Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ The End ( Chapter 10 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh hi. I don't own Naruto.
Author's Notes: Okay so this is my last chapter…calm down you didn't let me finish. I repeat this is my last chapter of the whole Itachi thing. I apologize yet again for the huge gap of time.
Sasuke awoke with a start. He could swear he had just heard an explosion. He looked to his left and saw Sakura wide eyed in fear. No, this wasn't some half remembered remnant of a dream. The door flew open and Kakashi appeared with Tsunade, Naruto , and Hinata. “Get dress and come down stairs! Their here, come on!"” Sasuke didn't have to ask who “they” were. He and Sakura followed Kakashi down to the living room where he bolted them in.
“Kakashi what's going on?” Sasuke asked. “Do we have a plan?”
“I'm glad you asked.” Tsunade said pulling out a map of the village. “Shikamaru and Temari cooked this up.” She said flattening it out. “We've posted a third of our Anbu black ops around the village in four man squads. The explosion you just heard was their signal to start the counter measure. We've arranged this defense over the past week. Once the signal is heard all squad not currently in combat will break formation and join the next shell. This one is composed of the rest of the Anbu. If anyone gets past them the signal will be used and we continue. The next level is a large amount of our Jounin and Chunin, lead by Anko. After that comes a group made up of the most prominent clans in the village lead by your father Hinata….that was a mouth full.”
“What about you?” Sakura asked clinging to Sasuke.
“I was getting to that. The final defense will composed of myself, Jaraiya, Guy's, Asuma's, and Kurenai's squads. We also have that squad from the sand village. I'd like to see Itachi handle Gaara, on a good day.”
“We'll Be between him and this room.” Kakashi added. “We can by a few seconds so we can get back-up in here, if nothing else. If he gets past us you two hit him with Chidori and Rasengan. If one fails the other might make it through. Naruto if you hear him get inside have clones ready. Even he can't block Rasengan from all sides. Now get ready, and pray we stop him…or them before they can get too close.” He smiled and went to exit. “Don't worry too much. Just lock the door and wait for me to tell you it's safe.” He said closing it behind him. “I'm going to put some furniture in front of the door just in case!” He called to them.
“That's it? That's all we can do is sit and wait for him to break down this door and…” Naruto began till he heard something fall and turned to see Hinata had gone into the feedle-position. Her eyes were wide with fear and she was shaking her head slightly. “Hinata!” Naruto instantly crouched down by her. “Hinata are you okay?! What's wrong?!”
Speech seemed lost to her till he repeated himself. “You're right.” Came her feeble whisper. “You're right. There's nothing we can do. They can't stop him. It's impossible. They can't stop him.” She began to sob. “He'll be here. He'll…He'll…” She broke into more sobs and couldn't stop.
“Naruto let me handle this.” Sakura said kindly kneeling next to Hinata. “You go sit by Sasuke, we'll be over in a minute.” Naruto nodded and walked off. “Hinata.” Sakura said taking her friends hand. “Snap outta it!” Sakura slapped Hinata across the face.
“…Sakura.” Hinata said sitting up and looking at the pink haired girl next to her.
“Hurt, didn't it?” She smiled before Hinata knocked her to the ground.
“Thanks. I think that helped.” Hinata said standing. “Sorry it's just…it all came back to me when he said that. I guess I just lost it.” Hinata smiled and helped Sakura up.
“Then why'd you hit me back?” Sakura asked.
“That hurt like hell.” Hinata said rubbing the sore spot on her cheek. She walked over to Naruto and sat by him. Sakura next to Sasuke when the second explosion was heard.
“Dammit! Ibiki he's coming our way! We have to stop him here!” Anko yelled at the scarred Jounin.
“Calm down, Anko. We can't lose our heads here.” Several explosions were heard.
“Is that the signal already?” Anko asked in disbelief.
“No ours are louder. And it was ahead of us. Maybe the Akatsuki have an explosives expert.”
“How the hell can you be so calm?!” Anko screamed.
“Because if we panic we'll be killed.” And Anbu black ops ran towards them.
“Anko…they have some rogue ninja from sunagakure. He's using the puppet master technique…I estimate between seventy five and one hundred puppets.” He panted.
“One hundred?! Go and warn the Hokage. We'll hold them off.” Anko said giving him a shove. “One hundred…that's not possible.”
“Let's pray he was exaggerating.” Ibiki said.
Tsunade waited tensely with Kakashi. It was clear that the Akatsuki weren't going to be stopped easily. The anbu black op appeared suddenly at had to dodge a barrage of kunai before they realized he was an ally. “Lord Hokage, we were pushed back. There was some ninja from sunagakure. He was manipulating dozens of puppets. We couldn't stop them all. We took out…maybe twenty. We lost five men.” He panted.
“Hey Kankuro.” Tsunade called.
“Yeah.” Kankuro said walking up.
“Do you know any rogue ninja from you're village adept with the puppet master jutsu?” Tsunade asked quickly. “He'd probably be ranked S in the bingo book.”
Kankuro thought for a moment. “How many puppets was he using?”
“Nearly a hundred if not more.” Said the anbu black op.
“…I hope I'm wrong but the only ninja who could use that many puppets would be…Sasori. There are other's who use that technique that could have improved after defecting. But Sasori is on a whole other level than most of them. I'd have to see the puppets. Either way the best thing to do would be to take down the guy pulling the strings but the puppets could easily work as shields. So either focus on him or reduce them to dust.”
“Or ash. Get everyone that can use fire style techniques to surround him and focus on the puppets!” Tsunade yelled as he turned to deliver the message. “Dammit! Dammit, dammit!” Tsunade looked like she was about to lose it before Kakashi grabbed her hand.
“We can do this. Calm down.” He said soothingly.
“Yeah. It's not over yet.” Gaara said giving a uncharacteristic smile. “Push comes to shove, evacuate everyone and he'll deal with them.” Nobody asked what he meant be he.
Another explosion was heard Hinata squeezed Naruto's hand and he smiled. “I know.”
“Naruto.” Sasuke looked up suddenly. “This is going to come down to you and me in the end. I know this is a huge thing to ask but…let me have Itachi. Besides that other guy…Kisame that sword of his could render us both useless. Your Rasengan could probably take him out. I'll do what I can with Itachi but I'll need you help I figure if you can distract him with a few clones using Rasengan I can get a clear shot.” Naruto nodded. “And one more thing…” He said rounding on the girls. “Don't try to fight these guys. Defend yourself when you need to, but if me or Naruto go down, you are going to run. If either of you get killed…I won't forgive you.” Sakura and Hinata nodded reluctantly. “We'll make it don't worry.”
“Which ring are they at?” Naruto asked Sasuke not waning to be surprised.
“My father's…the most prominent clans in the village. Two to go. We best be ready.” Hinata said standing and drawing a kunai.
“Yeah.” Naruto said simply.
“Let's give'em hell.” Sakura stood next to Hinata.
“Rock and roll.” Sasuke breathed.
Another explosion. “Here they come! Let's show them what we can do! They do not cross this line!” Tsunade screamed as the remaining shinobi grouped in around her. “Ready for this?”
“Ready as I'll ever be.” Kakashi turned and winked at her.
“Lee, everything working back there? If you're not recovered now's a good time to tell me.” Tsunade called.
“Good as new.” Lee smiled with a thumbs up. Behind him guy mirrored the gesture.
“Sure that guy beet you Kakashi?” Tsunade whispered.
“Yeah, god knows how.” Kakashi smiled. He suddenly faced forward. “Right on cue.”
Deidara came walking towards them as calmly as taking a stroll through the park. An army of puppets followed, led by a young man. “Hi there.” He said holding up his hand. “Look it's not that we enjoy kil…Hahahahaha! Ha! Ha. Oh! Couldn't do that with a strait face. Ha…So anyway…would you be so kind as to hand over Sasuke?” Several kunai flew at him but were instantly deflected. “I'm gonna guess that was a no. Well, okay. Chance to show my art to a few more people. Hey, Sasori, Could you keep them busy for a moment. I'm thinking something big, and elaborate, and…pretty.”
“Keep us busy?!” Tsunade yelled charging forward at Deidara. Kakashi and the others followed quickly. “Kakashi you and me will take this clown everyone else deal with mister puppet master.”
“Temari, Kankuro you help them.” Garra said from Tsunade's side. “He's one of ours. Deidara, used explosive with those mouths on his hands. Maybe I should be the one to handle him. They might need you're help, that's Sasori over there.”
“We'll take this guy first.” She said nodding at him.
“Suit yourself.” Garra said with a shrug. They were so intent on the shinobi in front of them no one noticed the two silently entering the house.
The door was torn of its hinges and tossed aside. Itachi Uchiha stood in the doorway. He stepped in silently followed closely by Kisame. Naruto and Sasuke were ready. Naruto's four clone each wielding Rasengan charged Itachi who leapt into the air. Sasuke followed with chidori. Itachi dodged and slammed Sasuke to the ground. Naruto's clones vanished with a few flicks of his wrist. He landed and grabbed a stunned Sasuke. “And you called me foolish…Now Naruto!” The ceiling suddenly flew apart and several clones flew down at Itachi. He dropped Sasuke and began to block the onrush of Naruto's. “Chidori!” Sasuke leapt up and struck Itachi in the shoulder.
“Dammit.” Itachi stumbled backward as Kisame rushed forward to knock Sasuke away.
“Itachi?” Kisame hoisted his partner up. “What now?”
“Gr-grab Naruto.” Itachi breathed.
“Fat chance!” Came a shriek and in a sudden blur of motion Hinata forced him back. “Oh and Itachi. I got a little gift for you and fish boy. Eight Trigrams…2 palms, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 palms.” Itachi and Kisame were taken off guard and took several blows each.
Kisame managed to knock Hinata aside before doubling over, hacking. “D-dammit. Juken…little witch…Itachi…live to fight another day right? Come back with the rest of the organization?” Itachi nodded.
“Come back here!” Naruto roared but Sasuke caught him on the shoulder.
“Not today. Let them go.” He said. “Tomorrow's another day.” Naruto looked like he was going to argue but nodded. Kisame carried Itachi out limping slightly.
“Deidara, fall back!” Kisame called running out to find Deidara surrounded.
“Been trying but Pein would wring my neck if I left you two.” Deidara was atop a large clay bird next to Sasori. “Hurry up! Where's the kid?”
“Not…now.” Itachi panted. “Retreat…now.”
“Speaking of Pein ringing…” Itachi put a kunai to his throat.
“Pein…is the least…of your…problems.”
“Okay, okay.” He said as the bird leapt up.
“You looked like you were in trouble.” Kisame said.
“Some twerp used shadow paralysis on Sasori and closed off his chest. We were out numbered I had to use the bird as a threat.”
“You were gonna blow us up weren't you?” Kisame asked.
“It bought time.” Deidara shrugged. “What happened to him?”
“Pissed off his brother.” Kisame shrugged.
“Lady Hokage. Do we pursue them?” Anko asked.
“No. Tend to the wounded. I want a damage report by sundown.” She called sprinting into the house to find Sakura and Naruto huddled over Sasuke and Hinata.
“Are they..?” She began.
Sakura looked up and smiled. “No but could you take care of them? I think Hinata has some broken ribs, and Sasuke's arm is…” She moved aside to show Sasuke's arm had a new joint. “We haven't really covered taking care of broken bones.
“Okay, Hinata will be fine. Naruto hold Sasuke down for a sec.” Tsunade said kneeling over him.
“Why do I need to be held…Ahh!!!!!!!!” Sasuke yelled as Tsunade set the bone. “There…wrap up his arm and try to distract him from the pain. Hinata just hold Naruto's hand till the medics arrive.” She walked out. Bring them in here!” Rocklee and Neji were dragged in by Ino and Tenten. Shikamaru and Temari followed.
“Well, Looks like were the last couple standing.” Temari said.
“What happened?” Hinata tried to sit up but Naruto held her down. “Oh yeah. Ribs, right.”
“Well wingus and dingus over there decided to take on the puppet master. Lee's leg got snapped like a twig and Nejihas a concussion.” Temari said receiving glares from the to worrying girlfriends. Then Shikamaru ran up and did some of his voodoo and took out Sasori. The Deidara used this clay and said that is anyone attacked him Konoha would be a crater. We were inclined not to attack.”
“I need a vacation.” Shikamaru whined flopping unto the ground.
“Maybe after everyone gets fixed up we could throw a we're not dead party.” Naruto said smiling. “Ya'know. Just all of us get together and just forget that past week.”
“That actually sounds fun.” Tenten said.
“I'd come.” Ino said.
“I would come as well.” Lee said. “Asuming I have crutches.”
“I say we do it.” Temari said sitting down by Shikimaru.
“Let's not and say we…” Temari glared at him. “Okay shutting up.”
“We'll ask the Hokage once everything settles down. And I have morphine. Lot's of morphine.” Sasuke said as Sakura tended to his arm. “And enough Sake to fill a swimming pull.”
“Awe…poor baby.” Temari teased.
“So, what, where, when? We need to plan this out.” Shikamaru said more because Temari was annoying when she screamed.
“Well…Tonight or tomorrow. Where's somewhere big?” Sakura thought absent mindedly.
“We could probably commandeer an inn.” Sasuke said. “I got most of my money from missions stashed upstairs.”
“Okay so…what are we going to do?” Naruto asked.
“We give Sasuke and Shikamaru makeovers!” Ino yelled.
“Sounds like a plan.” Temari said.
“What?!” Shkamaru jumped away suddenly.
“Oh and we play truth or dare.” Temari said. “As couples.”
“We should go somewhere with a hotspring.” Tenten said.
“And watch scary movie's.” Sakura squealed.
“And have and orgy!” Everyone froze and turned to Hinata. “What? That's the funnest thing that's been suggested and you all know it.”
“She has a point.” Sasuke said smiling.
“Pervert.” Sakura said grinning a little herself.
“How about just the girls?” Naruto asked.
“I second that.” Sasuke said. “All in favor.” Every guy but Lee raised his hand. “Motion carries and…” Every girls besides Hinata, Sakura and Ino smacked there boyfriends.
This talk continued for an hour or two before they were transported to the hospital. Tsunade revealed that a mere seven Shinobi died. She said that was a victory anyway you looked at it.