Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Jennifer Hatake ❯ long time no see ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1
Long time no see
the day began like any other Monday .pre-ninja's heading back to the academy. not at all happy that their weekend was over, and knowing the fact that Iruka sensei would give out a lot of homework if they misbehaved today or any day for that matter.
however on the other side of the village our three genin sat waiting for kakashi sensei once AGAIN.
"Ugh. Why is he always late? Can't he be on time for once in his live? i rushed here so fast that I didn't have time to wash or dry my hair." Sakura fussed.
"Yeah." Naruto yelled "I didn't have time to change my underwear."
First think in the morning and their already driving me nuts." Sasake thought
"You are a loser Naruto" he said
"wh...What did you call me tame?" Naruto asked
as always it was the death glares that followed sparks flying everywhere. it was at this time that kakashi decided to show up on the bridge post in a puff of puff of smoke.
"good morning" he said rising his hand in his normal greeting "Sorry I'm late I found myself lost on the path of life."
"You liar" both Naruto and Sakura yelled
Jumping off the post kakashi did I front flip landing in front of his students.
"Ok" he began. "Today's missions are C rank, and before you begin you all must listen up although we are doing these missions I still want you to use teamwork, ok."
"Yes sensei" they all replied
"Ok than let's go."
as team seven began returning to the village. Kakashi said that they would get home faster if they walked the path of the forest. So they did. No one felt the presents of a shadowy figure following them.
“here we'll stop here.” Said kakashi as he pulled out his book and began reading.
Sakura went to the river to get some thing to sip up some of the water. She was soon followed by Naruto, and then Sasake.
When the three Genin heard a muffed yell sounded in the forest they turned around to find that their sensei had a woman on his back pressing a white cloth to his already masked face. Kakashi tried with all his might to get the woman off of him but he fell to the ground passed out.
“What did you do to him?” Sasake asked as he and the other two watched the woman tie kakashi to a tree.
“Don't worry I didn't hurt him just knocked him out, now unless you want the same you well all go and stand by those tree's and not say a word.”
They did as was told. They had been standing in the same spot for fifteen minutes. When they heard kakashi wake up.
“Ugh. Damn its been a long time since I was last chloroformed.” He smacked his lips looking around he spotted the woman.
“Jennifer. Did you think that these ropes could hold me down?” he asked as he walked way from the tree breaking the rope.
“Damn kakashi how did you know it was me.”
She asked as she took off her mask that went with her combat uniform. Just like the ones that the man and woman in the armed forces wear
“Jen I'm your brother so I know everything. So where have you been in the past five years.”
“You liar. Thought you said you know everything.”
Naruto, Sasake , and Sakura needless to say they were in shock.
“s….s..sister “ Sasake whispered.