Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ Just a Joke ( Chapter 12 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Hey, look a bug! *Runs off to hide the shame of not owning Naruto* I don't own the simpsons either. Have I done enough disclaimers yet. I think I'm safe so this might be the last/
AN: Uh…well I was reading over this and a thought struck me…where the hell are the sound four? Well I figured out where they're going. But I cannot figure out who is fighting Sakon and Ukon….ah!!!!!!!! Pant…pant…anyway some fans have been wanting more Naruto and Hinata. Well I want to do a little work on both couples for a while. An original character of mine will be introduced soon. I hope you like him. Also some friends are bugging me about OOC Hinata. Y'all seem to understand but just in case: I wanted to make her as uninhibited as possible just to see how that would work out. I will one day write one with a more Hinataish Hinata but till then…y'know.
Shizune woke with a start and found Sakura's hand over her mouth. As the rest of the room swam into focus she saw the other kunoichi standing around her. Hinata was holding up a can of shaving cream. `Okay this one could be a little kinky. Usually it's only Sakura and Hinata…wait a sec…' She snapped fully awake as she saw Hinata step over and put some in Tsunade's hand. Shizune tried to stop them as Ino approached with a feather duster but Tsunade's other arm was wrapped around her. “Sakura…no…trust me Mistre…Lady Tsunade will be so mad.” Shizune whispered pleadingly. Sakura just stuck her tongue out as Ino tickled Tsunade's nose. She blew at it but didn't move. Ino tried again and they saw her lift her hand slightly.
“One more time.” Hinata said fighting back giggles. Ino repeated the process again and Tsunade swung her hand and hit Hinata right in the face.
“Hahahahaha! Did you honestly think that I'd sleep through that old trick?!” Tsunade laughed.
“Ah! You…you…err!” Hinata leapt forward and sprayed Tsunade with the shaving cream. Tsunade countered with a pillow. Hinata snatched it and swung it back at her but Shizune turned on the young Hyuga and the war broke out. Sakura tackled Shizune, Tsunade pinned Hinata, and the others dived in. Hinata wiggled free of Tsunade and Knocked Shizune off the bed. “Yes! There can be only one!” She was suddenly bowled over as tangled mass of kunoichi who had latched onto Tsunade plummeted onto her and Shizune. Little did the girls realize that their morning shenanigans had aroused attention.
“Someone get a camera.” Naruto whispered as the scene unfolded before him. He and the other shinobi were gazing through the door which had been opened only a crack.
“You get a camera I ain't leaving.” Sasuke said as each of the males struggled for the best viewing angle.
“Shut up they'll here us.” Shikamaru said from his crouched position. He knew no one would fight to watch through the bottom of the door.
“Hahahaha! Bow down before Tsunade!” The blonde cackled as she pinned Sakura and Hinata. She was struggling to fend off Ino and Tenten. Shizune was having plenty of trouble with Temari.
“This isn't fair there's like five of you.” Shizune whined. Not that she minded being manhandled by a woman.
“Jonin and Hokage versus five genin. Seems plenty fair for you.” Temari teased.
“Have a point there.” Shizune said grabbing Temari in a scissor-lock that had been perfected against Tsunade. (This didn't really work because Tsunade would be back on top in seconds.) Tsunade had taken care of Ino and Tenten, who were entangled in the bed-spread, and had finally succeeded in wrestling Sakura and Hinata to the ground.
“I WIN!!! Whoo!” Tsunade giggled, completely ignoring the fact she had just straddled two minors. “Anyone else hungry? We can try a rematch after breakfast.” She said standing. She approached the door and…
“Holy shit! Abort! Abort! Run for it! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She heard Naruto scream and the frantic scrambling of the voyeurs. The Kunoichi filed out after Hinata and Shizune helped free Tenten and Ino.
Hinata was about to walk out but saw Shizune cleaning up the room and thought she should help out. “So were you surprised?” Hinata heard the Jonin say as she rearranged the sheets.
“About what?” Hinata asked looking up.
“Me and Lady Tsunade.” Shizune said with a small embarrassed smile.
“Not really. You to are always together. But what about Kakashi?”
“What about him?” Shizune asked raising an eyebrow.
“Don't you feel…jealous?” Hinata asked feeling awkward.
“Naw…He and Tsunade are more…friends with benefits…he's got too many issues to be in aserious relationship.”
“Well…yeah but…” Hinata looked confused.
“They have sex…but Tsunade loves me…love and sex have very little to do with each other…in my eyes at least.” Shizune said shrugging. “We're just open that way. You probably think its wrong to be like that.”
“No. I think it's a very mature way of looking at it. I don't think I'd ever be able to share my Naruto with anyone though.” She said putting the pillows back. “I'm a spoiled brat, what can I say?”
“No you're not.” Shizune said ruffling her hair. “But from what I hear you wouldn't mind sharing yourself with a girl?” Shizune teased. Tsunade had filled her in on the prank she had pulled on the boys.
Hinata froze as she saw a mischievous glint in the older women's eye. “I've thought about it. But nothing besides that.”
“We can change that for you.” A women behind her whispered in her ear.
“BWAH!!!!!!” Hinata shrieked and leaped to the far wall. She saw that it was only Tsunade and calmed down. "D…don't…sneak…heart-attack…thousand eyes…twisted tail…trapped forever…EPA…EPA!”
“Relax. I'm not going to bite…though I've been known to…” Tsunade said sweetly. “So back to my earlier question…would you like to try while everyone's eating breakfast?” She asked teasingly. “I'm realy gentle just ask Shizu…on second thought better to just trust me on this.” She said moving in on Hinata who, for the first time in a long time, looked like she was going to faint.
“N-n-n-n-no…th-th-thankyou…” Hinata whimpered as she tried her hardest to sink through the wall she was pinned to. Tsunade was right in front of her and looked like she was two seconds from pinning Hinata to the bed. Finally Hinata's legs gave way and she hit the floor.
“Lady Tsunade that was cruel.” Shizune said laying Hinata on the bed.
“I didn't think she'd pass out I just wanted to screw with her…or just screw her…anyway that wasn't cruel.” Tsunade said, then suddenly smiled but I just thought of something that would be hilarious.” She said grabbing her bag and producing four silk ties. She grinned evily as she began to tie the Genin to the bed posts.
“Whoa, am I interrupting something fun?!” Came a familiar voice from the window. Jaraiya smiled in at the two women.
“Pevert!” Tsunade yelled and rushed him.
“Wait!” He helde his arms up in self defense. Tsunade froze a millimeter away from his face. “I come bearing good news. After the fight the Akutsaki are giving up on Naruto for at least two years.”
“Wha…really?!” Tsunade waited for him to nod. “Then I'll hold back she said, and threw him into the distance.
“mmm…nng…” She heard a slight groan from Hinata. She saw the brunette stretch and realize she was restrained. “What?” She looked up to see Tsunade hovering over here. “Ahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!”
Sasuke who had been sent to look for Hinata kicked down the door. “What happened I heard a scre……………………” The Uchiha froze and slowly backed out of the room.
“Shh…shh…it's okay Hinata she's was just playing around.” Shizune tried to soothe the panic stricken girl. “She goes a little far sometimes but she wouldn't rape you I promise. Shh…I'm going to move my hand, please don't scream.” Shizune did and Hinata was silent.
“WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT WETE YOU THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Hinata shrieked. “GAH!!!!! I am going to strangle you when I get loose! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!”
“Hinata…Hinata…don't antagonize her…bad things will happen…trust me…” Shizune pleaded with the genin.
“LET ME AT HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M GONNA KIL…mmph…ooo itch!” Hinata screamed as Tsunade fastened a gag into her mouth.
“What? Don't look at me like that if they hear this down stairs they'll come up here and just think about the rumors.” Tsunade said when Shizune glared at her.
“So busting out S&M equipment solves the problem?” Temari snickered from the door. Tsunade spun around to see the entire group watching her.
“Ehehehe. You cannot tell anyone about this! I swear to god if one person finds out I will murder you!” Tsunade said rounding on the shinobi.
“Yeah, yeah. Our lips are sealed.” Naruto said going to untie Hinata but freezing. “Could I borrow this room for a few hours.”
“Unnie eee ooo atarrd!” Hinata shrieked.
“Okay, okay. Joking, only joking.” He soothed as he untied the girl.
Hinata sat up and glared at Tsunade. “REVENGE!!!!!!” She yelled and launched herself at the Hokage.
“Lady Tsunade!” Shizune tried to pry the girl off but Naruto dived in.
“So…lets finish breakfast.” Sasuke said spinning on his heel and walking out the door.
“Good idea.” The others said in unison and left the four to their brawl.