Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Hawk Manor ❯ Crime and Punishment ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Naruto AU Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Not sure what sparked this idea anymore, but it now has a life of its own. Hang on to something folks, this will be a long one (well, long for me anyway). Alternate Universe. Itachi x Naruto and Sasuke x Naruto. YAOI CONTENT in specific chapters. A Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Chapter 1 - Crime and Punishment

The Faan Kingdom was a vast place, consisting of three separate provinces: Konoha, Cadence and White Mountain. There was no king. No single ruler. Each was governed by their own rules and a common treaty of peace.

Konoha was tucked away in the midst of forest land. A quiet province that stood neutral during the arguments of its neighbors. Farming was their main source of economy, but they were also known for their university which cultivated so many brilliant minds.

Cadence was a province known for their culture of music and art, particularly the sand carvers. They were mostly builders and carpenters. Their laws were the most lenient of the three lands and their armies the weakest. But they were dedicated souls, engrossed in their beliefs and conviction.

White Mountain was a land of politicians and warriors. They had little in the way of economy as much was controlled under Martial Law. They were well educated brutes according to their neighbors, but well organized and masters of war. They consistently picked little fights with neighboring lands to prove their muster.

Each province had it's own Lord, many given their right by birth. Those Lords had nobles, other aristocracy and, of course, servants. Their Manors were the center of their miniature kingdoms and often the hub of activity for the province.

Sunrise was hours away, the sky filled with utter darkness. In the darkness, Hawk Manor sat quietly upon its cliff, staring quietly at the rolling hills surrounding it; a foreboding presence in the hills of the White Mountains, and home to many of the nobles of the Faan Kingdom.

Sunrise was hours away, the sky filled with utter darkness. In the darkness, Hawk Manor sat quietly upon its cliff, staring quietly at the rolling hills surrounding it. The house itself was a mini-empire; a foreboding presence in the hills of the White Mountains, and home to many of the nobles of the Faan Kingdom.

But in the darkness there was a light. A golden glow that lit up the kitchen of the manor. A light stream of smoke began to fill the air outside as the stoves started and the ovens turned on. Several kitchen hands were already preparing water for bathing and cooking, while a few of the stable hands wondered in for a quick bite to eat before tending to their morning chores.

And it was in that darkness that a single male voice echoed.

"When will you learn to keep your mouth shut, Uzumaki?"

Naruto Uzumaki was a stable hand in the Manor. Was. He was currently being punished by the Captain of the Guard. A punishment that was supposed to degrade the young man into being a submissive servant.

Yet, it was the lecture he'd been getting for days that was getting on his nerves.

Running a hand through his unruly blond hair, Naruto muttered, "I know. I know."

"Leave him be, Asuma. He's already paying his due." A huff. "And for helping out Old Man Ji. How unfair!"

"Like that old man needs any help, Kurenai."

"Everyone needs help if they gain the Lord's attention!"

Asuma Sarutobi, a kitchen cook, turned around to look at the boy that spoke to him. With a frown, he pointed a wooden spoon in the boy's direction. "That's exactly it! You should know by now not to pick a fight with Captain Kakashi."

The boy stammered. "But--!"

"He has a point." Asuma's wife and fellow cook, Kurenai, sighed aloud as she poured malted meal into a large kettle. "This is your third punishment in as many months, Naruto."


"You need to learn to pick your fights," Asuma stated knowingly. "And learn fast."

Naruto frowned, his eagerness to defend himself deflated. At seventeen, he was old enough to know that starting a fight with the Captain of the Guard was dangerous business. But he couldn't help himself. He felt the Captain was unfair and unjust. And their arguments always got him in trouble. But Asuma had a good point. There were arguments to win and ones to lose.

Unfortunately, in Hawk Manor, almost all of those fights would result in losses.

And gods help you if you caught the attention of the manor's Lord Sasuke!

Over the years, Naruto had friends and fellow servants disappear from his life. Many were hardworking, peaceful souls. Old and young. Their only downfall was catching the eye of the Master. Either by doing something he liked, or worse, doing something he hated. Some had been tortured, thrown in the dungeons and forgotten. Many had been forced to participate in the Lord's horrible hunts.

Naruto had never seen the hunt, only heard rumors about it. Many of the Manor's servants said it was a death sentence. The nobles claimed it was fun sport, seeing the Lord's dogs in action. A punishment fit for the filth of the Manor.

However, no matter the punishment, not a one ever returned.

"Cheer up, Naruto." Kurenai smiled reassuringly at the boy. "You only have another week left, right?"

Naruto tried to smile as he accepted a tray of food from the cook. It was filled with large bowls of gruel for the prisoners in the dungeon. The smell was atrocious, but Kurenai always made certain they had a heaping portion. The woman was stern, but kind hearted. It was her way of helping out those less fortunate, he supposed.

"Yeah," he replied, his smile not quite reaching his blue eyes. "And it's better than slinging horse dung on a hot day."

Asuma snorted, heaving a pot from the counter to the stove. "I'd rather sling horse dung than go into the dungeon. That place is death."

"Asuma! Don't frighten the boy!"

"He should be frightened, Kurenai. One of these days he's going to incur the wrath of the Master."

"Don't say that!" Kurenai placed a hand over her heart. Naruto was like a son to her. She patted the boy on the cheek and sent him on his way. "Don't listen to him, Naruto. You always follow your heart. Always."

Naruto flashed a bright smile before going on his way. Two guards were waiting for him just outside the kitchen: his escort into the dungeon. It was a horrible, boring journey down a dark, damp stairwell that reeked of...something. But he made the trip happily these days. Not only because he was almost finished his punishment, but because he looked forward to seeing the inhabitants.

"Back again, eh boy?"

The Overseer...not so much.

"Good morn to ya, Kisame."

The Dungeon Overseer, Kisame, was a huge man, nearly twice the size of Naruto both vertically and horizontally. He was always dressed in a cloak, a symbol of his status at the manor. A huge ring of keys jingled under the robe as the man walked. As Naruto approached he smiled broadly, a toothy grin that would frighten young and old alike. Naruto himself tried not to cringe as his pungent smell permeated his nose.

"What did the kitchen wench cook up today," Kisame asked, taking the lid from one of the bowls on the tray. He sniffed the air, and then wrinkled his nose. He had to shake his head, probably to dissipate the smell of the gruel. Then, without warning, he smiled again. "Ah, delicious gruel."

With a hideous laugh, Kisame turned from the boy and made his way into the tunnel leading to the dungeon cells. Naruto quickly followed, leaving his guard escort behind.

"Breakfast is here, you animals," Kisame called out. "Get up!"

There were currently two residents in the dungeon. One was an elderly gentleman, Jiraiya, or Old Man Ji as many called him. He was a groundskeeper who was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. The boy was there when he'd been arrested. His only crime was having the Lord of the Manor despise his presence. Naruto had the gall to defend him, thus his current punishment. He considered the man to be a mentor. A teacher. And he respected the old man when many others simply wrote him off as crazy.

"Good morn, Jiraiya," Naruto whispered as he entered the man's cell.

The old man rolled over and smiled. Pale skin nearly glowed in the shadows of the dungeon cell. His white hair stood on end in several directions, his large body still moving as he stopped. He made a noise that sounded like speaking and Naruto had to move closer to hear him.

"Mmm...good morn, sweetheart," the old man muttered, his lips pursing as if ready for a kiss.


Naruto received a snort in reply and the old man rolled over again.

"Hey! Old man Ji," the boy tried again, this time shaking the man to wake him.

However, he was still asleep.

Naruto gave a ghost of a smile, placing his breakfast on the ground. The smile left however as he stepped away from the cell. His fate was sealed, unfortunately. The old man was to be flogged and then hung at the gallows. The boy's heart sank knowing that the groundskeeper's days were numbered.

"Sleep well, old man."

"Come on," Kisame called. "Move along, boy!"

The second resident was a young man, only a few years older than Naruto himself. He moved almost like an animal, usually keeping to the shadows of his cage. The only sign he was there was the clanking of his chains, short bonds to keep him from hurting others, and himself.

Many of the guards feared him, and for good reason. He was the Lord's Dog after all. The infamous "Wild Weasel". A hunter. A killer. Some said he had the personality of an animal. Others said he looked as evil as he sounded. Many had never laid eyes on him, save a few. Captain Kakashi was one. Kisame another. Lord Sasuke, of course.

And Naruto himself.

Their meeting had been by chance on the fourth day the boy had to enter the dungeon. He'd carried a tray of food into his cell, opened by the Overseer. He was going to set it by the cell door when a deep, throaty voice spoke.


"Eh?" Naruto nearly jumped when he heard the voice. "Wha--?"

"The tray. Please...bring it closer."

Naruto looked behind him. The door was still open but the Overseer had disappeared. He looked back at the shadows apprehensively.

"I don't know if I--"


Inching his way into the darkness, Naruto heard the clanking of chains. He paused, waiting. But when no one appeared, he took a few more steps into the shadows. The sound of chains grew louder and Naruto swallowed hard, the hair on his neck standing on end. Finally he caught a glimpse of silver, a hint of movement. He couldn't stop the gasp that escaped, the tray nearly slipping from his grasp.

"Ah, I...I'm...."

"If you could sit it there, I would appreciate it."

Naruto looked at the ground. It was difficult to see in the darkness, but his eyes were quickly adjusting. Sitting the tray at his feet, he looked toward the earlier movement. The clanking of chains again sounded and the boy backed up several steps.

Then, he saw it. Him. Naruto wasn't really sure.

Long, thin fingers came out of the shadows. They were pale, and calloused, the fingernails as long as a woman's. As they grabbed onto the tray, Naruto could see the chains, wrapped around pale wrists. They clanged some more as the hands pulled the tray into the darkness.

"Thank you," that deep voice stated.

"Sure...err...umm.... You're welcome...?"



There was a small chuckle in the darkness. "My name."


"Thank you."


As the days progressed, Naruto dared more glimpses of Itachi. His hair was long, dark and more unkempt than the blond's. His frame was slim, yet muscular. The sound of chains masked a quiet stealth. His movements were lithe, like a cat's. And he was always patient with the boy. Always kind. Even though his voice was gruff, there was gentleness to it.

It was all contradictory to the rumors he had heard.

While Kisame was watching, it was difficult to talk. But one night, after dinner, Naruto snuck into the dungeon. If he was caught, he could very well find himself in a dark, damp cell. That didn't keep the boisterous young man from visiting a new friend. He even brought bits of bread and fruit to share.

They chatted about nothing, about everything. The blue sky, the passing clouds, the Manor rumors and gossip. Granted, Naruto did most of the talking, the boy quickly learned that Itachi was well educated. And he was very familiar with the Manor itself, assisting Naruto in his covert sneakiness.

The night before, Naruto told Itachi about his parents, his family. He had been but a babe when they passed away. Asuma had said it was an epidemic illness, one that wiped out many of the servants. It also killed the previous Lord of the Manor. The weasel was silent, and when he did speak, his voice was comforting. The boy couldn't help but smile.

That smile as gone now as Naruto carried the final bowl of gruel to Itachi's cell. It was difficult to keep a straight face, but it was necessary. He averted his eyes to the floor as the Overseer led the way.

"Get up, Weasel! Breakfast is here," Kisame shouted, beating his keychain on the metal bars before opening the door.

Under Kisame's watchful eye, Naruto slipped inside. But he heard the man chuckle as he stepped into the darkness. There was a mutter of "stupid boy" before Naruto found himself alone with the shadows.

And his new friend.

"Good morn, Itachi," the boy said, moving into the shadows, unafraid.

"Morning, Naruto," a raspy voice spoke.

The boy sat the bowl in the usual spot. "I'll stop by to visit this eve," he told his friend. "I'll bring some bread for you."

Itachi slowly emerged from the shadows, his shackled hands clasping the bowl of gruel. He wrinkled his nose at the smell, but drunk the swill right from the bowl.

"I'm afraid tonight is no good," the dark haired man said. "My presence is required by Lord Sasuke."

"Another hunt?"

Itachi nodded before knocking back the remains of his food.

Naruto sighed to himself. The man talked little of himself, but he'd spoke in horror of the hunts he was forced to perform. The boy shivered in remembrance of that night. He couldn't imagine the dread Itachi felt, the adrenaline rush or the thrill of the kill. They were all foreign concepts to him.


"I never ask why," Itachi replied, sitting the bowl back on the tray. "I simply do what I'm told."

"Why not escape?"

The man gave Naruto a ghost of a smile. "Escape isn't possible. I've tried." The smile faded and his voice trailed off. "It only brings trouble."

"It's so unfair. To force you to do what you hate."

'Life can be unfair, my friend."


"HEY! What's going on in there?" Kisame's voice echoed through the dungeon. "Did he finally kill you, boy?"

Naruto sighed again, picking up the tray. "You wish," he muttered, backing out of the shadows. "Good day, Itachi."

"Stay out of trouble, Naruto," Itachi said, his form melting back into the darkness. "We'll meet again soon."

True, Naruto thought as he left the cell, closely escorted by a disappointed Overseer.

Dinner was only hours away.


Naruto, all characters and likenesses used in this story are the property of Masashi Kishimoto, Studio Pierrot, TV Tokyo and Viz, LLC. They are used here without permission to serve my own twisted purposes. I own nothing. NADA. Thanks for reading.