Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Losing Naruto ❯ Things can change ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
*cough* oh my, I’m sick. Looks like I’ll be able to write a lot though, so that’s a good thing, right? Eeehhhh…guess it depends on how you look at it. I know this is a quick update, but since I’m bed ridden I decided to write - and I figured, why wait? Here ya go!


Kakashi arrived at the designated area, after paying his respects to his old friend Obito, amongst others. He was supposed to meet everyone three hours before, but had been sidetracked (for real this time) with the Hokage and Gai. But since they were no longer children, they were able to start training without him. He sometimes did miss the outraged ‘YOU’RE LATE!!” he would always get from Sakura and Naruto. The dirty look he would receive from Sasuke also amused him.

Ah, but how things changed with time.

There they were, perfecting extremely advanced jutsu‘s, Naruto creating new formations with his clones, Sakura healing complex injuries that her fellow leaf ninja would present her with, and Sasuke, performing extremely complex kunai moves on trees and boards. They had grown do much…Kakashi began to get reminiscent when a loud scream pierced the air.

“NARUTO! You idiot! Keep your clones away from me, or so help me I’ll jam a Kunai straight up your ass!”

Kakashi sighed . Some things never changed.

“Sakuraaa, gimme a break! I was just trying to help you out, is that so wrong?” Naruto was pouting, his clones had poofed the second Sakura began screaming.

“Quiet, Naruto! These people are in need of my medical expertise-”

Naruto ran over to her instantly, bending over her back and looking closely at the patient she was tending. He was a blushing boy, probably about 11 years old. The boy looked at Naruto with wide fearful eyes.

Sakura growled. “Would you mind telling me what you’re doing, Naruto? Besides bugging me and my patient?”

Naruto looked at Sakura in shock.

“Huh? Patient? Medical expertise? Sakura, that’s barely even a scrape! You say I’m wasting your time? Get lost, you little wor-”

Before Naruto could finish his insult, Sakura had sent him flying across the plains they were training in. She seemed to have gotten even stronger since the last time Kakashi had seen her hit him. Either that, or she was just extremely pissed. Kakashi assumed it was a bit of both.

“Now stay down if you know what’s good for you!” Sakura yelled at Naruto’s twisting form in the distance. Kakashi laughed, Sakura knew the boy too well. He was already trying to get back up.

“S…s-saku…raaa..!!” Naruto tried yelling feebly from his place on the ground. His body felt like it was in 17,000 different pieces. Why did she always hit him? Was he a bad person or something? He didn’t try getting on her nerves ‘well, not always. I was actually trying to help this time…’

While lost in thought, Naruto had failed to notice someone approaching, until the shadow settled itself over his broken form.

“Who.. a-are you?” Naruto strained to sit up.

Kakashi sighed. He never learned. “Naruto, when Sakura is working, you need to respect her needs at that time. That means you don’t tease her, you allow her to concentrate, and you don’t threaten her patients with bodily harm.”

Naruto pouted. “It just isn’t fair, why is sh-”

“Why don’t you try growing up, idiot.”

Naruto immediately got up from the ground to challenge Sasuke, Kakashi looked on in boredom.

“Why don’t you shut up, Sharingan ass!”

“It’s the truth, dead last. You ever think maybe the reason Sakura hits you is because you intentionally get on her nerves?” Sasuke said this with a smirk. That annoyed Naruto most.

“You wanna fight?” Naruto growled, his hands at his sides, curled into fists.

Sasuke rolled his eyes in amusement. “I’ll pass, moron. You see, I’m actually trying to get a workout today. Playing around with you won’t make me any stronger.”

“Oh yeah? Well-”


Before Naruto could finish, Kakashi decided to cut him off with a loud cough. It worked, as it got both boys attention. Kakashi could swear they were 12 again, bickering as usual.

Once he was sure they would stay quiet he called Sakura over, and sat them all down.

“Look, I spoke with the Hokage today, and it looks like our team is going to undergo some changes-”

As expected, he was interrupted by Naruto’s loud voice. “Changes?! What kinda changes? Everything is fine right now! Go tell that old bag that things are staying the same around here!”

Kakashi sighed, “Naruto, please let me finish. Now, in light of recent events, it looks like ANBU has decided to recruit new ninjas in order to rebuild their forces. They have chosen one of you as a new member, unfortunately, you have no choice in this matter.” Kakashi paused, letting this news sink in to the three young chuunin’s before him.

After a few seconds, he continued. “Sasuke,” Kakashi began, looking at the young Uchiha, who’s face showed no emotion whatsoever. This came of no surprise to Kakashi. The boy waited, looking Kakashi in his one exposed eye. “Considering your skills, you were the first chuunin chosen as a new recruit”

Kakashi could have sworn he saw the barest hint of shock, but it disappeared before he could confirm it.

Kakashi continued, “With Sasuke‘s absence, we will have a spot in our team. The Hokage has yet to determine who would best fit with this team. I will inform you the second she tells me, as it concerns both of you.” Kakashi stood, “Sasuke, you are to report to the Hokage immediately for further instructions. Naruto, Sakura, you stay with me.”

Sasuke stood up, nodded at Kakashi once and began to leave, when he was stopped by Naruto‘s voice calling him..

“Yo, Sharingan.” Sasuke looked down at Naruto, a slight look of annoyance was clearly directed at the young blonde.

“What is it, dead last?”

Naruto huffed, crossing his arms turning his head in the other direction.

“Just wanted to tell you not to get yourself killed, I won’t be there to save you!”

Sasuke rolled his eyes, “I’ll be fine, moron. You won’t be there to get in my way.”

“Get out of here, Uchiha!”

“Gladly, Uzumaki.”

Sakura noticed the barest hint of a smile on Naruto’s face, but was shocked to see a small smile on Sasuke’s face as well. Before she knew it, Sasuke was gone, and Naruto was jumping up and down, asking Kakashi to teach him his chidori move.

“Boys” she thought, sighing to herself. She never would understand them.

Kakashi looked down at the remaining members of his team. ‘Isn’t too bad, not like Sasuke was some glue holding them together. And maybe now, Naruto could concentrate on training instead of competing.’

“Yo, Kakashi!” Naruto practically bellowed, shocking Kakashi.

“Yes, Naruto?”


“Could you show me how to do the chidori?”

Kakashi sighed. He knew it would come to this, it seemed the boy asked whenever he got bored.

“Naruto, you have the Rasengan, surely you don’t need-”

Naruto interrupted him, whining loudly. “But Kakashi, I’m still not strong enough, I can’t-”

But it was Naruto’s turn to be cut off. Sakura had went to sit next to him, she hadn’t planned on joining in this conversation. But something Naruto said bothered her deeply.

“How can you say that, Naruto?” The two of them looked at her in mild shock. Her tone wasn’t hostile, but it was still laced with annoyance. “You’re strong. Stronger than I could ever be, mentally and physically. Don’t beat yourself up over such silly things.”

‘Well, well, well. How interesting. Maybe there is some hope for these to at last, maybe a civilized conversation is possible after all’ Kakashi thought to himself, observing the two quietly.

Naruto was staring at Sakura with a strange mixture of shock, happiness, pride, and disbelief gracing his features. But inside, he felt much more. He felt something new. Bliss. Finally, Sakura had acknowledged him. Not the way he wished, but still - she said he was ‘strong’. Naruto continued going over this for a few seconds, until Sakura’s hand waving over his face brought him back to reality.

“Huh?” Naruto questioned, his voice still sounding far away.

Sakura sighed in exasperation. “I asked, are you ok? What’s your problem, Naruto? Is something wrong?”

Naruto smiled. ‘something wrong’? He gave a small chuckle, this further worried Sakura. She was about to question him again when he responded.

“Nothing’s wrong, Sakura. Nothing at all.” His voice was strangely even, that loud excitement gone. Sakura frowned. Had he somehow grown up in the past minute or so? He even had a calm smile, something she rarely saw on his face. A large grin, yes, even a smirk. But this relaxed smile? It almost worried her.

She saw Naruto lower his face, next thing she knew he was up again, fist in the air. Like nothing had happened. Sakura grinned. Maybe, just maybe, she would finally get to see another side of Naruto.

“Hey, Sakura! Get off your lazy ass and TRAIN!”

Sakura growled. Then again, maybe not.


A/N: Ooooh…another short chapter. Sorry, but I’m just testing the waters here so far. Next chapter will definitely be longer, since it covers a few things. Heh, well I’m off to write more! Being sick has it’s advantages…bye!

- Mimi Hatake