Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Masked Love ❯ Ch VI-the bet ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Masked Love
by: Meisaroku Makou

Prolouge-Inside the mind of Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke-
'As I look at these young teens, in and out of my section I see
many crushes and romance between them...
even if some of them don't show it.....Sakura crushing on Sasuke....
Sasuke doesn't like back though.....Naruto crushing on Sakura.....
Sakura not like back though either.....Hinta crushing on Naruto
and Naruto not even knowing......but is their anyone out there for me?
Will I ever find my true person to spend the rest of my days with?
I don't want to live my life alone....I can't.....'---Kakashi

' I have spent most of my days alone by that good? I really do not have
any friends....if don't count the insane fangirls...Sakura included....I must work hard on
my studies and become the best. Better than Naruto even. But after I do what will my
life be then....? What should I do......................'--Sasuke
Ch I-New Teacher, New Student-

Kakashi came to his section right on time today, ready with a lesson. As he walked up
to them, he saw, the usual Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke bickering (More Sakura
and Naruto...Sasuke was ignoring it all). " Whoa whoa down
now team, whats all the yelling for?" Kakashi asked. 'Why do I even'll
probably something like *Oh Naruto keeps picking on poor Sasuke* or *Sasuke is
being a jerk* or whatnot...' "Naruto is being a pain again, Kakashi-sensei!" growled the
oh-so-ever tempermental Sakura. 'My point exactly...' thought Kakashi, sighing.
"B-b-but I was--" Naruto tried to explain himself.
"No need Naruto." Kakashi interupted. "You all need to GET ALONG. Do you hear me?
This is insane...all the time I come in the morning
and find you all bickering with each other.
Now either get along with each other or I will have to punish you. And you all know that
I punish hard." All three of them remembered passed events. "Yes Kakashi-san"
Sakura bowed her head in obeyment. Naruto did the same. "Now we have a great
lesson for you all today--" "Excuse me Kakashi, the Hokagai would like to see you in for
a school meeting." one of the teachers came up to Kakashi and told him.
"For what? I'm in the middle of a lesson." Kakashi said. "There's a new teacher and a
new student joining the acadamy." said the teacher. "Oh I see, well we will be there in
a few minutes." Kakashi said. "Yes sir" bowed the teacher as headed off to gather up
more sections. " A new teacher? A new student?" Naruto blinked. "What's all this
about?" "I'm just as confused as you are, Naruto. Come, we must go." Kakashi said.
The whole group follow Kakashi into the acadamy and into the assembely hall.

As the whole school got into their seats, the Hokagai spoke. "Welcome all, today
I would like you to meet a new student that will be joining you and a new teacher
joining the staff of the acadamy. My young warriors, I would like you to meet Ms. Taeko
Nikatawa and new starter Anna Nikatawa." he said introducing the woman and the lady
standing next to him on stage. They both took a bow and waved as the crowd of
students clapped respectively. Kakashi-san took a look at Taeko, and almost fainted.
He blushed hotly, his heart was beating. He had never seen someone as beautiful as
her in his life. 'I must meet her!' he thought good and hard. Ms. Taeko Nikatawa was
a pale blond-headed green eyed young woman, about 22. She had a perfect figure, not
too skinny and not too fat. You could barely tell her expressions because she wore a
ninja mask like Kakashi's. Anna Nikatawa was her spitting image, except for the mask
and the fact that she was only 14. Sasuke opened his eyes and looked up at Taeko,
then to Anna for about 30 seconds and the closed his eyes again.

"Ms. Taeko will be joining Iruka's section as their second teacher, and Ms. Taeko's
sister will be joinging Kakashi's section." The Hokagai announced. Sakura
and Naruto were shocked, but Sasuke merely opened his eyes again.
He faced Taeko and Anna. " We hope you enjoy it here, two young misses!"
The assembly ended and everyone left the buidling and back outside with their
sensei's. Except for Iruka and Kakashi's group.
" Ms. Taeko, this is Iruka, you will be joining his group." the Hokagai said.
"How do you do Taeko-san?" Iruka greeted Taeko. "Hello." Taeko bowed her head and
responded to Iruka in a sweet way. To Kakashi, her voice sang to him like a thousand
doves...He blushed again and swollowed hard. " Ms. Taeko this is Kakashi's group,
where your younger sister will be joining." Taeko looked over and saw Kakashi. He
looked into her eyes and still blushed. She nodded. "Ms. Anna," Kakashi spoke up, in
sort of a nervous tone, trying to impress the new teacher by being polite to her younger
sister. "This is Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. My group. I find it that you will enjoy your
stay with us." "Hey hows it going!" Naruto greeted Anna in his normal fasion that he
would do any good person. " Hey, I'm Sakura." Sakura smiled. Sasuke did not speak.
Kakashi gave him a nudge with his elbow. " Hello, I'm Sasuke. Nice to meet you."
As he spoke, she felt as Kakashi did to Taeko. She fell right in love. She blushed and
smiled. "Hello everyone."
"Well, we must not stay here all day, now that we all know each other, teachers must
take their group to teach their lesson for today." the Hokagai instructed.
"Yes sir" obeyed the teachers. Taeko walked down the stage of the steps to Iruka's
group, as Anna just jumped off. Iruka and his group headed for the door to the right, and
Kakashi and his group headed to the south of the assembly hall. Taeko turned to Anna.
"Be good." Taeko ordered. Anna scoffed. "You sound like mom. You know I will Taeko."
Taeko just glared at her then waved and followed Iruka out the door. Anna went with
Kakashi's group.

As Kakashi and the others went out, the three of them (plus Anna) talked. "So, Anna,
do you know any good moves?" Naruto asked. "Well, I do know some. At my old school
in China we studied hard on all kinds of moves." Anna responded. Naruto looked at her
with a suprising look. " You come all the way from CHINA?!?!" he exclaimed. "Yes I do."
Anna smiled. "but my sister and I had studied the japanese culture and language for
many years on end, we had to just in case we had to leave China."
"What do you mean?" asked Sakura.
"Well, we couldn't handle the life in Hong Kong. And we learned the japanese language
because we made a promise that in case we moved away, we would go to Japan. So
that's why." Anna said.
" Oh I see..." Sakura said. " What was life like in China?"
"Its nothing more than what Japan is." Anna shrugged. " Except for the big wall across
it" she laughed. Naruto laughed as well. "You know your pretty cool Anna, I'm glad you
got put into our group." "Thanks! I guess we friends already?" Anna smiled as she
asked. "Beilive it!" Naruto smiled and showed the victory sign.

Ch II-Meeting her

Later on through the weeks, Kakashi thought more and more about Taeko. But couldn't
get the chance to meet her.

The weekend strolled by and school was closed. Kakashi hoped that he would have
any teacher-like things to do. To his suprise, he checked and he didn't.
He got Ms. Taeko's address and went over to her house. It wasn't like the ones that
you would see today, Ms, Taeko and Anna had lived in a old-fasion japanese house.
Kakashi came to the house in minutes. He entered onto their property and to the door.
He breathed heavily once. "Okay can do this...." he said to himself.
He inhaled, knocked on the door and then exhaled. ' I hope I don't screw this up'
he thought despritly. Someone was opening the door. That someone happend to be
Anna. "Hello Anna-chan, is Ms. Taeko home?" he asked peeking inside. "Hello
Kakashi-sensei. Yes she is, come right in!" She let him in.
Kakasha did so and entered into the house. He looked around. Things of past history
of China and Japan were in the house. Such as old fasion furniture and artifacts.
"Wow, your house is exquisite." Kakashi complimented " Are these from China that
you brought on your way here?"
"Some, just the chinese stuff. We found and bought the japanese stuff. Taeko loves the
old-school way of life. Just look at our house!" she laughed. " It's all over here. We do
also have modern-day stuff as a t.v. or computer...but she justs loves to collect these
" I see that..." Kakashi said almost dazing off. " Umm (he woke came back to attention)
anyways Anna, may I ask where your older sister is?"
" Oh yeah, let me show you." Anna said " Follow me."
Kakashi did so. They went over to her room.
"Taeko-chan you have a visitor." Anna said knocking on the door
of her sister's bedroom. She faced her teacher. "She'll be out in one minute Kakashi-
sensei." she told him. "Thank you" Kakashi thanked Anna. Anna walked off back into
the living room. Taeko opened the door, suprised to see Kakashi. "Well hello, Kakashi
is it....?"
"Yes, I am the teacher of your sister's section." Kakashi said.
"Oh, is this about her? What did she do?" Taeko said a little worried.
" Oh no, not at all Taeko-san, I was just wondering if I could talk with you for a few
minutes?" Kakashi requested.
Taeko smiled friendily. "Alright." She allowed him into her room, he did so enter.
She offered him a seat, he took it and sat down. Her room
was just like the rest of the house, but not one modern thing to be found.
"So, Kakashi, what was it you wanted to talk with me about?" Taeko asked.
Kakashi was a bit nervous. " I, um...I was and your sister are new
at the to the continent in fact, and I was just thinking....would you like
to come and have dinner with me at a restraunt sometime?" he asked.
Taeko was suprised at the question he had asked her. " Oh, mister Kakashi. That is so
generous of you....uh..are you asking me out on a date?" she asked.
" Yes. Sorta. Maybe. A little?" he blurted out a bit.
" Oh," she looked down at her feet and blinked. " That is very sweet of you,....but maybe
some other time?" She looked back up to him. Kakashi felt a little bit disappointed.
" Oh, okay. My Appologies." he bowed his head.
"It's not going to be a problem is it?" she asked.
"No not at all. Another time prehaps is...a good idea." he said. " Good day Ms Taeko."
And without another word, Kakashi left her room and her house and to his own.

Ch III-At a Field-

Sasuke spent his weekend practicing all his moves and work. He practice good and
hard in the fields by the acadamy. It was Sunday morning, about 6:00am. Anna also
came early because she heard from Naruto that he does like to come early, so she
hoped to catch him by comeing early as well. She didn't find him in the school building.
So looked out in the field and did so find him. She walked over to where he was. He
saw her comeing. She saw that he caught her comeing. " Hey...I'm--" "--Anna I know.
What are you doing here so early?" Sauske finished for her then asked. " I was just
going to ask you the same question." Anna said shyly. " I come here and train before
school." he told her. "Oh, I see...well umm (she cleared her throat purpously) before
school does start.....would you like to hang out with me and have a bit of breakfast?"
Anna asked. "I have to train, sorry." Sasuke said refusing. "Well, will one day without
training kill you?" she asked him. "Techiniclly no, but if i don't train I won't know how to
do the things that Kakashi tries to tell us to do. And if I can't beat my opponents, yes, it
might kill me." he told her. "Thats what teachers are for. They teach you your moves
and I don't think one day is going to be a pain." Anna smiled She reached and grabbed
for his hand. "Hey--No!" Sasuke tried to stop. But Anna pulled hard on his hand and
took him into town. "Come on Sasuke-kun it won't be that bad!" Anna laughed.

CH IV-Breakfast Shoppe-

They came to a small little breakfast cafe in town called 'The Breakfast Shoppe'.
It was 6:30am and they were opened. Sasuke and Anna entered they cafe, They
both got a table away from everyone next to a window. "What would you like to have
for breakfast?" Anna asked Sasuke. "Nothing. I already have breakfast and I need to
train!" Sasuke told her. "Will you get your mind off school for one measely second and
enjoy just 10 minutes of life?" Anna looked at him with a your-so-hopeless-sometimes-
you-know-that-don't-you? look. Sasuke sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine.....10 minutes
and thats all." he gave in. "Trust me, you'll enjoy a nice cup of coffee and a doughnut."
Anna said smiling. She went up to the service counter and ordered two coffees, and
four glazed doughnuts. After she got her order, she went to her and Sasuke's table
She got her food and gave Sasuke his. "Thanks..." Sasuke mumbled. "Your welcome"
Anna smiled at him. There was a bit of a silence between them. Then Sasuke decided
to break it. " come from Hong Kong?" he asked. Anna looked up at him
"Mmhmm" she replied still eating a bit of her doughnut. " was tough for us and some personal reasons...." Anna said " Then Taeko and I decided to
move here." "Uh huh..." Sasuke said sipping a bit of his coffee. "So why did you guys
decide to move here?" he asked. "We just heard alot of good stuff about Japan and we
moved my sisters OBSESSED with the Chinese and Japanese culture.
Gawd, you should see our house it's PLASTERED with Chinese and Japanese
artifacts." she said with a chuckle. Sasuke gave a soft smile and a soft chuckle that
was barely audible. "That's intresting...I'm.....also a little bit into the Japanese culture. I
like artifacts and old art too...."
"Really? Thats cool. I think it's old-school, but it is still pretty awesome." Anna agreed.
"Hmm...." Sasuke took another sip of his coffee. Then after he asked another question,
"How'd you know I like it black?"
"What do you mean?" Anna asked.
"The coffee. I like it black, how'd you know?" Sasuke asked.
"Oh, didn't know, lucky guess...?" She chuckled nervously. " I like it black too"
Sasuke chuckled also. This is the happiest Sasuke has been in a while.

20 or 30 minutes later Sakura and Naruto came down the streets of Tokyo trying to find
Sasuke. "Where could Sasuke be? He's NEVER late for class..." Naruto said. 'Tch,
why do I care? He's the one that'll get in trouble. Nyeahah!' he thought.
"Oh...I hope he's alright." Sakura said.
"He Sasuke would be in any trouble." Naruto said.
They walked and walked, then Naruto spotted Sasuke through a window. "Hey! There
he is in the Breakfast Shoppe....with Anna?"
"Huh?" Sakura turned around and saw Sasuke as well. She saw him and Anna having
a bit of a good time eating breakfast. "W-w-w-w-what is Sasuke-kun doing with Anna?"
" I dunno lets go check it out." Naruto said.
"No Naruto. We gotta get them and get back to school before Kakashi-san punishes
us!" Sakura told him.
"Aww come on Sakura, Kakashi-sensei will understand." Naruto tried to presude her.
"Rrrr.....fine". They both snuck over and spied on Sasuke and Anna. They went over
into the Breakfast Shoppe. They hid behind people, tables and plants. They tried getting
as close as possible.
"I can't hear them." Sakura whispered to Naruto.
" Yeah me neither....come on." Naruto said.
Sakura followed Naruto into the back of the restraunt. They both disquised themselves
as a diffrent gender. Naruto changed into his typical cutie pie, long haired blondie. It
was Sakura's first time changing into a diffrent gender. She had turned into a buff
17 year old pink short haired guy.
"Alright," Naruto said. "We can't get get that close to us or Sasuke might spot us. He
knows what we....well I look like as a diffrent gender so we got to get to a table a little
but not that much, close to Sasuke and Anna."
"Right. Let's go." Sakura said.
They both went over to a place two tables down from Sasuke and Anna.
" So Sasuke, can you tell me a little about yourself? " Anna asked.
"......." Sasuke didn't say anything. " Alot of my life is personal....I rather not talk about
" I see." Anna nodded. " Well thats alright....alot of stuff that happend to me is also
personal so I understand."
Sasuke nodded and took his cup of coffee and finished it. " Anna?"
She had just took antoher bite of her doughnut "Hmm?"
"I've.....ectually enjoyed this...I really don't have much friends....." Sasuke said
Anna swollowed the bite of doughnut. " Really? What about Naruto and Sakura?" she
"Them? They're not my friends.....Naruto is my worst enemy about right now in the aca
-damy and Sakura is just one of my rabid fangirls..." Sasuke said a bit harshly.
Naruto and Sakura heard every word and were shocked at what he said. More Sakura..
"The nerve of that guy..." Naruto said. " Even though we are enemies he should say
"........'rabid fangirl'?" Sakura repeated Sasuke. She sighed sadly. She then got up and
left crying.
"Sakura wait!" Naruto tried to stop her.
"Huh? Naruto??" Sasuke turned around. He saw the still manly-like Sakura leave and
the ever-so-girly-looking Naruto still at the table. Naurto saw Sasuke's eyes on him.
"Uh oh. Busted." Naruto said to himself caught.
" NARUTO! What are you doing here!?!?!" Sasuke exclaimed getting up.
" Shit!" Naruto cursed and ran out of the building. Sasuke saw Naruto leaving.
" That was Naruto and Sakura??? Naruto looked a bit girly and Sakura a bit old and
tough-looking." Anna said confused.
" Long story short: they have the ability to change genders to disquise themselves."
Sasuke said.
"Oh. Why'd they do that?" Anna asked.
" To spy on us." Sasuke said glareing out the door. He checked the clock. They were
late, by this time they'd be half done with their first lesson. " Damn! Were late for
school!!" Sasuke exclaimed. Anna looked over at the clock. " Oh no, we got caught up
too much we lost track of time." Anna said worried.
" Come on." Sasuke said. He reached into his pocket and put a few bucks down on
the table.
Sasuke and Anna left without a word and headed fast to the acadamy.

CH V-Sunset-

Sasuke and Anna got to the acadamy in less than 15 minutes. They got their equitment
and went over to their section.
" S-sorry we were having breakfast and lost track of the time." Anna apologized to
Kakashi-sensei panting from all the running she and Sasuke did
"Lesson One's over you two. Your way late." Kakashi stared at them both."And we have
some talking to do about you four."
"What...kind of talking....sir?" Sasuke also panted.
" Seems like Sakura got her feelings hurt by you Sasuke. What did you say?"
Kakashi asked in a stern tone of voice.
" I have no idea what your saying Kakashi-sensei." Sasuke denying of Sakura's
" In the Breakfast Shoppe in town when you were with Anna?" Kakashi tried to help him
remember. Even though he thought he was lying about not knowing.
Sakura's eyes were puffy and red from crying. Naruto was glareing at Sasuke angrily
for hurting Sakura's feelings.
" Oh well, I was having a private conversation with Anna there, and I caught Sakura and
Naruto spying on us." Sasuke pointed at them.
Kakashi faced Naruto and Sakura "Is this true?" he asked them.
"We were only trying to find out what Sasuke was doing with Anna when we were sent
to find him for being late for class." Naruto tried giving him an excuse.
" So you were spying on them?" Kakashi said
"Yes sir" Sakura confessed.
" Well all that I have to say is that what goes between any of you four's conversations is
strictly none of each other's business but your own. I can't actually punish Sasuke for
what he said unless he did say it to Sakura and Naruto's face. I want you all to get
along. Do I make myself clear?" Kakashi explained
" Yes sir" the four ninja acadamy students said in obeyment.
" And if you two are ever late again, I will have to give you punishment, and since it's
been your first few days here Anna, I let you off with a warning. But Sasuke, you have
been here since day one and you know better. You've never been late for class, not
even once." Kakashi told Sasuke and Anna.
"Yes sir" they both obeyed.
" Now onto Lesson Two..........."

At the end of the day, everyone went home. Except for Sasuke and Anna that is.
Sasuke standed ontop of the acadamy's roof watching the sunset go down. Anna saw
him on the roof and followed him up there.
"Hello....?" Anna called to him softly.
Sasuke turned his head and saw Anna with the side of his eye. " Hey......" he
" Look, I'm sorry that I got you in trouble today, I just wanted to have a good time and
make friends with you, you know? I hope your not too mad....." Anna apologized, feeling
a bit guilty.
" I'm not mad......many people think that I'm some cold hearted piece of shit. But I'm
not....I only act like it. I've had a very tough past.....and alot of people just annoy me.
I mean Sakura is a nice girl.....Naruto is just.....well Naruto. But they really just get on
my nerves." Sasuke said. " It's like what I said in the Breakfast Shoppe, you've been
my only friend so far in life Anna."
Anna blushed. She wanted to tell Sasuke how she really felt...but she just couldn't
get the words out.
'Come on Anna can do this.....tell him how you really feel toward him! This is
your chance!!' Anna told herself in her head. 'Or maybe he just wants to be friends...he
probably doesn't want someone to love.....maybe just a really good friend.'
" I don't......think that your cold-hearted at all Sasuke. Just stubborn at times. (she
chuckled.) I think your a great friend too."
She walked slowly over to Sasuke to his side. She looked to him and smiled. He smiled
softly as well. She blushed a little bit.
Then after 5 minutes she sat down and looked at the sunset.
" Oh.....that sunset is beautiful isn't it?" Anna said.
"Yeah....." Sasuke said softly.
He then sat down next to her. She moved a little toward him. She then slipped her hand
over ontop of his. Sasuke felt it and blushed a little bit.
'Maybe I'll tell him later on........'Anna thought 'This wasn't the best time after all....'

Little did they know that Sakura had watch them ever since school had ended and
followed them onto the roof........

Ch VI-The bet

The following week there was a tornoment. You can challenge anyone and have to
make the final cut before entering the tornoment.
" Hello group! How are you all today?" Kakashi asked his section.
"Alright today Kakashi-san!" Anna said peppily
" I can't wait for the tornoment to come!! I'm so gonna make the final cut!!!" Naruto
said eagarly.
" That is if you can find anyone to challenge and if they accept." Sasuke said.
"Cram it Sasuke." Naruto glared at his enemy. Sakura didn't even bother to stick up for
" What's today lesson sir?" Anna asked.
She loved to fight. And she was always willingly to learn every lesson that Kakashi gave
" Well today, there is no lesson. Not one section has a lesson. All the sections must
find someone to challenge for the tornoment." Kakashi said.
" What if, when you do get someone to challenge and you don't make the final cut?"
Sakura asked.
" Then they'll just be part of the audience when the tornoment comes, but the Hokagai
says for everyone find someone to at least challenge." Kakashi answered.
" I see......" Sakura said looking at Anna.
" When do we start looking for someone?" Anna asked.
" When the first bell rings....which would right"
Kakashi said.
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNG!! went the school bell. He was right.
All the groups began to go look for someone to challenge. Naruto......of course challen
-ged Sasuke. Sasuke sighed and rolled his eyes. " No."
" Why not?" Naruto growled.
"Because I just end up beating your butt anyway Naruto. It gets old." Sasuke said.
" I'm going after Gaara."
" What?!?!?!" Naruto exclaimed. " Why you little--!!"
" Calm down Naruto. You'll probably be paired with him in the tornoment after his battle
with Gaara." Kakashi told him.
" Oh I see." Naruto understood. He chuckled sinesterly.
Sakura went over to Anna. " Anna? Can I talk to you?" she asked.
" Sure Sakura." Anna said
They went over far away from the boys.

"Okay what I wanted to say is........" Sakura said trailing off.
"Yeah Sakura?" Anna said
'She's such a nice girl.......but still it's the only way to keep her away from my Sasuke-
".......What I wanted to say is....Stay away from Sasuke." Sakura got it out.
"What do you mean Sakura?" Anna asked a bit worrried.
" I mean is that stay away from him!! He's mine!!!!!" she yelled toward her. " He's my...
...boyfriend!!" (Sakura always wanted to say that)
" No he isn't. He doesn't even like you. At all. He thinks your a 'rabid fangirl'" Anna
told her looking at Sakura like she was pathetic.
" Yes he is!!" Sakura lied.
" Alright you know what, I can't stand liars. He's not into you and he's not even your just stop kidding yourself." Anna said.
" Thats it. I challenge to the ninja acadamy tornoment!!" Sakura challenged Anna.
" I accept!" Anna shot at her. " But let's make this a little more intresting shall we?
In the tornoment if we make the cut and get to fight in it, who ever wins gets Sasuke
and whoever loses will stay away from him."
" Deal." Sakura accepted by putting out her hand to shake Anna's. Anna spat in her
glove then put out her arm. She smirked as she saw the expression on Sakura's
face. Sakura looked at Anna in disqusted.

Ch VII-Sakura vs Anna-

The next few weeks the tornoment had rolled around. About 1/4 of the school made the
cut. Sasuke was going against Gaara.....Naruto was going against Tenten (of all people)
......Sakura was going against Anna.
Kakashi sat up in the audience with the rest of the teachers. He saw Taeko sitting by
a few students. He decided to join her.
He sat down, but chuckles nervously and scratched the back of his head. " Eheh hello"
Taeko looked over to her side where Kakashi was. " Oh hello Kakashi." she smiled.
" So any of your kids fighting?" Kakashi asked
"Yes in fact Ino is. She wanted to fight that Sakura-girl in your group but she was already
fighting another one of your own so she went up against Ms. Hinata." Taeko said.
"Thats a first, Sakura backing down from a challenge from Ino." Kakashi chuckled.
"What do you mean?" Taeko asked.
" Well, you see, Ms. Ino and Ms. Sakura have this crush on Sasuke, one of my students
in my section. And they've been total rivals ever since....forever. Trying to get Sasuke's
attention. But all's that seems to get Sasuke's attention is your younger sibling Anna."
Kakashi explained.
"That's not hard to beilive...Anna's told me all about Mr. Sasuke. She told me about her
crush on him. But Sasuke only seems to her like they just want to be friends." Taeko
" Yeah, I guess that explains why Sakura and Anna are fighting in the tornoment against
each other." Kakashi said.
"Mmhmm" Taeko agreed.

An announcer came out and spoke to everyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the very first ninja acadmy tornoment! Today we
will be see students from the acadamy battle it off to see all that they learned so far in
the whole school year. The winner of this acadamy will win the 5,000,000,000,000
yen prize and the trophey." the announcer said. " The tornoment will begin in a matter
of minutes." He went through a door and into a room of some sort.

"I wonder IF Sakura and Ino will be paired up..." Kakashi said.
" too." Taeko agreed.

The announcer came back into the room with a piece of paper. " Ladies and gentlemen
the first battle will begin with Team 8's own Shino and Maito Gai's student Neji!"

"Hmmm....Shino and Neji....what a odd challenge." Kakashi said.

Shino came out one door that lead to the fighters room to the ring and Neji came out
the other door across from the one Shino came out.

" At the count of three I want you both to come out fighting." The announcer ordered.
" 1......2.....3!" Then the announcer quickly got out of the ring and them both fight.

The battles last on and on and on. Sasuke won his fight with Gaara and Naruto won his
fight as well, Ino too.
It finally got to Sakura and Anna's battle.

" Round 21, Team 7's own Sakura and Team 7's new student Anna Nikatawa!" the ann
-ouncer said.

Sakura came out the door that Neji did and Anna came out the one that Shino did.

"Ready fighters?" the announcer asked the both of them.
"Ready." Sakura scowled at Sakura.
"I was born ready!" Anna scowled back.


The announcer got out of the way and Sakura and Anna went at it.

Ch VIII-Sakura vs Anna (pt 2)

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyaaaaaaaaaah!!" Sakura gave a warcall as she tried roundhouse kicking
Anna in the face. But Anna caught Sakura's kick and threw her leg back. Anna started
to throw punches at her, it was like a thousand at a time comeing at her. She blocked
alot of them, but she got socked hard. Sakura went flying back. She landed down on
her back. After a minute she got up, and Anna gave the come-get-this hand gesture.
Sakura growled and wiped the blood from the side of her mouth. She charged toward
Anna and hit her straight on the nose. Anna went back. Blood came from her injury on
her nose. She then held her nose for a minute.
" Damn Sakura, you pack a punch!" Anna laughed.
" There's more where that came from bitch!!" Sakura growled.
'All that I have to do is throw her out of the ring and I get Sasuke all the myself.' Anna
Anna used the Shadow Clone move.
Over 1000 Annas surrounded Sakura.
" Yeah!! Go Anna!!!! " cheered Taeko along with alot more people.
But then there were also people that cheered on Sakura as well.

Sakura was in a dilema. She had no idea what to do in this kind of situation. She had
never been in a fight that dealt with Shadow Clones.

" What to do, what to do. Eh Sakura-chan?" Anna said toying with her opponent

'Which one's the real thing?' Sakura asked herself in her mind.

She focused hard on the auras around meant fake and red meant real.

Then in a matter of minutes the Shadow Clones and Anna herself started to attack.
Sakura got the reading, Anna was right behind her!

Sakura twirled around and went straight for the real Anna.
She chuckles sinesterly. " There you are!"
Sakura jumped up and hit her square in the stomach.
"Oooooof!!" Anna fell back and her clones disappeared in clouds of smoke.
"Oww.." Anna groaned in pain a bit.
"HELL YA!! Beat that BITCH!" Sakura gloated.

She got right back up, Sakura then charged at her and speared her, trying to get her
out of the ring, but Anna got and leaped up before she could.

" Oh yeah you wanna play like that eh? Try this on for size!!" Anna said useing the
Genjustsu attack.
A thousand animal (illusions) started to attack Sakura.
" EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!" screamed Sakura. She tried blocking herself from
getting "hurt"
The animal illusions went through her as they stampeded.
Anna pointed and laughed at Sakura's frighten expression. As soon as Sakura knew
what was going on, she then said. " You think that's funny? Laugh at this!"
" Fire Fists!" Sakura summoned a move.
She made some hand movesments. Then summoned her move "Flaming Arrow!!"
A huge fire shaped into a arrow came bursting toward Anna.

"Anna look out!!!!!!!!" Taeko warned her.

Anna was still laughing, she didn't know what was going on until Taeko warned her.
"Huh?" she came back into realizing what was going on.
The Flaming Arrow almost hit her but then she dodged it just in time and went out of
the ring.
"Time for some old Chinese tricks..." Anna smirked to herself.

" Tao-Chai-Doun-Chi! Form of the Rat!!" summoned Anna.

A burst of purple smoke surrounded Anna, then when it cleared out, everyone saw that
Anna had turned into some huge rat creature! The audience was amazed. Sakura
screeched! Then.....Anna roared, then attacked Sakura with one hit of her tail.
Sakura went flying back, almost out of the ring, she was close.....then Anna heard a voice
in her head. It was Taeko's.
' Anna! Don't use the Form Of The Rat move!' Taeko's voice told her.
Anna looked over to Taeko. She was looking directly at her.
' Why? She's so close to being out of the ring and then I'll win!' Anna said
'Because the Tao Chai Doun Chi move is a killer...literally! It's a move you use against
enemies who are trying to really destroy you. I know you wanna win with this move
but use something else okay?' Taeko explained.
' Ok your right. I'll think of something else...' Anna agreed

Another purple cloud of smoke bursted from Anna, and she changed back to her regular
self...but not for long.
Sakura was still down and this meant time for Anna to think of a move...

'Hmm.....well I definatly can't use the Form of the Bull." thought Anna
'That's an even worse move then
the Form of the Rat. Umm....Tiger? No.....Rabbit? Tch as if.....Dragon?
Hell no!!....Snake?No.........Dog? Good enough.'

"Yuu-Mi-Nai-San! Form of the Dog!!" summoned Anna.

This time, a puff of blue smoke surrounded Anna, she turned into a normal dog. Big

Anna ((the dog part)) snarled and growled.
' Come on.......come on.....GET UP!!!!' she thought despretly......

Sakura got up and rubbed her head. "Ohhh....what happened?"

Anna bared her teeth, still barking and snarling. Sakura was terrorized when she saw
Anna. Then at a split second, Anna sped toward Sakura. Sakura had no idea of what to
do......then Anna leaped and tackled Sakura straight down to the ground. Sakura knew
she was going to lose...she was almost going to touch the outside of the groud.
'Oh Sasuke........I'm sorry......' Sakura's last thought was.

Ch IX-Still Friends?
Sakura landed on her back on the grass outside of the ring.
People were cheering and the announcer came out into the ring.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! We have ourself a winner!! Anna Nikatawa from Team 7!!!!!!"
the announcer announced.
the canine Anna got off of Sakura and into the ring.
A puff of blue smoke bursted again and Anna turned to normal.
Sakura woke up from unconciousness a minute and saw that she really did lose.
" What? Oh no! I can't lose!!!!!" Sakura cried.

After the match and in the fighters room.......

Sakura was cleaning up as fast as she could, getting all of her clothes and stuff
together so she wouldn't have to cross paths with Anna. But it was too late...

Anna walked up to her slowly the called out slowly and quietly "......Sakura?"

Sakura stopped and turned around she looked at Anna with the side of her left eye. She
asked in a harsh tone "What do YOU want?"
" I was wondering if....we can still be friends? I think your still pretty awesome." Anna
requested truce from Sakura.
"Are you kidding?" Sakura glared. She turned around and faced Anna eye-to-eye and
almost nose-to-nose. "You took away what meant more to me than life. I've had a
crush on Sasuke since I was little. You barely even KNOW him. You've been here
what 3 weeks and you think you and him are a COUPLE?! No WAY in HELL!!"
Sakura went back to getting her stuff together.
" It was a bet!! You shook hands with me!!!!!!!" Anna yelled back.

Sakura paused again then sighed ".....yeah your right....." She went back to face Anna.
" I'm sorry Anna.....I'm justing getting the fact that I did lose and that I need to except it....
I mean Sasuke doesn't even like or friend-like......I might as well stop won the bet so enjoy Sasuke."

"Sakura...." Anna said not knowing what to say. "Look....if it makes you happy I can try
and find a way to break Sasuke into liking you as a friend?"

"No thanks." Sakura smiled. "I don't want to be friends with him....I still want to stay
friends with you."

Anna gave a half smile to Sakura. "Ok."

Later...Sakura and Anna made up and were now friends again. They were getting ready
for their second matches.

The announcer had entered the ring once more and declared that Sakura was going
against Ino and afterwords Anna was going to go against....Sasuke?

Ch X-Love hurts

"WHAT?!?!?!" Anna and Sakura both said in unison.

" I have to go against Sasuke?!" Anna said shocked and confused.

"You have to go against Sasuke?!" Sakura repeated.

"Ok odd........." Anna said wierded out.

Sakura agreed. "Totally. Well I got a match with Ino. See you when I'm done."

Anna wished her good luck as she entered the ring.

30 minutes later...

"Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!" Sakura said limping in. "Damn...Ino puts up a
hell of a good fight......oww.."
Sakura had lost her match with Ino and was now out of the tornoment.
"You okay?" Anna asked.
"Oww...yeah, I just need to rest..." Sakura said.
She went over to the bench and layed down on it, as she walked over, Anna supported
"Easy now, easy." Anna said telling her not to move as much.

"Ow......" Sakura layed down the bench slowly. " better have a
match to win...." she said slowly not trying to move anything.

"Your right. I'll be back later to help you." Anna said.

"No need. I'm tough!!" Sakura said winking.

"Heh! Okay!" And as Anna said that, she entered the ring. The announcer called
Anna's name, the auidence cheered loudly and then Sasuke's, the auidence
cheered but a little more loudly.
She was terrified...she may not of seemd like it.....but she was....She didn't want to go
against Sasuke.....but she had to. It was either, : fight him...or forfeit.

Sasuke entered the ring.....he faced Anna.

Anna looked him straight in the eyes. "Sasuke...?"
"Yeah?" he said
"No matter what happens....we still cool?" she asked with a smile.
Sasuke smiled his soft smile once more and nodded.

"Ready fighters? 1......2.......3!!"

The announcer got out of the way as usual, and the fight began.

"Oh-Ma-Rei-Chai form of the Tiger!!" Anna summoned a move.

A puff of red smoke surrounded Anna, as like the other Chinese Animal Transformation
moves. As the smoke cleared, a Tiger emerged then charged toward Sasuke.