Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Jennifer Hatake ❯ Time to forgive and make out ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4
Time to forgive and make out
Lips pressed against his, a deep moan coming from his throat. His lips moved to kiss the woman's jaw line down to her neck than slowly going down into the valley between her breasts. He keeps a hand on her hips to keep her from bucking as he put two of his fingers in to her wet warmness. The woman moans and asks for more which he more that happily gives her.
“Iruka” she whisperers as her hands buried themselves into his hair.”
“Ah Jennifer.”
Beep Beep Beep Beep
“Ahhhhhh.” Iruka screamed as he sat up panting heavily. His alarm clock going off he hit the snooze button as he calmed down. Throwing off his sheets he began to get up when he saw that he was hard again.
“Damn it” he growled “that's the fourth time in a week”
A fortnight had passed since the “kissing accident” as kakashi called it happened. And Iruka was still having wet dreams about Jennifer. He got up walk to the bathroom and relived himself.
“My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord.” He sang as he turned on the hot water. He needed a shower to get rid of the evidences of last nights dream. The water felt good cascading down his back he grab his wash rag and began scrubbing his body clean.
“I had better hurry or I'll be late.” He said to himself.
He was out of the shower and dressed in a flash. Garbing a peace of toast he ran out the door and down the street. Not watching where he was going instead he was thinking about his dream. God how I wouldlove for that to be real. He thought. He was about five minutes from the academy when he walked in to some very solid.
“Ow that hurt oh hello Iruka. Mind helping me up? Seeing as you're the one you knocked me down.”
Looking down he saw that the person he walked into was none other than the object of his dreams Jennifer Hatake. Blushing deeply he held out his hand and pulled her up.
“Thanks.” She said as she dusted herself off. “Listen Iruka.. about the other day. I…well…I.” she sighed “I'm no good at this.” “ I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry for any thing that I did that may have disturbed you in anyway.
With that said she ran off. Iruka watched as she fled her hair bouncing in time with her steps. Signing he continued on his way to the academy.
Jennifer ran all the way back to kakashi's house. When she got there, a woman in an aubu uniform waited for her. She didn't say anything just handed Jennifer a scroll than disappeared on a puff of smoke. She opened the scroll read it and sighed in despair as she did.
Iruka sat in his classroom grading papers, a vein pounding in his forehead as he read and reread konohamaru's essay. He put down his red grading pen and put the rest of the essays in his bag I'll do the rest of these at home .looking around his room to see if he forgot any think he picked up his bag grubbed his keys and left.
A figure jumped from tree to tree gaining more speed as it moved. Finally come to a stop in front of the Hokage's tower. Silver hair blowing in the wind. Jennifer jumped out of the tree, landing in front of the Aubu guards. She nodded and walked though the gates.
Walking home Iruka ran into kakashi himself .
“Oh well hello kakashi sensei. How are you today?”
“Just fine Iruka sensei. By the way have you seen Jennifer today? I can't find her”
“Yeah I sew her this morning but she ran off after she said sorry. But I don't know where she is now.”
“Ok than I'll see you around.”
“Ok good-bye kakashi sensei.”
“Do you understand your mission Jennifer?”
“Yes hokage-same. When do we begin?”
“At sunrise tomorrow you are dismissed.”
“Yes lady hokage.” Said Jennifer as she bowed low and walked out of the room.
Sighing heavily Iruka rubbed his sore neck. Standing up he heard his stomach growl. Wonder what I have to eat. As he began looking for some thing to eat his door bell rang. When he open his front door all he saw was silver as he felt lips press to his own. He pulled back eyes wide in shock, standing there on his front porch was Jennifer. She was wearing an aubu uniform, her wolf mask tied to one side, tears in her eyes.
“What's wrong Jennifer?” he asked stepping aside to let her in.
“I….I'm leaving at sunrise tomorrow. I had to come by and see you before I left. I know we only met about 4 weeks ago but I….I….think…no…I know….I love you.”
Sobs racked Jennifer's body as her knees gave out under her. Catching her before she could hit the ground Iruka held on to her. Jennifer buried her face into his neck as more tears leaking out.
“Shhhh it's ok” he said as he rubbed her back in small circles. “I love you too.”
The tears stopped and Jennifer lifted her head and smiled at Iruka. And for the third time in about a month they kissed. Soft and slow first then longer and more demanding. Only when there lungs screamed for air did they break apart. Panting Jennifer placed her forehead on Iruka's and whispered.
“Please Iruka put your hands on me.” She took his hands into her own and put one on her chest and the other on an inner thigh.
About two hours later a very sated Jennifer laid with her head on Iruka's shoulder. Her fingers played with his rippled chest muscles.
“That was great Iruka just wonderful.”
“ummmmm yeah.”
“Uh oh that's going to leave a mark.”
“That” she said pointing to a spot on Iruka's neck where she had bit him earlier.
“Oh well.”
Jennifer giggled wrapping her arms around Iruka she fell into a deep sleep.