Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Masks and Smiles ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its original characters. Only the characters that are new in here are my own. I hope that's enough… Please don't sue me o.o;;;
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Kakashi fell down heavily onto his bed. He heard Hiro sigh and a loud thump when he too fell into his bed.
“I can't take this anymore, Kakashi. I need to attack something; this is too nerve-racking.”
Kakashi silently agreed.
They had been traveling for five days now and had not been attacked once. This was making them high-strung and exhausted at the same time. The lack of attacks was definitely out of norm, and that wolf was still following them…
Kakashi sighed. “We have to talk. Call Isano over will you?”
Hiro sighed, then got up to go to the girls' room. The four of them were staying in a small inn in a small town near the border of the Fire country. They had rented two rooms, one for the guys and one for the girls.
Hiro came back into the room with Isano behind him. Hiro sat back down on his bed and Isano rested on the window sill.
“How long is this going to last Kakashi?” Isano asked tiredly.
“I don't know. I didn't think it would last this long, but something has to happen soon. We're getting exhausted from doing nothing,” Kakashi replied.
“Why hasn't anyone attacked us?” said Hiro.
“I'm not sure. Right now I'm not sure about anything. But there is definitely something going on. We know for a fact that we are being watched, we know for a fact we are being followed but we have no idea who's following us and when or even whether or not they are going to attack us.”
“What should we do?” asked Isano.
“There really is nothing we can do, except continue to stay on guard and keep an eye out for Akina. How is she, by the way?” Kakashi asked her.
“She's doing fine. I'm actually very surprised at well she's taking this. After that incident, I was sure she'd be terrified, but now she's even more relaxed.”
Kakashi frowned as he remembered the incident.
~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~
They had been traveling for three days now and still no sign of enemy shinobi, except for the feeling that was still there and the wolf that had followed the four of them all those many miles. They had each tried to find the wolf and maybe chase it off, but it had managed to evade all of their attempts and stuck to them stubbornly.
That night they were camping on the side of the road again. The sky was dark and the moon was only half full. The four of them were just getting ready to sleep, unrolling their sleeping blankets and settling in.
Suddenly, a scream pierced through the air, a terrifying scream. Then the scream was cut off. The three ANBU were now tense, and staring off into the distance, in the direction of the scream. A moment later, a haunting howl rose up into the night. A wolf's howl. The howl died down, and all was silent.
Still staring off into the distant, Kakashi said, “Don't worry Akina, we're here to protect you from anyone who is trying to hurt you. Anyone and anything. That wolf won't be getting anywhere near you.”
Expecting to see Akina with a terrified look on her face, Kakashi turned around to face her. He was greatly surprised.
Instead of a look of terror and fear, Akina had on a huge open-mouthed smile, as though it was her birthday. She, too, was looking out into the distance. She turned to Kakashi and smiled happily at him.
“Don't worry,” she said happily. “I'm not worried, and neither should you be. Good night now!”
Then she climbed into her bedroll with the glee of a five-year-old on a camping trip, instantly falling asleep. Kakashi looked at Isano and Hiro. They both shrugged. They had no idea what had caused Akina to suddenly be so happy. With an uneasy feeling, Kakashi and Isano also climbed into their bedroll for some sleep. Hiro took first watch.
~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~
There was definitely something Akina wasn't telling them. Her cheerful behavior said that much. But they had asked her and she had given them no answer, except that they didn't need to worry so much anymore. That only made the ANBU members worry even more.
Kakashi sighed. “And none of you have figured out why she's so happy, either? This is getting complicated. I don't like it when missions get complicated.”
“Heheh, well, none of us do. What should we do tomorrow?” asked Hiro.
“Same thing we've been doing. Stay in formation and keep an eye out. Especially for the wolf. It's starting to get on my nerves. We should turn in now. We can't leave Akina alone for too long, she's still in danger. Turn in,” Kakashi said.
Isano got up and left the room for hers and Akina's.
The room was quiet for a moment.
“Is that really it?” Hiro asked quietly. “Can we really do nothing?”
Kakashi sighed. “…Yes. For now, it's all we can do. Be grateful we have this moment of peace…”
Hiro laughed ruefully. “Right now I'd be more grateful if I could sink a kunai in someone's skull, I'm so strung up.”
Kakashi couldn't agree more.
~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~
Outside of the small town, the three figures stood watching, under the covers of the woods.
The first person giggled mockingly. “Akina's protectors must be feeling extremely nervous. Five days now and not a single kunai shooting at them. The suspense must be painful.”
“I can't say the same for us,” the second person said ruefully. “How many shinobi have we gotten to now? At least twenty.”
“Consider it lucky. Twenty people in five days, Akina sure is popular.”
The second person sighed. “Yes, she is, and I wish she wasn't.”
The first person laughed. “Oh, don't be like that! All this fighting is fun! But we are being a bit mean to her escorts. Shouldn't we let them fight a bit?”
“… no, we can't take that chance. We have to be the ones that get Akina. No one else,” the third person said coldly.
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Reviews please^^