Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Noodles ❯ Dinner With The Nishimuras pt. 1 ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Love and Noodles: Dinner with The Nishimuras pt. 1
Chouji knocked on the Nishimura's door at 6:02 PM. The door was thrown open to reveal an angry looking Botan.
“Where were you?! I was worried sick!”
Chouji stared blankly. “I, um, uh.” Was this girl nuts? He was only two minutes late! Suddenly all angry drained from Botan's face and she threw her arms around him in a hug.
”Oh Chouji-kun, I just can't stay mad at you!” Botan sighed, pressing her cheek against his, which was turning a brilliant shade of scarlet as well as his other cheek. She let him go.
”Come on in, I'll give you grand tour and you just have to meet my family!” She squealed. Chouji allowed himself to be dragged inside, stopping to take off his sandals. Botan led him through the house.
”There's the dining room, and there's the bathroom if you need it.” She said, pointing it out. She led him to the living room, clinging to his arm. A girl sat in an armchair and two boys on the couch.
“Ayame, Udo, Morio, this is Chouji-kun.” Botan said.
Ayame glanced at Udo. “Told ya he'd be a porker.”
“Aya-cha-a-an!” Botan whined. “You promised you'd be nice!”
“Right, right, I'm sorry.” Ayame said, though her fingers were crossed behind her back. Morio and Udo were looking Chouji up and down. Botan looked at Chouji.
”I have to go check on the food, I'll be right back Chouji-kun.” Botan kissed his cheek and went into the kitchen, leaving him alone with her siblings.
“Feel free to take a seat.” Ayame said. The only vacant seat was the one between the twins Udo and Morio, so Chouji cautiously sat down. Morio was the one with glasses, which he was constantly pushing up the bridge of his nose.
“Don't think I've ever seen Botan this happy.” He said. “She talks about you all the time.”
Chouji nodded, finding himself unable to say anything. Udo leaned closer to him.
“If you hurt her, we'll kill you and make it look like an accident.” He hissed, causing all the color to drag from Chouji's face. There was an awkward silence as still as a pool of stagnant water. Then Ayame started giggling…and soon both the twins were laughing. Morio clapped Chouji on the back.
“Gotcha! We'd never do that, Botan wouldn't let us hear the end of it!” He chuckled.
”We do want you to take good care of her though. She is our baby sister after all.” Udo added. “Treat her good, ya know?”
”We do want you to take good care of her though. She is our baby sister after all.” Udo added. “Treat her good, ya know?”
Chouji nodded. “Um…yeah…”
Just then Botan's voice chirped happily from the dining room.
“Dinner's ready!”