Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Hawk Manor ❯ Flirting with Danger ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Naruto AU Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Not sure what sparked this idea anymore, but it now has a life of its own. Hang on to something folks, this will be a long one (well, long for me anyway). Alternate Universe. Itachi x Naruto and Sasuke x Naruto. YAOI CONTENT in specific chapters. Sorry, this is a NON-LEMON chapter. A Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Chapter 3 – Flirting with Danger

As the Konoha party entered the great hall of Hawk Manor, they found themselves at a loss. There were few servants and even fewer Lords to greet them. Not at all what they had expected as a welcome to the Lord's betrothed. No funfair. No celebration. Just a simple party of servants all waiting for their orders.

Orochimaru snaked his way past the short line of servants and walked over to the head of the party. He bowed, arms open wide in gracious greeting.

"Salutations to you, Lady Sakura of Konoha. With open arms, we welcome you to your new home."

"I thank you, Lord Orochimaru," came a feminine reply. Lady Sakura stepped forward from her entourage and curtsied politely. "I am happy to be here."

As awkward a moment as the greeting had been, it was Konoha's Captain, Iruka, who stepped forward. Standing proudly in his armor, he seemed quite the formidable opponent.

"Are we to feel disgraced?" He approached the advisor with determination in each step. "Why is no one here to greet the Lady Sakura?"

Orochimaru cleared his throat, unfazed under the weight of the Captain's stare. Looking the man in the eye he replied, "Lord Sasuke is entertaining some visiting Lords from Cadence, Captain. It is regrettable that he could not meet the Lady himself. But I assure you, he will call on her as soon as he is able."

"One of his barbaric hunts, is it? I am not surprised."

Orochimaru was genuinely surprised by the comment. And from Lady Sakura of all people. He gave her an inquisitive look. "My Lady? You have heard tales of his Lordship's game, then?"

"A game, you say? A horrible travesty is what I've heard." She was obviously distressed. The disgust in her voice evident. "I have no idea why anyone would enjoy this "hunt" but if it keeps my Lord entertained...."

With a sigh, she summoned two hand maidens to her. "Tell him he has no need to call on me. I will meet with him tonight at dinner." She lifted her chin, her green eyes flashing in defiance. "Unless he plans not to eat. In which case, I will gladly return to Konoha and report his disinterest to the Duchess Tsunade."

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed, but he kept his contempt to himself. Offering a fake, yet convincing smile he reassured the lady, "I'm sure he will be honored by your loveliness in his dining hall, Lady Sakura."

Seemingly persuaded, Sakura offered her own fake smile. She had only met Orochimaru on one other occasion, but she had heard rumors of his dark and twisted tastes. She disliked the man. Loathed him. But as long as she was promised to Sasuke Uchiha, she had to stomach him.

"Quite. If that is all, I'd like for my maidens and I to retire to our rooms."

"Of course." Orochimaru gave a small bow. "Food will be sent directly
to your quarters, my Lady."

"Thank you." Sakura gave a brief curtsey. "Ino, Shizune, please see that my things are settled appropriately and aid Captain Iruka with the settling of the forces."

Two tall women, one blond and one dark-haired, both dressed in warrior garb bowed their heads. With a quick turn, they left the room. Sakura turned to follow them. "Until this evening, Lord Orochimaru."

"My Lady." The Uchiha Advisor watched as the parade of women trailed from the great hall. As the last disappeared up a staircase, Captain Iruka stepped forward.

"Captain Kakashi has agreed to an audience with me. Is he indisposed?"

"He is expecting you," Orochimaru inclined his head. "Please follow me."

They had walked the length of one hallway, only to turn ans walk another. Iruka had been but a boy when he first walked the halls of Hawk Manor. It appeared darker to him. More foreboding. Secrets seemed to hide in every shadow. It broke his heart to know that his teacher's home had become a place of darkness.

As they approached the militia chambers, Iruka spoke. "Pardon my impudence, sir, but may I ask why Cadence has sent emissaries here?"

"You may ask," the advisor said. "But I'm afraid I know not why. Perhaps all will be revealed at dinner."

"Perhaps," the captain said. But he was far from convinced. He knew that the third province was in dire straights. An allegiance with White Mountain would be a great benefit. And with Konoha's impending contract about to be fulfilled, well, it made for interesting politics. A major upturn for White Mountain.

And excellent postioning for the Lord of Hawk Manor.

"Captain Kakashi is awaiting you in his war room. Second door on your left."

Iruka straightened, giving the advisor a small bow of gratitude. "Thank you."

Opening the door, he found Kakashi and several of his sergeants sitting at their table. They all stood in greeting. Iruka nodded as Kakashi extended his arm toward him.

"Welcome, old friend. It's good to see you."

Konoha's captain grasped Kakashi's arm in a warriors' greeting. "And you."

"It's been too long."

"Indeed. You're starting to look old, Kakashi."

The captain ran a hand through his thick, white hair. Hair that had been that color since he was a boy. "And you...are getting fat."

Iruka patted himself on his stomach. He had never been as fit as Kakashi, and had been so since they were boys. "Indeed."

With the door closed, Kakashi motioned for Iruka to join them at the table. It seemed that the pleasantries were over. Time to get down to business.

"Shall we begin?"



"Faster, you idiot."

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

"If you'd shown up this you wouldn't have
to hurry."

"I said I was sorry, Asuma!"

"Don't be sorry! Be busy, Naruto!"

The blond boy sighed as he tossed one potato into a pot and picked up another. He'd been peeling for a good three hours. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. It was hot in the kitchen. So hot that Kurenai forcing him to take his dung splattered shirt off had been a good thing.

Dinner was a much bigger deal than he had ever seen it.

He only had a few potatoes left from the few barrels Kurenai had saved especially for him. Some help would have been appreciated, but both Asuma and his wife had chased away anyone who wanted to assist.

One such person was a young woman named Hinata. She had been working in the kitchens since she was a child. Now a blossoming beauty of sixteen years, she loved cooking, especially baking. It was her skill that put her in charge of the Lord's pastries for the evening. She had filled several tables with nothing but sweet smelling goodness. It made Naruto's stomach gurgle as he continued to peel potatoes.

"Here," the young woman said. She handed him two cookies, her black eyes smiled at him as she walked by with another tray of treats.

"Thanks," he replied, shoving one cookie into his mouth quickly, in case Asuma objected to them, too.

"Didn't you eat enough at lunch?"

That question came from another kitchen hand, Choji. He was almost as wide as he was tall, with the disposition of a bear and the heart of a kitten. He was busy stirring whatever concoction Kurenai had brewing over an open fire, his collar drenched with sweat and his apron covered in an unknown green substance.

Naruto laughed. Choji was picking on him? The boy could eat more than he and Kiba combined. That was A LOT!

"You want the other one," the boy offered.

"Here," Hinata said with a small smile. As she crossed the kitchen one more time, she gave a fresh cookie to the big guy. "But you know you're not supposed to have them."

"I know," Choji replied with his mouth full. "But they're so good."

Hinata blushed, her short blue/black hair fell towards her eyes, but wasn't long enough to cover them. She returned to her station with a smile. "Thank you."

"Aren't you done yet?"


Naruto looked up, half a cookie sticking out of his mouth, at the new voice. In strode Kiba, all dolled up in a pair of black pants and a clean white shirt. The dark blue vest -- a standard for all of the male servants at a formal event -- was trim enough to show off his fit form. In his arms, he carried another set of clothes. He waved to Choji, who nodded in acknowledgment.

"What," he asked, walking over to one of the tables and inhaling the delectable smell of sweets.

"I said 'almost'. Sheesh...."

Kiba laughed. "Well, if you'd shown up as promised...."

"I know, I know!"

"Are you helping to serve at tonight's party, Kiba?" Hinata smiled shyly at the young man before averting her eyes to her newest tray cookies, straight from the oven. "Wanna try one?"

He picked one off of the tray before leaning in to give her a peck on the cheek. "Thanks, love."

Naruto almost laughed aloud. Hinata turned a deep shade of red at his endearment. While the two had only been seeing each other for several months, she always got shy around Kiba. Well, more shy. The woman was always soft spoken, but when she got angry...oh what a temper! But Old Man Ji had always told him to watch out for the quiet ones.... He wondered how far his friend had gotten with the young woman.

Only to get slapped upside the head by Asuma.

"Don't dawdle. You're almost done."


The kitchen became a busy place not long after Kiba's arrival. Servants for the evening were marching through to get their assignments. Each of the courses was separated into groups. Each group served a particular section of the dining hall: north, east, south and west.

And while the men served the meal, the women -- drunkenly referred to as the wine wenches -- poured the drink. Some of them, like Hinata's best friend, Temari, got paid on the side for "entertaining" the guests. Most of the women who entertained loved their job. Temari, on the other hand, loathed it. But she couldn't argue with the extra pay. Since her mother died and her father was no longer able to work, the title of provider fell on her.

Making a living at Hawk Manor was not always honest, or glamorous.

As Naruto would attest.

"Done! Hey, Kiba!"

"Here ya go."

Naruto, finally finished with his chore, was able to quickly wash his face and hands before changing clothes in one of the pantries. The items his friend had brought him fit perfectly and he admired himself briefly in a clean silver tray before being ushered away by one of the other cooks.

Kiba had been assigned the north section. Naruto the south. This meant the young blond would have to help serve the main table. A job dreaded by all of the staff. He would have contact with the Manor's most esteemed guests, as well as Lord Sasuke himself.

His friend would mingle with some of the lower class militia grunts. People he saw on a semi regular basis to begin with. Naruto was jealous.

"Trade ya?"

"I think not!"

The servants weren't sent out ahead of time to set the tables and place any of the decorations required by the Lord of the Manor. With tonight's dinner in honor of his betrothed, Sasuke ordered pink and white orchids be placed on every table. They were Lady Sakura's favorite, and a symbol of Konoha's greatness. Each bouquet contained two dozen of the flowers with each of the tables receiving four a piece.

As the clock struck six, guests began arriving. Naruto and Kiba gawked along with a number of other servants, including Temari, as they walked into the dining hall and made their way towards their seats.

"Wow...tonight's really a big night," she commented as Captain Kakashi entered the room with Konoha's Captain Iruka not far behind. "Is she really as beautiful as they say, Naruto?"

The blond nodded. "Oh, yeah. Right, Kiba?"

"You bet."

She elbowed Kiba in the ribs. "Watch it, mister, or I'm telling Hinata."

He raised both hands in self-defense. "Hey, the Lady may be pretty, but I only have eyes for my sweet."

Temari sighed. "How did Hinata get so lucky? It's so unfair."

"Maybe you'll get lucky tonight, Temari," Kiba reassured.

"Yeah. There's quite a few guys here who don't really know you," Naruto said.


"Ow! Hey!" Naruto rubbed the back of his head as Temari stormed off. He glanced over at Kiba with a devilish grin. "Was it something I said?"

The other young man simply shook his head. "Come on. We need to finish getting ready. Dork."





"So good of you to attend me this evening, my lord."

"I couldn't well allow you to attend dinner alone, my lady."

"You are too kind."

"I agree."

Trumpets announced the arrival of Lord Sasuke to the evening meal. A room, now full of people, stood as the main doors opened to reveal the young lord. Dressed in an oversized smock of dark blue and black, the young man stood with his chin high. His hair was unruly as ever, almost overshadowing his arrogance. Black pants and boots completed the regal look. He glittered despite the darkness of his suitings.

On his arm, dressed in an elegant red gown, was the Lady Sakura of Konoha. Her pink hair had been let down, the wavy strands trailing over her shoulders and stopping halfway down her back. She wore a gold talisman around her neck -- the crest of Konoha itself -- but little other glitter and glam. One hand rested lightly over Sasuke's as he lead her into the room. The other held an open white, lace fan. She used it to lightly cool herself as they made their way to the head table.

Both of them wore fake smiles for the guests.

The chatter that once filled the room dulled to a whisper as Sasuke assisted the lady into her seat before motioning for the others to sit. He remained standing, however, immediately grabbing a chalice filled with wine and raising it in the air.

"To my Lady Sakura and our friends from Konoha. I bid you welcome."

There was a roar that quickly subsided and Sasuke continued, "This is an important day for all of us. A day of rejoicing. So eat, drink and make merry to your heart's content, my friends. Let us celebrate our impending marriage! To new friendships!"

Every glass in the room was raised and everyone once more caused a roar.

Sasuke sat in his chair beside Sakura. He noticed that the young woman had not touched her chalice. "Do you find wine offending, my lady?"

"Not at all," she replied, reaching for the cup. She examined the craftsmanship and jewels before adding, "But I find it more agreeable when I have food in my stomach."

"Then let us fill that belly of yours." He clapped his hands.
"Servers! Begin!"

Sakura tried not to be amazed by the number of servers that filled the room. There were simply too many to count! And so highly organized!

They moved in tandem, a well-choreographed routine. Young men dressed in fine uniforms carried trays from the kitchen to the tables. Young women, also dressed in rare finery, poured drinks into the large goblets in front of each guest.

The lady had only heard tales of the abundance with which Hawk Manor celebrated. The large portions of food, the extended menu of fare and plethora of decoration gave credence to those stories. Sure, Konoha loved to celebrate too. But the village was more shrewd with their finery and decor. More stringent with their delicacies and menus.

"Ale or wine for you, my Lady?"

"Would the Lady prefer venison or duck?"

"A pastry to awaken your taste buds, my Lady?"

The tempting pastries that had been set before her, along with the abundance of fresh fruit and flowers made Sakura feel as if she were in the midst of a fairy tale.

There was just one problem.

"You're not on a diet of any kind, are you, my Lady?"

The young woman sighed, taking a pastry from the tray. "Does my Lord think I am too fat?"

"Not at all. Help yourself to whatever you like."

For all his good looks and great connections, Lord Sasuke was what most ladies wanted in a husband. But Sakura had also hoped for someone who would love her. Care for her. Dote on her. Much like her father had. From what she had seen for herself, this was not what Sasuke offered her. However, their parents had decided this: his father and her guardian, Duchess Tsunade of Konoha. And it was an excellent deal for both Konoha and White Mountain. One would benefit from the other's wealth. The other would benefit from the former's strategists and connections.

"Have you any cheese or crackers?"

Sasuke seemed to be enjoying the attention of his people. He reveled in the food and wine, his eyes often glued to one of the female servants. If he was fazed by Sakura's demeanor or manor of speech -- which would have gotten anyone else in the manor killed -- he didn't show it, save for a tick in his cheek. Was he trying to smile or frown? Sakura couldn't decide.

With a nonchalant shrug, he answered, "Of course. You there!"

"Immediately, my Lord."

"Would my lady like anything else?"

"At the moment? No, thank you."

Naruto barely avoided another servant as he ran past, nearly dropping the tray of entrees he had delicately balanced on his shoulder. He had been fortunate enough to not have to serve the head table, but his last two trips had brought him close. If the other man didn't return soon, he may find himself spending the night in the dungeon.

The Lady Sakura looked even more beautiful close up. But he couldn't help but see sadness in her eyes. Only those who had been at the Manor a long time had that look. It reminded him somewhat of Itachi, whose eyes always looked sad and broken. Even when he smiled.

"Watch it!"

The young man who ran into the kitchen came running back into the dining hall. He carried two baskets, one with cheese cubes and another with several types of crackers. The blond boy managed to catch up with him in the kitchen as the main course was served and the servants were able to have a bite for themselves.

"So? What is she like?"

"Yeah, Cody, tell us!"

The young man, his short brown hair disheveled and green eyes wide, looked as if he'd been put through the ringer. Of course, Lord Sasuke had decided to call on him several more times before the meal was set. His small frame and lanky limbs nearly shook from exhaustion.


"Man, you okay?"

"She's...very pretty, very...soft spoken," Cody managed to say. "But she hasn't said much. And the Lord...."

"We know," came a resounding reply from a large group that had gathered.

"Scary stuff, huh," Kiba asked.

Cody nodded. "Yeah."

"You wanna trade, Cody?"

A number of eyes turned to Naruto.

"Are you crazy," Kiba asked.

"Hey, if he's willing to do my share of the clean up, I'll serve the head table for the rest of the night," Naruto said. "Besides, the hard part is all ready done, right?"

"He does have a point, Cody."

"Yeah, I can do that. I'll trade you, Naruto." The young man offered a shaky smile. "Thanks."

They shook hands. "Don't thank me until after the party is over."



It took little over an hour for the gracious celebration to turn into absolute debauchery.

Sakura found herself alone, still seated at the head table. Her personal guards, Ino and Shizune remained close by, one standing at either end of the table. As she looked around, she felt very much disconnected from herself. She always had someone to talk to in Konoha. But here, she was very much alone. Even her betrothed had left her to discuss matters of state.

"Can I get anything for you, my Lady?"

Surprised, Sakura's attention was drawn to a servant who stood in front of the table. His blond hair was somewhat mussed, probably from all the work he'd done that evening. But his blue eyes smiled as brightly as his lips. She had not seen a more genuine smile since she arrived at the Manor.

"A name, would be nice."

"N-Naruto, my lady." He gave a little theatrical bow, his cheeks tinting a light shade of red. "Naruto Uzumaki."

"Uzumaki...." The name didn't sound familiar, yet Sakura couldn't shake the feeling she had seen him before.

"How long have you lived here?"

"At the manor? Why, my entire life, my Lady."

"I see." Apparently she had been mistaken. But the disappointment didn't faze her smile. "How long has your family served at Hawk Manor?"

"That, I don't know," Naruto's smile faded into a small frown. "I...I never knew my parents."

"Oh. I'm terribly sorry," Sakura quickly apologized. "I've asked too much...."

"No," the young man interjected. "No, my Lady. It's all right." His smile began to return. "I don't mind."

"Forgive me, anyway?"

Naruto couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. As he cocked his head to one side, he could see Lady Sakura's personal guard. But she was pleasantly speaking to a member of Sasuke's guard, a haughty blond named Deidara.

"Of course, my Lady."

"Could you pour another glass for me please," Sakura asked, pushing her chalice towards the table's edge.


Naruto turned to grab a pitched that had been left behind on another table. That's when his relief turned back into fear. He spied a group of men by one of the hall's fixtures. Among them were Captain Kakashi, who was talking to Konoha's Captain. But the feeling of being watched crawled up his spine and a glance to the right told him why.

The Lord of the Manor was staring right at him.

Suddenly he regretted changing places with Cody. Hurriedly, he turned around and poured the wine into Sakura's glass. Swallowing his pride, he set the pitcher on the table and bowed deeply to the young lady.


"I'm sorry, m'lady. But I must go."

Sakura seemed surprised at the sudden fear in the boy's eyes. But as she watched him disappear into a thick gathering of statesmen and their escorts, she caught sight of her betrothed. His dark eyes were following the boy too. And the smile that crept to his lips...absolutely frightening.

Then his eyes turned toward her.

There was something in those dark depths she couldn't comprehend. One may have mistook it for envy, perhaps jealousy. But it was more. So much more.

Sakura blushed a light shade of pink as he raised his glass to her. She lifted hers slightly, forcing a smile. Seemingly content, he gave her a nod before turning back to his conversation with Captain Iruka and a number of other guests.

But the smile faded quickly as she sipped her drink.

And her fear was suddenly as pungent as Naruto's.

'What have you gotten me into, Duchess?' She sighed, averting her eyes to the half empty plate before her. 'What have you gotten me into, my heart?'


Naruto, all characters and likenesses used in this story are the property of Masashi Kishimoto, Studio Pierrot, TV Tokyo and Viz, LLC. They are used here without permission to serve my own twisted purposes. I own nothing. NADA. Thanks for reading. ^^