuke's reply. He didn't think it'd go that well, considering who Sasuke was… not to mention his inheritance of the Sharingan Mirror-Wheel Eye. "You will?"

"Yeah. Just don't tell anybody, ok?"

"Sure… anything for you, Sasuke-chan."

Sasuke reached out and caught Naruto's hand, squeezing it gently as a smiled formed on his darkened face.

I watch the world float to the dark side of the moon

After all, I knew it had to be somethin' to do with you

I really don't mind what happens now and then

As long as you'll be my friend at the end

Minutes seemed like seconds as the two boys ran through the forest, hand in hand. The wind whistled in their ears as they weaved in and out of the trees that surrounded them. Sasuke smiled as Naruto pulled him farther and farther into the darkness that surrounded them.

"Do you know where you're going, Naruto?" asked Sasuke in a relaxed tone. His blue eyes blinked as Naruto stopped. The blond boy turned to him and winked.

"I think we're far enough from the town now. We're all alone." Naruto let go of Sasuke and motioned for him to get down on the floor.

Sasuke did as he was told. Lying back on his elbows, he wondered what Naruto was planning.

If I go crazy, then will you still call me Superman?

If I'm alive and well, will you be there a-holdin' my hand?

I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman mind


Naruto didn't wait long for Sasuke to get settled. He was on him in a flash, straddling his hips and grinning down at him like a Cheshire Cat.

"Well, hello to you too," Sasuke chuckled under his breath.

The blond smiled, removing his headband from around his forehead and setting it on the ground beside him.

Sasuke took it that Naruto wanted him to do the same. He removed his headband as well, setting it next to Naruto's. His sapphire eyes locked onto Naruto's emerald ones, the two never leaving the other's gaze as Naruto helped Sasuke remove his jacket. Once that was gone, Sasuke pulled the black t-shirt over his head and tossed it aside as Naruto did the same. Now all that was left was the lower half, which didn't take very long. The two boys tugged off the other's pants, chucking them away as they landed in the pile of discarded clothes.

"Have you done this before?" asked Naruto, sitting back down on Sasuke's stomach.

Sasuke shook his head. "Nah, I've never felt this… well, I don't really know the right word to express it, but I guess that interested comes pretty close."

"Neither have I," Naruto nodded his head, bending in close until he and Sasuke were nose to nose.

Sasuke winced. "Then let's start slow." This was going to be harder than he thought. Didn't stuff like this drive people insane?

Naruto nodded before he claimed Sasuke, pressing his lips firmly against the raven-haired ninja's. The pink slender tongue brushed lightly against Sasuke's lips, begging for entrance into its partner's lair. When Sasuke refused to let Naruto's tongue wander in, the blond bit Sasuke's lower lip, causing the small area to bleed. Naruto sucked lightly on that spot, draining the color from the other's lip as more blood continued to seep through.

Sasuke moaned as Naruto's tongue finally gained access to his inner mouth, the soft muscle cruising until it reached the back of his throat. He was shocked when he felt sweat beads forming along the side of his face as a hand placed itself around his hard member, squeezing it slightly.

Naruto pulled away from Sasuke's mouth to stare at the black-haired boy under him. "You're gunna be in for it, Sasuke-chan. You ready?"

"Ready for what?" asked Sasuke in question, but he soon found out as Naruto grabbed his hands and bound them to a log behind him with the hetai-leaf bands. (oon: {Out of Narration or Narator} Uh….. uh-oh. I forgot was I was going to say! n - n'' I guess I'll just keep typing until I remember…)

"N-N-Naruto!" cried Sasuke as Naruto grinned, bending down to take the end of Sasuke's member into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the end of it, causing Sasuke to squirm with pleasure. "S-stop! I can't take it, Naruto! P-please! I give up!"

But those screams only made Naruto go faster. He increased the suction to an immense amount as he held Sasuke's sides firmly with his bare hands. Sasuke's legs were now on either side of Naruto's neck, trapped on his shoulders, rendering him helpless as that particular feeling swelled up inside of his member. (oon: Sasuke's the uke! Sasuke's the uke! Hehe! *goes around chanting, "Sasuke's the uke! Sasuke's the uke!" until Sasuke hits her with a frying pan.* Sasuke: I'm going to have a talk with you later… now get back to your typing, stupid-head!)

Naruto could tell that Sasuke was getting pretty close to his limits, so just as Sasuke let out a scream of white hot pleasure, Naruto engulfed the rest of the taller boy, sucking all of the fluids that streamed out from his erection.

The recent actions caused both boys to collapse in exhaustion, panting as Naruto lay on top of Sasuke. The blond boy could hear the Uchiha's heart beating rapidly; his pulse pounding in his throat.