Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Him ❯ Meeting Him ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Naruto… nor Kakashi… *sniff*
Meeting Him
Every year, Iruka watched as new Jounins rounded up from Konoha's ranks were given the doubtful honour of becoming senseis.
This year there was a whole group of new Jounins who had never judged before - although Iruka knew that Asumo-sensei had filled in for him the few times Iruka had gotten the flu bug.
It hadn't gone well.
Suffice to say, the smoking Jounin had never returned due to the fact that he was prone to hitting the kids upside the head (even threw stuff at Shikamaru) and never could go without a smoke break every forty-five minutes.
So, Iruka looked at his clipboard and at the Jounins standing before him with a sigh.
This year there was the newbie Jounin, Kurenai, from the famous genjutsu clan the Yuuhi and Asumo, who was fidgeting due to the school law of no smoking on school grounds. There was Genma - an orally fixated Jounin - who Iruka was praying wouldn't end up with a team. Raido…. A quiet Jounin with no exceptional abilities…. And a whole bunch of other Jounins culled from the ranks by the Hokage himself.
They weren't surprised by the teams given - there was a resigned air about them, since they had all had the important conference the day before on who was to get who.
And according to the list one Jounin was missing - running late as usual. Although he'd been teaching in the Academy for three years, Iruka had never met the Jounin personally. The man never made it in time for the formal ceremony of team and Jounin-sensei introductions.
Iruka had long given up on the mysterious shinobi known as Hatake Kakashi.
In fact, through the three to four years the Academy dealt with the sensei, nobody had really seen him.
And Naruto's team is going to get him as a sensei? What kind of guy is he? Really? Sure he's considered good enough to be a sensei - but that doesn't mean anything…. Genma's here after all…..
Iruka's thoughts were broken by the influx of Genins who came in and sat down.
Many of them were still looking at their teammates with askance.
Naruto's team in particular seemed to be really uneasy with each other. Sakura was glaring at Naruto, Naruto glaring at Sasuke and Sasuke glooming in their general direction.
An hour later, Iruka left Team 7 to their own devices as they waited for their Jounin-sensei.
Damn the mission desk, he sighed, mentally wondering why he allowed himself to be signed up for deskwork. They're just going to have to meet him on their own.
I really need to see the Hokage on this….. I know I'm not supposed to have favorites but Naruto - he's worked so hard!
Iruka didn't know that it was another hour before Team 7 would meet their sensei.
The next day, Iruka hadn't heard from Naruto about his meeting with the Jounin Hatake Kakashi. This was a worrisome thing.
Normally Naruto would be there to dissect anything that bothered him - even if it was about cockroach infestation or the rising price of ramen.
I guess that means that everything is turning out okay - but still….
On his lunch break, Iruka slipped away and finding the Hokage sitting on his porch, asked the Hokage if he could have tea with him.
For a moment the kage said nothing then slowly nodded. He had been expecting this. The sight of an anxious Iruka in his crystal ball had caused him to dig - out of his mountains of paperwork - Kakashi's file.
Iruka stared at the pages of Genin teams that Kakashi had failed. Around five of them.
“This is -“
“Yes… Kakashi-san can be strict, but all of his judgments were fair. It may not be Team 7's time to pass this year.”
Iruka's stomach hit the floor, his eyes stung and although somewhere a lark was singing on the thorn, the world to Iruka was very dark.
He stood up stiffly.
“Thank you, Hokage-sama.”
“Remember, Iruka,” the Kage said, gently. “Don't be angry at Kakashi for his decision - he may be strict, but he IS fair…”
Iruka nodded.
As he walked away, only one thought on his mind repeated over and over.
Kakashi was strict. Did that mean he beat up the kids? What kind of a Jounin was he really? Was he really responsible enough to be a sensei? Was he understanding enough? Was he caring enough?
Where did the guy come from anyway?
Iruka sighed.
Well. I'll find out everything no doubt by tomorrow.
The next evening, Iruka heard a loud. “HEEEEYYYYY!!!! IRRRRUUKKKAAA-SENSSSEEEIIIII!!!!!”
It was a blur of orange launching himself into his chest, gripping him in a breath-taking hug.
“Naruto! How's it going!”
“Missed me?”
“Ahhh!!! I did! Despite all the work I had…”
“Let's go get some ramen!”
Iruka didn't have the heart to say `no, I've got homework to check tonight' so he ended up beside Naruto eating at the Ichiraku Ramen shop.
“So how's it going? You passed?”
“OF COURSE!!!” Naruto nodded. “How could I not?”
Iruka blinked.
But Kakashi-sensei is strict.
Iruka tuned into the boy's chatter.
“- but then it turned out that Sasuke was just as much an idiot as me so I didn't feel too bad, although he keeps on making comments about me being tied to the posts but then look at him - sensei SAT on him! And Sakura-chan said that he's mean cause he made her faint TWICE!!!! So I wasn't the only one to screw up - I made him jump, let me tell you! And I was THIS close to making off with the lunch. But he's a bastard, is Kaka-sensei… weird. Reads these orange books all the time-“
Orange books?
“- And he has one eye covered all the time….”
One eye?
“- And he is always late…”
“- Makes up these REALLY LAME excuses, can't even lie to save his soul….”
Lame excuses?
“ - But really cool… I guess…. And he's so strong and knows an awful lot of stuff. You watch, Iruka-sensei, I'm going to be Hokage in no time if he takes the time to teach us stuff like you!”
Iruka blushed at the compliment.
“He sounds like a good sensei for you guys,” Iruka said, around a mouthful of ramen.
Naruto finished his bowl and sighed in contentment, eyeing the menu again.
He looked up.
“You haven't seen him before, Iruka-sensei?”
“N-n-nooo…. He was either late for my team/Jounin introductions or he was assigned for a different classroom's Genin teams. He always failed his Genin teams - you are the first to pass under him. You should be proud, Naruto.”
“I am!” Naruto said with a grin. “I'm the best, after all!”
He paused.
“But didn't you ever see him at the mission desk?”
“What does he look like?”
“Ummmm…. Tall…. Old…… weird…..With an orange book…..”
Iruka blinked.
“Anyway… he says that tomorrow we'll be starting missions! I'm so excited! Maybe we'll be able to protect somebody or something!”
Iruka just didn't have the heart to tell Naruto that the most exciting thing he would get to do would be walking dogs or weeding somebody's garden - or maybe take a trip to the hot springs and do repairs.
He just nodded.
“I'll be the best - and then I'll show `em all! I'll teach that Sasuke-chan that I can kick ass too!”
“I'm sure you will!” Iruka said with a smile.
Next morning was a Friday.
The one day of the week Iruka manned the mission desk with the Hokage for eight hours.
It was a nice break from the usual screaming classroom of Genins he taught buunshins to over and over again.
Around eleven o'clock, after Genma grumped his way out of the room and Gai had finally left them all in peace, a shadow fell across Iruka's desk.
Iruka looked up and paused at the sight of a mask and silver hair.
It was him.
The mysterious shinobi.
The silent ghost who came and went without a word.
The mysterious ghost who often would come around only to be told that kage had an un-ranked or S-ranked mission for him. Iruka always thought he was interesting - but the shinobi had never allowed for small talk - he had always turned away after his short talk with the kage and then would disappear.
The kage would just shake his head and murmur.
Iruka guessed it was because of the ninja and his abilities - which were never talked about. That was a sign of greatness.
One of the ways to identify strong Jounins and tensai ninjas - paranoia and isolation.
The ninja's lack of talk, his constant tough missions and his obvious strength meant that this was no ordinary ninja that Iruka - well - that Iruka was - well - interested in.
Iruka looked down at his list and tried not to think about the man's messy hair.
“Um…” he whispered at the silent silver-haired shinobi, whose pale skin looked so pale compared to Iruka's healthy brown skin. “I don't think the kage had anything for you today…”
The kage just nodded.
“Kakashi-kun. I was expecting you. Running late, eh?”
Iruka blinked.
Kakashi. As in Hatake Kakashi?
There aren't many people who could be named `scarecrow'? Right? Right?
Iruka felt a whole bunch of air whooshing out of his chest as he realized that the man he had been secretly wondering over for the past few years of his life was the new sensei for Naruto.
This shinobi.
This shinobi, whose dark eye (why hadn't Iruka clued in before?) was as unfathomable as a well's dark waters. And as off putting. Distant. Business-like. Aloof.
He knew nothing about this shinobi - only that he was super powerful and dark rumours always followed him. Whispers of dangerous missions and a rough life.
Perhaps a Jounin would be able to tell Iruka more about Kakashi.
Already he was making mental lists of who to talk to.
After all… this is - Naruto's future - here I'm thinking of….
Iruka tried to ignore the evil voice inside his head smirking.
Yeah… right….
Iruka blushed at the thought.
“Are you alright?” asked Kakashi, quirking an eyebrow at the red-faced Chuunin.
He was dreading the upcoming missions. D-ranks no doubt.
I never had to do a lot of D-ranks. War hurried a lot of our lives. Those like me were rushed and before we could blink we were all Chuunins and Jounins fighting a war like adults….. These kids are - brats….. I'm babysitting kids…..
His dull gaze sharpened on the Chuunin.
What WAS his name?
He figured he'd better get to know this guy well. After all, Kakashi had a sinking feeling it would be a long while before he could go back to - well - what he had been forced to leave.
Safe isolation. Solo missions. Competent companions, if not. Faceless masks and the safety of silence.
Right now, he had to have a team, and he would give them his best. He would never let them down as he had done to his own team.
No teammate of his would die.
As Obito did. As Rin did. As his Sensei did.
And so….
“I'm here for Team 7's mission list.” He said flatly, staring down at the pony-tail of the Chuunin who was scrabbling through his papers.
Iruka grinned.
“You're the new sensei for Naruto's team! I'm so glad to have finally met you!”
Kakashi stepped back as warmth and good feelings hit him.
The Chuunin seemed to radiate good will to all men.
Kakashi blinked, non-plussed.
“I guess you could say,” Iruka said shyly, scratching his cheek. “I have a vested interest in Naruto's well-being… a soft spot…”
Kakashi tipped his head.
“Oooohhhh???? So you're the one he learned everything from? You're THE IRUKA-Sensei of Konoha's Academy?”
Iruka blushed at the capitals.
“Aaahhh! So he talked about me?”
”I am fond of him.”
“Well… it seems that the feeling is mutual….”
There was a pause.
“So the mission list?”
Iruka blushed again.
“Right here,” he said, pulling out a paper.
Dog walking.
Picking up garbage.
Kakashi sighed just a wee bit and turned away without saying anything more.
Iruka stared.
He's either got no social sense or he's incredibly rude.
He turned to the Hokage with a puzzled expression.
The kage sighed, shrugged his shoulders, shook his head and murmured.
Iruka could swear he heard the kage say, “…. One day…”