Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ What a Day 2.0 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. I do own socks Glorious socks.
AN: I reached the point where you look back at your early writing and want to punch yourself in the face. SO I'm rewriting these first couple chapters. Tghey'll stil suck but to a lesser extent. Tell me if this is an improvement. Hinata is still OOC cause that's just fun. Also if you are just now reading this wait until chapters 2-4 are have 2.0 after the title. They kinda sucked so I'm rewriting them. 5 and up are about like this though. Those who read the original is this better? I think so.
Honorable Mention: Animeprincessinulover: thanks again for the reviews. Hope you're actually reading this. Can't wait to read Friday the thirteenth. You have a thing for Gaara…well I guess I can't say anything…you know me and Hinata. *Shrugs* Gaara needs a girlfriend anyway.
Moonstar776: Thanks for the review. Wish you were a member so I could read your stuff.
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“Sakura, thank you.” Sasuke whispered softly as he brought his hand down to Sakura's head. As she fell unconscious there was a puff of smoke and a log lay where she had fallen. “Substitution.”
“Sorry, Sasuke. I won't let you leave me.” Sakura replied softly before striking Sasuke in the back of the head. He fell to the ground uncounscious.
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Sasuke stirred slightly from his sleep. He was uncomfortable, like he has wrapped himself in his sheets during the night. He opened his eyes slowly and saw that he was tied up. His wrists were tied to his sides and his ankles were bound together. He heard footsteps and was suddenly filled with panic as he struggled in his bonds. Sakura stepped in an oversized white T-shirt just barely short enough to show a pair of pink panties with a heart on the front. `Dear god. She's finally snapped and decided to rape me.' Sasuke thought and rolled himself off the bed. Looking mush like an inch worm he began to make his way to the door.
“Oh, morning Sasuke.” She said cheerily. She walked over to him ad pulled him into her arms before depositing him back on the bed. “No trying to escape, now.” She said teasingly wagging her finger at him.
“What are you going to do to me? Why I am tied up?” Sasuke half asleep mind finished rebooting and he remembered the night before. “Sakura untie me.” He said firmly.
“No.” She said sitting next to him. “After I said that whole speech and you still tried to leave me you don't deserve to be untied. She crossed her arms and “hmphed” at him. “Jerk.”
“Sakura you can't do this. It's…”
“Illegal. Not quite. You see since your little stunt last night they decided that your freedom needed to be restricted. They were thinking jail but Kakashi sensei suggested house arrest. And even if you get past me there's five Anbu black ops around the house at all times.” She said sticking her tongue out. “Far as the Hokage is concerned you forfeited your rights. I can do whatever I damn well feel like to you and nobody will do anything to stop me.”
Sasuke was more than a little worried at this prospect. “S-sakura please. I-I did it to keep you safe.” He said trying (and failing) to hide the panic in his voice.
“Then you of all people understand why I'm doing this.” She said still keeping a slight edge to her voice.
The young Uchiha decided maybe he should change the subject. Maybe he could cheer her up while keeping his virtue intact. “So…how long are we in here?”
“Until I say otherwise which given your attitude won't be too soon. Kakashi sensei said he'd bring us anything we need. Food, movies, condoms, whatever.”
“I am sorry, but I…you don't understand…” He said softly.
“No I don't understand. I know what happened and I have no idea what that is like but…that pain…Sasuke…” She swallowed and tried to calm herself down. “Please just give me a chance…I want to help ease that pain.” She sniffled slightly. “So can you please just let me try?” Sasuke nodded. “Okay.” She wiped away the tears that were beginning to form. “Tell me if you need anything. Or want anything.” She said snuggling up to him. “Anything at all. What…sex? Really?” Sasuke went rigid seeing the look in her eyes but she smiled. “Just kidding. Lighten up.”
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Naruto growled in frustration. Squad seven missions were put on hold because of some important business. At least that how Kakashi sensei had put it. It had reached Naruto that Sasuke had tried to defect and now was locked in a house being “rehabilitated” by Sakura. Naruto wasn't A genius but he had a pretty good idea what “rehabilitate” meant. What he wouldn't give to be “rehabilitated” by Sakura. “Hey Naruto!” Came a familiar voice as Kiba bounded up the street. “Naruto. Oh my god I'm glad I found you. Have you seen Hinata?” Kiba asked sounding (very badly) worried.
“No.” Naruto said confused. “Is she alright?”
“I don't know.” Kiba said shaking Naruto violently. “She was looking all bummed out this morning…and…and now I can't find her. What if she's hurt? What if she tried to run off like Sasuke?! You gotta help me look for her!”
“Okay, just stop shaking me!” Naruto yelled as his was flung around.
Kiba dragged him outside the village. Okay I saw her heading this way so you go that way. I'll go left. Akamaru will go right. Okay go!” Kiba shot off at full speed and left a still confused Naruto standing. He liked Hinata, she was weird and quiet, but nice. He certainly didn't want her to get hurt so he began looking.
Not long after he heard a waterfall in the distance and thought he would check it just in case. He found the clearing and suddenly froze. There was Hinata dancing under the waterfall…naked. Naruto knew he should look away but his eyes seemed riveted to the lithe figure leaping under the falls. Suddenly however that lithe figure turned and faced him. She froze there and looked like a dear caught in the headlights of a seven-forty-seven (you know the dear would stare and it would be shocked that a plane was coming at it) she made no effort to cover herself. Instead she turned a very deep shade of red. “N-nar-naruto.” She stammered, then looked down at herself then him, herself, him, herself, him. “AH!!!!!!!” She shrieked and dove behind a nearby bush.
“Hinata. Sorry, I didn't know you were out here. Sorry.” Naruto called.
“It-it's alright.” She said nervously. “Wha-what are you doing out here?”
“Looking for you.” Naruto said not sure whether to stay or run. Hinata's heart skipped several beats. “Kiba said he hadn't seen you all day and I got worried.”
“Bu-but Kiba knew I was here. He's supposed to keep watch so people don't peep at me. Not that you were peeping at me!” She said trying to avoid calling him a pervert.
“But…that doesn't make any sense.” Naruto said. “It's like he wanted me to see you…exposed.”
`I'm going to kill Kiba for this.' She thought flustered. Where were her clothes. `Oh, no.' She groaned to herself. “Na-naruto…c-c-can you bring me my clothes.”
“Uh…I-I guess. Where are they?”
Hinata (who in her panic forgot her byakugan) peeked around the bush. “Go…le-left.” She said.
Naruto turned and found her clothes neatly folded on a nearby rock. “Uh…do you want…should I just bring them over there?”
“Pl-please do.” She said while her heart was going ninety miles a minute. Naruto inched his way toward her.
“Here.” He said stepping around the bush with his hand covering his eyes.
“Thank you.” She said blushing. She looked up and saw that he was peeking through his fingers. She turned crimson but didn't do anything to discourage him. “Naruto…you c-can look if you want.”
“I wasn't looki…what?”
“I don't mind. I mean if you want to. If you don't you don't have to but…I wouldn't mind.” Hinata said not really sure where this was coming from.
“Really?” Naruto asked sounding excited.
“Y-yes. If it's you I don't mind. I think I might even enjoy it.” She said with a nervous laugh.
Naruto slowly lowered his hand. He expected to be slapped, or yelled at, or something. “Is this alright.” She nodded. “Why…well…you said you'd enjoy this?”
“Well…I…uh…you see I really li…lik…I love you!” She finally shouted. She looked up at the startled looke on the blonde's face. “I mean…I…I have to go!” She said suddenly springing to her feet. Naruto caught her around the waist and pulled her to him. “Naruto…please…I…I…” He cut her off with a gentle kiss. She tensed up slightly then relaxed and stopped struggling. He broke the kiss and smiled at her. “Na…ru…to…” She went limp and passed out.
Naruto almost face-planted but decided to take it as a sign he was a god kisser. He checked her pulse and once he was sure she was alive began to get her dressed. “Suddenly I get why she was following me around all the time. I am pretty dense aren't I?” He said to the brunette in his arms. “Guess I should take her home. Whose home? Hmm?”
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Sakura looked at the clock and got an evil grin. “Seven o'clock. Time for a shower.”
“Okay?” Sasuke said looking nervous. He'd spent the whole day tied up. Sakura hadn't tried to force him to do anything but she had made several offers. He knew if he said anything that sounded like yes she'd be on him in an instant. She had also made a point of showing off her figure in odd ways, bending over to pick up stuff that she could easily reach standing for example. This was probably not going to end well for him. “Who exactly is being showered?”
“Well me first. Then you if you want.” She said as she reached down and began untying him. When he was free he sat up and began rubbing his wrists. Click. He looked down and saw that Sakura had just handcuffed him…to her. “Mind telling me what the hell this is.” He asked indicating his wrist.
“It's a hand.” Sakura teased. Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Well if I don't keep you chained up you might wander off.”
“Arf.” Sasuke muttered under his breath. “I'm going in there with you, aren't I?” Sakura giggled and nodded.
They walked into the bathroom and Sakura stripped out of her clothes (she swapped which hand had the handcuff) taking extra care to rub up against Sasuke. Sasuke screwed his eyes shut and tried to maintain his dignity. “Do you want to wash my back?” Sasuke didn't reply. “Wanna wash my front?” Nothing. “Oh and don't bother searching my clothes for the key. I'm wearing it around my neck. Of course you could always come in there and take it from me.” She giggled and stepped into the shower. Sasuke stood there with his eyes closed for a few minutes before… “Ah!!!!!”
“What?!” Sasuke asked sounding annoyed.
“I got soap in my eye.” Sakura whined. “Can you grab me a towel.”
Sasuke started feeling around for a towel. His feet got tangled in Sakura's clothes and he fell. He caught himself but Sakura got pulled down with him and landed right on top of him. Sasuke opened his eyes and grabbed a towel. “Hahahaha…hahahahaha!…AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!”
“Sasuke?” Sakura asked still half blind from the soap. Sasuke didn't laugh like that. He sounded like a lunatic.
“Nothing…heheheh…here's the tow…ehehehehe!” He was still laughing though a lack of oxygen kept him from laughing as hard. Sakura did so and looked at a still grinning Sasuke. “It's just…that seemed like something Naruto would do. Couldn't have opened my eyes and stepped around…what did I trip on?” He reached down and pulled a pair of panties of his feet. “Oh that's great.” He chuckled. “God…to busy trying to act cool. Should have just sneaked a peek. Look at me. I'm on the ground handcuffed to a naked, lathered up kunoichi…oh, and pink is your natural hair color.” He said before laughing again this time Sakura joined in. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her gently.
“I suppose I should finish up.” Sakura said after awhile.
“On second thought I do want to wash your back…no front…back…how about both.” He smiled and Sakura giggled.
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Hinata was disturbed b a faint sound of footsteps. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself in Naruto's (she recognized it? Whoa stalker) bedroom. His bed was comfortable. `Nice and soft.' She thought to herself. “Oh you're awake?” Naruto said suddenly. Hinata jumped but relaxed quickly and nodded. “Sorry but I didn't figure your family would be happy if I brought you home in that condition.
“Probably not.” She said with a smile. “What time is it?” She asked timidly.
“About eight o'clock.” He said looking at his clock.
“Mmm…sorry I slept so long.” Hinata said still replaying her first kiss again and again in her head.
“It's alright. Would you like some dinner?” Naruto offered.
“Mm-hmm.” She said getting to her feet.
“Sorry, I don't have much.” He said opening a cupboard and revealing it was full of every kind of ramen imaginable. “So basically your options are ramen or ramen.”
“Um…how about…ramen.” She said with a smile.
“Okay, ramen it is. What kind?” He asked.
“Um…miso ramen?” Hinata shrugged.
“Okay just a minute.” He said grabbing a pot and getting ready to boil some water.
“Thank you. For taking care of me and everything.” She said blushing slightly.
“No problem. Uh…but we should probably talk about something.” He said sitting down and motioning for her to do the same. “About what you said earlier…” Hinata almost stood up but Naruto caught her off guard. “…did you mean it?”
Hinata froze and turned to him. “Y-y-yes.”
He smiled at her and stood up. Her eyes widened as he closed the distance in two strides. She looked up at him nervously. He was smiling so sweetly at her. He leaned down and kissed her again. Her eyes shot open but she soon let herself give in to the pleasure he was giving her, just from his touch. He broke this kiss and held her to him. “You too.” He said softly. Hinata's eyes bugged and she started to go limp again but he caught her. “Shh…relax it'll be okay.” He said teasingly. She nodded and straightened up. “Here just relax while I get the food.” He said.
“Yes sir.” She said with a smile.
“Sir? Jeez tells me she loves me then forgets my name.” He teased.
“Bu-but I-I-I…” She whimpered.
“Just kidding.” He said setting the ramen down in front on her.
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Sasuke and Sakura snuggled on Sasuke's bed. “Mmm. This is nice.” Sakura said, nuzzling Sasuke.
“Yeah. Sakura…thanks for stopping me.” He said softly.
“Thanks for not waking up when I raped you last night.”
“Just a joke…maybe”
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“Thanks for letting me stay the night.” Hinata said climbing into bed next to Naruto.
“Sure your dad won't mind?”
“No. But he'll think I'm with Kurenai sensei so it doesn't matter.” She said cuddling him.
“Night.” He said wrapping his arms around her.
“Goodnight.” She yawned.