Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ The eye of the snake ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: This chapter contsin a lemon. It suck and one day I'll re-write the chapter without it. But I just wanted to add this so my fic doesn't get deleted.
Sasuke woke early that day and held Sakura close. He grimaced seeing her burnt wrist. He knew he should get a bandage but he couldn't let her go. Sakura stirred and opened her pale green eyes. “Morning Sasuke.”
“Morning. Sakura about last night I'm sor…”
She put a finger to his lips. “Shh. I'm okay. Here just so you don't worry. Supernatural Palm Jutsu.” She ran her hand over her wrist healing it completely. “There good as new.”
“Yeah but…”
“Don't worry about me.” She held him. “Now then. I think you need a little cheering up.” She ran her hand down to his shorts and began to slide them off.
“Calm down I won't break anything. On purpose at least.” She gave him a wicked smile. “Of course if you don't trust me get the rope and handcuffs. A little payback for knocking you out. I don't mind.”
Sasuke thought about this. Then gave her a slight nod. Inner Sakura went insane. Finally! Cha! Don't just sit there straddle him! Fuck his brains out! Why are you still listening to me?!
Sakura slid her hand down Sasuke's chest. She reached his groin and began to stroke his dick. Her hand worked with incredible skill. Just as he got hard she slid his rock hard cock between her lips. Sasuke let out a soft groan. She took his entire length. She had planned to take her time with this make sure he never forgot it but he was so hard and she had waited to long for this. She couldn't hold out long enough to finish the job.
She crawled up and straddled his waist. She began to raise and lower her hips. She took Sasuke's hand and placed it on her breast. He began to gently fondle it. And she let out a moan of encouragement. He began thrusting in unison with her as he began squeezing and pinching the nipple. Her moans became louder becoming screams. Her body quaked with an orgasm. Sasuke came within her. She lay there a moment with him still inside her. She rolled of him.
“Oh…my god. That was incredible Sasuke.”
Ino dragged Shikamaru to Sasuke's apartment door. “This is such a drag why do I have to go.”
Ino ignored him and walked inside. “Sasuke! I thought you'd be lonely so…” She sees them lying asleep on there bed and walks out.
“Well you're taking this well.”
Ino screams and knocks Shikamaru out. She walked by a diner on her way home where she heard a familiar voice. “Forget about her Lee heartbreak may be part of youth but you shouldn't waste your life brooding on it there's plenty of fish in the sea.” Might Guy was trying to cheer Lee up but failing miserably.
“Yeah but where will I find a girl as good as S-s-sakura?” Lee sobbed.
“Well how about…” He scanned the people near them. “Her?!” He pointed at Ino. “Hey Ino right? Squad nine?”
“Yeah. What's up with Lee?”
“He saw…”
“Sasuke with Sakura. My Sakura.”
“Oh I see. I just walked in on them too.”
“Walked in on you mean that's what they were doing Lee?”
“No. Now he's…with…her?”
“Yeah. I know.” She wraps an arm around Lee's shoulder.
My work here is done. One couple me, zip Kakashi. Those two don't count they did it o their own. “Well, Lee you take the day off.”
“Lee? Do you want to do something today? You and me?”
“Sure.” He gave her a weak smile and a thumbs up.
Naruto awoke to Hinata coming out of the shower. “Hey Hinata.”
“Oh. Hi Naruto.” She smiled at him and sat on the bed next to him. He grabbed her and pulled her down beside him.
“You know this is our third date.”
She blushed deeply and nodded. It was finally going to happen, right on this bed the way she had always pictured it. He ran his hand down her hips and up her inner thigh. One finger slid in and a small sound escaped her lips. Naruto hesitated. “Go on. I'm waiting.”
He nodded and began to slide his finger in and out. She moaned softly as he added a second finger. He continued as she thrust her hips in time with him. He slid in a third finger and increased his pace. Her breathing got heavier and her moans louder. He began to run his tongue around her opening. Hinata screamed as the orgasm hit.
Naruto wasn't finished. He climbed on top of Hinata and slid into her. She moaned and gripped his shoulders. He began to speed up and her moans became louder as her ecstasy increased. She wrapped her legs around Naruto's waist. He thrust faster and the second orgasm hit her. He came and slid out of her.
“That was incredible Naruto.” She lays her head on his shoulder. “A girl could get use to that.”
“What?! How can he still be in Konoha?” Orochimaru was in a rage about Kabuto's latest report.
“He tried to defect and that Sakura stopped him.”
“Let me see her info card.” Kabuto handed him the card. Orochimaru scanned over it. “Her only talent seems to be genjutsu.” His eyes fell on the notes section. “Excellent chakra control, and what have we here. She has something for Sasuke.” He chuckled softly, then cackled madly.
“Master Orochimaru?”
“Ah young love. She's with him now right. Bring her here.” Kabuto made to leave. “On second thought, find out if the fox boy has a woman.”
“Excuse me.”
“To excess the full potential of the sharingan Sasuke must slay his best friend. That means the fox boy. But we want to force them both to fight at their full potential, or Sasuke won't need the cursed mark will he? Now make sure they see you. I don't want Sasuke chasing after Itachi.”
“Yes master Orochimaru.” Kabuto vanishes to Konoha.
Sasuke gently ran his hands through Sakura's hair. He loved to watch her sleep. The way her chest rose and fell. That serene look on her face. She opened her pale green eyes to stare into his. He ran his hand from her hair down to her breast. She smiled and let him continue as she leaned forward to kiss him deeply, running her tongue over his teeth and tongue.
He let his other hand drift between her legs. He began to run his fingers over her opening. She let out what sounded like a whimper as he slid in two finger up to the knuckle. He liked that sound. He began to slide his fingers in and out watching her breathing get heavy. She began moaning. Sasuke heard a noise which was an incredible feat over
Sakura. Sakura stopped “Wha…”
Sasuke cupped a hand over her mouth. “Shh! Listen.”
“Hey what are you doing her…” A yell was heard. Sasuke heard kunai and shuriken hitting the door. Dull thuds were heard then silence.
“Sakura get dressed and grab your ninja tools.”
“Just do it.” He grabbed his kunai and stood at the door.
“Ahh! Kabuto you son of a bitch. Get off me.” Kabuto strode into the room with a kunai at Sakura's throat.
“Don't move Sasuke.” She'll be dead before you could get a hand on me.”
“What are you doing here Kabuto?” Sasuke demanded.
“Orochimaru would like to invite you to a little party with this lovely girl as the guest of honor. And what a fine little guest she is.” He ran his hand toward her chest and Sasuke hurled his kunai into his shoulder. “Temper, temper.
You wouldn't want her hurt would you?”
“Shut the fuck up you son of…” Kabuto cut down her front along her breast with the knife.
Sakura let out a yelp. Sasuke fist clenched so hard his nail cut his skin at the sight of her blood.
“Did that hurt?” A smirk crept across his face
“Damn you. Sakura don't do anything stupid. Okay I'm listening.”
“Forest of Death, at the tower. Tonight. You are going to kill Naruto and then come with us or…” He cut her a second time down her other side. Sakura's eyes watered. “I have a little fun with her.”
“Deal but if you touch her again I swear…”
“You're in no position to make threats.” He waved the kunai around other sensitive areas. “See you soon.” He walked out the door.
Naruto and Hinata had been lying there for nearly an hour. “I guess I should get dressed Naruto.” She stood up and slipped on a rather revealing kimono. Naruto sat up and yawned. “I realize it won't stay on long but, oh well.” A knock was heard. “I'll get it.” She walks to the door. She screams and Naruto runs in wearing shorts.
Kabuto holds up Hinata's unconscious body. “I wouldn't recommend trying to attack me. A fine girl you've got Naruto.”
“Take your hands off of her Kabuto.” Naruto growled.
“Careful, wouldn't want to lose control. Or make me lose it.” He smiled. “Meet me at the tower in the Forest of Death tonight. You could convince me to release her or if you don't show up well she dies after I have some fun.” He laughed madly and left.
Sasuke donned his ninja clothes and walked out. He ran straight into Kakashi. “I heard what happened. Where did they go?”
“Stay out of this Kakashi!”
“You can't go after Orochimaru alone.”
“Watch me.” Kakashi tried to grab him but Sasuke side stepped him and ran for it. Kakashi caught up to him.
“Stop!” Kakashi pulled out a scroll. “Or my hounds will stop you.”
Sasuke assumed the Rock Lee's fighting stance. He performed Konoha Hurricane on Kakashi. Kakashi blocked it but Sasuke came at him with Konoha Whirlwind. Kakashi leapt over it biting his thumb and opening the scroll. “Oh no you don't. Barrage of Lions. Kakashi was launched into the air and bombarded with a combo. “Look! He has Sakura and I'm the only way to get her back. Try to stop me again and I'll kill you.” Kakashi laid down and didn't move he new Sasuke was serious.
Sasuke entered the forest after taking one last look at Konoha.
Naruto suited up. He new this was a trap. Kabuto didn't seem like someone who would kidnap Hinata just to mess with him. He walked quickly but didn't draw attention to himself. He entered a forest gate.
“Striking Shadow Snake.” Orochimaru bound the two girls to each side of the handsign monument in the center of the arena. The girls struggled and the snakes hissed in warning as they explored the girls naked bodies. “Don't struggle. Only the one by your neck is poisonous but, the rest will bite certain…areas that will be painful.” He snapped his fingers and a snake latched its teeth to each girl's breasts. They screamed and fell silent. “There you see how easy life can be when you listen.
“Naruto will save us.”
“I'm counting on that Miss Hyuga. And the young Uchiha.”
“You're after Sasuke again.” Sakura said with an edge in her voice.
“Yes and I've obtained the perfect bait. Se revenge will only take him so far. You on the other hand can be of use.”
“He won't do it. He's not your puppet anymore.”
“Oh I disagree. He would sacrifice himself to save you. I'm asking for much less.”
“Then why do you want my Naruto?”
“A little test for Sasuke. I'm afraid he has to die.”
“Orochimaru! Get out here! Where is Sakura?!” Sasuke stormed in. Once he saw Sakura his Sharingan activated.
“Let her go! I'll go to Ottogakure. I'll be your new body. Just let her go.”
Naruto ran in. “Kabuto! I showed up now let Hinata go!”
“Ah the gang's all here. Now, Sasuke kill Naruto or Sakura dies. Naruto defend yourself or I kill Hinata.”
“Don't do it Sasuke!”
“Naruto run!”
“Silence!” Orochimaru roared. The serpents bit them again the pain knocked them out. “Now you two!”
“Ready Naruto.”
“Yeah.” They charged each other.