Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Love Long Forgotten (KakashixOC) ❯ Long Awaited Reunion ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Chiori's Point of View)
Loki, you've grown a lot. From a 16 year old boy to a 24 year old young man, I've seen you mature like no other.
I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around Loki's shoulders and tightly embraced him. I felt hot tears run down my cheeks as I buried my face into his strong chest.
He had always made me feel so secure.
“Loki. You've been like an older brother to me, and I love you like a younger sister would. Thank you.” I said, pulling myself away from him, tears still running down my face.
“Raine, don't cry. You're only making this harder on me.”
“Hehe… well, I guess this is goodbye then.” Loki said softly, as he reached up and wiped a tear from my cheek, giving me a light kiss where it had been.
I turned slowly after letting go of his hand, and made my way through the snow, back pack firmly secured.
“I'll think of you on rainy days…” I thought I heard Loki say in the distance.
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Chapter 7: Long Awaited Reunion
(3rd Hokage Point of View)
“Kakashi, please come in.”
“Hai… sandaime”
Looking a bit paler than usual… don't tell me he's been fretting again.
“Kakashi. I'm aware that you and team 7 were, in a way, tricked into a B class mission yesterday… placing team 7's genin and yourself in some danger, which I am sure you handled.”
“Yes, Hokage-sama. That is correct. I will be submitting my report later this evening…”
“Ah… there is no time to rush. I know you've been forced to use your sharingan quite a bit for the last week… with helping on jounin A-class missions as well as with that surprise B-class one with Zabuza and Haku. Especially with the date… being that it is that day you lost Chi-… well I suppose you understand where I am going.”
I looked intensely into Kakashi's face… trying to figure out his expression. He was a mysterious ninja, indeed.
“Hokage-sama. I am a professional jounin. I do not feel that you need to give me a break for any circumstances, even for personal ones. I am able to carry out my duties as a jounin, and I don't plan on resting until I have met the requirements… I will not let feelings get in the way of a shinobi…” Kakashi replied with a deep, stern voice.
“…Hmm… Well, Kakashi. Then I believe I will give you a mission.”
“Yes sir.”
“Now this is an A-class mission I am presenting to you, and I expect you to fulfill the requirements to the fullest.”
“Of course, Hokage-sama”
“You will spend the next week off doing whatever you feel you need to do. Get some rest, have some time to yourself, and don't even think of trying to forget…”
Seeing the frown on Kakashi's face, I knew he would protest.
Cutting him off, I leaned over my desk and placed my hands over my mouth.
“Kakashi. You mustn't dwell on the past… but you mustn't forget it either. Chiori… she was special to you? If she was, you will be doing her a favor to visit her grave… especially on the day she passed. Love is a strong force, Kakashi. You must not, by all means, forget the meaning of it. Remember the love you felt for her… and remember it well, for it is what defines your very character…”
Kakashi's gaze went from the floor to my eyes. Then, standing upright, he bowed.
“Well, now Hatake Kakashi. I believe you have a mission to accomplish…”
Kakashi smirked under his mask before turning to leave the room.
“Ah… Kakashi. Do not forget to use this week wisely… I am not usually the type to give vacations this long… but I am making an exception for you since I know that you have finally passed a student… in fact, 3 students. I'm both impressed and surprised at your decision, and I expect to see more great things from team 7's Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, and especially… Uzumaki Naruto….
… well then, get going. I will expect a report by next week.”
I said, turning my chair around towards the window facing the monumental carvings of the Hokage's.
“Hai, Hokage-sama” replied Kakashi with his usual cheerful tone as he shut the door behind him.
Kakashi…I need your strength as a jounin, but I do not want it to stutter because of personal reasons. You have never let your emotions get the better of you during missions… but you are bound to one day, as all ninja have once in their lifetimes…
“Hmm… It seems like it will be raining soon…” I said out loud to myself, looking at the darkening sky outside my window.
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(Chiori's Point of View)
I finally made it through the forest and realized I was going to be entering Konoha grounds soon.
As the pathway cleared, I saw the faces of past Hokage's on large stones beginning to appear in the distance, although the fog obstructed my view of the village.
I could feel the rain beginning to start as the sky darkened to a light grey and dark clouds placed themselves over the sun.
I don't think I can hold out much longer… I've been traveling longer than I expected ever since I got lost in the forests of the Snow Country.
What is it now…10 days? So, I've gone 3 days without food…Can I make it there?
I suddenly felt my knees give away as I fell to the floor and slid a few feet down the muddy path, jamming my ankle on a sharp rock.
I couldn't even cry for help… my voice was almost gone.
I needed food and water badly…
“I'll collapse at this rate…” I whispered to myself, as I painfully gripped my ankle and pulled it away from the rock with a jerk.
“Ittai…” I winced, too fatigued to even let out a cry.
I felt hot tears stream down my face, as I pulled myself up to my feet and grabbed the trunk of a tree for support.
Will he be there?
What if he isn't…Did I make a mistake of coming here?
I don't know what to do… I'm so confused.
Why am here in the first place? Raine, Chiori, whoever you are… Why am I here?
I struggled to heave my back pack up onto my shoulder as I continued to make my way through the fog towards Konoha.
Please be there…whoever you are, silver haired man…
Suddenly, as I made it through the thick mist, I saw a large cliff overlooking the ocean that made my heart skip a beat.
Was that the cliff I fell from…? Impossible… How did I survive that?
It seemed to be about a mile away, and I knew I should start looking from there.
“Maybe it will lead to a clue as to who I am if I return to the place I was last before losing my memory…” I thought to myself.
It made sense. Maybe if I get nearer, my memory will return to me somehow… It's possible. Well, at least it's better than nothing. I should have a starting point.
But for now, all I could think of was walking straight and looking ahead, not letting my head droop.
I stumbled as I felt myself black out every now and then, swooning from side to side every time I did.
I can't lose… consciousness… now…
I'm almost …there… don't give up… keep moving…
My mind swirled as I quickly grabbed onto a branch for support. Pushing my long, straight hair out of my face, I lifted my head.
I looked and realized I was getting closer to the hill that led to the cliff than I had thought.
“You can make it, Chiori… All you have to do is get to the top…” I told myself aloud, as I gathered my last ounce of strength to push myself up the hill.
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(Sakura's Point of View)
Stretching my limbs after cleaning up the mess in my garage, I looked up at the sky and saw that it was going to be raining soon.
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“Why do I always think of her on rainy days…” Kakashi-sensei said, turning his face up to the cloudy sky, letting the rain hit his face as he closed his eyes.
“I know you're still out there somewhere… I can feel you, Chiori. You're just like the rain…”
Rain patter…
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“I'm still worried about Kakashi-sensei… he seemed so depressed today, just like the time I saw him next to the memorial stone. He's probably thinking about that girl Chiori again, since it does look like it's going to rain.
…Ahh~ SAKURA! Why can't you stop acting like such a drama queen girl for one second and stop minding other peoples businesses! Goodness, I'm such a weirdo…” I berated myself.
I guess, I'll take a walk and get some fresh air before it starts raining. I've been breathing dust all day long!
I grabbed my windbreaker and an umbrella just in case I get caught in the rain, and walked towards the cliff. It was the highest point in Konoha, so I could get the freshest breeze from there.
Sighing, I put on my windbreaker and walked towards the cliff.
“Why does it have to rain so much these days…?” I said aloud, continuing to walk down the road.
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(Chiori's Point of View)
I felt myself black out for about 10 seconds, and realized that I had fallen again on my now scraped and bloody knees. Sweat rolled down my forehead, but I shivered from the cold.
Suddenly, I realized that what I thought felt like sweat dripping from my face was actually rain.
Rain? Again…? Why is everything happening all at once… Why is everyth-
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It was happening all over again. I managed to avoid that dreaded cliff ever since I was 4 years old, until now.
In a matter of minutes… we were finally at the cliff.
I tried to crawl away but she grabbed me harshly by the wrist again as I felt my knees slip from the slippery road.
The rain was hitting hard, and I was too tired to attempt escape.
I could barely move as my muscles ached from kicking and screaming.
Rain fell down at my face and drenched my hair and clothes, as I looked up at the cloudy, gray sky.
It's over…,I thought, as I felt myself being dragged near the edge of the cliff.
I could see the shadowy figure looming over me, still holding her fierce grip on my wrist…
It's over…
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I jerked myself out of the vision, eyes wide open, fingers digging into the floor, body shivering from head to toe.
“What…What was that…? What just… happened? Wait… wait… I…”
Stuttering words out from my trembling lips, I felt the rain suddenly begin to pour down hard.
In a matter of seconds, I was drenched; hair, clothes and all… but I didn't care. All I cared about was what I had just seen.
Was that what happened? What that what had happened before I fell? How frightening… What happened to me that night?
I slowly raised myself up to my feet, pushing myself off of the ground carefully so I wouldn't black out again from the sudden rush of blood to my head.
It was slippery, but I carefully made my way through the path up the hill… I was only a few steps away from reaching the top.
As the curve of the hill began to bend and reveal the edge of the cliff, I squinted my eyes trying to focus on a small dark structure at the top.
I froze.
A tombstone… why is a tombstone here?
I felt a shiver run all throughout my body as I let my back pack slip from my shoulder and drop with a thud onto the wet floor.
Slowly and carefully making my way to the stone, I knelt down and reached my weary hand to touch the word etchings on its smooth, glass-like surface, now covered in small raindrops.
Hand trembling while trying to feel the etchings, trying to figure them out, I leaned in closer and focused on the letters…
Loving Daughter, friend, shinobi
May your beautiful soul
Rest in Peace
“What…? That's my name… that's, that's my… my na-…” my voice faded.
Everything seemed to black out as my hand slipped from the cold, wet stone, and I felt my limp body slump onto the floor.
But, before my vision could blur entirely, I saw a pink figure appear above me, shielding me from the rain.
Mumbled shouts… I couldn't hear them through the rain.
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(Sakura's Point of View)
As I neared the top of the cliff, a sudden downpour began, drenching me from head to toe before I could eve fumble to get my umbrella open.
“Ahh Mou!! What in the world?? When did it start raining so suddenly?! Gees, now I'm all soak-” I stopped myself and froze in position.
I focused on the edge of the cliff to see a young woman slouched in front of the Sato daughter's memorial stone, a pale hand seeming to slip from the top of it.
Oh my God…
I ran as fast as I could towards the seemingly injured woman and knelt down quickly to shield her form the hard-hitting rain.
“Hey… hey!! Ano… miss!! Are you alright?! Please!! Wake up!! Hey!!”
I exhaled my long held breath when I saw her flutter her eyes open a few times before closing them tiredly.
Beautiful, vibrant violet colored eyes…Amazing…
Snapping myself out of it, I yelled out to her.
“Miss! Pull yourself together!!” I said loudly, shaking her shoulders gently.
I looked around, starting to panic and not knowing what to do as I held this pale young woman on my lap.
“TASUKETE!!! TASUKETEE!!!! Somebody!!” I screamed in a panic as I felt the girl tense up in my arms, rain pouring fiercely all around us.
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(Kakashi's Point of View)
Watching the clouds close in on the sun, I realized it would probably be raining before I get to the cliff.
“Hmm… I wonder how Hokage-sama remembered that today was the day Chiori had passed? I guess he is more alert about personal issues that I thought…” I said, walking up the hill towards Chiori's memorial stone at the edge of the cliff, hands in pocket.
I felt the rim of my Come Come Paradise book in my pocket, but I knew this wasn't the time.
“Walking up this hill sure brings back a lot of memories, Chi.” I said, smiling under my mask as I thought of when we first met, when she first kissed me, when I started realizing I had feelings for her… the day I left…
If only you knew the way I felt about you
Suddenly, I felt a light drizzle turn in a heavy downpour as I neared the top of the cliff.
Releasing my left hand from my pocket, I raised it above my eyes onto my forehead to shield my eyes from the rain, although it wasn't really helping much. I felt my hair starting to droop over my forehead protector and over my eye as I continued my way up the hill.
Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice, and stood still in position.
“…tasukete!! Somebody!!” I heard a young girl's voice scream in the distance.
Muscles tensing and adrenaline beginning to pump, I broke into a run as I realized the girl's voice was that of Sakura's.
“Sakura!! SAKURA!!” I yelled out over the pounding of the rain, running as fast as I could up the hill, slipping now and then on the wet road.
Wet hair falling limp over my eyes, Panting and chest heaving, I pulled myself up to the top of the cliff to see Sakura holding the body of a girl on the floor in front of Chiori's stone, her face hidden under the pink umbrella.
The young pink haired girl whipped her head around to face mine, only to reveal a face full of fear and panic, eyes puffy with tears.
“Kakashi-sensei!” she cried, a tone of utter relief in her voice.
“Sakura! What happened?!” I said, quickly rushing over to her, gently pushing her away from the limp body as I replaced Sakura's trembling arms with mine under the limp girl's head.
“Kakashi-sensei… I… I just found her here, kneeling over the stone, until she collapsed. She was saying something about her name… something about her name…I don't know, I was frightened so I called out for help and you-”
Suddenly, I felt the girl on my lap stir and open her eyes slowly and wearily, revealing a familiar shade of intense violet that I had only seen in the eyes of one other…
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With the horizon fading and the bright moonlight hitting the curves of her perfect profile, I realized how unique and beautiful she was.
Her long, dark eyelashes rested upon her creamy white cheeks, while her long, straight black hair fell over her shoulders, with a couple of strands escaping over her eyes.
Her nose was thin and straight, slightly turned up at the tip, and her perfectly shaped lips were pale, with a slight tint of pink.
“Don't peek…” I said to her as I saw her left eye fluttering open, revealing the most beautiful and intense shade of violet eyes. There was also a small beauty mark under her left eye that made her stand out even more. How unique…
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“Chiori…” I said, half gasping it, half whispering it. My voice was caught in my throat, and I felt a pang in my chest as if someone had just punched me and knocked the wind out of my lungs.
It cant be… can it?
Is it really you? Chiori, Is it really you?!
“Kakashi sensei…? Are you alright? You look like you've just seen a ghost… Kakashi sensei?” Sakura said, realizing my reaction.
The girl had a striking resemblance to that of Chiori from 8 years ago from when she was only 13 years old. Her features were more mature and even more beautiful, with her long, shiny black hair sprawled all over my arms and some strands escaping over her eyes matted onto her face from the rain… her beautiful violet eyes shaded by her dark eyelashes… staring at me…
Her pale, thin trembling hand suddenly reached up and rested on my jawline as the corner of her lips slightly turned up to form a tired smile.
“It's you… the man in my dreams…” she said in a soft, almost incoherent voice.
No, it cant be.
You're dead… you died 8 years ago…stop haunting me already…
“Stop haunting me!! STOP HAUNTING ME ALREADY!!” I heard myself say aloud, my voice echoing.
“Kakashi-sensei! What's the matter with you?!” cried Sakura, stepping back a step alarmed and frightened.
I raised the girl up more towards my face with more force than I had intended and shook her.
“Who are you?! You're not her… you can't be… Chiori died 8 years ago. Don't tell me that you are!! DON'T LIE TO ME!! Tell me who you really are!!! TELL ME !!”
I said, feeling my muscles tense all around my body as I held this familiar girl in my arms.
Looking at me with sad eyes, the girl never let her hand off my face. Instead, she caressed me with such warmth and kindness, I felt myself melt.
“I don't know… I'm sorry. I don't remember anything. But I know I belong here… because I saw you before… I knew you before… long ago. I don't understand how I know, but I do… I'm sorry if I hurt you… whoever you are…” she said with trembling lips, her voice starting to return, tears filling her beautiful eyes and falling down her pure, white cheeks.
My head hurt, my chest hurt, my arms hurt… everything seemed to ache when she spoke those tear-filled words, looking at me with those sad eyes.
Only one word came to mind…
She doesn't remember at all… but she recognizes me…
Without thinking, I pulled Chiori closer to my chest and embraced her with every ounce of strength I had left, burying my masked face into her neck.
I could feel her arms slowly wrapping around my back as she leaned her head against my shoulder, hot tears beginning to run down her cheeks and land on my shirt.
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(Sakura's Point of View)
I watched the two embrace each other passionately, until I realized the rain had stopped.
A ray of sunshine peeked through a hole in the clouds, showering its bright light on Konoha's rooftops.
I've never seen Kakashi so… vulnerable before. He always had a nonchalant air about him, coolly waving things off and joking about everything… This was a side of my cool, lazy teacher that I have never seen…
This girl, Chiori, must be that much more important to him… enough to have him reveal such a rare side of himself…
Smiling, I lowered my umbrella and closed it.
I had a feeling it wouldn't be raining much anytime soon.
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whew… finally they're together ;]
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Kakashi will be more like himself in the next few… so don't worry~ hehe x]
Feel free to leave comments <3