Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kuro Mokuromi ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

SHIIIIIITT!!!! I forgot the disclaimer! I do not Own Naruto.
I'm hyped up on Naruto Doujinishi, Yay!! For everyone who does not know (and has a decent Net connection) has released its first Itachi/Sasuke Doujinishi "Cobalt". If you wanna see it go to google and search for Zettai-hentai, they have Great stuff, ALL NARUTO. Yoi!!
NOTE: Okay, I never saw the entire series of Naruto, I've seen bits and pieces of illegal stuff, and the only full volume's I've read are 1-5, and I own the v7 DVD...So the rest is REALLY choppy; having no problem with spoilers. I would love it if someone would correct me on the Cannon references; I'll give you a decapitated Sakura plushie!
Sasuke was in denial. That voice was not who he thought it was, that silky-sour purr did not belong to his brother. There wasn't a hardened killer staring at his his NAKED back. Yet he could feel that smooth warm feeling he associated with Itachi's chakra, that once signified the presence of one who he valued above all else, his ideal. Now he was faced only with cold dread, more than he would ever admit to anyone.
"Oh? You aren't going to welcome me back home? It's been so long now..."
'That bastard...' Sasuke turned around in a flash, instantly on his feet and oblivious to his state of undress. How dare that asshole speak so casually about the massacre! "I don't care how powerful you are now, Itachi!! Don't you dare talk about tha---"
He was cut off. The sheer venom in Itachi's eyes seemed to suggest he would not be living much longer. In the older man's hand was what looked like Chidori...Different, a deep black and searing burn resonated. Sasuke's eyes widened as he felt his throat involuntarily clench... 'What the hell...?'
"Sasuke, I think its best you calm down. We'll talk...later..."
And Sasuke knew nothing else.
"Kakashi-Sensei!!! Sasuuukeee isn't back yet!!!" the simpering mass of anxious hot punk shrilled.
Inwardly wincing at the harsh trill, Kakashi ignored her for several more minutes. Naruto was sitting a little ways away, calling the fire various names as he repeatedly burned his fingers, sucked them, then burned them again.
"Kakashi-sensei!!!" This kid really didn't know when to give up.
Still ignoring Sakura, Kakashi was interrupted by the surge of chakra coming from some distance away. That alone wouldn't have worried him, despite the proximity; what worried him was when he felt the constant flow of Sasuke's chakra be interrupted and flare down. "Damn, kids these days; just don't know how to take care of themselves..."
And then he recognized it. "Shit." Things seemed to go down from there.
Confident that he was now a reasonable distance from the pseudo-sharingan, Itachi suppressed a wave of annoyance as he flared his chakra. The idiot had to follow him, but he didn't have to be so obvious. At the summons, the older Nin appeared.
"Yes, Itachi-san?"
Itachi pretended not to see the man shoot an appraising glare at his brother's backside. "We will be moving out soon, be ready."
Noticing the pale genin splayed across Itachi's shoulder, the cigarette perched on Kisame's lip almost fell, "I thought you were going to wait a little longer to get the kid?"
Itachi practically hissed as he turned on the man, the wheels of the sharingan burning a deadly angry crimson. "Just do it. Now." He didn't bother to watch as the man left. Sasuke was balanced precariously on his shoulder, breath lightly prickling his lower back. It would take perhaps three days before the old fool of a hokage began suspecting Akatsuki. By default, Konoha-Gakure couldn't send out an official search team for two weeks though; especially since Sasuke posed no threat to anyone and there was no proof of outside interference.
By that time they would be well within the confines of the Sound village, and out danger form the ANBU, who were no challenge normally; but he'd prefer to avoid them in the presence of Sasuke.. Then he had to worry about Orochimaru finding out about Sasuke...How very wonderful. That bastard would not be getting to his little brother; he had nearly ripped his tongue out when he'd propositioned him, he would not get the chance with Sasuke.
Orochimaru was nothing but a glorified pedophile, reveling in blood and carnage, and
achieving no better state of nirvana than by causing pain to those he took pleasure of. An old man, so desperate to continue a facade of youth that he would take it from those that knew nothing of his parasitic nature.
His eyes were flaring again, stirred by the thought of the repulsive being. His internal monologue was interrupted by a whimpered groan from behind him, and the minute flexing of muscles of the boy's abdomen. Pulling him forward slightly, supporting his back so Sasuke was now straddling him, while Itachi knelt on the ground.
He watched curiously, examining the smooth lines of Sasuke's face. Itachi studied the flicker behind the eye, the sleep gradually dissipating. He smiled lightly, this would be fun. He had always liked Sasuke best when he was flustered; it was amusing, and those heavily lidded eyes brought several different thoughts to rise.
Then those eyes registered where he was. First confusion, anger; moving onto anxiety, nervousness...There it was, full on fear.
While it may not have been a good thing for the younger Uchiha to be scared, for now the sensation of that fine tension within the air was like a fine wine. Heady and delicious, imprinting upon his senses. It may have been a guilty pleasure, but Itachi enjoyed the feeling all the same.
Itachi's ears barely caught the minute sound, but he gave Sasuke a searching look, "Are you still afraid of me Sasuke-Chan?" He caressed the syllables, drawing out the 'Chan'. and watched with interest as Sasuke inevitably colored and lost some sense of fear at being demeaned.
"No! I'm not afraid, and DON'T call me that!" Sasuke fumed before taking in the area around him, "Where the hell did you take me you bastard?" Squirming insistently in his Aniki's hold, he continued, "Let me go. Now." Amazing really, how Sasuke could imitate Itachi's tone so well, too bad it didn't come out nearly as intimidating coming from him.
Sasuke seemed cut off for a moment by the blatant denial before he began again, "I mean it Itachi, put me down now!"
"And what are you going to do if I don't?" Itachi looked challengingly into the boy's eyes, seeing something akin to trepidation before the boy quickly covered it again. "You are coming to the sound village with us; I expect you to be cooperative...Unless I have to carry you the entire way to the Sound village?"
I am very please with the response on this fic; I don't really care how many reviews I get, but I've gotten SOME reviews for both chapter's; I'm ecstatic. So I decided to give it another go at answering reviews. Huh, now I'm starting to get why authors do this..(YAY I'm enlightened!!! ...Not.)
Yit-ha- Thank you, I didn't realize I hadn't explained the timeline thingy, and I'm sure I would have gone through a good six chappies before I realized what a ditz I'd been. About the POV thing; not sure if I can make the story switch back continuously between POV's, I THINK it's gonna be mostly Sasuke's POV, I'm trying to put in a lot of Itachi because I really like him and I'm trying to build sympathy for his character; I hate when people bash Itachi just because he's Ebil...Baddies have feelings too!! (gouka hasn't told me yet), but I can guarantee SOME Itachi centric.
SnowKitsuneX - Didja know you were the only one to answer my question? Fine then, Sasuke's goin' Akatsuki. Which means Kisame is coming up...maybe Orochimaru, dunno. I'm really hesitating on putting in original characters; I normally hate them...We will see, if I can find a suitable match from my OC Uber-bishie archive, I'll put em in. For your answer you get a Haku plushie!!
M-python-girl - Mwahahha...Let them come...(brandishes beheaded furby) THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU! (smacks homophobes) ...Ah...erm...odd moment. I was supposed to update Monday, but the evilness of the lemons on held my full attention...And I had school.
Lady Of Genesis- I would've liked to have had this up earlier, but I place the blame where it belongs... (die William Shakespeare, Burn in hell Caesar!!!) I love English, but I hate translating Shakespeare.
Midnight-Sunset - I Promise, Itachi is going to be very much a pervert...He'll just be sneaky about it. I'm going to try and get more naked Sasuke moments in; I like him best naked and Confoosed...Poor widdle bishonen...
Chihiro-Chan- Carrie, you can start demanding lemons from me when you write one...Sailormoon femslash does NOT count...Yech. If I can convince (pulls out aluminum bat) gouka to give me back my inspiration (MINE!!!!!) then I can promise a lemon, on that account, this fic is one of my first priorities.
pochacco5 - NICE nickname...8P, I gave you a reply anyway...Pbbbtt!!
YoungSasuke- Huh, thanks; I think I might need more details...