Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling ❯ Coming to terms ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Coming to Terms
Disclaimer: Not mine. Or the pairings would change so often it wouldn't be funny anymore.
Rating: R to potential NC-17..Heh, potentially…right.
Notes: Comments welcome, flames will be used to roast marshmallows. Continuation of the giftfic Meddling for xHidaka. And no I will not pick a standard form for my disclaimers ;)
Summary: Kiba and Shikamaru have finished their mission, and need to figure out exactly where their night together leaves them. Kiba's having issues on dealing with his feelings for Shikamaru, and lingering hints of jealousy towards Taeski. Will Shikamaru stop being lazy long enough to deal with this?
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The weather in Tokyan was nice, making Kiba glad he'd switched his standard outfit to just his mesh shirt and shorts. His jacket very nearly always just wrapped around his waist. Shikamaru didn't seem to be affected by the weather much at all, but his outfit already tended to be more practical. His jonin vest had replaced the one he'd worn when he was younger, and he always wore a mesh shirt similar to the one Kiba now had on. That and his sandals were Shikamaru's only concessions towards the weather. Kiba liked Shikamaru's outfit, but being teased by mesh covered skin was starting to be a bit much to handle.
Speaking of which, Shikamaru was outside enjoying the weather in some way with Taeski. On one hand, that left him alone with Shane in the building. He liked the golden haired man, but he still wasn't Shikamaru. On the other hand, he wasn't at one of the unnumbered places Shikamaru had found to play Shogi; where he had spent at least three days of vacation just to be around the object of his fascination. He was still trying to decide if he was fascinated watching him play, or bored.
Kiba rubbed at his forehead, automatically minding his claw like nails to avoid any embarrassing scratches. He and Shikamaru had been in Tokyan for about a week, and thinking about the amount of time he'd spent with the shadow user versus how much was spent with Taeski made him want to growl. Giving into his urges he did growl. Shikamaru wasn't around to hear it anyway. Neither was Akamaru, the large dog having gone off to do something. And Shane was downstairs.
The only real bright points to this week were that Shikamaru never argued with him when he wanted to do something at the festival, and that they shared a bed at night. Even if they were too tired for anything else by the time they crawled in bed. Shopping and games took up quite a bit of their time, and they had found that being shinobi didn't really give them an advantage here when playing the games. Between the games and the stalls though, they'd managed to get souvenirs for nearly everyone they knew.
Growling, again, he resisted the urge to hit his head against the table and decided to use this time to find something for Shikamaru. There had to be something he could get Shikamaru to show him he wanted him to stick around. Maybe Shane could help, he seemed like he'd be good at it. All of this would hopefully get his mind off of Taeski, Shikamaru, and what they might be doing. Somewhere in his brain his instincts were screaming that nothing was going on, but his daily mind was still griping. He nodded to himself and left their room. **********************************************************************
Shikamaru glanced over when he thought he caught a familiar silhouette over at another booth. Kiba was leaning over a display of jewelry, looking at rings. Shane was beside him, pointing at various ones and apparently explaining something. At his side Taeski chuckled and turned towards Shikamaru.
“We'll just pretend we didn't see them. I'm sure it's supposed to be a surprise.” Shikamaru replied with a shrug and turned back to what they had been looking at. Looking over the items a bit longer he finally pointed at the one that he had decided would be best.
“Can you wrap that up for me?” The owner, Toyuko, laughed and nodded.
“Of course. It'll be a few moments.” Shikamaru tilted his head in acknowledgment and counted out the money. When she was done he handed her the money and took the box she'd wrapped for him.
“Come back anytime. And try to stop by the dance in the main square tonight.” She said cheerfully as he and Taeski left.
“So Taeski, what have you learned about the Inuzuka clan?”
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Kiba sighed and stared at Shikamaru across the table their vests were resting on. The other wasn't doing anything interesting at the moment. (No, the bastard is just lying there on our bed, not realizing how tempting he looks. I want to jump him, but I was the one to make the first move last time.) When he sighed again he heard Shikamaru echo him.
“Come here.” Slightly wary but more than a bit curious he walked over to Shikamaru, stopping near his side.
“Troublesome.” He heard him mutter right before he felt himself falling onto the bed, Shikamaru's hand on his wrist. He found himself lying over the other man, chest to chest and his legs lying on the bed between Shikamaru's slightly spread ones.
“Shikamaru?” He looked up, propping himself up on his elbows to see his face. He found dark eyes studying his face. Fingers gently traced the marks on his face and he whined low in his throat at the feelings it brought up.
“I was talking to Taeski.” Shikamaru's calm voice cut through the haze settling into Kiba's mind. He stiffened and went to move, only to be held gently in place by Shikamaru's hands on his face.
“And?” He somewhat snapped, then flinched at the tone.
“He said that he hoped you and I would be happy. He also mentioned that Inuzuka mate for life.”
“How did he know? It's not a well known fact or anything.” He stalled; his mind frozen for a few moments on the fact Taeski was wishing him and Shikamaru to be happy. He felt a bit ashamed as his instincts finally kicked his brain into realizing he probably shouldn't have been jealous of the other for so long. Especially shouldn't have since he knew that Shane and Taeski were together.
“He specializes in knowledge of the clans. It was in our report for the mission. Why didn't you mention it?”
“What would it have changed?” Kiba muttered.
“I'd have claimed you a lot sooner.” Kiba's next reply died in his throat as he met Shikamaru's gaze. (How much did Taeski tell him about that though?)
He licked his lips, then said “And now?” Shikamaru smiled, a slow lazy one, but a full one. Not the simple lip quirk Kiba and everyone else normally got.
“Looks like you're going to be stuck with me for a long time.” Shikamaru guided him forward with hands that had never left his face, and Kiba murmured a distracted “That's good then,” seconds before he gave in and kissed the other man.
Kiba felt Shikamaru shiver beneath him as his tongue slid into the other man's mouth to explore. He felt a strong hand cup the back of his head as he kissed him, the sweet taste of the other filling his mouth. Kiba pressed closer, intent on kissing Shikamaru breathless. His hips were flush against the Shikamaru's, and a small shift had them moaning into each other's mouths when their forming erections brushed together.
Drawn into the kiss and the press of their bodies, Kiba never notices when one of the Nara's hands settles on his shoulder. A roll of the hips makes him hiss slightly, and the next thing he knows he's staring up at Shikamaru.
The other broke the kiss, then caught Kiba's lower lip gently between his teeth. A brief nibble earned a low whimper. Shikamaru just smirked slightly at the noise before leaning back.
“Let me take care of you this time, Kiba.” The promise in Shikamaru's voice arched his back with anticipation and he answered him with another kiss. Lightly calloused fingers stroked over his marks, across his cheeks and into his hair. His own hands found Shikamaru's hair and snapped the band.
“Ahhhh.” Shikamaru moaned into the kiss, his eyes closed as Kiba massaged his scalp for a moment. Shikamaru moved, placing light kisses were placed over each mark before trailing down his jaw. Soft lips left one last one on his chin before leaving his face and drawing a sensitive earlobe between them.
Kiba moaned softly at the wet warmth moving over his ear and arched against the strong body above him. He could feel fingertips sliding beneath the mesh shirt he was wearing, pulling it up and over his head. Deciding turn about was fair play, he retaliated, the tips of his claws trailing teasingly over Shikamaru's skin before the shirt was tossed aside.
His head fell back against the pillows and he whimpered when Shikamaru sucked and bit at the skin over the pulse in his neck. Kiba slipped his arms around Shikamaru as the pleasant torture continued.
A whine escaped Kiba's throat when Shikamaru gently pulled free of his grasp. It was quickly silenced however when his mouth closed over one of Kiba's nipples. He alternated flicks of his tongue and tugs with his teeth before moving to the other one. As he began giving it the same treatment, Kiba could feel Shikamaru's hands at his waist. He would swear that Shikamaru was deliberately teasing him with light touches against his hard length through the shorts as he drew them down.
He watched as Shikamaru once again moved lower, unable to stop his stomach from tensing while Shikamaru explored it with his tongue. Heat kept spreading through his body every time his lover touched him, making him writhe in anticipation.
“Shika…” He was somewhat surprised at the low growl to his voice as he stared down the length of his body. He sincerely hoped Shikamaru was going to do what he thought he was. Just the phantom sensation the memory brought back made him whimper and digs his claws into the sheets beneath him.
The light touch of Shikamaru's hair on his stomach was all the real warning he had before Shikamaru's wet tongue slid over the very tip of his erection. When he tried to move his hips and hopefully get the other to take him deeper inside he was restrained by Shikamaru's hands.
“Please…” He tried to move, and heard Shikamaru's chuckle moments before the wet heat of Shikamaru's mouth engulfed his aching length. The tip of his tongue moved over the sensitive skin, only to flatten moments later against the underneath. He pulled away after what felt like mere seconds, and Kiba reached for him.
His hand was caught, and kissed. Shikamaru turned his hand over and placed another kiss on his wrist over the pulse.
“Roll over.” Kiba shivered at the sound and rolled over when Shikamaru released his hand. Once he was on his stomach he felt his lover leaning over him, knees between his slightly spread legs. A gentle bite was given to the base of his neck, and then a harsher one a bit below that. He could feel a slick finger circling his entrance teasingly while the mouth tried to keep him distracted.
While Shikamaru slid his tongue over the bite he'd left on the back of Kiba's neck the exploring finger slipped inside. Kiba did his best to relax his muscles, the feeling odd but not uncomfortable.
“Kiba.” Shikamaru's breath brushed over the skin he'd recently bitten as he spoke. Another finger joined the first, then began to lightly brush against something. Kiba's body shook under Shikamaru's and his hands scrabbled for purchase on the bed.
“Sh-shika.” He moaned and pushed his ass back against the fingers caressing his insides. Shikamaru's free hand tugged upwards on Kiba's hip and Kiba shakily got onto his hands and knees. Only to almost collapse against the bed again when the shadow user nipped one of his cheeks.
“Almost done, just one more finger. You're so tight I don't want to hurt you.” Kiba managed a slight nod, the few brain cells he could still feel working were focused more on the sensations being fed him than any words. That one last finger was added and Kiba nearly bit his lip at the stinging sensation. It wasn't long however until he was moving with that hand again, body restless at the searing heat that filled him.
Shikamaru pulled away, removing his fingers slowly from Kiba. Kiba released a wordless cry at the loss of warmth and sensation. It was quickly silenced when he felt Shikamaru slowly easing into him. Any time he tensed the other man froze and he could feel the tension singing through him for the restraint he used.
When he felt Shikamaru's hips against his ass the other stroked a hand over the curve of his spine to soothe him as he tensed once more. Slow relaxation and a hesitant push back against Shikamaru sent a faint shiver of pleasure through him. Eager to find out why the other had seemed to enjoy it so much he managed to growl out a single word.
Both of the Nara's strong hands were on his hips as his partner began to move. The first few strokes had Kiba wondering what was so wonderful about it. It felt good, he felt oddly full but nothing to warrant the kind of enjoyment Shikamaru had shown. He kept wondering right up until Shikamaru changed the angle.
A sharp burst of pleasure was sent through his body and he pushed back against the other to try and find it again. Once he pushed back, Shikamaru sped up the pace only slightly, always keeping that same angle that had Kiba moaning and seeing flashes of color when he closed his eyes.
His arms almost gave out when Shikamaru wrapped one hand around his erection and stroked. Assaulted with pleasure from both sides Kiba knew he wouldn't last much longer.
“Shika, so close,” he panted.
“Come for me Kiba. I want to feel it.” Shikamaru replied, and it was the low purr in his voice that finished him off. Kiba howled his completion, his cum spurting out over Shikamaru's fist and onto the bed. His claws ripping the sheets apart when he felt Shikamaru's release inside of him, right against the spot he'd been exploiting nearly the entire time.
Shikamaru fell against his back, still trembling. Kiba shifted slightly in protest and Shikamaru carefully withdrew before rolling them both onto their sides. Kiba rolled over to face Shikamaru, wincing very slightly with the move. He slipped an arm around Shikamaru's waist as he closed his eyes.
“Love you.” He said quietly, hiding his face against Shikamaru's skin. Shikamaru's breath hitched, then a warm arm wound itself around him.
“Love you too.” He replied equally quiet, too warm and content to clean up though he knew they might regret that later.
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After having napped for a good hour, then cleaning up, Shikamaru looked at Kiba and said, “I have something for you.” The Inuzuka nodded before he went over to his own pack to find something while he could hear Shikamaru go to the dresser behind him.
After finding what he'd been looking for, he went and sat on the bed to wait for Shikamaru. It wasn't long until Shikamaru was handing him a wrapped box. When Kiba didn't open it right away Shikamaru chuckled nervously.
“Well?” Kiba glanced up at Shikamaru, then back down at the box. Very cautiously he slid a claw through the wrapping paper and peeled it away. The box made him arch his eyebrow at Shikamaru.
“Dog treats?” Shikamaru's face flushed and he looked away.
“That's not what's in it, just open it.” Kiba could hear him muttering about Toyuko's poor choice in boxes as he opened it. Inside, tucked into a deep red scarf, was a silver armband. He picked it up, setting box and scarf aside for the moment. The design was simple, a stylized dog whose relative size reminded him of Akamaru. The `v' beneath the dog was solid and almost broke the flow of the curves of the piece. The band itself was flat and would rest close to the skin, easy enough to hide if he wanted.
“Do you like it?” Shikamaru asked as he studied it. Kiba looked up at him and grinned.
“Yeah.” As soon as he said his simple reply, he saw Shikamaru relax.
“Good, it's practical too. That piece the dog is `standing' on comes out. It's a small dagger in case of emergencies.” Once Shikamaru mentioned it, Kiba could barely make out where it would separate. He carefully slipped it onto his left upper arm, flexing it to make sure it would stay where he wanted it.
Looking up at Shikamaru's relaxed and happy form, he smiled. (Hope he likes his gift just as well.) He gently tugged on Shikamaru's wrist, getting him to sit on the bed. He could still hear someone near their door, but it could wait. Using his grip on Shikamaru's wrist he turned his hand over, and then set down a small box on his palm.
He watched as Shikamaru opened it, barely daring to breathe until he got Shikamaru's reaction to it. Inside the box was a set of rings and a pair of simple hoop earrings with one tiny fang hanging off of each one. The entire set was made out of a black metal.
Kiba's eyes followed Shikamaru's slightly shaking hand as he picked up the slightly smaller ring. The outside was smooth and non-descript, but the inside was a work of art. A flowing design around three simple words. He slipped it on, and then took out the other. He looked at it for a moment, then he smiled as Kiba held out his own hand. He chuckled and slipped it on Kiba's finger.
“Were you planning to keep me always anyway?” Shikamaru asked.
“Of course.” Kiba replied confidently as Shikamaru used a simple jutsu to add the new earrings to his ears above the old ones.
“Perfect.” He replied as he leaned in and briefly kissed Kiba.
“The ring is kind of practical too, if you twist it properly, you can hide a bit of something inside.” Kiba explained with a smile as he stroked a hand through Shikamaru's loose hair.
“Although I really chose the rings because they were a set and the design was what I was looking for.” He added.
Shikamaru began to reply, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.
“Yeah?” Kiba called out, wrapping his arms around Shikamaru.
“Are you two lovebirds going to the dance tonight?” Shane's amused voice drifted through the door.
Kiba winced, and just knew without looking Shikamaru's face had a pleased smirk on it.
“No, I think we're going to stay in tonight.”
Teasing laughter, and then, “Hm, I wonder why. You'll have the place to yourselves, so don't destroy it while we're gone.”
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After having eaten the food Shane and Taeski had left them, they ended up curled on the couch. Shikamaru had read an interesting journal to him that was about the founding of the village. Kiba soaked up the words more than he ever had anything during school.
When the last page was finished and he'd closed the book, Shikamaru looked over his shoulder at Kiba, and then had to ask the question that had bothered him all night. “What made you chose those three words?”
Kiba smiled at Shikamaru, “I thought they worked really well for us.”
Shikamaru's lips quirked slightly. “Still. Worth the trouble?”
“Just wait until Ino hears about us.”
Shikamaru flinched. “Do we have to tell her? I see way too many flowers and ribbons and people in formal wear if we do.”
“You really want to let her find out through someone else?”
“Point taken. Maybe we should just send her a note and go on another vacation. Or a nice long mission.”
Kiba laughed and leaned in towards Shikamaru. He lightly kissed Shikamaru's cheek. “Life is going to get more troublesome now. You know that right?”
Shikamaru nodded, then laughed. “It'll be worth it.”
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~Two months later~
Kiba had been right, Shikamaru mused to himself as he looked at his sleeping husband. It had been worth it. Of course, he'd been right as well. Once Ino had found out, there had been flowers, ribbons, cake, and lots of amused shinobi in formal wear. Or what passed for it. It seemed like nearly everyone in Konoha had managed to turn out to celebrate.
He'd been somewhat surprised when Temari and the rest of the sand trio had shown up. Shikamaru hadn't however, been as surprised as everyone else when Gaara had kissed a very shocked Lee. When he'd hesitantly returned the kiss, Shikamaru had seen Ino already plotting something. He'd have to makes sure to keep out of it.
Shikamaru looked down at the ring Kiba had given him in Tokyan, the one they'd used in the ceremony. When it was finished, four words had appeared on the smooth surface of the rings they wore. Cherish, honor, protect, love. As he finally lay down beside Kiba and curled up against his back he sighed contentedly.
It was definitely worth the trouble.