Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Hawk Manor ❯ Under His Influence ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Naruto AU Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Not sure what sparked this idea anymore, but it now has a life of its own. My muses enjoy torturing me with it at any rate. Alternate Universe. Itachi x Naruto, Sasuke x Naruto and hints at other pairings. WARNINGS SasuNaru Yaoi content in this chapter. A Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Chapter 8 - Under His Influence

Naruto felt odd sitting in the presence of Lady Sakura. He knew she didn't care that he wasn't nobility. Knew she didn't care that he didn't have the proper manners of another lady. But sitting across from her in the garden, in the same spot where Kiba and Hinata had lunch on many occasions, he felt like a fish out of water.

"Is something wrong, Naruto?"

"No, m'lady!" His slouched frame immediately straightened. His grasp on his tea cup became tighter and the heat burned his skin. He bit his lip to keep from screaming, nearly dropping the cup before finally sitting it on a table set up just for this occasion. "I...didn't realize the cup was so hot."

Lady Sakura giggled. Dressed in a fine red gown, she allowed her hair to fall freely around her shoulders that day. Just enough to block the chill in the wind. She smiled at Naruto, sitting her cup down as well.

"You need to relax," she told him. "There's nothing to fear here."

"No," he answered, not entirely convinced. "It's quite beautiful in fact."

"Yes,” Sakura eyed their surroundings dreamily. "The lush greenery and color is so calming. It reminds me of a garden at home." Turning to the boy she inquired, "Did you do any of this landscaping?"

"Me?" Naruto shook his head. "Oh no. No, I spend most of my time in the stables. But Kiba...." He smiled thinking of his best friend. "He loves the gardens. He helped Old Man Ji plant many of the rose bushes over there, as well as set up the gazebo structure."

"Is that so?" Sakura was enthralled by the beauty of the roses. "May I request something special of this...Old Man Ji you spoke of? There's a plant from a home -- a flower -- I'd like to incorporate."

Naruto picked up his tea cup. He stared at his reflection in the liquid for a moment before answering, "Kiba is in charge of the gardens now. You'll need to take your request to him."

"Oh! Did the old man retire?"

"No, m'lady." Naruto sipped the drink, trying to smile. But he fell short of a full frown. "Ji, Jiraiya, was punished by the Lord of the manor. He passed away from his injuries."

"I see." Naruto suddenly turned sad, and she realized she had said something out of place. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean--!"

"It's okay. Really." His lips finally turned upward. "Ji was a good man, but had his fair share of trouble. He loved this place like no one else. He also knew my parents."

"He was like a father to you, then?"


"It's always good to have fond memories of those we love."

Something clenched in Naruto's heart. Her words were meant to comfort. However, he felt something grip his heart and squeeze it roughly. It hurt. A lot. And he was suddenly overcome with sadness as he recalled another someone he cared about. Someone who had touched his heart without really trying.

It had been little more than a week since he'd seen Itachi. He knew not how the young man was fairing. There had been no hunts of late. Was he eating okay? Was the Lord still beating him? Was he thinking about him?


And he still longed for another kiss....

"Hmm? What?"

"Thought I lost you for a second," Sakura replied gently.

"I'm sorry, m'lady. But I think you did."

"Thinking about someone special?"

"Yes." The smile that crept to his lips couldn't be stopped. But he couldn't remove the sadness in his eyes. "I mean...."

Sakura giggled again. "Naruto, it's all right. One day, though, you may have to tell me all about this person."

He nodded. "Perhaps one day I will."

"So, you heard about Lord Sasori's death?" Naruto nodded. "Have you heard any more rumors?"

"They're spreading like wildfire now."

They continued to talk about rumors and politics. The boy was surprised to learn that the lady loathed politics. And he was surprised by the gentleness in her voice when she spoke of her first meeting with Lord Sasuke. Her words made him out to be less fierce. Less intense. But both agreed that growing up changed many, including themselves.

Then Naruto began telling her about the many celebrations that Hawk Manor often had. Any excuse to drink and eat like gluttons, the boy said. But the elegance of the festivals and the sheer joy with which Naruto spoke about them made Sakura smile happily. She looked forward to such events, she told him. And hoped to be able to participate in years to come.

As they finished their third cup of tea, talking jovially about horses -- and the lady's horse in general -- Naruto took notice to the time. It was pushing three. Granted, the lord had said to see to Sakura's needs, but he also had chores to complete before he met again with the lord over dinner. In the middle of their conversation, he stood.

"Ah! It's time for me to return to my duties."

Sakura set another empty cup on the table. "Surely a few more moments wouldn't hurt."

"I'm sorry, m'lady." Naruto's apology was genuine as he stood and bowed. "But I have much to do before dinner."

"Then good luck to you," Sakura replied. "We'll talk again soon."

Naruto was fidgety again, but from uncertainty or fear was unknown. He really didn't want to leave, but Lord Sasuke would be seriously displeased if he didn't finish his list of chores. Finally the boy sigh, resigned to his fate. But as he turned to leave, the lady made him pause.

"And Naruto?"

"Yes, m'lady?"

Sakura sighed. "If he ever threatens you...."

"Your concern is more than I deserve, m'lady," Naruto said with another bow. "But I'm sure everything will work out." He managed a smile, just for her. "As you said, it just takes some adjusting."

"Be safe," she called after him. And smiled when he paused long enough to wave to her. But the smile faded when she noticed a figure, a shadow really, follow the young man into the manor. What or who was unclear. What was clear was that Naruto's paranoia was real.

He was being watched.

Maybe if she talked to Sasuke. Just talked to him....

'No,' a voice in her mind stated. 'It may only make the situation worse.'

She wished now, more than ever, that Iruka was there. He would know what to do. Would be able to advise her on the politics of Hawk Manor. She was still adjusting and feeling her way. And while she could handle the politics thus far, she was loathing it. The Duchess had warned her, and now she believed her.

"More tea, my lady?"

"One more, please."

With a sigh, Sakura sipped her tea, focusing on the flowers surrounding her.


Sasuke Uchiha tried not to pace the floor of his quarters. He was angry, nearly shaking with the emotion. Even the hand that held his drink quivered, nearly spilling the wine.

"Damn it all...."

He was less than pleased with the report he'd gotten after his evening meal. His spies informed him of his new personal servant’s behavior. The boy had done as he was told all day. All week, for that matter.

But he found the fact that he'd smile and laugh around Sakura somewhat offending.

Granted, he had agreed to let the woman have his services, he was beginning to wonder how far they would extend.

It was an absurd thought. A part of the young lord knew this. Naruto didn't seem the type to fall for something as trivial as a woman's fancy. And Sakura was his betrothed. She did not appear the type to find just any man worthy of her time and attention.

Yet, she smiled when she spoke to him. A genuine smile that she had not mustered for him since her arrival at Hawk Manor. The young lady was truly beautiful when she smiled.

'So absurd,' he told himself for the fourth time. He flung back his glass, chugging the wine. When he paused for air, he lifted his arm, wiping at his mouth with his sleeve. There was no point to feeling emotion. Feeling anything, he thought.

Yet, he was still angry. Hurt. It was such a strange feeling. So strange that he wasn't sure if he should continue drinking or quit while he was ahead.

But when his door opened and Naruto walked in, he downed the remainder of his drink quickly.

And a plan for punishment began to form.

"My lord, I've finished the tasks you've assigned," Naruto stated with a grand bow. The boy looked tired, his blue eyes not as bright as they had been that morning.

"Is that so," Sasuke asked with raised eyebrows.

"Everything you mentioned before dinner, m'lord."

"I...have one last task for you, Naruto."

The boy looked up, clearly exhausted. Surprise showed in his eyes as he answered, "Yes?"

"Entertain me."

The boy looked around the room before shaking his head. He had no idea what Sasuke had in mind. "Begging your pardon, m'lord, but I don't understand."

Sasuke moved across the room, passing Naruto on his way towards a large cabinet. The doors opened easily enough, revealing several large bottles. Wine, Naruto noted. The Lord's private stock. But he was even more startled and confused when the other man removed a small vile and a second glass.

"I want you to...entertain me," the lord said. He moved back across the room, passing the large bed before setting his newly acquired pieces on a small table in a sitting area. There, he poured wine for both of them. "You know.... Like dance. Or sing. Or tell a story...."

The dark look in the Lord's eyes made Naruto's heart stop for several beats before it dared to move again. Something told him what he did for entertainment was not going to be his choice. He tried to inhale and found it difficult. However, he managed to sputter a response.

"You have a specific request?"

"Yes...." He turned, pouring the contents of the vile into one of the drinks without Naruto's notice. When he turned around, he motioned to servant boy with one hand. "Come. Sit with me."

Sasuke was drunk, Naruto noticed, as he practically slumped into his seat. But there was something in his eyes. A shadow. A fire. Something that caused the young servant to hesitate in his response. He knew this when the lord's smile quickly faded into his usual frown.


Naruto nearly jumped at the command, hurrying over to where the Lord sat. He sat in the chair across from the other man, staring at the glass before picking it up cautiously. He watched as Sasuke raised his glass, as if making a toast. After a moment, he realized he was to do the same thing.

"To...the future."

"Of...of course," the blond stuttered.

Sasuke tipped his glass to his lips. Over the rim of the glass he saw the blond boy staring at the contents of his. "Have you never tasted wine before?"

"No, m'lord." Naruto shook his head. "I haven't."

"It's somewhat bitter," the dark haired man said. "But the after taste is quite sweet. Pleasing, even."

"I see."

Sasuke nodded at him. "Give it a try."

Looking up at his master, Naruto offered a small smile. "Okay."

Then he tipped back his glass, drowning all the contents at once.

The lord tried not to choke on his own drink, surprised by the other man's actions. He definitely never drank wine before, Sasuke noted. Otherwise he would have known to sip at the beverage rather than chug it. It was crude, but effective. Sasuke sat his glass down, a smile creeping to his lips.

"How was it?"

The alcohol was quick to hit the servant. First the taste -- bitter as the lord stated -- and then the liquor. His insides burned like mad. But it wasn't just his innards. In no time at all, Naruto felt his body become heavy, his eyes unable to focus.

"Good.... I think...."

"You think?"

"I'm...." The young man felt himself begin to relax, the burning fading somewhat. It was a different reaction than what he had experienced sneaking into Asuma's ale stash. The warmth was familiar, but the fire in his gut.... That was new. So was the strange feeling in his head. "It was good, m'lord. Th-thank you. B-but...."

Sasuke stood from his chair and made his way over to Naruto's side. He kneeled next to the blond, placing a concerned hand on his knee. The servant could tell he was smiling, but it looked distorted. Unreal.


"But...." The blond tried hard to remain coherent, but all he wanted to do was curl up and sleep. He felt so warm, and so relaxed, that even moving his mouth was becoming a challenge. "I f-feel a little weird."

"Weird, eh?" Naruto only nodded. "I bet I know why."


"Because...." Sasuke moved to sit in front of the blond while he slumped in his chair. One hand moved slowly up his leg from his knee. The other cupped his cheek, fingertips gently caressing the skin as it moved downward over his neck. "I spiked your drink with a potion."


"Yes. A very potent one at that." Sasuke's smile was devious, but Naruto's vision had become so skewed he couldn't see it. But the lord knew he could feel. All of his senses should be heightened as the drug ran rampant in his body. So when one hand moved from his leg and under his shirt, he knew his touch surprised and excited the other man. "Orochimaru mixes it just for me. I've made the mistake of drinking it once or twice, before I caught on to his little game."


The lord's actions were making little sense to Naruto. How could he desire the Lord's touch? He wanted to be touched, and when he was, he felt warmer than before. A high like no other. And when both of the noble's hands moved under his shirt, fingertips burning against his sensitive skin, he had to bite his bottom lip to hold back a moan.

"Yes. So I keep a stash for myself." Sasuke's hands splayed over Naruto's ribs as he rose to his knees, leaning so close to Naruto that his face was mere inches from the servant's. "And I use it...when I feel it's necessary."

The servant could feel the lord's breath, warm against his neck. Could feel his hands moving against his skin, and into his pants. His hips bucked, lifting at the other man's urging. He felt cool against his warm skin, felt himself continue to melt into his chair.

" was n-necessary...tonight?"

He knew this was bad, even as his arousal grew. He didn't want the lord to touch him. Not like this. But his body wanted it. Craved it. And no matter how much his consciousness -- what was left of it -- fought, it was a losing battle.

"Yes." The lord practically purred, holding the young man's erection in his hands for the first time. He squeezed it tightly, earning a gasp and a groan from the blond. Pleased, he placed a chaste kiss on Naruto's cheek before he moved his body away.

"Am I...being punished," Naruto asked with a moan.

"Not at all." It was a lie, even Sasuke knew it. But he was now too into the moment to turn back. Hovering just above Naruto's erection, he smiled. "Consider this a prize for your good behavior."


The word barely registered in the servant's brain before he felt something warm and wet devour his hardness. The sensation was devastating, in a good way. He was light from euphoria. Each pull, each tug on his manhood caused him to gasp. When he released his breath, the boy sunk deeper into his chair. And just when he thought he couldn't take any more, the sensations slammed into him again.

Then, it stopped.

"M-my Lord?"

Naruto was slowly regaining himself, even though his body still refused to do as he asked. Clumsily he tried to sit up, only to be pulled forward and thrown onto the floor. His pants around his knees, he found it difficult to move. But it wasn't necessary, however, as someone moved him instead.

Sasuke pulled the servant onto the floor, his body moving to cover his. He'd managed to undo his own pants, pushing as low as they would go. He was already more than eager, more than ready. All that was left was setting up his partner into the right position.

Naruto's eyes widened as he felt a finger enter him from behind. A flash of reality settled in and he began to realize what was happening. No, his mind screamed, but he couldn't get the word out of his mouth. Only gasps and grunts as a second finger joined the first. His body still did the opposite of what his mind was thinking, even while he felt the lord's hand grasp his erection again, stroking roughly. He wanted it to stop. All of it. But he still couldn't get out the words.


Sasuke had Naruto on all fours, a third finger trying to stretch his opening. He was intent on his goal and cared little for argument. The boy's plea, however, made him smile. "Please, what?"


The lord grunted, removing his fingers and squeezing the other man's erection as tightly as possible. "No."

"Wha--! Why...."

Sasuke grasped his blond hair, yanking the young man upward so he could whisper in his ear. "Now, you're being punished."


His answer was a solid penetration, a force so hard and fast he had no time to react. The blond felt as if he was being torn in two, the intrusion so unexpected that the high immediately cleared and reality fell on him. Hard.

'Is this...rape,' he wondered idly. All the while, his brain tried to wrap around the entirety of the situation.

Meanwhile, his body was crying out for more.

The drug hadn't completely worn off, Sasuke knew, and he was glad. Although at the moment, he cared little for his partner. It was his own power, his own release he wanted. He rocked steady and hard against the other man. His hand, once pulling his blond locks moved lower, caressing his throat until it came to rest on his chest. His other hand began pumping the blond's swollen manhood, moving in time with his own thrusts.

Naruto could do little as he was violated by his master. His mind remained at war with his body. Eventually he gave himself over to the sensation, losing himself in a dream he thought would never come true.

Closing his eyes, he imagined the hands of someone else. A warrior. A lover. The lips on his throat also belonged to that warrior, a warm feeling he had once felt upon his lips. The dream helped him float upon a wave of pleasure and when the dream reached its pinnacle, he cried out. An eager sound that forced his partner to his end as well.

Sasuke wrapped himself around the other man, briefly allowing himself a moment of bliss. He enjoyed this type of sex – rough and hard. It mattered little if it was a man or a woman to him. As long as he reached his moment, he was happy.

But the fact that Naruto enjoyed it too only made him angrier.

Granted, it was the potion he had given him. Sasuke knew that. Still, the lord felt slighted. Frowning, he pushed Naruto away, forcing the boy back onto the ground. Then he stood, fixing his pants and his shirt before picking up his wine glass from the table.

"That'll do,” he muttered as he walked over to his bed. “I’ll have another list for you tomorrow. Be awake early."

The cold floor was a refuge for the servant. He didn’t want to move knowing that, when he did, he would feel everything. He lay there, even after the last candle was diminished. Only the glow from the fireplace remained a dim light that could not warm the young man’s heart.

He waited until Sasuke was in bed before attempting to move. Crawling on the floor, he made his way over to his usual spot, just beside the fire place. Every muscle ached. Every inch of his skin that had been touched burned. He tried to return to the dream. To return to a time that felt so far away.

Curling into a ball, he cried silent tears. This had not been his fault. And yet, he continued to be punished. Why? What had he done?

And along with the hurt and sadness came guilt. He had betrayed someone dear to him. Dear to his heart.

'You flirt with danger too much.'

Itachi had been right.

'I'm sorry.' He cried into his shirt as he succumbed to sleep. 'So very sorry.'


In the dark confines of a small hallway sat a storage room. At least, that's what many thought it was. But in fact it was a secret meeting place. Of lovers. Of adulterers.

"Are you sure he knows nothing of our plan?"

And conspirators.

"Not a thing. I assure you."

"If he finds out he's being used...."

"We could all be in serious trouble."

The leader of the group stood, a placating tone lacing his voice as he addressed the lords gathered around him. "My friends...he's involved in this as deep as the rest of us. He's agreed to my ideals, put my edicts into law and carried out an assassination all on his own." There arose a murmur and several nodded in agreement. "You need not worry about the young Lord. Just leave him to me."

"He'll go down before the rest of us. "

"Just like his father."

"Then we proceed as planned."



Orochimaru snickered to himself as the rest of the conspiring nobility left the room. 'Greedy little bastards,' he thought of them. Greedy bastards whose fate was already sealed.

They just didn't know it.

The plan had been brewing for a long time. Years. Decades, even. Ever since he had come into the company of the first Uchiha of Hawk Manor - Sasuke's father - the advisor knew what his destiny was. It was unfortunate that the previous lord had discovered his intentions and become...useless. But now his youngest son would help him achieve that which was rightfully his.

Rule of Hawk Manor.

Rule of White Mountain.

Dictator of all three Kingdoms.

And there would be no one to stop him. No one to challenge him. He would be unstoppable.

Through the shadow of night, evil laughter echoed.


Naruto, all characters and likenesses used in this story are the property of Masashi Kishimoto, Studio Pierrot, TV Tokyo and Viz, LLC. They are used here without permission to serve my own twisted purposes. I own nothing. NADA. Thanks for reading. ^^