Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ Death ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: If I owned naruto…Hinata would have got in a cat fight with Sakura over Naruto.
AN: The final battle of LLK is about to begin. After this we got two more chapters…maybe one long one. Also I'm pretty sure I have Kimimaro's dances right…but I had trouble telling the difference between Yanagi and Karamatsu…I think Yanagi is where he sprouts bones from his hands or elbows and uses taijutsu. Karamatsu is where he just grows a bunch and they stab people as they come out…sorry if I'm wrong. The sharingan thing is how I interpreted the pictures in the manga. If you don't think it works that way feel free to tell me your opinion.
Anime Princess Inu Lover: Shikamaru and Neji…while that would be an awesome fight…Shikamaru's already a chunin so…I think I will have them spar at some point though. Also my sequels might take awhile for me to get to. As of right now I'm only up to where Sai meets Sasuke in the Manga. I will still write some other stuff. Mayb some Hinata Naruto one shots with Hinata in Character.
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“I'll show you the power of my lord.” Kimimaro said before charging at Sasuke.
“Let's go, Naruto.” Sasuke said drawing a kunai.
“What about the bad-ass sword he just gave you?!” Naruto asked reaching for his own Kunai.
“Don't need it.” Sasuke said with a grin at Kimimaro.
“Really? Tsubaki no Mai!” Kimimaro reached up to one of his exposed shoulders and grabbed a bone that was protruding from it. He pulled it out and revealed it was the hilt of a sword crafted out of bone.
“What the hell are you?” Sasuke asked preparing top block a strike. Kimimaro slashed at the kunai in his hand…he cut it in half.
“My lord appreciates special talents. This is my Kekkei Genkai, Shikotsumyaku. I have complete control over my skeletal structure.” Kimimaro smiled at Sasuke. “This bone is stronger than steel. Come at me with those toys and you'll lose this fight.”
“Alright…” Sasuke sighed and drew the sword. “Naruto, if this thing does anything weird take him out. Oh, and Gaara can step in at that point.”
“I'll keep that in mind.” The red-head said still standing on the edge of the field.
“Not letting you have all the fun. Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Naruto made six clones and ran at Kimimaro.
“Trash like you…” Kimimaro slashed each of the clones with seemingly no effort and kicked the real Naruto in the chest. Naruto went flying away from the white haired teen. “…stands no chance against me. Well now that that amusing display is over.” He lunged at Sasuke and took several stabs with the sword. Sasuke parried several of the blows but got a small cut on his arm. “You need what lord Orochimaru offers.”
“No, just need to warm up.” Sasuke slashed at Kimimaro who blocked the sword.
“Yanagi no Mai!” A bone sprouted from his palms and he thrust it at Sasuke's stomach. Sasuke spun on his heel and circled behind Kimimaro. “I see you're eyes are as good as they say. But you're out of your league. Karamatsu no Mai!” Bones exploded out of Kimimaro's back and nearly impaled Sasuke. `How does he keep dodging my attacks?!'
`I can see…everything…each subtle movement…each bone as it pierces through his skin.' Sasuke saw a transparent image of Kimimaro's arm swinging toward him. He was blocking the attack almost before it was launched.
`So fast. But how can he block my attacks. Sakon went on for hours about how he had been knocked around like a rag doll during their first meeting.' Kimimaro ducked out of the way off one of Sasuke's swings and was rewarded with a kick to the face. He stumbled back and looked up at Sasuke. He saw that Sasuke's Sharingan had fully matured. Kimimaro smiled and released his level one cursed mark.
“Can't even beat me without his help?” Sasuke jeered as he lunged forward. Kimimaro blocked the slash and growled at the Uchiha.
“Rasengan!” Naruto, who had waited for a good opening. Attacked from the sound shinobi's blind spot.
Kimimaro did a back-flip and easily dodged the attack. “Teshi Sendan! (Finger Drill Bullet)” Several small bones began firing from his finger tips at the blonde.
`Damn! I should be helping the girls! I don't know what those monsters the red head summoned are but I doubt they can handle this! But I can't leave these two to fight this guy! The hell with it I'm stepping in!' Gaara used his sand to protect Naruto and then surrounded Kimimaro with it. “Sand Coffin! Sand Burial!”
Gaara let the sand fall from around Kimimaro…and found he was still standing. “Impressive. Were it not for my power…there'd probably be nothing left of me. I was able to reinforce my body with a plating of bones, but even that was just barely enough.”
“Gaara what are you doing you said you wouldn't int…” Sasuke began.
“The fight needs to end…now. We don't have time for your pride.” The red-head said giving him a significant look.
“Right. How quickly do we need to end this?” Sasuke asked trying to avoid Naruto losing it and blindly attacking Kimimaro.
“Not immediately soon…but it could turn to immediately if we don't hurry soon.” Gaara said trying to drop a hint or two.
“Can you grab him in your sand again?” Gaara nodded and began to wrap sand around Kimimaro again. Kimimaro struggled but had barely recovered from the first attack. “Sand Coffin!”
“Chidori!” Sasuke lunged forward and drove his hand through Kimimaro's chest. “It's over.”
“No, Sasuke move!” Gaara called as the sand coffin exploded and ,a now dinosaur like, Kimimaro emerged.
“What the hell?!” Sasuke jumped back as Kimiaro turned to him.
“This is the next level of the curse mark. Powerful enough to break free from Gaara's sand. Imagine what you could accomplish.”
“God I'd looked screwed up. Kinda glad I didn't go with your little henchmen.”
“Laugh all you like Sasuke. I can see that you are beyond reasoning with. Let's end this.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
“Sasuke.” Gaara said suddenly.
“…they won…they beat that woman…I'm…going to make sure they're alright…”
“Gaara…you're a bad liar…are they alright?”
“Sakura looks fine…”
“What about Hinata?!” Naruto yelled suddenly the panic in his voice could be heard easily.
“She was injured exchanging blows with the red-head…but her life doesn't seem to be in any danger.”
“Go help them we'll…we'll be fine…” Naruto said with his voice breaking. Gaara nodded and ran off. “Yeah…real bad liar…real bad fucking liar!” Naruto said shaking with rage.
“Naruto, Gaara would have told us if she…I'm sure she's alright. The best way we can help her is to end this.”
“Yeah…let's wipe the floor with this freak.”
“Just try it! Tessenka no Mai! Tsuru!” Kimimaro reached behind his head and pulled out his own spine.
“Naruto. I'll go first.” Sasuke ran straight at the sound ninja but Kimimaro caught him around the leg. “GAH!” Sasuke felt a noticeable snap as Kimimaro pulled.
“Rasengan!” Naruto attacked from behind Kimimaro while the white haired teen was distracted.
“Karamtsu no Mai!” Naruto was impaled on dozens of bones that Kimimaro sprouted from his back. One of which hit him in the throat.
“Naruto!” Sasuke was on his feet in an instant despite the pain in his leg. Naruto fell to the ground and convulsed. “Damn you! Chidori!” Sasuke drove his fist clean through Kimimaro's chest.
Blood leaked from Kimimaro's mouth. “I was going to die anyway.” He said with a small grin. Sasuke removed his hand and the monstrous teen hit the ground.
“Naruto.” Gaara was at Naruto's side by the time Sasuke had turned.
“Hi-hinata…is…she…” Naruto choked out. He was drenched in his own blood, eyes half lidded.
“She's going to be alright. Sakura healed her.” Gaara said. And for the first time Naruto or Sasuke had ever seen Gaara was crying. Sasuke was shaking with grief.
“Heh…Sasuke…who's the…the loser…you're the one who's…who's going all to pieces…tell Hinata I said…I…I'm sorry…” Naruto's eyes glazed over, not seeing anything.
“If you stay here…every tie to this village will be severed…one at a time…” Kimimaro shakily stood up. “Next will be…Sakura…I'll give you on week to…reach the sound village…after that…I'll leave her to Kabuto sensei…” Sasuke turned to the sound shinobi but was too grief stricken to do anything else. “…I don't really care to think about it…but know that if you do not come…she will die, screaming.” With that Kimimaro turned and ran.
`Not again!' Sasuke mentally screamed as he rose to his feet and followed. Any thought of pain and fatigue were gone from his mind. `If I use Chidori…I don't care if I need the cursed mark to do it…but I'll be left paralyzed…and if I miss…Sakura…' He was shortening the gap between his quarry. `I don't know what to do.' He suddenly saw bright pink among the foliage. Kimimaro was only feet away. Sakura looked up from Hinata and froze, too scared to move.
“Die!” Kimimaro lunged forward with his bone sword outstretched.
“Chidori Nagashi! (Chidori Current)” Sasuke let his chakra flow down the blade of his Kusanagi sword and slashed through Kimimaro. Kimimaro fell to the forest floor finally dead.
“Sasuke!” Sakura grabbed Sauke as he sank to one knee.
“Not again…not again…” He repeated softly.
“Is Naruto with you?” Hinata asked. Sasuke shook his head and sobbed.
“Sasuke what happened? Where's Naruto?! Sasuke answer me! SASUKE!!!”