Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Love Long Forgotten (KakashixOC) ❯ Chiori's World Crumbles ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chiori's mother (my aunt and my mother's sister) probably committed suicide, not wanting to live without her husband, and especially not wanting to face that little tramp daughter of hers… tch… no wonder she killed herself.
Well, not being able to hold a grudge on Kakashi's father, since he had committed suicide afterwards, I guess she had no other person to turn her hatred towards, other than White Fang's very own son, Hatake Kakashi.
“tch… why couldn't mom just get over it… It was only her sister… geez.
Now it's harder for me to get a date with Kakashi!
I have to sneak around all the time not to get in trouble…
…I could always get Chiori in trouble…”
I felt a grin spread over my face.
I fell onto my bed, giggling furiously. “Haha! I am sooo badddd…”
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Chapter 3: Chiori's World Crumbles
(Kakashi's Point of View)
“Oyasuminasai, Chiori-chan.” I said, after walking Chiori home.
Must be good to come home to family… She must be happy…to have both a loving aunt and cousin with her…
“Oyasuminasai, Kakashi-san… thanks for dinner, you cheap-o.”
I twitched… “NANI…?!”
Chiori gave me an amused smile, trying to cover up her laughter.
“The fish tasted pretty strange, in my opinion. I guess I'm not used to CHEAP SUSHI…” she sighed sarcastically, blowing at her fingernails.
“Omaiwa… you're starting to sound like your cousin…” I smirked.
A light breeze blew through Chiori's dark hair, causing it to blow strands over her face, shielding it from the moonlight.
Chiori jerked back a bit as I slowly leaned over to push her hair out of her eyes, then leaving my palm by her jaw line.
Why do I feel different around her these days…? It's as if I can't stand leaving her. What's going on with me…?
I saw her eyes glitter in the moonlight, and I was tempted to lean over and kiss her.
She stared at my eyes intently, wondering what I was going to do with her.
Suddenly, I saw her tilt her head to the side and give me her usual smile… then she leaned over…
I stood perfectly still as she quickly, and shyly for that matter, kissed me lightly on my cloth covered cheek, instantly turning around and stepping into her house.
“… nani…?” I froze in that position for a while, thinking. For some reason, the kiss didn't feel awkward.
Maybe it was supposed to be like this… maybe I finally found someone who cared about me as much as I cared about her. I guess… I'm not alone, I thought, relief loosening the tension in my body.
As I pulled myself away from the house, and started to reach for my “novel”, I suddenly felt the presence of Konoha ANBU behind me. Something was urgent, and I felt it. An evil chakra… a demon's chakra was present somewhere in the village…
With my right hand in my pocket, and my left still holding my book, back facing the three ANBU members, they spoke.
“Jounin- Hatake Kakashi. We are in need of all special ANBU forces, immediately. It seems as if the kyuubi fox demon has awakened…”
My heart skipped a beat, as my I felt a strange shock run through my body. Kyuubi…so that's what I felt… such an evil chakra.
I pocketed my book as I turned to face the assassins.
“Where is yondaime (the 4th hokage)?” I demanded, tension building up in my muscles.
“Other elite jounin ninja's are currently leaving to hold off kyuubi until yondaime arrives to seal the demon. Please, come with us.” Said the assassins, quickly disappearing into thin air.
*sigh* This is it… mission commence
Tensing my jaw muscles, I looked up at Chiori's window before forming a few hand seals and disappearing into the night.
I'll be back soon… so you better be here once I come back…
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(Chiori's point of view)
I quickly stepped into my house, removing my shoes and leaning my back against the front door.
Did I just do what I think I did…did I really kiss him?
Well, not technically a KISS kiss, since it was only on the cheek, and it wasn't even direct contact!
Yea… it wasn't even a kiss… and I didn't kiss him, I pecked him… no, I pecked his MASK. Okay, then… yea…that's it. I pecked his mask and it didn't even mean anyth-
I stopped my trail of thoughts as I realized that I wasn't alone in the room.
My aunt, leaning against the side of the kitchen door with crossed arms, stared at me intently with a threatening look on her face.
“Where were you” she said coldly, her arms still crossed.
“Tadaima…” I replied, as I began concentrating on my toes.
“I asked where you were… Not for a greeting.”
I tried thinking of anything I could've done to anger her, for I knew she was obviously furious in her usual calm, cold, demeaning way.
What had I done…? Did I forget to do something…? Nani…what's wrong…
“ANSWER ME!” yelled a booming voice, causing me to wince and take a cautious step back.
“I… uh… I… I, um… umm…” I stuttered, frozen in fear.
“Well? You what?” she said, pushing against the wall she was leaning on and beginning to walk slowly towards me. “Stop stuttering, you sound like a fool.”
My head jerked sharply to the right, as I felt a numb sensation throughout my cheek.
Kakashi…I wish you were here…
“Are you dumb or just deaf? I asked where you were. Now, answer me. I don't want to have to raise my hand again.”
“I, I… I was by the bridge… training.”
“Oh, training? I see, so you were training by the bridge by yourself?”
“… N-no, I was with someone. He was helping me.”
“He? And who is this `he' ?”
“…Hatake Kakashi.” I replied.
I looked up to face my aunt, only to see her hand rise to slap me hard across the face again… She hit harder than Yumi, much harder.
What did I do? What's going on!?
Confused and frightened, I looked into her eyes once more, noticing the furious look on her face. Again and Again she hit me…
I stumbled to the floor, hands over my head, knees tucked in my chest… with my aunt looming over me and shrieking as she continued to kick and smack.
Stop! Stop!! Stopp!! KAKASHI!!
I cried in pain as I tried to crawl away from her, only to have her pull my hair and drag me back to her.
My hair in a mess, tears streaming down my face, I crouched trembling at her feet, waiting for her stop.
It became quiet, as my aunt resumed her composure. I could hear her breathing heavily, as I pushed down loud sobs starting to escape from my throat.
“… you ingrate… you insignificant fool… How dare you meet with that boy, that bastard. HAVE YOU NO SHAME?! HAVE YOU NO REGRET OR REMORSE FOR YOUR FAMILY?!” my aunt screamed, as her words echoed through the house. “You disgrace your mother and father.”
Disgrace… disgrace my parents…? When…How…Why…
“I don't understand… What have I done to disgrace my parents…? I… don't understand…” I said in a soft, trembling voice, looking up at my aunt.
“Of course you wouldn't… you're a fool who is oblivious to anything and everything around you. You probably don't even know that your father was killed because of that man… that boy's father…”
I froze, my arms trembling as it supported my weight as I sat on the floor.
“How can you even look at that boy, knowing that he looks just like the man who killed your one and only father? Silver hair, dark eyes, a mask… how could you stand to even look at him… or worse, kiss that filthy bastard!!!” she screamed, with a disgusted look in her eyes.
I didn't know… I never knew he was… that he was his…son…?
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…I woke up to the sound of sobs in the night.
How utterly painful and anguished those sobs sounded to me, that I awoke due to the fear I had of ghosts.
The sobs sounded like those of a sorrowful ghost.
I crept downstairs and shivered as my bare feet touched the cold, wooden floors.
Everything seemed to be within a blue tint, as I looked out the window.
It had been raining ever since my father left with the tall, white-haired ninja…
“Anata…my love… I'm coming to you.”
“Okaa-san? Where are you going?”
“Don't worry Chiori, mommy is just going to be with daddy. Soon…”
I still remember me screaming as my mother looked back at me once more with her intense violet eyes and her long black hair streaming in the wind and rain… before she leaped off the steep cliff to her death.
… suicide…
…A letter…I fell to my knees as it read that my father was killed in action…
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I had vowed to get revenge on whoever killed my father, or anyone associated with him, that night…
Lies… all lies…Kakashi's father wasn't that man… he couldn't be… could he?
“Don't act so surprised, Chiori. I bet you knew all along! Okaa-san, Chiori's faking it! She knew… she even told me she knew. I heard her say it to my face.”
I jerked my head up to see Yumi, smirking by the stairs, leaning on the railing casually.
“What..? What are you talking about…?!”
“Oh, don't play innocent, Chiori! I saw both of you out there, with you practically all over that guy, Kakashi? Was that his name? Not too sure, since I would never be caught dead with the family enemy. Admit it, you guys probably looooveee each other… or should I say, LUST…?” chuckled Yumi with a smug grin on her face.
I felt my head get hot as my I dug my fingernails into the floor.
Suddenly, I lunged at Yumi, dragging her down the stairs by her hair and banging her head against the railing.
I was in a rage, screaming, as hot tears streamed down my face.
“LIAR! YOU LIAR!! HOW DARE YOU …!!” I screamed in a wild frenzy, kicking a squealing Yumi.
“Okaa-san!!! Okaa-sann!!!!” Yumi cried out, as I felt my aunt grab my hair and push me off of her daughter.
“What do you think you're doing you ingrate!! After I clothed you, fed you and sheltered you, this is how you repay your one and only family?!?! YOUR ONE AND ONLY COUSIN?! MY BELOVED DAUGHTER!! HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON HER!!” my aunt yelled, fire burning in her dark eyes.
“What the fuck! You're gonna regret that you little bitch!” Yumi shrieked, her face red as blood ran down her forehead.
Suddenly, my aunt harshly grabbed my arm as she dragged me outside into the road.
The neighbors suddenly began to peep their heads outside to see what the commotion was about.
My aunt, noticing, flashed them all a threatening stare, making the neighbors pull their heads back in and close their doors and windows.
My aunt, continuing to tug fiercely at my aching arm, dragged me down the road to the cliff at the end… the very cliff my mother jumped from.
Suddenly, I felt something cold hit my burning face as my aunt dragged me closer and closer to the cliff.
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“Don't worry Chiori, mommy is just going to be with daddy. Soon…” she said as she walked outside into the rain.
I couldn't stop her. It was as if she was in a trance. I tried to pull and tug at her gown, but she simply shoved me off into the mud. Tears mixed with rain ran down my face as I continued to tug and pull, but it was no use.
Suddenly, my mother stopped at the edge of a very high cliff, overlooking the ocean.
Wind blew at us, and I became frightened as I thought the strong wind would push my mother off the cliff.
I still remember me screaming as my mother looked back at me once more with her intense violet eyes and her long black hair streaming in the wind and rain… before she leaped off the steep cliff to her death.
I stood, eyes wide open, rain hitting my face like needles.
I had become an orphan that rainy night.
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It was happening all over again. I managed to avoid that dreaded cliff ever since I was 4 years old, until now.
In a matter of minutes… we were finally at the cliff.
I tried to crawl away but my aunt grabbed me harshly by the wrist again as I felt my knees slip from the slippery road.
The rain was hitting hard, and I was too tired to attempt escape.
I could barely move as my muscles ached from kicking and screaming.
Rain fell down at my face and drenched my hair and clothes, as I looked up at the cloudy, gray sky.
It's over…,I thought, as I felt myself being dragged near the edge of the cliff.
I could see the shadowy figure of my aunt looming over me, still holding her fierce grip on my wrist, twisting it as if meaning to break it off.
“I should have done this a long time ago… but I took pity on your wretched soul. You and my tramp sister were exactly alike… you both had everything. Beauty, charm and intelligence. But me? Oh no, not me… not the poor, ugly sister who had nothing going for her….
…your mother stole from me everything that I had ever desired. She had the man and daughter that she had always wanted, but I was left in the shadows. She took everything, so now I'm going to take away her one pride and joy…”
I looked at her with blurry eyes. I could barely stand up from the heavy weight of the rain on my body.
“…you.” She finished her sentence with a smirk, as I felt her kick my rib and fling me from the cliff.
For a second or two, I felt weightless… as if I were flying.
I couldn't open my eyes anymore… I was too tired. All I felt was a peaceful weightlessness as I began to plunge towards the deep ocean.
I won't be able to swim…I thought, I can't… my arms wont move…
So…I guess this is it then…
Suddenly, I saw something that seemed like every happy moment I had ever experienced flash before my eyes as I continued to fall.
My mother, my father, my childhood… my friends…all experiences with them flashed by rapidly… until it stopped…at a particular memory…
The one person who was ever there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on or a friend to laugh with…
“Konnichiwa, watashi no namae wa Hatake Kakashi des! Yoroshiku!”
(Hello, my name is Hatake Kakashi! Nice to meet you!)
“Ano…konnichiwa…” a 5-year old Chiori replied shyly.
“Anata no namae wa?” (And your name…?)
“…Chiori Sato des”
“Sayonara… Kakashi…” I said softly with my remaining energy as I felt myself plunge into the dark ocean…
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(“Name Unknown's Point of View)
I jerked my head towards the beach as I heard a large splash. It couldn't have been the rain… something must've fallen in. Probably a boulder or something…
I continued to head toward the cave I found a while ago holding a bundle of wood, until something in my head told me to see what fell into the ocean.
“Ahh… mann… Me and my gut feelings…” I said aloud as I turned to head back for the beach to investigate.
Damn, it's getting pretty chilly, I thought to myself as I tugged at my wet shirt. Releasing the bundle of wood I was carrying by the nearest tree, I removed my drenched shirt, squeezing the rain water out of it, flinging it around my shoulder.
Suddenly, I saw something floating near the beach as I got closer and closer.
A body…
My muscles tensed as I began running towards the water, finally reaching the beach.
“Hey!!! You alright!!?! HEYY!!!” I yelled across to the body, slowly starting to move further and further away from me.
Suddenly, my body froze as I realized the body was that of a fairly young girl.
I yanked the shirt off of my shoulder as I ran into the water, swimming as hard as I could towards the body.
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(Chiori's Point of View)
I suddenly felt a chill run through my body.
Am I dead…?
No… I feel hear someone's voice…
My body ached all over as it took almost all of my strength to flutter one eye open.
Slowly, my blurry vision began to clear as my stinging eyes focused on a young man's face, probably only a year or two older than I was.
Where am I…Who am I…? bah, I'm too tired to think…
His bare chest heaved up and down as his drenched brown hair fell over his dark blue eyes.
“Hey! You're awake! Are you alright?” his face full of concern for a total stranger.
I stared at him with half opened eyes for about 10 seconds, before I groaned and felt everything go black around me as I passed out…
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Hellooo… I think I update too fast… Do I have nothing to do? EXACTLY! Senioritis is getting to me… bleh…
Well, hope you like my chapter 3~ Leave comments, even just to say hi or something! I like getting comments… makes me feel special ^_^
Thanks for reading! BYEE~
(Will update soon… as usual xD )