Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Measureless ❯ Masterful ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine, it's Misashi Kishimoto's.
Chapter 7
Warning: There will be a lemon in this chapter. I will mark it with a 0o0o0 at the beginning and end.
“What's this? You're lover?” Tsuque walked around Sakura until he was facing Kakashi. His hands remained by his sides, steady.
Kakashi sized up his opponent. “What if I am?”
Tsuque shrugged. “It wouldn't matter if you were. You'll die and I'll have my way with your honey here. First she'll be mine. Then I'll give her to my boys. They seem to have much more fun with the older ones. Then I might just keep her, for information purposes.”
Kakashi remained calm on the outside but on the inside he just wanted to kill this man until there was nothing left to see. Kakashi reached into his back pouch and pulled out a kunai. “Let's go.”
Tsuque backed up a few steps as he motioned for the two men with him to come forward. Kakashi watched them warily. The one of the left side was a large man, with brass knuckles on his hands. The other was much smaller, though looked to be faster and more intelligent. He held a mace and chain in his hands.
Kakashi blinked. The large man ran at him, arms extended. Kakashi dodged the incoming blow, swerving to the right as the other man came at him. He ducked under the man's mace as he swung it. Kakashi retaliated by sweeping the man's feet out from under him. While the smaller one was down the bigger one rushed him from behind.
Kakashi brought his hands up and in after a series of fast seals appeared behind him. “Whirling Lotus!” Kakashi kicked the man's feet out from under him before spinning and kicking the man in the abdomen. Kakashi smirked with satisfaction as he went flying into the wall, unconscious. Before he was able to turn around he was hit with the mace and chain.
Kakashi appeared behind the man as a log fell to the ground in front of him. Kakashi was reminded of the time he fought Zabuza when he felt a knife piercing his neck. Kakashi turned his head to the side before dropping to the ground and knocking the man back.
The man stopped himself from colliding with the wall before he brought his hands up and began forming seals. Kakashi opened his Sharingan, copying the man's movement. “Fire Phoenix!' Two identical fire phoenix's rose from the torches on the walls. They attacked. There was a bright flash as they collided with each other. Kakashi was the only one left standing when the smoke cleared.
Kakashi turned around, facing Tsuque. Tsuque was already ready for him his double-edged sword in his hands. “Impressive. You wouldn't happen to be the Copy Ninja Kakashi, would you?”
Kakashi shrugged, dropping into a defensive stance. “What are you going to do about it?”
Tsuque smirked. “This.”
Kakashi's eyes widened when he suddenly vanished. A second later he was kicked in the side. He hit the wall before he got right back up. He grit his teeth when he felt that two of his ribs had been broken. Tsuque came at him again with his sword. Kakashi bent backwards. He flipped back, stunned as he brought his hand up to his cheek. He had been cut on the cheek. Kakashi looked at Tsuque's sword and noticed that it had been extended with chakra.
Kakashi rose from his crouch. Tsuque formed seals quickly before large stone spikes raced towards Kakashi. “Stone Wall no Jutsu!” Before Kakashi rose a wall of stone, shattering Tsuque's spikes.
Kakashi spared a glance over at Sakura. He needed to end this, and now. The wall Kakashi was behind crumbled. “Did you know,” Kakashi began. “That people such as yourself usually become rusty when they leave their village.”
Tsuque smirked. “Is that so?”
Kakashi nodded. “And did you know those same people don't know much about other ninja villages?'
Tsuque frowned. “Get to you point.”
Kakashi closed his right eye as his left, Sharingan eye opened wide. “If you had stayed in Stone then you would have known my new ability!” Kakashi's Sharingan eye began to whirl.
Tsuque watched mesmerized as Kakashi's pupil changed into a three-pointed star. With a yell Tsuque felt himself being pulled backwards. He looked over his shoulder to see the air contorting and sucking everything within it. He tried throwing himself to the side, but as he did the winds from Kakashi's Mangekyou Sharingan pulled Tsuque threw.
Kakashi stumbled as he closed his Sharingan eye. He staggered over to Sakura who was working on her bonds. Kakashi quickly cut the straps before Sakura launched herself at him. Kakashi caught her in his arms, hugging her too him tightly. “I'm so glad…you're safe…”
Sakura pulled back. “Kakashi?” He had passed out.
Sakura lay Kakashi down on their bed before she set to work on his injuries. Before they had left Tsuque's compound Sakura had removed the last of the morphine that was in her system. Once Sakura had gotten Kakashi back to the village all her strength had returned.
Sakura collected green chakra on her hands before she pressed it to Kakashi's wounds. After mending his tissue injuries and healing his broken ribs she pulled back. She looked down at him to see that he was now sleeping peacefully. She caressed his cheek and ran her hand through his hair before she got up from her crouched position.
When she turned she saw herself in the full-length mirror in their room. She groaned when she saw what a mess she was. She fingered the remains of her kimono in sadness. The kimono Kakashi had paid for had been ruined. Sakura shrugged her thoughts away before she took a quick shower and changed into her normal shinobi attire. Most of the village already knew that they were shinobi due to recent events so Sakura saw no reason to keep their act up.
Day slowly turned into night as Sakura sat by Kakashi's bedside. It was nearing midnight when Sakura heard Kakashi move. Sakura opened her eyes that had been closed in rest before her eyes locked with Kakashi's.
His voice was hoarse when he spoke. “Sakura. Come here…”
Sakura obliged. She sat beside him as he sat up. Sakura handed him a glass of water, which he greedily emptied. When he was finished he sat the cup back down on the nightstand before he looked up at Sakura.
She locked her eyes with his, tears running down her cheeks. “Oh, Kakashi!” Sakura launched herself into his arms, knocking them both back to the bed.
Kakashi brought his arms up around Sakura. Kakashi sought out her mouth and crashed his lips against hers. After a few seconds Kakashi pulled back. Before Sakura could contemplate his actions Kakashi had discarded his mask. Sakura wasn't able to look at his exposed face before her lips were back on Kakashi's.
Kakashi poured all of his feelings into the kiss. When he pulled back Sakura's eyes had softened, glazed over with love. “I thought I was going to lose you,” Kakashi said as he stroked her soft face.
Sakura lay her chin on Kakashi's chest. “But you didn't.” Sakura's cheeks heated up in a blush as she looked to the side. “Kakashi?”
Kakashi stopped caressing her face and turned his head to watch Sakura. “Yes?”
Sakura bit her lip. “I know we haven't been in this relationship for long.” Sakura turned her head back to face Kakashi. “But will you…will you make love to me?”
Kakashi's eyes widened before they softened almost instantly. He cupped Sakura's cheek, bringing her closer. “Yes.”
Sakura's threw herself forward and kissed Kakashi for all she was worth. Their kiss softened until they were merely caressing each other's lips lightly. Kakashi rolled to the side, bringing Sakura beneath him. He pulled back and looked down at her.
Sakura looked up at Kakashi and stared at his newly exposed face. He was the most handsome man she had laid eyes one. His drooping eyes only heightened his beauty instead of taking it away. The scar that ran down his Sharingan eye made him seem all the more human. Sakura brought her hand up and caressed his face. “You're beautiful,” she whispered.
Kakashi chuckled deeply. “I've never been called that before.” Kakashi lowered his head and nipped at Sakura's earlobe, causing Sakura to close her eyes and moan softly. Kakashi continued on down her neck, kissing and nipping her neck and collarbone. While he kissed her exposed skin his hand that wasn't in her hair was trailing down her body.
He ran his hand between her breasts. Sakura's breath hitched noticably. His hand reached her stomach. He pulled her shirt up, exposing her flat stomach. He slowly brought the shirt up until he pulled away from her neck and threw it to the floor. Kakashi looked down at her simple white bra and smirked before he lowered his head to her pert breasts.
Sakura arched her back when his mouth encircled her bound breasts. Her nipples hardened as he caressed her through the thin fabric of her cotton bra. With deft fingers Kakashi lifted her up and unclasped the garment, it soon joined her shirt on the floor.
Kakashi's breath hitched when he leaned back and admired her newly exposed chest. Sakura instinctively brought her arms up to cover her chest. Kakashi caught her arms and brought them back down to the bed, holding them above her head. “You're beautiful,” he whispered before he ducked his head and took her right nipple into his mouth.
Sakura gasped and wiggled beneath him, bringing their bodies closer together. Kakashi held Sakura's hands with only one of his own as he brought the other to her other breast. Soon Sakura was writhing beneath him, her moans becoming louder.
He pulled back. Sakura gazed up at him with glazed eyes. Kakashi leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Are you sure? We can't go back after this.”
Sakura smiled softly. “I'm sure.”
That was all Kakashi needed to know before he traveled down her body, tasting her soft skin. Kakashi discarded his shirt before he continued on down her body. Her shorts joined her other clothes on the floor before her panties followed soon after. Kakashi pulled back and looked at the woman he loved.
His breath caught in his throat at the sight of the goddess beneath him. “Sakura…” he whispered before he lowered his head and kissed the inside of her thigh. Sakura gasped before Kakashi reached forward and spread her thighs. Sakura instinctively tried closing her legs when Kakashi lay between them.

Sakura's eyes widened as her breathing stopped when Kakashi's tongue caressed her entrance. Her hips rose from the bed. Sakura was once again writhing beneath Kakashi's expert fingers and tongue. As she came to her orgasmic bliss she screamed Kakashi's name at the top of her lungs.

Kakashi slowly crawled back up Sakura, a contented smile on his face as he licked his fingers clean. Sakura came down from her high as Kakashi settled himself against her, his pants already discarded. Sakura gasped and blushed when she felt Kakashi's arousal against her thigh through his thin boxers.
Kakashi ground his hips against Sakura, causing them both agony. “Tell me what you want, Sakura.”
Sakura arched towards Kakashi, her breasts pressing against his bare chest. “I want…I want you. Please…”
Kakashi reached down and removed the last article of clothing between them. Sakura gazed at Kakashi's arousal with widened eyes. “That…that won't fit…”
Kakashi chuckled before he lay back atop Sakura, their bodies aligned. “Do you trust me?”
Sakura nodded.
Kakashi kissed Sakura reassuringly before he guided his member to her opening. With a swift thrust Kakashi penetrated Sakura's virgin barrier. With a cry Sakura tensed, her body reacting against the intrusion.
Kakashi whispered soothing words to Sakura as she adjusted to the size and feel of him inside of her. Sakura moved her hips experimentally, a shock of pleasure instantly rushed through her body.
Kakashi began to move within her, slowly at first until his thrust became erratic. Sakura felt overpowered and utterly filled as Kakashi pounded into her. His powerful muscles moved beneath her hands as she grabbed his back, urging him deeper into her. She could feel herself coming. “Kakashi!”
Kakashi groaned as his thrusts penetrated deeper and faster. “Come for me, Sakura…”
Sakura came, white flashing behind her closed lids. Kakashi came soon after, his seed spilling into her core before he dropped back onto the bed. He pulled Sakura into his arms, spooning her against his chest as he gasped for air.
Sakura opened her eyes. She turned her head towards Kakashi with a contented smile on her sated face. “That was…amazing.”
Kakashi kissed Sakura softly on the lips. “That was more than amazing.”
Sakura yawned as she pressed herself closer to Kakashi. “I love you, Kakashi.”
“I love you too.” Kakashi watched with a happy smile on his face as Sakura's succumbed to sleep, her chest rising steadily with her even breathing. Kakashi lay a kiss on her temple before he joined Sakura in blissful sleep, his dreams filled with Sakura, his love.
Finished! Yeah! This is the longest story I have done in the shortest amount of time. I'm really proud of this story and I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
My lemon scene might have been a little rusty because I haven't been writing as many lemon scenes as I used to.
But overall, I think this was a killer story. Different from my usual cheesy romance stories. Please Comment Mina! Thanks for reading!! XD