Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Master Uchiha ❯ Master Uchiha ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

None of the characters below belongs to me in any way possible…
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Master Uchiha Chapter 3
by: c7bi_kyuubi
Uchiha Itachi, the prodigy of the Uchiha clan, sometimes hated his life. There are some things that he still can't get out of even though he put all of his genius efforts into getting out of said unwanted duties. Being the genius child prodigy of the Uchiha clan does comes with benefits but as Spiderman's uncle said, `With great power comes great responsibilities.' Though Itachi disagrees with that old geezer. If he had that great power now, he wouldn't need to do this god forsaken shit now. And the mere thought that he had to do it sent shivers up his spine and cold sweat break out all over his skin.
And what god forsaken task might send the great child prodigy into shivers like this one might ask. It is none other than that of… going shopping with his little brother and his new pet which Itachi himself gave to the cute little bugger. So all in all, Itachi denied that it was his own fault that he was in this predicament. If he didn't get the `pet' for his little brother, he wouldn't have to be coerced into going shopping with his little brother to buy new clothes for the little foxy boy who just happened to be a hyperactive cute ball of demon fox energy.
And it also didn't help that neither of the two little buggers were intimidated in the littlest bit by his trademark Uchiha death glare and cold foreboding silence. Instead, the little fox boy was bounding around the room on sugar high energy. How did he get sugar high? Well, his genius little brother accidentally slipped some (a lot) sugar into Naruto's breakfast which consist of (what else) ramen. Now he was stuck with a bouncing energy unlimited teenager and a angst ridden chibi version of him right down to the mini Uchiha death glare who was snickering silently to himself at Itachi's predicament; in his mind but which Itachi could hear plainly and as clear as day. Itachi swore he would get back at Sasuke for that snickering even though on the outside, Sasuke was as cold, calm and stoic as ever.
Yes, Itachi decided, payback would be very sweet indeed. Then he proceeded to cackle to himself evilly. But he forgot to do it privately which is why Naruto and Sasuke (with a sweatdrop) stared at him like he just popped another head out.
`I knew it. There is no way Itachi is not insane in the tiniest bit…' Sasuke thought.
`Ramen… whee…' Naruto thought.
And so, they proceeded to the shopping mall where all the straight and sane males of the universe dub, `The Hell Cavern'. Itachi dragged his feet as the mall came into view. Damnit! He didn't want to BE here in the first place. Why?!? Oh cruel fate?! Why!?!?! Being overdramatic was always one of the Uchiha's secret ways. Actually, it wasn't a secret. Those who know the Uchihas would know that as a fact by now. They did things no matter how trivial they are in a dramatic way with great flourish and vigor especially when they are people watching them.
It does help to `enhance' their reputation after all. And they are sort of competing with the Hyuugas too. They already won the prettiest and nicest hair competition this year with Itachi sweeping off all the other competitors with his wondrous hair, literally. Itachi couldn't help gloating for the rest of the week whenever he saw a Hyuuga or one of the competitors. Of course he did the gloating stuff privately. He did have a reputation to maintain after all.
But now, he was weeping tears of pain and mental suffering (in his mind) as he forced his feet to move into the mall. As a comfort, he was dragging Sasuke along with him. If he was going down, he sure as hell is dragging someone down with him. Sasuke was clinging onto a pole, two streams of tears running down his cheeks much like Itachi's except Itachi didn't show it on the outside. With a forceful tug, he jerked Sasuke after him as well as a portion of the pole on which Sasuke's grip is still hanging onto. Naruto was bouncing on hyper-energy and is flitting in and out of the mall happily.
Dragging Sasuke who is still wailing and sobbing and clutching at the pole, he strode into the mall dramatically, head held high with a swish of his cool black coat with silk linings. “Sasuke, cut it out. If you don't, I'm going to tell mom about this.” He said softly but clearly. Sasuke froze and the wailing stopped. Hauling his little brother up by the scruff of his collar, he said, “We're going to get your Naruto some clothes and get out of here pronto. Get me?” Sasuke nodded so fast his head almost flew off. Itachi smiled a little. “Good. I don't want to stay in this hellhole any longer than I have to.” Then he dropped Sasuke on his feet.
Spotting Naruto flitting around sniffing curiously at various things, they both sweatdropped. “Get him.” Itachi said and the two brothers activated their Sharingan, lunged towards a Naruto who was peering through a window of the pet store so close that his face was plastered against the window. Naruto was wearing one of Itachi's cloaks. They can't have him wearing nothing now can they much to Sasuke's disappointment. Instead, they cloak was an old one of Itachi's and it managed to cover Naruto sufficiently what with the nine tails poking out once in a while under the cloak. None could find a pair of pants to suit Naruto and Naruto would growl at any dress he saw.
That dress was provided by a fangirl who caught wind that the brothers were looking for clothing to fit Naruto in their stalker circle. They popped out of nowhere and with various articles of clothing which the brothers torched methodically one by one along with the fan who had brought them. That might be because the dresses he saw were pink, frilly and lacey. It was disgusting and it nearly blinded the two Uchiha brothers and Naruto. Naruto had leapt into Sasuke's arms whimpering in fright and nuzzling his head into Sasuke's neck. Sasuke did not complain or made any sound of protest.
And now they were at a mall. Itachi and Sasuke stared up at the sign. `Madame Francoise Designer Clothing'. Itachi cocked his head to the right and Sasuke to the left as the two brothers scanned the store and the surrounding area with the Sharingan and finally rest their deadly gaze on the sign. “What do you say? It looks normal enough.” Sasuke said. Itachi went, “Hn.”
“Okay. Let's go in then.” Only Uchiha males were able to understand the `Hn' language. It must be a guy thing then.

Inside the store, Itachi was met with a voluptuous lady in black silk. Nodding to himself mentally, he decided that he wouldn't torch down the store. After all, the owner shows their skill by their own appearance especially when they were running a clothing store or hairdressing thingy. Sasuke and Naruto were behind Itachi. Actually Sasuke was hiding behind Itachi as if something bad happened, Itachi would get a face full of it first and he could have a chance to run away.
The lady who was surrounded by a commanding and somewhat intimidating aura scanned Itachi from head to foot. Itachi did the same. A staring contest went on for a few moments before they both relaxed. They lady who apparently is the owner of the store then asked, `Well, I see we have some customers with taste. What can I do to help?”
Itachi turned around; grabbed Naruto from behind him held him up by the scruff and thrust him in the lady's face. “Full set of clothes for him. Don't worry about the price.” Itachi said in his calm and stoic way. That was what the lady was waiting for, the magic phrase which decided what each customer needs. Nodding the lady turned her gaze onto a wriggling Naruto. Her eyes softened as they landed on Naruto who had turned his big clear sky blue innocent eyes on her. His fluffy ears twitched. “Oh! He's adorable!” The lady cried out and hugged Naruto to her.
One thing about Uchihas, beside the fact that the male members are always cold, calm and stoic on the outside, the female members is the exact opposite of the males, is that they are bloody stinking disgustingly unfairly annoyingly rich. If I didn't know better, they use money as toilet paper just for the fact that they have too much to spare. But that's a little off the point here…
The lady started issuing orders, Itachi and Sasuke were escorted to a waiting room where Naruto would model the clothes he tried on for them to see and choose which ones to take. The rest of the day passed and with every hour, Itachi wanted to commit suicide. Sasuke seemed to be having a good time as he gets to watch his pet and one time almost got a strip show. That was when Naruto was given a second set of clothing to try on and he took off the first piece of clothing right there on the spot. Sasuke had a nosebleed attack while Itachi laughed his ass off at the expression on Sasuke's face as Naruto was ushered into the changing room by the flustered and blushing assistant.
Naruto did choose a bright orange suit which Itachi and Sasuke vehemently stated no to. And five hours twenty seven minutes and fifteen seconds later, Itachi paid for the clothes, got Sasuke and Naruto, thanked the lady and got the hell out of the mall before he could sigh in relief and be free once more.

The moment Itachi opened the door, he was ambushed by his mother who had a deadly glint in her eyes. “Well? How did it go? Where's the clothes?” she asked. He didn't bother to reply but just handed her the tons of bags, shoved Naruto and Sasuke into her face, and crawled away to erase his memories of the past five hours of hell. Well, except the part where Naruto accidentally stripped in front of Sasuke and gave him a nosebleed attack. That memory was going into his album of brotherly torture.
He did his best to ignore the delighted squeals and gasps of delight and amazement from his mother as she unwrapped the clothes and put them away. He will never ever go into a mall again if he could help it, swore Itachi. And he made a very important note, to himself. DO NOT GET ON MOM'S BAD SIDE.

The end of this chapter. Wait for the next one and in the meantime… REVIEW!!! SHANORO!!!