Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Measureless ❯ Memories ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. For all purposes he belongs to Misashi Kishimoto.
Chapter 3
The bar was dark. Smells of alcohol and smoke surrounded the pair as they entered the pub. Sakura gripped Kakashi's arm tighter. She had only been to a bar once, and that time Ino had dragged her along for Chouji's birthday party. She had never consumed alcohol. Tsunade-shishou had been an avid drinker, but Sakura hadn't been able to bring herself to drink the foul-smelling stuff.
Kakashi patted her hand reassuringly as he led her to the bar. They sat on stools as an old bartender came over. Kakashi ordered them two glasses of sake. Sakura, to keep up appearances, took a sip of the clear liquid. She almost spit it out before she swallowed quickly. She scrunched her nose up and hissed. Kakashi finished his in one lightening quick drink.
Sakura looked over at Kakashi. “How can you stand that stuff?” she whispered quietly.
Kakashi shrugged. “I drink on occasion. Our target is over in the right corner.”
Sakura discreetly turned her head and studied the man in shadow. He was a medium-sized man. He was almost the same height as Kakashi with a jutting chin and slanted eyes. On each of his arms were women, prostitutes from the looks of them. Sakura turned her head back to Kakashi. “You expect me to just go up and ask that guy for information? Are you out of your mind?” Sakura whispered fiercely.
Kakashi clicked his tongue. “You have to seduce him, Sakura.”
Sakura gaped. “You can't be serious. I've never done something like this before.”
“There's a first time for everything. You'll be alight.” Kakashi took her hand and squeezed it gently. “I won't let anything happen to you.”
Sakura sighed before she slowly rose to her feet. She took once last glance back at Kakashi before she squared her shoulders and walked across the bar. She spotted a bathroom behind the man's table. As she sauntered back towards him, a small twist to her hips she was suddenly stopped when a hand reached out and grabbed her wrist.
Sakura acted surprised as she looked down at the man. He leered at her, sizing up her body before his dark eyes rested on her face. “What's this? A woman all alone? Come join us.” The man pulled on Sakura's wrist causing her to fall forward next to one of the women hanging on his arm.
The man turned to the woman beside Sakura. “Get us some drinks.”
The woman obeyed, but not before pushing Sakura as she moved to rise from her chair. Sakura tightened her hands on her chair, her knuckles pale. The man scooted Sakura's chair closer to his, effectively cornering her between him and the wall. Sakura scrunched up her nose when she smelt the man's breath on her. It smelled like rotten meat. But it was no wonder since he had been drinking alcohol since he had arrived four hours earlier.
He leaned towards Sakura who instinctively tried to pull away. “You're a pretty little thing. What's your name?”

Sakura looked down at her lap and blushed, all as an act. “Ayame.”
The man smiled, showing his yellow teeth. “You can call me whatever you want, baby. I've never seen you around here. Where are you from?” The man pulled Sakura closer, draping an arm around her shoulders.
Sakura grit her teeth. “A country in the west. My family had been murdered by ninja and I had no where else to go.”
“Is that so? Well now don't you fret, honey. I'll take good care of you while you're here.”
Sakura squirmed in her chair, which went unnoticed by the man as he twirled a lock of her hair in his large fingers. The woman that had left to get their drinks arrived at the table. She took the place next to Sakura. The woman sat a cup of white liquid in front of Sakura, a smirk on her bland features.
Sakura hesitantly took the cup. She swallowed the liquid in one bought. Her throat burned and she nearly gagged, but she kept a passive face. A difficult task to do. Sakura swore right then and there that she would never drink again.
The man laughed and pushed another drink on Sakura. For the next hour Sakura was able to glean from the man that Tsuque lived in a large mansion west of the village. The man, Yasayo, was one of Tsuque's men. She had also learned that three girls were currently being held prisoner, ready to sell in a few days. But getting information had come with a price. For every question Sakura asked she had to tolerate another cup of alcohol.
By the time Sakura had all the information she could get, she was completely drunk. Sakura knew that something was wrong, but at the moment she couldn't put her finger on what it was. The man pushed another drink on Sakura, which remained untouched. One of Yasayo's hands had come to lay high on Sakura's thigh. At any other time Yasayo wouldn't have a hand if Sakura had anything to say about it.
Yasayo put his lips against Sakura's ear. “How about you and I get out of here? I can show you a good time.”
Sakura giggled. “Oh, Yasayo.”
Sakura knew that something was definitely wrong as Yasayo began kissing her neck. Even though she was drunk, shivers of disgust raced through her body. Suddenly Yasayo's octopus hands were removed from her as she was forcefully pulled from her seat. She staggered before she dazedly looked up into a mask covered face. Sakura recognized Kakashi and gripped onto his arm tightly.
The rest passed in a blur as Kakashi led Sakura away from the bar. They were quickly back in their room. Kakashi locked their door as Sakura stumbled into the bedroom. He followed quickly, his eye filled with anger at Yasayo and worried for Sakura. When he entered the room Sakura was already gulping down a pill that would restore her thoughts and kill the alcohol in her system.
Kakashi sat down on the bed beside Sakura as she lay down, her arm across her eyes. “Are you okay,” he asked.
Sakura opened her still glassy eyes and groaned. “I'll be alright. Just remind me never to drink again. Kakashi?”
Kakashi looked down at Sakura. “Yes?”
“Have you ever been in love?”
Kakashi remained silent, wondering where that had come from. Apparently Sakura's drunkenness hadn't worn off all the way yet.
Sakura continued, not waiting for an answer. “I once thought that I was in love. But I was just a naïve little fool. It was no wonder you never wanted to teach me and instead focused your attention on Sasuke.” Sakura shivered when she said his name.
Kakashi noticed this. “Did something happen between you and him?” He thought that she wasn't going to say anything, but suddenly tears gathered in her eyes.
“Two years ago, after Sasuke returned he came to me. I was walking home from the hospital after an all-day shift. He intercepted me and told me he needed to talk with me. He…He dragged me into an alleyway.” Sakura's hands clenched at her sides as her mouth quivered.
“He asked me to marry him. But he told me that he only wanted me to give him heirs. I told him that I wanted to marry for love, not just to restore his clan. Then…then he became angry.” Tears began to stream down Sakura's face. “He s-struck me. I couldn't do a thing about it. He pinned me to the wall, but I was too afraid to do anything. He…he kissed me. He hurt me. He groped me and I let him. I was such a fool! I couldn't even push him away.” Sakura was now sobbing, her words almost discernable. “He almost raped me, Kakashi. He would have if…if Ino-chan hadn't come looking for me because she thought something had happened to me. And I let him! I almost let him rape me! I was so weak!”
Sakura completely broke down as she flung herself into Kakashi's arms. Kakashi held her to him. He was angry, angry at Sasuke for doing such a thing to her and himself for not seeing that something had happened to Sakura before now. But the only thing he could do now was to hold her. His arms held her tightly, one in her hair and the other around her waist. He got on the bed all the way, his back against the headboard as he cradled Sakura in his arms.
She had gone through so much in her young life. He should have seen that she was hurting like this. If he had known…then what? He could have been there for her. He could have comforted her and showed her that there was things in the world better than Sasuke was. He felt more disgusted with himself for neglecting Sakura. She had as much potential as Naruto and Sasuke. If only he had been a real teacher to her then she might hadn't been in such a situation. But he knew that he couldn't change what had already happened. If he couldn't do that then he would be her friend, her confidant, and show her how much she was worth.
Sakura's sobs soon subsided. She moved back from Kakashi, a blush staining her cheeks. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bothered you.”
Sakura made to move away when she looked up in surprise. Kakashi had placed both his hands on her waist, preventing her from going anywhere. Her blush intensified as he looked into her eyes, searching. “I'm glad you told me.”
Sakura smiled softly. “Thank you,” she said before her smile faltered. “Kakashi?”
Kakashi ran his fingers through her silky pink hair. “Hmm?”
Sakura looked to the side. “Do you think I'm pretty?”
Kakashi's eye widened before it quickly softened. He tilted Sakura's chin up with his forefinger. Sakura's emerald green eyes were captured by his, as though hypnotized. “You're beautiful.”

Sakura ducked her head to hide her blush. “But why haven't I found anyone to love yet? No guy is interested in me.”
“Then they are all fools. You are one of the most beautiful women in Konoha.” Kakashi kissed Sakura's hand, his lips lingering longer than necessary.
Sakura stared up at Kakashi with widened eyes. Her breath had suddenly left her. “Would you want someone like me?”
Kakashi was startled by the question, but answered truthfully. “Yes.”
Sakura lay her head on Kakashi's chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. “Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me.” Sakura yawned, the night was beginning to catch up with her. While she was in Kakashi's arms she felt warm and protected, even from her nightmares.
Kakashi chuckled softly. His deep tone causing a shiver to wrack up Sakura's spine. “Go to sleep.”
Sakura nodded as Kakashi gently lay her beneath the covers after removing her sandals. He made to leave but Sakura had snagged his wrist as he rose from the bed. He looked down at her with curious eyes. “Will you stay with me? Please?”

Kakashi looked into her wide eyes and knew he couldn't refuse. He nodded before discarding his sandals and stripping off his unbuttoned shirt before sliding into the covers with her. Sakura hestiantly moved closer to Kakashi until she was flush against his side. Kakashi brought his hand around, laying it lightly on Sakura's waist.
Sakura instantly drifted to sleep with a smile on her face. Kakashi looked down at the young woman and knew that he was falling for her. He was falling hard.
Okay, I admit it. This chapter was sort of cheesy. But I like cheesy and fluffy. XD I got into Kakashi's mind a little bit more on this one than in previous chapters. But next chapter I'm going to try to do it all with Kakashi's thoughts. I love this couple! Some people say that it's disgusting because they were teacher and student. But I think that if you love someone then it doesn't matter what relationship you had previously. Anyway, enough chat. Please Comment!