Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Masked ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
(I don't own Naruto or Dexter…I mean, I do own Dexter season 1 on DVD, but that's not quite the same thing)
The day following my ritual is always so …slow. Exactly why, I can't say, could be that I've used so much adrenaline last night, or it could just be that the voice has been sated for now. I don't worry, it'll come back soon enough; I'm never alone for long. Today I'm supposed to be getting my team assignments and for once I'm almost…anxious? Teamwork is something that I understand, quite well in fact. If the Hokage hadn't been helping me for so long, I might not get it, but working together, the pack mentality if you will, is something that has been drilled into me from a young age.
I've just been lying in bed for the past half an hour or so, doing nothing in particular. Just watching the sun creep across the ceiling; telling me that it's time to start my day.
My mornings are as normal as anyone else's. Shower, eat…maybe do some stretches, nothing that you haven't seen before…I water my plants every day. Is that odd? I find it quite ironic that I have such a green thumb, don't you? Maybe it's because I take lives that I have such a gift of cultivating it. This morning I appear to be working on my newest project, I bought it the other day at the Yamanaka flower shop, a pretty large flower pot, probably three or four gallons large. I plan on growing a nice fern, something big and leafy. As I dig out a shallow area for my young fern, I slip a little something extra in with it…last night's trophy…or trophies if you're going to be technical about it, three bones in every index finger, two per body. These six will sit right underneath my newest decoration and never see the light of day again.
That's another area where I differ from my peers. Often, there is a need to hold or see the trophies of our work afterwards…sometimes weeks, months…sometimes years later, but not for me. By using them as fertilizer, not only can I keep them around, but I can view them whenever I want, and no one will ever know about it. Every plant in my apartment has a story behind it…and underneath it. Mizuki was number eight in my collection. Numbers two through seven are under various other flowers, mostly perennials so that I don't have to replant every year. Number one…well, he's in a very special place, at least to me.
I notice that I have to be at the Academy in twenty minutes for my team assignments and I quickly grab my jacket and leave, taking one last look at my newest addition. He'll fit in well with the others I think.
We're waiting, my team and I that is…it's boring. I'm not entirely sure what to think about them, as ninja that is. Uchiha Sasuke is the rookie of the year, but frankly he's physically weaker than me and his only advantage is his ninjutsu, which I don't care a whole lot about. Then there's Haruno Sakura, my `crush'. It's such an ugly word, why do people use it to denounce love? Is love like being crushed underneath a boulder? If so, maybe its better I don't know what it is…it sounds painful. They both think that the teams were put together because of our grades…that they are the two strongest and I'm the weakest, the dead last of our year. I don't see how that's possible, since our grades are public record and I was clearly in the lower quartile, but not near the bottom.
No, grades had bupkis to do with our team assignments…heh…funny word, bupkis…every time I hear it used, I think about squash…I wonder why? Anyway, back to the team…Sasuke is on the team because the old man sees what I see in him…a slightly less messed up me. When his clan was massacred he changed…from what I'm told, for the worse, though frankly, I thought he was kinda self-centered before too. He's damaged, like me, but not empty…not like I am. He makes himself this way, trying to erase his emotions, be the perfect shinobi…for rookie of the year; he's not doing so well. I've seen the tears in his eyes when ever he thinks too long.
Sakura is on the team, solely for my benefit. She's more or less worthless as a kunoichi as she is now, but that's not to say there isn't potential and talent. However, first academically and last athletically make you only a mediocre ninja, so how come Iruka told her she was top of the class? It was the Hokage's idea, you see, there is one thing that makes Sakura perfect as my love interest…she more stubborn than any other person in Konoha. She will never ever stop fawning over Sasuke which is good for me, because if she ever decided to take me up on one of my now infamous date offers, I'd be clueless as how to proceed, and that's not good for me or my mask. It's perfect, don't you see, she'll continue to reject me until the end of time and I can appear to be a normal teenager who is foolishly holding out for the girl of his dreams.
It's been nearly an hour and our instructor still hasn't shown up and outside, I'm seething at the outrage…of course, that what they'll see, they don't know how calm and at ease I am right now…I'm back with my plants and neither of my teammates know it.
Fifteen minutes later he enters. Our sensei has as much grey hair as the old man and wears a mask over his mouth like he's a doctor about to go into surgery. His left eye is covered with his protector, and his left is an uninteresting shade of black that is very boring…just like his attitude. In his hand is an orange bound book, roughly the same hue as the jacket and pants I'm wearing. Icha Icha Paradise…so he reads those does he? I wonder if he'll see it then? How all of my mannerisms and emotions are taken directly from that book? We even have the same wardrobe. It's true, that book has taught me almost as much about emotion as the Hokage has taught me, and it had the added bonus of saving the old man from giving me `The talk'. Since I don't get sex, at least why people would want to have sex, and it does have the most accurate depiction of human emotion, at least according to Sarutobi, he allowed me to read it. I just skipped over the boring parts (boring to me, not to sensei apparently) and viola! Instant emotional tutor!
“Well, my first impression of you guys…” He speaks! “…I don't like you.” He seems to smile with his eyes, just another thing that puzzles me, both what is there to smile about, and how you can do it with your eyes, when he tells us to meet on the roof in five minutes. Interesting choice of meeting place, outside, easy escape…too exposed. My mind slips into analyzing what could be going on in that salt and pepper head of our instructor, only to give up in boredom.
We all get to the roof to find our sensei sitting on the railing, book in hand. For a minute we sit there, waiting for the other party to make the first move.
“What are we doing here, sensei?” Sakura asked…and people say my mask has no patience.
“Well, it's a nice day out, so I figured we could all do with some fresh air while we introduced ourselves, you know, team stuff.”
That's just it, I don't know `team stuff', that's why I'm here, that's what you have to teach me.
“What do you mean, maybe you should introduce yourself first, sensei, you can show us how it's done.” She pressed on.
“Well, my name is Hatake Kakashi…I have certain things that I like and dislike…as for hobbies…I think I've got a few of those…I have a dream for the future as well…or was that just a dream I had last night? Can't remember those things for the life of me.” He paused and grabbed his chin in thought. “You're up next, Pinky.”
Sakura bristled at her nickname, but pushed it aside and began her own less than helpful introduction. “Well, my name is Haruno Sakura, I like… (She looked over at Sasuke) My hobbies include… (Again…Sasuke) My dreams for the future… (Now, here she got a glassy look in her eye and I could have sworn I saw her body convulse)…and I dislike Ino-pig and Naruto!” She finished adamantly.
“Aww, Sakura-chan, you don't mean that!” I insist…even if it's just for posterity.
“You in the blue, you're next.” Kakashi instructs without lifting his gaze from his book.
“Hmph, my name is Uchiha Sasuke, I don't have anything I like or dislike. My only hobby is training, and my dream for the future…my ambition is to revive my clan and kill a certain man.” Sakura squeals something about how cool he is and not for the first time I wonder if she's playing with a full deck of cards…I know what he means by `reviving his clan' and it sound rather unappealing to me, I mean, if falling in love is getting crushed, than what's having sex like? Ripping an arm off?
“Okay, you, the one dressed like my book.” So he did notice it…leave it to a man with a mask on to see through mine…maybe not completely, but at least through the first layer.
“My name is Uzumaki Naruto!” I beam. “I like ramen, (which is true, you try finding a food that gives you near a full day's serving of protein, vegetables and carbohydrates in one go) training and people who keep their promises. I dislike those who think they are above others and those who would harm this village. My hobbies are gardening and tasting every kind of ramen I can find…My dream for the future…to be Hokage of course...and then Sakura-chan will fall in love with me!”
“NOT IN YOUR DREAMS, NARUTO!” She screams at me, I think it might have ruptured my ear drum…
“All right, well I think that's enough for today, tomorrow we'll meet at seven o'clock for our first mission.” Kakashi actually put his book away when he spoke up.
“What kind of mission sensei?” Sakura asked and even Sasuke seemed interested.
“Survival training.” Is his reply and I already know where this is heading. The bell test…shit. I don't know if we can work together and overcome the fact that Sasuke won't accept help, Sakura can't help herself, and I have no way of helping either of them realize that they need to help each other…without paying attention, I accept the proffered information that Kakashi has handed out and stop strategizing until I feel him leave and my teammates stand up to go their separate (year right, not if Sakura had anything to say about it) ways. I remain sitting until the heat becomes even more intense and the atmosphere too oppressive to my mind. I can't think like this…can't think here. I decide to head home and see if I can't find some solace in my plants.
Thirty minutes later, no luck…twenty minutes to walk back and another five before the air feels too heavy to even breathe anymore…in times like this, there's only one place that I can go and even hope to get some peace…