Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ Hangovers are not fun ( Chapter 20 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: *Dances around on foot waving sparklers* I do not own Naru…OH MY GOD I'M ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't own any dialogue from resident evil 4 either. Or whatever I got the you killed my father thing from.
AN: Okay uh remember like ten chapters back where I mentioned the sound four…yeah. Also the honorable mention will talk about whoever reviewed my last chapter. I'm writing about you. Advertising your fanfics. SO please please please, review. Also noticed that ya'll can't see the lines I've been putting between stuff like what the girls are doing as opposed to the guys so I'm trying something new. Hope it shows up. Sorry it's short.
Honorable Mention: Animeprincessinulover: Sorry I took this idea. Please don't sue me. Thanks for all the reviews I really appreciate it. You are the best. Also due you find it odd the we both love Inuyasha with a passion yet we don't have any Inuyasha fics out…hmm. Even weirder we have the same favorite anime. Great minds think alike I guess. Also anyone who reads this should read her fic Sakura's Party.
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Hinata woke with a groan. Her head felt like someone had jammed a kunai into it. “Oh…I'm never drinking again.” She whined.
“I say that all the time.” Tsunade said rolling over to face the girl.
“Ah!” Hinata screamed…but stopped quickly. “Ouch…oh my head…”
“Awe, poor baby.” Tsunade smiled and ruffled the brunette's hair.
“Where am I?” Hinata said looking around. The room was unfamiliar and didn't seem to want to stay still. Hinata laid back on the bed hoping that would stop the spinning.
“Anko's spare bedroom.” Shizune said entering the room. “Here drink this it'll help.” She said holding out a cup.
“It really does. But she only gives it to me if we've both been drinking.” Tsunade said taking a second cup.
“That's because you'd never stop drinking if I always gave it to you.” Shizune said looking stern.
“What happened last night. I don't remember anything.”
“Let's just say the three of us spent a lot of time praying.” Tsunade said with a smile.
“Praying? Funny. Not gonna fall for it.” Hinata said rolling over and burying g her head in a pillow.
“Um…actually Hinata…well don't be mad but you kept begging us so…eheheheh.” Shizune laughed nervously.
Unfortunately Hinata's memory kicked in and she did recall pleading with Shizune. “You thought I was…ow need to stop yelling…serious.”
“Well you were very insistent…and you made good points about how it technically wasn't sex…we made a video.” Shizune said walking over to the TV at the foot of the bed and hitting play on the VCR.
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“Okay Hinata are you ready for this?” Came Shizune's voice. Hinata smiled drunkenly at the camera.
“I was born ready.” She slurred.
“Okay but first I need you to hold up this sign for me.” Tsunade said handing the girl a piece of poster board.
“Whuz a sign got to do wizzis? (with this)” Hinata said cocking her head slightly.
“It will all be clear to you in the morning.” Tsunade said patting her head.
“Okay-dokay.” Hinata giggled and held up the sign. It said: `We didn't actually do anything. Sakura put us up to this. Don't kill us. Also, you fell for it. Ha ha ha.'
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“Shizune come here please.” Hinata said.
“Um…alright.” Shizune said inching toward the girl.
“I won't hit you I promise.” Hinata said. “I want to tell you something.” Shizune leaned down. Hinata leaned forward and whispered into her ear. “Can you here me?” Shizune nodded. “Good because I am about to tell you…Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Hinata shrieked, grabbed her pillow, and began beating Shizune senseless with it. “REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She leaped onto of Tsunade and preceded to do the same to her. “VENGANCE SHALL BE…ow…head…pain…” She whimpered and fell back onto the bed. “It was…worth it.”
“You said you weren't going to hit me.” Shizune whined.
“I didn't…it was the pillow.” Hinata said with a smile. “Now where is Sakura. The fiery hell you have just experienced shall be brought down on her hundred fold.”
“Ooh, I'm petrified.” Sakura said appearing in the doorway.
“Thatwasnotfunnyyoupinkhairedbitchmynameishinatahyugayoukil ledmyfatherpreparetodie!” Hinata yelled the whole sentence in under a second and launched herself at Sakura who ran down the hall and out into the street. Hinata followed waving her pillow. “Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”
“Wish I was that energetic.” Tsunade said rolling over and closing her eyes. “Sleep time.” She yawned and pulled Shizune into bed with her. “There we go. Nice and comfy.” She said wrapping her arms and legs around the girl.
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Sasuke groaned and covered his eyes. He had rolled over and sunlight had hit him right in his eyes. He screwed them shut and pulled reached felt around for Sakura. He felt he hair and realized she was lying face down…he had been on top of her. `Must have been one hell of a night.' He thought to himself. Her hair was messed up. Sorta sticking up. He stroked her head softly before.
“Mornin' Hina...” Sasuke froze and turned to find that he had been lovingly stroking Naruto. Naruto looked pretty shocked as well. “Wha…gwah!” The two leaped back and glared at each other. “Why the hell were you just…rubbing on me?!” Naruto shuddered. “Unclean…defiled…”
“If I could do it without throwing up…I would murder you.” Sasuke growled.
“You're the one that got all touchy-feely.” Naruto said glaring as good as he could manage. “We'll kill each other after we sleep this off.”
“Just because I'm doing that doesn't mean I'm agreeing with you.”
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Naruto stumbled into his house. Hinata was lying in bed but jumped up when she saw him. “Awe, Naruto what's wrong?”
“My head. I think I'm gonna die.” He groaned collapsing on the bed.
“No, don't die.” She said lying next to him and stroking his cheek gently. “Shh. It'll be alright.”
“I love you Hinata.”
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Sasuke managed to get to his house. His eyes were almost close and his head was killing him. “Sasuke? Are you alright?” Sakura asked. He shook his head and fell onto the bed.
He rolled over to face her and looked got a confused look on his face. “Why is there a feather in your hair?”
“Hinata mauled me with a pillow.” She said with a giggle.
“Of course, what a stupid question.” Sasuke smiled.
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Meanwhile in the sound village. “Kabuto sensei?” Came the voice of a young, white haired, man. He was hooked up to various medical devices.
“Yes Kimimaru?” Kabuto said reading the various screens showing Kimimaru's condition.
“I was wondering, why did you go to retrieve Sasuke and not the sound four?”
“Ah, well you know Sakon and Tayuya. Once they started a fight with Sasuke or Naruto the whole village would be on top of them in no time.”
“Yes…that makes since…but had I had gone, they would have kept in line or died.”
“You have a point but in your cond…”
“How long do I have left?”
Kabuto was taken aback. “Well there's a lot of variables…”
“Please, I know you have some estimate. Please tell me.”
“About two or three months. Maybe more.”
“Maybe less. And if I'm off life support?”
“A little over a week if you're lucky.” Kabuto said. “Why?”
“I'm tired of being useless. My reason for living was taken from me. But I think I can find another…just not like this.” He began removing the various IVs from what seemed every inch of himself. “Kabuto sensei. I'd like to take the sound four…no sound five, on one last mission.”
“You can't be serious.”
“I am. I can lure Sasuke out of the village. I can at least manage that. Then the others can bring him back here. I won't be useless to Lord Orochimaru…not anymore!”