Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Meet Your Match ❯ Kinapped by a Fucking Jerk ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hey guys I guess you could say that this is my Debut on FanFiction so it goes without saying that a normal person would be fucking bouncing off the walls right now, but I'm not fucking normal now am I. As for all the crap about me and all the things you should know about me I invite you to read my profile, it's so fucking cool. For all the people who haven't read my profile the important thing about to know about me is that I'm fucking crazy and all that other wonderful sappy shit that I don't have any time for, at least not right now. One more thing before I start talking about the ficcy is that you guys should know that I do have a "good" side and her name is Minia she's quite the little bitch sometimes but she is out and about quite a lot. You see even though I'm the dominant person or side I get bored easily so I let Minia handle all the crap like school work and everything that makes a persons life honest and good, screw that shit. I only come out when it's time for karate, blood, death, pain, writing, sex, you know all the worthwhile fun stuff that society says is bad, and now on with the ficcy info. This is a story between Itachi and my own ass-kicking pre-twienth century version of myself I mean after all I am a self-obsessed, egotistic, narcissistic, naughty bad girl. So here's all that other crap that I need to say so that I don't get sued, don't own anything that has anything to do with the TV. Show Narutu, but I do own myself who is a charecter as well as this steamy little story.

The silently lithe figure of something that had been lurking in the shadows retreated from their spot within the dark corner of the village. The figure slowly walked over the charred remains of the recently incinerated village. The flames had killed everyone it seemed, these flames were of the kind only a ninja could create. "Fucking mercenaries" said Atayla under her breath as she made her way through what used to be a ninja village. Atayla had seen the smoke that came from the horrid mess the rouge mercenaries had made of the once thriving village.
It was obvious who had told the Mercs To do it and after all there was only one person this far up north in Japan who had the men and the means to do it, Rakoku. Atayla had met him only a few times after all she had always gone with her master even when he went to visit Rakoku. Atayla was only a child back then but she could still remember what it was like going into a city run by Rakoku. The cities and villages he controlled were destitute and the people had long since lost whatever little morality they had left in their time living in such a hell hole. Even through all this her master Siku had an understandable love for his younger brother, and who could blame him Atayla's master was corrupt too.
Siku had always been a badass type of person but he was a good sensei and an even better fighter. To Atayla he was all she had ever known of a family especially since she had never had any type of a real family. While he was alive Siku had taken care of her and told her that she was a very special child she had what he told her was the sharigon and in time that she would learn how to control it with his help. Atayla learned a great many things from the time she was a child up to now. To most people Atayla was still seen as a child despite all the shit she had seen in her life and all of the people she had seen slaughtered most by her own hand. Beingseventeen now Atayla could look back on her life and realize that she had accomplished most things people took their whole lives trying to do. By the time she was thirteen she had already master her sharigon, developed and mastered a way to control her chakra so it had almost infinite energy to burn as long as her mind and thinking was clear, mastered countless jutsu many of which didn't even need hand signs because of her frequency of usage of them all she had to do now was focus her mind on using them and no hand signs were needed.
On top of all of this Siku had taught his only disiphile everything that he had ever learned including the techniques of at least a village of each element, Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth. In association with the techniques of these villages she learned the forbidden element techniques of Light and Darkness. Basically Atayla had always been disciplined because of her training. Since her master had died though Atayla hadn't been sure what to do the only advice her master had chosen to give her was “Learn to live for only yourself and don't you ever even dare think about given into anyone but yourself or I'll come back and kill you myself my foolish little girl. I swear on my fucking wretched soul that I'll never let your soul have a moment of fucking piece because I'll be damned if I let you off that fucking easy. You hear me Tay!”
As for what she had been doing since then well basically she was usually beating the shit out of everything that managed to piss her off and doing the things she had always wanted to do, but even then sometimes she got way to fucking bored for her own good and went off and did something stupid. Like the time she badmouthed a few ninja's just to see if they'd get angry well surprise surprise they did and Atayla spent the whole fucking day fighting off hordes and hordes of these fucking dumbass ninjas who couldn't take a joke. As for everything else about Atayla she was well interesting. As she continued walking along what used to probably be the main street in the village she thought about how she must look walking through the smoke and the flames of the burning village as it smoldered. 'Damn it I probably look like a fucking ghost. Maybe even a demon, now that would be interesting. It's a pity such a lovely place had to go to waste like this, all its fun has gone up in smoke' she thought. Atayla definantly looked like a demon as she prowled the streets of the now village of ashes.
Though not important Atayla thought of how she would look walking the streets of this town when it was still thriving and...Well unburnt. Pretty strange she was betting to wager after all her style of dress wasn't that "normal" as her master had like to tease her about her choice in wardrobe, after all she wasn't your typical kimono wearing beauty. She wore a pair of knee high black boots and thigh high black stockings that had straps at the top of them in the front and the back that connected them to another strap that ran around the circumference of her thigh. Kept in place by this strap were a kunai was kept on either leg, moving up from that she wore a pair of plain black shorts that were held up with both a studded belt and one with silver circle shaped holes in it. Also she wore a chain around her hips that had obviously been wrapped around numerous times to fit around her small waist. Moving up her body she wore a "shirt" if that's what you wanted to call it. In reality it was basically a black strip that started about an inch and a half above her breast and ended about and inch and a half below it. The whole thing exposed her flat, toned stomach that showed just a hint of muscle beneath the flat taut skin. Attached to the bottom of the "shirt" on either side was a strap that also was attached to the waistband of the shorts. There were also three other straps that were connected to these two and went around her waist, the main reason they were there was to keep Atayla's sword strapped to her back where it should be. She also wore a long sleeveless tall collared jacket that reached down to the ground and almost always had the collar up all the time. as for her hands on them she wore on her left hand a glove that went up to he elbow that stayed on by having a string that went around Atayla's middle finger, the glove also had a glyph on the back on it. As for her right had she wore a fingerless fighting glove that had a glyph on the palm.
Atayla was a slim young woman with long black hair that ended just under her breasts. She was about 5'6" with her boots on and 5'4" without them on. She kept her nails long and had them painted black just like the liner under her eyes. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of deep brown that mesmerized the people who looked at them for too long. Atayla continued to still walk through the village thinking her own thoughts looking almost ghostlike with the way she walked through the streets, that was until she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. Immediately Atayla hide herself in an alley to her right and concealed herself in the shadows using her chakra to clothe her in darkness.
As the figure drew closer Atayla realized that it was one of Rakoku's Mercs. The man looked like he was well into his late twenties and it was obvious he was a rouge ninja from the way that he was dressed. He had had his eye slashed open at one point in his life because his left eye had no coloring in it at all. He had limp short blue hair that was tangled and extremely unkept for. "Joika come on hurry the fuck up! I'm getting bored with this piece of shit village and I feel like going back to the boss so I can get my fucking money for this job" shouted the man into the flames that were still burning freely in the village.
"Shut the fuck up Tache. You'll get paid when we get back all we can do now is wait for Raige to get back with the 'package'" said a man walking out from the shadows on the other side of the street. Obviously this man was the Joika that the man Tache had been shouting for. This man Joika was more like a behemoth than a man he certainly looked like one. He stood at least 6'9" and was bald with black snake tattoos whinding up his upper body, which he wore no shirt over. "Where the hell is Raige anyway what the fuck is taking him so long. It can't take this fucking long to capture just one person and bring them back" replied the man called Tache. "I'm right here you fucking shitbag dumbasses, I've been here all along in case you haven't noticed and just so you lazy basterds know yes it does take me this long just to find and capture one fuckin person in a village of 3,000 screaming fools. I apologize if it might take a little bit of time to get this job done, but I've already found our number one priority." said a voice coming from the roof above their heads.
The man who was called Raige looked about Atayla's age and had black hair that ended at his shoulders. His build was muscular but still slim and he was the kind of guy that obviously had a warm bed every night. The man jumped down from the roof and walked over to the man called Tache and said "If your in such a rush to leave already go look in that shop to your right, I mean I chose this location as our meeting spot for a reason you fucking prick". The man called Joika remained silent and obedient he looked almost like a scared dog afraid of his master. It was obvious who the leader in this gang of people was, Raige. The man called Tache swallowed nervously and went to the store to his right, it was a blacksmith and opened the door slowly as if scared that something was going to jump out at him. As he opened the door fully his mouth dropped at the sight of an old man bond and gagged. The man Tache quickly apologized for his insolence to his leader Raige. "Hey Joika do me a favor a carry him out of here I think it's just about time we left so you guys head on back to the boss's place. "Wait isn't you coming?" asked the man called Joika with a tone of confusion in his voice; obviously his strong point wasn't his intelligence.
"No it seems that our little friend Itachi has been following us and from what I know about him I'd say he isn't very happy. Wouldn't you say Tache?” Raige revoked his remark clearly directed at the man called Tache. "Oh great what the fuck did you do this time Tache?" asked the big man Joika asked Tache. "I didn't do shit, well nothing that the kid should get all fucked over." replied Tache "No come on what the fuck did your stupid fucking ass do this time, oh god what did you steal!” shouted the man Joika with distaste dripping from his tone. "Oh come on it's not like I stole his pancakes or something all I took was his chain. You know the one that makes you an assassin, like I said it's not that big of a deal.
Why would he be following us over a chain? I mean come on!" shouted the man called Tache. " If you had even a shred of intelligence you would know that an assassins chain is not the kind of thing you steal because it is infused with some of the owners chakra and that makes it very valuable to them even if it's meaningless to the one who stole it. On top of that most assassins if they do get something stolen from them come after it and now our boy is tailing us trying to get what's his back. Now did you understand all of that you fucking asswipe, cock sucking, shitbag, dumbass, son of a bitch Tache!" Shouted out the leader Raige at his no scared out of his fucking wits lap dog Tache. "Alright now if we're all fucking finished yelling at each other I'd like to get back to the boss's, get paid, and fucking eat!" shouted Joika at the rest of them. "Yeah I think that's a good idea Joika lets go and let Raige handle our little friend." said Tache with a smirk and with that they picked up their hostage and broke out in a ninja run all the way back to their master's heels.
Atayla came out of her hiding spot from the shadows and said "Fucking mercenaries" to Raige. "Nice cloaking, Tay so tell me did your master teach you that one too or did you just use that little trick of yours on an enemy to learn it" Raige spoke to her directly for the first time. "You haven't changed you fucking basterd you're still a little boy hiding from his responsibilities. So tell me how is that fat fuck that's got you on a leash. It seems like almost everyone's after him now aren't they?" said Atayla with sarcasm dripping from her voice.
"Oh come on don't tell me that your still pissed I became a Merc. It's not like I really had a choice. When you think of it I'm exactly like you after all, you carried on your master's legacy and I'm carrying on mine. So tell me why did you stop coming to visit our lovely little village in the north, did you get sick of Voreih that quickly or did you just start hating me Tay Tay?"Asked Raige in a mock child voice. "I just don't enjoy being groped at people thirty years my senior that's why I stopped going to Vorieth and as for hating you I don't, I just don't like Mercs I mean after all the only thing their good for is taking orders." replied Atayla in her own monotonies voice. "I can't say I don't blame you it's just the way that you were raised just like this was the way that I was raised." said Raige. For a moment it looked like just for a moment he let a small look of either disappointment or sadness cross his perfect features. With saying that Raige left in swift movement of both ninja and mercenary grace.
Atayla frowned a little mostly because of the fact that she had no one to talk to but also a small part of it was because of the fact that she had missed Raige and now they had parted ways again and it was on a bad note. 'Why should I care he's just like all those other mercenary dogs there's no difference whatsoever' thought Atayla as she started to walk away yet again. This time Atayla only got a few steps in before she heard a sound behind her.
"Where are they" said the voice of the person behind her. At first Atayla didn't realize that whoever this person was that they were talking to her. Atayla turned around and say who the voice belonged to. The person standing behind her was a boy who obviously wasn't that much older than her that is if he wasn't her age which he probably could be. The boy was taller than her by at least 5 inches and had a slim build but not without muscle. He had black hair that was tied back away from his face, which by itself was just as flawless as the rest of his body. He was wearing some sort of mesh shirt under a ridiculas looking coat along with a pair of black pants. This boy had almost as many chains and chokers as Atayla did, and to her he looked almost like a gothic angel. As she looked him over only two thoughts came into her mind,'Damn now that's what a hot guy looks like, I bet he ruins a lot of innocent girl's panties'.
Atayla's thoughts were interrupted by him asking her again "Where are they. The mercenaries." the boy said for the second time but this time it was obvious he was getting agitated at having to repeat himself. Atayla immediately realized who this guy was. `So this is the guy those guys Tache and Joika were talking about, now I'm pissed. Raige you fucking bitch you could've told me I'd have to deal with this shit. Well as long as I doing nothing I may as well have some fun with this guy, now this could be interesting.' thought Atayla with just a hint of misjif in her thoughts. "What mercenaries?" asked Atayla with a mock child voice seeping into her dialogue. "Don't play me for a fool girl, you should just tell me where they are before you get hurt." said Itachi in his usual monotonous voice. 'Before I get hurt looks like this guy doesn't know who he's dealing with here.' thought Atayla sarcastically.
"Now now Mr. Itachi is that any way to talk to the person who you want to get to tell you were those nasty little men went." Atayla spoke with a hint of mock hurt in her tone. Instantly Itachi felt his anger boil up inside of him 'Is she playing around with me or is she just a fool?' Itachi asked himself. With that thought Itachi covered the distance between himself and the girl in the blink of an eye he was 3 steps away from her. "How did you know who I am?" Itachi asked now visibly angry. "Well let's think about that question for a moment. When Three mercenaries are screaming their heads off at each other saying that they better get their job done soon because their being followed by someone named Itachi, and then moments after they leave some strange looking rude, obnostous guy comes along and asks without any respect at all 'Where are they?' and then threatens some poor little innocent little girl to tell him where these mercenaries went a thought comes to mind. Wow could this rude, stubborn, mean guy who just showed up be the guy that those mercenaries were so worried about? Of course it's a slim possibility but probably the most logical explanation is that this is the guy they were just talking about, Hey this guy must be Itachi. So basically I just guessed that you were Itachi I mean it wasn't that hard of a thing to figure out. I not a fucking dumbass you snide basterd!" shouted Atayla at the newcomer.
Itachi was completely taken aback by the young woman's harsh words. He was not used to having people stand up to him like that especially a girl, partly because most woman he came into contact with either threw themselves at his feet begging not to be killed knowing his history or hit on him, which almost always completely surprised him. Itachi couldn't come up with anything to say to the girl's snide remark. At that moment Atayla started to walk away from the boy when she felt a hand go around her wrist and a voice say "Where do you think you're going girly?". Okay now Atayla was pissed first off no one touched her and no one called her girly. "I'll go where ever the fuck I want to go you basterds and who are you calling girly your hardly even a year older than me boy!" shouted Atayla who was now visibly angry as well.
Itachi was getting angrier and angrier each passing second and couldn't help but tighten his grip on her wrist and say "Where are you going I'm not going to ask a third time". "You want to know where I'm going, is that what you want to know? Well I thought that since everyone seems to be so interested in paying a visit to Rakoku and his Mercs. I'd go and visit him myself. I mean it's been a few years since I've seen him and I think now's a good a time as any, especially when so many people are going to visit him was the difference if I go to right?" Atayla answered as sweetly as she could knowing exactly what Itachi's reaction would be, sheer shock. "You know where Rakoku is! Tell me where he is at once now girl." Itachi shouted right back at Atayla. "Oh I get it you don't know where his hideout is now do you. Well well that sucks for you now doesn't it, I mean it sucks for you that Rakoku's stupid fuck of a Merc Stole your assassins chain but now you don't even know where to find it. Ha Ha Ha you dumbass." Atayla said starting to break out laughing.
"How did you know about what that basterds took from me are you in their group to you fucking wench!" shouted Itachi feeling an anger like he had never felt before build up inside of him. He didn't know what it was about this girl but she really ticked him off. "Who the fuck are you calling a wench you fucking prick what the fuck is your problem!" shouted Atayla. She didn't know what it was about him but something about this boy really pissed her off. "Tell me how you know about my chain!" said Itachi trying to go back to his normal monotone but failing miserably. "I've been walking around in this village for a while now and I heard the Mercs's Whole conversation their the ones who mentioned what that Merc. Tache stole from you, and to answer your question even better no I'm not in the same group as those pathetical mercenaries. Understand now, good I guess I'll be on my way now then." said Atayla flatly and once again trying to break away from Itachi's iron grip.
"Where the hell do you think your going girl. You're not leaving until I find out where the hell Rakoku's hideout is!" Said Itachi starting to get angry again. "What the fuck is you fucking problem you prick, and stop calling me girl boy I do have a name you know!" shouted Atayla. "No tell me where Rakoku is stupid." Itachi retorted at the ever increasingly angry Atayla. "Who are you calling stupid you fucking jerk!" Atayla ranted. Somthing inside Itachi snapped it was like some form of control just snapped and every thing he had noticed about the girl in front of him came spilling out when he spoke. "That is the most inappropriate thing I have ever seen a woman wear” shouted Itachi at the girl he didn't even know where it came from.
The first thing Atayla thought when she heard was 'Where the fuck did that come from. You can't get more off topic or random than that'. "Yeah well your one to talk that coat is the ugliest most retarded and unflattering thing I've every seen somone wear in my whole life." shouted Atayla. Suddenly a thought crossed Itachi's mind he didn't even know who the hell this person was. "Who the hell are you?" was all Itachi could think of to say. "Why the fuck do you keep doing that. You keep jumping from subject to subject, will you just pick one and let me at least come up with a good comeback." Atayla shouted at him clearly out of breath. She was screaming way to much for her own good and now this whole conversation was getting annoying. Sundenly Itachi let go of her wrist and said "You didn't answer my question. Who are you?" asked Itachi for the second time.
Atayla just looked at him blankly surprised that he had let go of her wrist. She was thankful that this guy wasn't provoking a fight from her so out of gratitude she decided to answer him. "Well now what's gotten you to act nice? I guess it'd be rude not to answer you so I guess I can tell, I mean after all you are kinda cute and maybe if we met under different circumstances we could have some fun together. You can call me Atayla little boy Itachi." and with those words she tore herself away from him and with a boost of speed jumped up onto one of the neighboring roofs not knowing that Itachi's speed and skills matched her own. Itachi watched her sprint over the roof tops in rapid cessession "Great just fucking great she just as fast as I am just fucking great" said Itachi under his breath before he jumped up onto the roof himself and took off after her.
Itachi quickly realized that there was only one way to get her to stop. 'Damn it why are woman always so fucking stubborn' thought Itachi as he tried to think of a way to get her to stop running and get her to come with him and show him where Rakoku his Mercs. Were hiding. In one quick fluid motion Itachi transferred some of his Chakra into a rock he had picked up from the ground right before he had jumped up onto the roof and threw it at Atayla. The tiny rock hit her in the back of the neck and sent her sailing off the roof straight to what inevitable appeared to be the ground. Itachi quickly jump off the building himself and without wasting a second nimbly caught Atayla moments before she hit the ground. Atayla had felt the impact of something hit her and then she felt herself falling, she also felt like she was about to pass out from the strong blow to the back of the neck.
She knew that someone had caught her and was grateful to whoever it was for catching her, but when she realized that it was Itachi and that he still needed her to show her where Rakoku was she was pissed. Itachi knew that the semi-conscious Atayla in his arms knew what was going on and said "Sorry but you still need to show me where Rakoku is remember." said Itachi as if to answer an unvoiced question that weighed heavily on her mind. When he had said this he had said it with a cocky smile on his face and a feeling of accomplishment that he had gotten the last word as well as won the verbal war the two had be going on about. Atayla be a both prideful and spiteful young woman wasn't about to let him have the last word and right before she passed out said "Fucking jerk." with a little laugh and then she succumbed to the darkness.

A/N: So guys did you like it I hope so because I like it the next chapter is going to have a lot of that fun thing we all love called violence. I'll also try to slip in some nice lemon fluff notice I said fluff not a lemon but fluff. But I swear on Minia sad little soul (hey you bitch that's mean and you don't even like me-Minia. I know that's why it's funny dumbass-Atayla..) That there will be lemons in this story once the first on gets started there'll be one in every chapter after that,. Yay Lemons! Oh and just so you guys know I have my own lemon code that a few of my strange little friends helped me create so if you ever hear me talk about purple lemons you'll know what I mean (Please take a look at the lovely and smutty lemon code on Tay Tay's profile say Minia). Alright guys I know you hate all probably hate it when some one says to review but do it anyway because my lemons are really really smutty and if you want any in this story you'll review I expect at least 3 you cheap basterds (Oh your so generous, Tay Tay, rolls eyes). Hey Minia if you want to keep those eyes you won't roll them at me again, (Yes Mam). So guys I guess that's all for now and if you guys want to review to just say hi or any other random shit that's fine too.Oh and I know that my grammar is really bad bare with me. -Ta Ta for now... Atayla the Maiden of Darkness.