Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Laters and Nows ❯ Laters and Nows ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sasuke knew the end results of all his actions.
He sneered, and the sneering led to an argument.
Arguments always led to shouting.
Shouting inevitably led to some small physical violence.
One punch turns into a small tussle.
Tussles blow up into full out fights.
Fights meant touching.
Sasuke knows the end result, so he just keeps on sneering.
Naruto never looks farther than right now.
Sneering made him mad, and mad was an argument.
Arguing got loud, and loud was shouting.
Shouting got him heated, and he always threw that punch.
Punches always got blocked, and so he threw another.
Tussles always got out of hand, and they had a full-blown fight.
Fighting meant touching.
Naruto never looked farther than right now, but that was okay.
Right now, they were biting, kissing, touching.
Later… well, Sasuke could think of later.
Naruto was enjoying right now.