Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Letting Go ❯ Past ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Summary: He lost everything in a single night, and having nowhere else to go he went with them, the murders of his family. They taught him all he needed to know, as well as teaching him how to use the powers they had given him. Eight years after the events he meets a pink haired woman who interests him greatly. He seems to know her from somewhere but he can’t figure out where. What happens when he decides to take her as his own? Especially when his master forbids it? Will he keep her or will she die in the hands of his master?


Chapter 5:Past

The morning sun shone in threw the closed window, hitting the king sized bed with ease. The whole room was lit up without the biggest of lights. A lone figure stirred in bed, tossing and turning to and fro. The pink haired figure sat up with a start.

Sweat was lightly slipping down her face. She had that damn dream again. It woke her with a fright, plaguing her dreams and mind. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and face, using the palm of her hand and pushed back some stray pink locks of her in the front of her face.

She hated that dream, it was a remembrance of, that horrible, life turning day. It was something she will never forget, no matter how hard she tried it kept coming back. She pushed the memory of that night back for now. Now was not the time to be thinking about it.

She looked around, noticing this place was familiar to her yet different at the same time. It wasn’t her room that was for sure. She had been laying on a white pillow with a dark blue comforter. She sighed as she tried to turn her head to the side only to have an immense amount of pain run threw it.

Her hand shot up to it, putting pressure on it to try an ease the pain. It soon ceased, thought it pulsed once in a while. She swung her feet over the edge of the bed, after pulling back the comforter and placed them on the floor gently. Shivers ran up her feet as they hit the ice cold floor and as she stood up.

“Hello?”She called seeing if anyone was around. There was no response.

“Why would someone leave me in their room alone?”She muttered to herself, walking towards the door that was on the opposite side of the room.

She opened the door and found herself in a narrow hallway. She looked with her eyes, left and than right n, making sure not to move her neck so it didn’t pulse in pain. The only thing she saw was more doors on each side. She sighed as she realized she had no idea which way to go.

Her instincts were telling her to the right, while her mind was telling her to the left. She knew to trust her instincts more than her mind for her mind sometimes got her into trouble while her instincts pulled her out of it.

She walked tot he right, looking at each door as she pasted them. She stopped in her tracks when she saw a familiar looking one. It was blue with a red and white doorknob. She went and put her hand around the doorknob.

She turned it and pushed it open, walking in the room. The room was pretty much empty except for the bed, dresser, and wooden chest. There was also a sliding door, which was probably the closet.

She walked towards the sliding doors and opened it up. The only thing in it was a cardboard box, laying on the floor, other than that there was nothing.

She picked it up, closed the closet door, and walked over to the bed, placing both herself and the box on it. She lifted off the top of it and spilled all the items in it, over the bed.

What she saw put her in shock. There were pictures, pictures of herself and her old best friend, when they were children. There was also the notes that she and he had written to each other as well as the jewelry she had given to him.

The jewelry were mostly necklaces and some rings. She picked one up and examined it. It was their best friend ring, that they had gotten when they were ten. It was silver with a gem that changed from blue to red to pink to black.

Her best friend...She had not seen him or heard from him for over eight years now. He had disappeared from her life without a trace. She smiled sadly, thinking about what happened that day.

Flashback, eight years ago, Haruno Residence

She was watching the news that night with her parents, thinking about why her best friend hadn’t been in school. He had never missed a day in his life since he was five. She missed him when he wasn’t there. She had even called him but noone picked up the phone. It was strange since he always did when she called. Truth be told she had a crush on him since they were smaller actually.

She was starting to worry about him now. What happened? Why wasn’t he answering the phone?
She sighed, seeing as she couldn’t exactly do anything tonight about so she just sat on the coach with her parents and watched the news.

“And in other news, the bodies of the two eldest Uchiha were found, there bodies laid in their living room, with blood surrounding them. The cause of death seems to be a slice across the neck,” Sakura’s head snapped up at this,

“ Their two sons, Itachi and Sasuke were no where to be found. They are either to be dead or kidnaped. So far, we have no leads as to who did this. The police have searched every inch of the house and have no leads still. I will inform you more as the story unfolds.” Sakura fainted as she heard the last bit of it.

End Flashback

“Sasuke.”She murmured softly into the air, tears making their way down her cheeks. She didn’t notice the black eyed figure behind her.

Sasuke had brought her to his new master bedroom in the Uchiha Mansion last night after he had knocked her out. He than left afterwards to go hunting for he was hungry. He figured she’d be ok in the house, for there was no one in the house and no people around it.

He had got back at sunrise, just as the sun hit his home. It wouldn’t have mattered if he had gotten home any later for he could have used a spell to let him walk in the sunlight but because he didn’t if the sun had hit him he would have been burned.

He walked into his room, quietly so as not to awake Sakura incase she was still asleep. He looked in the bed, finding that no one was there. He was surprised by this a bit, he didn’t think she’d wake up for a few more hours. He sighed before walking back out of the door to look for her.

He walked back into the hallway, his ears picking up sounds form his right. He moved towards where the sound was coming from and came to a stop at his old room. This was a shocker. She had somehow found her way to his old room.

He open the door slowly so as not to make a sound and saw that she was on hjis bed, crying from the sound of it. Why she was crying? He had no idea.

“Sasuke.”He heard her murmur. Yet another surprise, she knew his name.

He was more surprised at her crying thought as well as confused by it. What was wrong with her? Why was she crying? What happened?

He quietly walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist while sitting on the bed and pulling her close. She stiffened at the sudden contact, turning around in his arms. She wasn’t able to see his face though, for her head was against his chest.

She tried to pull back but Sasuke was too strong for her so she stopped and sighed into his chest as she breathe in his scent. He smelled like blood mixed with tomatoes and a dash of cinnamon. He smelled pretty good in her opinion.

He felt her lean into his chest and he smirked. She was still crying for he could feel his shirt becoming damp. He rubbed her back soothingly, trying to calm her down. It took a few minutes but her tears finally ceased. Her breathing was slow and even, meaning she had fallen asleep.

He sighed, got off the bed, while holding her up, picked her up bridal style and took her to his bedroom. He placed her in bed, covering her lower body up to her waist with the blue comforter. He walked to the other side of the bed, took off his shirt and quietly got into bed, next to her.

He wrapped both arms around her waist and laid her head on his shoulder. She stirred slightly though, moved so her head was buried in his neck with one hand across his chest while the other laid comfortably by her side. He feel asleep soon after.

(Sorry it’s short but I’m at my aunts writing this because my computer will not let me on. It doesn’t boot up. Anyway thank you for reviewing and I hope you continue to. The next chapter will have some more fluff. Thank you once again.)