Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Me In Honey ❯ Bang and Blame ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author's Notes
- This is dedicated to Hatochan. More than my muse, also my confidante; thank you for giving me back faith in myself and my writing

Story Notes
Part of the TI universe, with permission from Hatochan
- This incident is mentioned in passing during Show and Tell: I'll Show You Mine. And occurs a few months after Iruka’s first break mentioned in Tolerant Intolerance: One Year Ago Part 2. Genma is 22 and Iruka is 15.

Also, yaoi, coarse language, etc...

Disclaimer: Naruto and its characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto. 'Bang and Blame’ lyrics belong to REM

//If you could see yourself now, baby, it's not my faultYou used to be so in control you're going to roll right over this oneJust roll me over, let me go you're laying blame //

Me in Honey, Chapter 1
Bang and Blame
----------------------------------------------------------------< br>
BANG!!! The shockwaves reverberated through the apartment.

“Shit, Genma, you slammed the doorknob into the wall!” the sable haired chuunin threw a glare at the older man standing just outside the apartment.

“Wanna slam you into the wall,” purred the honey-haired shinobi as he slinked through the door, practically oozing sexuality from every pore of his body.

“Hn. I guess Aoba finally found you. He stopped by earlier looking for you. Sounded like he had something to celebrate…”

“Yeah, he’s finally gonna be an uncle. His sister got married three years back. Dunno what took ‘em so damn long. If I had a sweet little thing like her waiting at home it sure wouldn't take me three years to knock her up.”

"If you had a sweet little thing like her waiting at home, you'd probably get so distracted by all the other sweet little things and all the hot big things she'd be lucky to have a baby in 10 years... unless she got bored and it wasn't yours." Iruka cocked one finely arched eyebrow at the pouting tokujou. "It's true and you know it. You're just not marriage material Gen-chan. You couldn't stay faithful for three days, let alone three years."

Genma advanced slowly toward Iruka, lust filling his eyes. “Mmmm. I could nail you for the next three years, or at least the next three hours.” He glided closer to the smaller man with a singleness of purpose to be expected of a shinobi with a mission. He reached for the senbon held lightly between his teeth and negligently grasped it between the fingers of his left hand, tossing it behind him, where it quivered in the doorframe. A tight cluster of similar marks marred the wood. “You should have come with us, Ruka-chan. Aoba’s hot cousin was there, too.” He stopped a mere inch from his friend.

“Which one? Taro or Hanako?”

“Does it matter? I thought they were interchangeable. It's not like you care which set of equipment you're playing with as long as you're playing, right? Those two are so hot I'd do either one any way they wanted. Can you imagine smacking that sweet ass of Taro's while fucking him? And Hanako can do this thing with her tongue... she's so damn good I'd let her fuck me with a strap-on. Of course, the ideal scene would involve both of them,” smirked the irrepressible tokujou.

Iruka’s answering chuckle abruptly turned into a gasp as the larger frame slowly leaned in to press him against the wall. His skin tingled where his clothes bunched up against the hard surface. Lightly calloused fingers snaked their way under the hem of his shirt, dragging their way up his chest to tease roughly at the nipples pressed hard against the other chest as a hot wet mouth trailed along his jaw line to the junction of his neck and shoulder, biting through the fabric of his shirt… His hair fell forward to half cover his face as a jolt of pure lustohmygodelectricityfuckfuckFUCK raced up his spine as Genma rolled his hips, grinding and circling against him and he arched into it even harder, craving, no, needing the contact. One warm hand trailed against the hard curve of his ribs and he gave a long drawn out moan in answer. The chuunin ran hands ever so lightly just down the outsides of his friend's upper arms, barely grazing the flesh beneath the tight blue uniform shirt.

Genma forced his hips even closer against the younger man in wide lazy circles, dragging his erection against Iruka's with an almost impossible friction. Iruka threw his head back, wincing as he hit it the wall. "Ah. Genma... Shit. Ngghh. Gah. Mpphh. Mrrrreowmmmmore."

Genma lazily hooked a finger in the collar of Iruka's looser fitting shirt and pulled the already open mouth towards his own, licking the corners of the more than willing mouth before worrying that delicious lower lip with his teeth. Lust exploded in Iruka's head as Genma pulled him even more forcefully against his body while trying to almost swallow him whole, and the shirt gave with a loud rip. Genma fucked his mouth with his tongue, flooding him with the sharp taste of sake, as he continued the unbearably teasing circles against him. Through the white-hot haze filling his body, he dimly sensed the presence of a hand trapped between them. The honey haired man growled his pleasure against the other mouth as he worked loose two buttons from Iruka's fly.

Genma let up the pressure against the young hard body pressed close to him, walking back slowly until the only contact was the merciless pull of his lips against Iruka's mouth. Iruka's only choice was to follow the older man or break the kiss. The almost painfully hard erection sprung from its confines as he moved with the older man. Genma slowed his retreat and pushed the gaping halves of Iruka's shirt off his body as he slid his tongue against the hard edge of teeth, savoring the tiny whimper that vibrated against his own lips. He groaned softly and pushed, feeling Iruka lean backwards. With a hand between the bare shoulder blades, he eased him backwards over the table and leaned in. "Sweet, hot, delectable Ruka-chan. Do you know what you do to me, what you make me feel?" He rubbed the cloth-covered evidence of his desire against the answering heat in the quivering chuunin's loins.

The whimpers and groans were coming non-stop now, Iruka writhing, arching up as if to meld himself with the tokujou. A strong but finely boned hand crept its way between the sweat-slicked bodies, lust and the cramped position making fingers clumsy. Genma’s breath caught as the hand gripped the long hard heat and freed it from the cloth prison. The newly freed prisoner practically jumped for joy, although evidence would suggest a storm of weeping. “Ngggh. Ah. What you feel? Oh, there! Do that again, Genma,” the little chuunin purred against his neck, licking the hard column as the older man repeated the motion.

“Ruka… mmmm. A little harder when you suck, and don’t be afraid to use the teeth. Ahh. Yeah, shit, just like that, babe.” The man closed his eyes and arched his neck, allowing the younger man better access, the sensation of those untutored lips on that hard column making him think how they would feel on another hard column of flesh. “Mmm. Ruka. Damn, you’re good at that… ngghh, will you stop for a second so I can think,” the older man chuckled as he slid down the body beneath him, pausing halfway down the expanse of caramel skin. He grinned almost evilly as he lowered his mouth to that toned stomach, lightly running his tongue around the navel before dipping in, showing what a strong supple muscle the tongue truly was.

The chuunin’s vocalizations gained in both volume and intensity and Genma had to place a hand across the chest to keep him from arching completely up off the table as one of the most talented tongues in Konoha continued its tortuous dance “Genma! Nggh Genma, I… I … Genma!” this last almost ending in a scream of frustration.

Genma looked up seeing the raw aching need, the undiluted lust on his young protégé’s face, and decided to advance the delectable chibi’s education one step further. He couldn’t resist a quick swipe of the tongue on the underside of Iruka’s erection as he stood, smirking at the effect that short tongue contact produced. “Come on, Iruka, let’s head into the other room where we have some space. I really don’t fancy the idea of one of us falling off this table… or having to clean lube, and other things, off of where we eat…” He offered a hand to the younger man before leading him to the futon, presenting a most distracting picture to the following chuunin, pants still slung low on his hips, back glistening with sweat, honey-colored hair mussed under his headband. He slipped a small item from his pockets and placed it under the pillows as he arranged himself comfortably on the bed. “Ok, Chibi, are you ready for Teacher to give you your next lesson?” Genma smirked.

Iruka just swallowed as he gave a pleading look and a little mewling groan. “Genma…. Please…”

“Ok, babe, a little patience here, this won’t work if you don’t relax a little. Let’s go back a little, ease you into this. This is gonna feel a little funny at first, hehehe, learned this from a pretty little nurse a couple years ago. Don’t try to learn it just now, just relax and let it work…” The senbon shinobi concentrated and gathered a small bit of chakra in his palm as he enclosed Iruka’s weeping, engorged cock in his hand, rubbing from the base to the tip in an impossibly slow motion.

“Ohhhhhhh,” Iruka’s breath caught and held for a moment and an indefinable look crossed his features, something between a look of divine ecstasy and unspeakable torture, maybe giving hints of both. After a long moment he breathed again, albeit somewhat raggedly and settled back against the mound of pillows.

“You ok, Chibi?” Genma asked with a look of concern.

“Much,” blushed the younger man,“ but I still umm, you know… uhhh.. are we going to ummm do anything about it?”

“I figured you just needed the edge taken off just a little Trust me, Iruka-chan. This will ‘do something’ alright. Something quite spectacular if I don’t miss my guess… Ok, relax as much as you can and just follow my lead, ok, kid? Just gonna start out sucking your cock, nothing we haven’t already done before, so no worries, right?”

Genma lowered his head, hair swinging forward to partially veil his face, tongue flicking out to tease and taste. His tongue swirled around the sensitive underside of the shaft before nibbling and sucking up and down the hard length. He nuzzled against the wiry dark nest encircling the base of the cock and gently sucked the balls one at a time into his mouth as the other hand encircled the swollen member. A distinct popping noise was heard and a fluid warmth was added to the stroking hand. "Ever had anything up here? " His finger swirled over the little pucker, pressing gently every now and then.

" Uhgn, ah no, I uh, "blush was both innocent and enticing and his embarrassed stutter was assisted by the older man's ministrations. "I've never, ooooh, th-thought about it. It… ummm wouldn’t that be kind of uhh d-dirty?"

“Well, it can be, but there are ways to take care of that. Don’t think about it just now and relax and go with what I’m doing, ok? I’m pretty sure you’ll see it’s all worth it in a minute or two.” The wet heat of his mouth returned to envelop the weeping head, and he greedily tongued the slit as he licked away the salty drops. A cool wetness ghosted against that hidden opening. Iruka squirmedtouch, a small whimper escaping his tightly closed lips. “Shhh, shh, it’s ok relax, babe. You know I won’t do anything to really hurt you. It may get a little uncomfortable, but if you relax it just gets so much better. Come on babe, you can do this for me. Shhhh.”

Iruka made a visible effort to relax and Genma resumed the licking and sucking, and the occasional dip of fingers rubbing in the dark crease. After a few minutes of this non-threatening contact, he did settle back into the pillows. Genma continued the petting and licking, letting the unfamiliar contact be associated with the familiar pleasure of Genma’s warm lips and tongue. A soft touch circled directly over the opening but just as quickly danced away, before he could tense up. The soft teasing touches continued and a deeper warmth began pooling in his lower regions, unfamiliar, but pleasurable nonetheless.

Genma kissed his way up the golden chest, following the slight line of hair up the toned abdominals before branching off to capture a dusky nub lightly between his teeth, alternating the suckling pressure of his mouth with sharp nipping of teeth. The younger man arched his chest into the contact, and surprisingly brought his own hand to tease the neglected nipple.He blushed as he felt the deep chuckle clear through his chest. The warm mouth continued its relentless trek up his body, only pausing to suck his collarbone and bite his shoulder before nibbling its way up his neck to his jaw line. Iruka's breathing became erratic, tiny mewls and raspy moans mixed with vague representations of the older man's name. The supple tongue traced a line from chin to ear, breathing slightly and replacing the warm touch with cooler air.Sharp teeth worried the lobe of his ear before the tongue plunged in and quickly moved to the nape of his neck, licking and biting and…

“Mmmm, Genma… ahhhh, Gen….Oh yeah right there,” and a pair of tanned hands clasped the honeyed hair to him, tangling in the bandana and dragging it away.landed with a dull thudthegrowing pile of dirty clothes that Genma had meant tolast week.head dragged a slow path to the willing mouth of the waiting chuunin. A light tongue licked at the corner of the teen's mouth, sliding across lips and begging entrance before slipping in and pushing against the sharp line of teeth.A forceful tongue waged a war for dominance that the younger tongue gladly surrendered. An experienced tongue filled his mouth, stealing all breath and even thought, drowning him in waves of pleasure as an unexpected pressure slipped past his defenses. tensed.

“Hey, Chibi, come on, babe, relax. It’s ok, I know it feels really, really strange. Just relax and wait, you’ll get used to it and it will get good in a little bit, hang with me and try to ease up, babe. It’s ok, it’s ok, I’m here, you know I won’t hurt you, Ru.” A similar string of endearments and encouragement accompanied soft strokes against his cheeks and lips, caresses of his hair, kisses against his neck. The offending digit remained still, the only discomfort in his mind, and it was rapidly waning as he adjusted to the unfamiliar intrusion. Genma kissed him deeply again, providing more distraction to drown the unexplored feelings with more familiar pleasures. Iruka made another visible effort to collect himself and assume a calm demeanor. “What are you feeling, babe?” inquired the tokujou.

“Umm, I’m not sure. It’s all strange. I feel hot and cold, like I have a fever. Your kisses make me never care if I come up to breathe again," the huskiness of the young tenor attested to that fact. “Umm… I feel strange down there. You know, I guess it is just different, it doesn’t really hurt… And I feel all warm. It’s different.” Chocolate orbs bore directly into hazel. “I want to feel more…” the words seemed to fall unconsciously from the chuunin’s lips as he moved against the finger.

The older man almost had to strain to hear the confession, but there was no mistaking the intent in the chibi’s unskilled movement. The younger man stiffened again, but Genma could only watch in amazement and a wide grin split his features. Iruka threw his head back into the pillows and opened his mouth in a silent scream as he shuddered and clenched around the single finger just touching his prostate. The kid’s a natural… I’ve never seen that happen before, shit I’ve never even heard of it before. He hit his own sweet spot, dead on, first time… Fucking amazing… wonder what other surprises he has in store… hehehe. “Enjoying things, Ru? What did I tell you, learn to trust your teacher,” the tokujou drawled.

Iruka wriggled against the finger, jumping at the sparks shooting through him and looked up through the long sable lashes.“I’m sorry, sensei… I’ve been a bad boy... you’ll have to punish me…Spank me, senseiiii...” he purred.

Genma’s already hard dick tightened and damn near exploded at the words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fuck, not working not working… deep breath... deep breath, Shit, does he know what he’s doing? Little brat… Genma quickly formed a modified one-handed seal Iruka had never seen before, shoved his hand down the front of his pants, and settled it lightly against his own now painfully hard length. He ran through a shorthand version of one of his most effective meditations, waiting, desperately waiting for the calm to descend on him.“Ummm.. Hold that thought for next time, Ru.I’m not quite sure I’m up to that tonight,” the tokujou’s voice still held a bit of a tremor.“Let’s stick with my ahhh curriculum for tonight…”

Genma rather shakily grabbed the small tube and drizzled more of the sticky liquid on his fingers. “Ok, lay back and let me take care of things this time, ok?” the older man pouted. Iruka almost bounced back into the pillows, earning a rather dark look from his ero-sensei. Hn, cocky little brat, now, isn’t he. “Now try to stay relaxed, yeah I know you’ve got one finger inside you, but two is a little different. Just relax.” Yeah, Shiranui, take your own damn advice and relax… hah, like you can do that now… he doesn’t know how close he came to getting more than he bargained for tonight… how close you came to just fucking that tight… hot… ass…. Ahhh no, no, breathe, breathe, damnit! Get hold of your fucking self, Shiranui! You’re a fucking tokubetsu jounin, not a 13-year-old genin peeping at those baths in Wave during festival

Genma took a deep breath along with his own advice and wiggled the first finger around before ever so slowly adding the second. He stopped just within the entrance, allowing Iruka to become accustomed to the increased pressure. The young man didn’t even resist, patiently waiting for he knew not what, giving himself completely over to his older friend. The fingers were slowly pushed deeper into the chuunin’s passage, retreating and advancing, stroking the small nodule that had provoked such a reaction earlier. By now, Iruka was fairly squirming on the sheets, burrowing backwards into the nest of pillows as he tried to push himself onto Genma’s hand. Genma continued working the spot knowing the youth didn’t have the control to last much longer.

Iruka kept up a steady stream of adorable sounding grunts and mewling cries, punctuated with the occasional yowl, sounding almost like a cat in heat, and Genma redoubled his efforts, his desire to know just how long the chuunin could hold out warring with the knowledge that he had to get up early tomorrow for a mission and the chibi really couldn’t take much more. He grinned evilly.Maybe I can just help this along a little.I don't have to teach him all my tricks... He gathered his chakra and let the tiniest trickle flow to the two fingertips buried within that clenching passage and gave just the slightest... nudge... as he stroked the spot.He mentally patted himself on the back as he sing-songed Damn I'm good, Way to go me!

Genma was treated to one of the most magnificent sights of his life as Iruka bolted upright and stiffened, the tendons in his neck standing out, pulse point fluttering, teeth clenching, back arching, eyes closing, hair falling in a curtain down his back, a scream ripping its way from his throat as the hot salty cream spurted and gushed and exploded from that beautiful, oh so beautiful cock, coating the slowly softening flesh, his hand, and Iruka's stomach. He leaned forward to lick away the stickiness covering the tan body and slowly removed the fingers from the still fluttering passage. Iruka leaned forward to grasp his hand, small pink tongue darting out of his mouth to lick the thick white fluid from the palm. Genma shuddered at the feeling of the little kittenish licks and the nip of small sharp teeth on the pad of his thumb.

Dark eyes looked up into his own. “Gen-chan? You’re still hard. Umm. C-c-can I do that to you?”

Genma almost came in his pants, cock-ring-no-jutsu or not… he just had to find completion somehow… and he might be damned for this in the morning, but it wasn’t morning yet, it was now… he was sooo achingly hard… and the chibi was here and so warm and willing and sexy… “Yeah, Ru, I think I’d like that,” the deep husky rumble contrasting with his normally honey-smooth tones.

“Umm, you kept on telling me to relax, Gen. I don’t think you’re very relaxed right now. You told me it hurts more when you don’t relax… I know I haven’t done this before, but are you so worried?” Deep brown eyes pleaded with hazel. “Don’t you want me to?”
A groan slipped past the honey haired shinobi’s lips. “No, Ru, that’s not it. That’s not it at all. I want it too much. You’re so damn sexy when you’re like this that I’m afraid of losing control.”

Iruka deepened his voice and growled in a commanding tone that sounded scarily like it had been copied from Ibiki, ”Relax, Gen. Just lay back and relax for me. Shhh babe.” The note of command accomplished what the pleading voice of the chuunin could not, and Genma lay back against the slightly scattered mound of pillows. Iruka’s fingers swiftly undid the buttons and pulled Genma’s pants over his hips, tossing them toward the ever-growing pile of dirty laundry.

Genma handed over the tiny tube and took a deep breath. "Just remember to go slow, use lots of lube and stretch, 'kay? Don't worry about hurting me, I've been doing this for awhile, it won't hurt, just maybe get a little uncomfortable, so don't worry. You need to relax when doing this too, not just when having it done..."

Iruka crawled into position between the older man’s knees, lubing the fingers of his right hand carefully, almost obsessively. With a look of utmost concentration, the chuunin slowly flicked and circled a finger across the pink pucker. He slid just the tip of an index finger into the opening, circling it gently. The well-lubed finger slid in rather easily as Iruka searched for the spot that the tokujou had used to such astounding effect but a few minutes ago. He angled his finger just… so, and Genma’s ass left the bed, humping dry air.

Iruka’s startled eyes caught the hazel ones as they shot open. “Nghhh. Easy there, chibi, unless you want to kill me,” Genma chuckled weakly. “It doesn’t take much of a touch there. Just the lightest of brushes against that will make a strong man weak. Go ahead and try it a few more times and then go ahead and add another finger.”

Iruka carefully worked the single finger in and out of the honey haired man, trying to brush the prostate with every thrust. I suppose I’m not doing too badly, judging by Gen-chan’s reactions, although why this feels so good is still a mystery to me. I won’t worry about that too much though. I’m just really really glad it does feel so good and that Gen is letting me do this for him. Hmm. If just fingers feel this good I wonder what else I could do… Iruka added the second finger and Genma momentarily stiffened up.

“Ok there, Ru, don’t worry you didn’t hurt me, but just ease that second finger in next time. You’re doing great for your first time, believe me… and maybe just a tiny little bit less lube. Lube is necessary, but after a point things slide around a little too much. Ahhhh, Ru, right there, keep it up, just touch me there, baby, stroke me a little harder, oh yeah, like that, you’re doing great, babe, ah fuck yeah, just a little deeper babe, keep that angle hnnnn yeah babe like that…”

Iruka leaned forward and captured that creamy, slightly pink now tinged with purple cock in his mouth. He sucked harder, drawing Genma further into his mouth as he worked the fingers into him. Genma gave a little moan as Iruka’s tongue swirled around the head of his cock, before dipping in to the opening at the tip and dragging up the sensitive underside. He relaxed his jaw, just so… and lust glazed chocolate met even more lust-filled hazel as he lowered his mouth completely, nose tickling slightly in the nest of honey colored curls. Teeth dragged ever so lightly on the way back up and the chuunin almost choked himself chuckling at the expression on the older man’s face.

// If you could see yourself now, baby Its not my fault You used to be so in control //

If Genma only knew how beautiful he looks like this.
Again his thoughts wandered, the devious, or was it deviant, mind considering every way he could conceivably make the tokujou feel even a fraction of the excruciating bliss the honey haired man had inflicted upon him. “Mmmmm….” he hummed against the straining hardness as a thought came to him. He likes my fingers in his ass… I know how much I liked his fingers in my ass and his mouth sucking my dick. I also know how much I liked it when his tongue did those things to my navel… If they affect me like that, they will probably do something for him too. He wouldn’t do something to me that he doesn’t like… So what if… The swollen length fell from his mouth with a popping sound and Iruka pulled the fingers out and grabbed Genma’s thighs, holding him in place as he spread the older man’s cheeks wide. Iruka circled the ring of muscle with his tongue, licking… and flicking… and “Ngghh… Chibi? Ummm, ahhh yeah, uhhh what are you doing?”

Iruka looked up through lowered lashes as he prodded the opening, tongue applying pressure and releasing before finally slipping inside. That wicked tongue advanced and retreated, pulling out to lick and circle before pushing in once more. Genma groaned with as much relief as longing when Iruka finally pulled his mouth away, coating his fingers again.

" You want to hear it, don't you?"Iruka spoke softly, his hot breath whispering over Genma's sensitive skin.You like to hear me talk, to hear me say how much I want you to touch me, to lick me." He twisted his fingers inside the tight channel, causing massive spasms throughout the tokujou's body. "I do want you to. I want your fingers to stretch me, one at a time. Pushing into my tight body, clear streams of lube dribbling from my little hole. I want to feel you wriggling inside me, touching that one spot. "

Genma moaned and thrust upwards, trying to get more contact for his aching shaft. He's a natural… dear Kami, that voice, those words...where the hell did he learn to do that thing with his tongue? He is a fucking natural…Great job, Genma, you’ve created a monster… The Ero-Chibi.

"want you to pin me to the bed, hands in my hair, pulling my head back, forcing my neck to bend so you can bite it, teeth just breaking the skin.I want you to suck on my lower lip while you push that big cock of yours into my tight... hot...hole. I want you to make me scream when that big cock splits me wide open, Genma. Do you want that, too? Do you want to… fuuuuuck… me?"

Genma abruptly sat up, wincing slightly at the pressure the movement caused. Iruka haltingly dragged his gaze to look up at Genma as he removed the fingers and saw complete unbridled lust darkening the hazel to a murky muddy mess. With deliberate movements normally used on the battlefield, not in the bedroom, Genma roughly grabbed the chuunin’s wrists and with a quick twist and a roll flipped the younger man so he lay beneath him, hard, soldier’s body pressing him into the mattress. “Lube.” Genma forced out. “Give me the goddamn lube.”

Iruka startled at the harsh words, hesitating before holding out the item being demanded. He blinked owlishly as the tube was snatched from his hand. Well, I wanted a reaction... I just didn't intend quite this much reaction... What the hell did I do wrong? But it's Genma... he wouldn't hurt me, I know he wouldn't hurt me.Genma's different, and it's kind of scary, but... I like this."Nghhhh ahhhhh Gen-maaaaaaa"Yeahhhhhhhh, I like this... The youth pulled in a deep breath and let it out as he once again relaxed back into the pillows, submitting to the forceful shinobi above him.

The small tube exploded from the crushing grip, completely coating the tokujou’s hand and dribbling onto the tan chest beneath him. Genma slid slightly down the body, slowly but surely pressing that single finger into the still tight hole, quickly adding a second in response to the needy cries made by the younger man, slowly trailing the digits across Iruka’s sweet spot.

Time seemed oddly stretched and compressed, and Iruka’s entire world narrowed to the achingly intense feelings the accomplished tokujou dragged from him. He bucked his hips, trying to draw those fingers deeper within his tight passage. Genma worked him, scissoring, stretching, filling.He drew out the slender digits, and ran them through the sticky puddle on the chuunin’s chest before torturously adding a third finger.

“Ohhhh…” Iruka stiffened in surprise, not really pain, not exactly discomfort, just in unfamiliarity.The fingers held their position."Ohhhh... that's...."Iruka felt... full. "Ohhhhhh..." Iruka tightened himself around those still fingers and gave an experimental wiggle. "Ohhhh yeahhh...Genmaa.... Fuuuuck yeahhhhh... Genmaaaaaa.... move, damnit.....more....." and the chuunin forced himself further onto the waiting hand.

Genma sat there, silently staring down at Iruka, a dumbstruck expression on his now pale face. What am I doing?He's just...“Ru,” the tokujou began. Iruka’s head snapped up at the tone conveyed in that one word as that fullness was withdrawn. “Iruka, I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I can’t do this, can’t do this to you. I don’t…”

//You bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, blame, blame, blameYou bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, it's not my thing so let it go//

“Can’t what, Genma? You aren't forcing me to do anything. I don’t seem to be tied up,” Genma almost thought he heard the youngster mumble the word “unfortunately.” “ I was enjoying myself.wereenjoying yourself.nothing wrong. What rank am I Gen-chan? I’m a chuunin. I’m old enough to make my own decisions. You aren’t some sick pedophile who drugged me and dragged me off the streets to be his sex-slave. You aren’t ‘taking advantage’ of some little kid who can’t say no. If anything, I was taking advantage of you, because I know what I want and I want it now. I want you, Genma. I. Want. You. Inside. Me. Now. Now, are you going to give in gracefully and screw me silly or do I have to sit here wondering what’s wrong with me, because I sure tried my damnedest to make you want me too… Please, Genma. Fuuuck me…”

The chuunin strained upward and captured theman'swith his own. The kiss was quiet, without all the animalistic vocalizations of earlier, its tone changed by the brief exchange, by the uncertainty of the moment. When Genma didn’t pull away, Iruka deepened the contact, letting some of his pent-up frustration and need show through, knowing the older man could sense the honest plea inherent in the kiss. Genma broke off the kiss first, “Chibi, are you sure this is really what you want? Are you sure you’re ready? ‘Cus we’re pretty damn close to that point of no return I’ve told you about, and tonight I’m pretty sure my control is shot all to hell and back, anyway.”

Iruka was done arguing. He could keep debating and protesting all night, but he knew actions spoke louder than words for his Gen-chan, so he did the only thing he could imagine getting through that thick special jounin (and he did mean special) skull. In almost one simultaneous movement, he smeared his hand through the remaining liquid on his chest, flipped the older man onto his back and slicked his sticky hand down the purple-headed shaft. He reached behind himself and disposed of the remaining lube by the simple expedient of smearing his own passage in preparation.

And in one irrevocably swift motion, the chibi impaled himself, eliciting a half gasp, half moan from his dumbstruck mentor.The dark head tilted backwards, sweat darkenedhuedstrands cascading down the arched back. His chest was thrust forward, neck exposed at a suggestively submissive angle at odds with the dominance just exhibited. Sweat glistened on the lithe lines of the tawny body covering the golden haired shinobi. Muscles tightened, flexed as he slowly lifted himself before slamming onto the body beneath him, grinding in small circles against the other man’s groin, embracing and drawing the tokujou’s member further within his tight passage. Iruka started at the warm velvet touch of his friend’s hand on his own needy erection, and the slight movement changed the angle just enough to cause a spectacular reaction as Genma hit the chibi’s prostate dead-on. Oh dear Kami-sami, I don’t know what happened or how I lost control of this situation, but thank you thank you thank you… look at him… that dark banner of hair streaming behind him… dusky sweat-slicked skin rippling over toned muscles… I knew Ru was beautiful, but not like this…

“Nghhh… ahhh Genmaaa… isn’t this what you’ve wanted to do for so lonnnng, To touch me, mmmm, and lick me…. tease me… unhhh oh yeah right there. To fuckkkk me hard. Just. Like. This…”

With a deep husky groan, Genma rolled them over and reversed their positions, grabbing one of the chuunin’s long, muscled legs, and hooking it over his shoulder. Iruka shuddered as the deeper angle allowed even more contact, as every thrust pounding into him seemed to slam into that hard little bundle of nerves. The tokujou tangled his hand in the sweaty raw silk pooling on the pillows beneath the hot little chuunin and leaned forward to suck that tempting little pout into his own mouth, before worrying the lower lip with sharp teeth. Genma’s hand gave a little tug, and the teen drew his neck to the side as the older man’s teeth grazed against that wildly leaping pulse point before barely breaking the skin of the dark young man’s shoulder.

“Mmmmm. Ru…now arch up just a little. Fuck yeah, just like that, chibi. so good at this, 'Ruka, soand hot...shit!”The teacher grasped the firm erection trapped between their bodies and gave a few firm, quick strokes in counterpoint to the slow steady fucking.He gasped as sharp nails raked a path down his exposed back.

Iruka was actually trembling and quivering from the stimulation. Hot breath lifted a few coffee strands by his ear as the older man whispered, “Come on ‘Ruka, baby, just let go, don’t hold it in, let it happen, come on, Chibi, cum for me, cum for me, baby.”The effect of the softly murmured plea was truly spectacular.A scream was torn from Iruka’s throat as a thick white stream erupted between their bodies, coating them both with the viscous liquid. The violent orgasm caused the tight heat of him to pulse and grip wildly around the senbon shinobi, drawing a similar response despite the forgotten anti-ejaculatory jutsu, so when Genma came scant seconds later it was like a champagne cork exploding from a shaken bottle, the force of the emission against Iruka’s already over-stimulated prostate causing him to shudder and tense again in a haze of white-hot lust.

//You kiss on me, tug on me, rub on me, jump on me,You bang on me, beat on me, hit on me, let go on me,You let go on me//

Genma fell still, the combined effects of the rebounding jutsu and soul-shaking orgasm rendering him senseless for the next few moments. His next conscious recollection was of a very warm, pliant chuunin seemingly trying to share his skin with him. And I thought he liked to snuggle close before… It’s nice though. This is nice. Oh who the fuck are you kidding, Shiranui. This… this was just…so much more than nice… just fanfuckingtastic and you know it. You fucking passed out like a sixteen-year-old visiting his first whore-house on a mission to Grass. You really need to work on that jutsu too, it just shattered and rebounded on you, gonna hurt like hell in the morning, as if the hangover won’t be enough. And ‘Ruka… he was… beyond incredible… and his first fucking time, too. You were drunk and this was his first fucking time…

His ever-agile (at least when it came to sex and the ninja arts) mind supplied a picture of him banging Iruka *in* the waves, water lapping at that gorgeously tanned body, Umino Iruka, the dolphin of the sea... that body that had just been thrusting upward as eagerly as his own. You can lie to others all you want Shiranui, but you damn well better tell yourself the truth... He wanted this as much as you did.Genma, you silly idiot, think about it. He's might be fifteen but he's better at sex at his age than you ever thought of being.And he's fifteen... he wanted it damn good and well *more* than you did.It *was* his first time. Does he look like a wailing frightened virgin or a well-fucked feline of a chuunin that marked your back so well? Quit beating yourself up and accept it as the freely given shared gift he meant it to be...

The stickiness was rapidly cooling, and beginning to dry just a bit on their bodies. Genma tried to pull his half-trapped arm and shoulder from beneath his partner. “Hey, babe. We really need to clean this up or we’ll be hating life tomorrow. Nothing spoils a morning like having to get unstuck from the sheets before you can even take a piss,” Genma grinned down at the tawny shinobi beneath him, stretching languorously like a half-tamed housecat.

He gave a tug when the younger man refused to budge. “Come on, Chibi, I’ll never have a chance to show a sweet young thing like you just how distracting you can be if I’m stuck to the bed in the morning… and what a shame to waste all that early morning wood without starting a little fire to warm us up.”

The sated, dusky teen looked up in utter contentment at his best friend, a slight smile teasing the corner of his mouth. Genma took in the sight of his ravished little chibi, face near beaming with a well-fucked glow, sex-mussed hair making a wild halo over the mound of pillows, lips red and swollen from the multitude of kisses shared over the course of the night. “Iruka, if you want to do this again before I have to leave on that mission tomorrow, you better get your ass off me now…” Genma mock-growled at the tempting youth now openly grinning up at him.

“Mmmmmm,” Iruka lazily stretched yet again. “Don’t ever wanna move again. Wanna stay here, with you. I just wanna stay here and remember this feeling forever.”

Genma stroked the back of one hand against a sun-kissed cheek, brushing away sweaty locks. “Do you still trust your teacher, Chibi?”

Iruka purred, “ More than ever,” leaning into the touch, enhancing the feline impression even more.

“Then trust me when I tell you you don’t want to wake up stuck to the bed or too sore to even walk. You *will* be sore in the morning, but if you want to keep things at a bearable level, let’s take a quick hot shower, ok?” Genma grabbed a sheet from the bed and began dabbing at the mess coating their torsos before giving up and tossing the covering at the now overflowing laundry pile. “Shower. Clean sheets. Bed. Move it now, Umino.”

“Nag, nag, nag, just like a wife, Gen-gen.” The chuunin stuck out his tongue as he grudgingly climbed from the rumpled, stained bed and gingerly padded toward the bathroom.

“You better believe it, Chibi. That delicious ass of yours is all mine…” and he followed, thoughts already anticipating the rapidly coming dawn.

