Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mended Hearts ❯ Kakashi's Last Resort ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I wish I did, but I don't.
Original Summary: AU Naruto hides many secrets from Konohagakure no Sato. As time continues, Naruto's precious people learn the hard way that many secrets are best left untouched, and that Naruto is not at all what they believed.
New Summary: AU Beginning and ending with his name, Naruto's past is veiled in mystery. Even as Kakashi teaches him the meaning of affection and love, Naruto's secrets come into the open, and it falls to Naruto's precious people to protect and support him as his father's name and legacy threatens to crush him and destroy the Hidden Village of the Leaf.
Here's the real ending.
Hmm… Let's see… Things we have to cover… The wings are symbolic of the innocence and purity of the container which seals the Biji. Er… Tora knew Naruto as the Yondaime's Legacy but not as his son, which is why she went nuts when Tsunade revealed Naruto's heritage. The Genjutsu on the Godaime basically left her open to suggestion by the caster, and made her act in ways she normally wouldn't, resulting in the second Leaf Cloud war.
Chapter Summary: In this final chapter of this story of love and heartbreak, the War of Nations has ended. Kakashi's final link to his past lies unknowing and uncaring, trapped in his own mind. With the aid of the Yamanaka Clan, Kakashi travels into the mind of his beloved, and Naruto wakes to discover that Konoha is changed, and nothing would ever be the same again
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Chapter 24: Kakashi's Last Resort~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
It was not a surprise to Yamanaka Inoshi when Hatake Kakashi came to him for help about Naruto's condition. Considering how protective the man was of the people close to him, Inoshi was surprised that it had taken him so long, but then again, there were rumors that an old friend of Kakashi's thought to have been dead had actually returned to Konoha as a Oinin, and Kakashi had found out by sheer chance. The second part of the rumor was that said friend had died a year or so into the War. If that was so, then obviously Kakashi, suddenly alone, would push to find a reason and a way to wake his young lover as soon as possible.
Tsunade stood at the foot of the bed with Jiraiya perched at the window. Kakashi sat next to Naruto while Inoshi sat on the other side. Swiftly, the Yamanaka's hands blurred in a series of seals.
“Shintenshin no jutsu!” Inoshi murmured, and his body went limp in the chair…
Everything was dark, was the first thing that Inoshi noticed. The second thing he noticed was the multitude of sakura petals and white feathers that drifted from the sky and landed on the glossy black surface of the floor which rippled as though it were water.
“This is nothing like what I've seen before,” Inoshi murmured, his voice echoing in the vast darkness, “Is this really Naruto-kun's mind?”
The faint sound of rattling chains drew his attention, and Inoshi turned in surprise.
“Dare da…” the voice was faint, tired, pained, and listless. “Dare da… Who's there?”
Inoshi followed the voice, his every footstep causing the floor to ripple.
What he saw in the distance made his eyes widen in shock and he raced across the vast darkness, and the cage covered in chains with the cross behind it, and the person with white feathered wings chained to the cross and the chains that bound the gigantic fox which connected the cage to the crucifix.
Pale, cerulean eyes opened, and Inoshi slowed to stop directly below the naked figure.
“Anata wa… dare da…” the young man said…
Inoshi stared at the boy in shock. “Naruto-kun? What is all of this?”
“You do not belong here…” the words came out dully.
“You don't belong here~! Kami-sama gave this refuge for Vessels, you should not be here~!” the words rose in volume into a hysterical scream.
The glossy surface of the floor convulsed and rose up. Inoshi's eyes widened in shock as the liquid like substance that had been the floor wrapped around his arms and legs, dragging him away. Once he was aware of the movement, he began to struggle, drawing forth a kunai and slashing at the water.
The chains began to rattle, and the fox raised its head, red eyes flashing, and began to throw itself against the bars of the cage, howling in what seemed to be a mad rage. The white wings fluttered, and began beating wildly, pure white feathers flying loose and filling the air with a storm of the feathers, and a bloodcurdling, pained scream left the blonde's lips as Inoshi tore through the substance, and to Inoshi's horror, cracks began to appear in the surroundings as if he were in a glass container.
My struggling is harming his mind?! What is going on!
Inoshi ceased to fight back, and he saw the cracks repairing themselves, and the fox collapsed, its tongue lolling out of its mouth as its harsh breathing echoed through the mindscape. The young man fell limp in the chains, his head down, his breath coming in harsh, pained gasps.
“you… you don't belong here…” he said again, “Leave…”
As the scene began to fade, Inoshi cried out, “What about Kakashi? You can't just leave him! You're all he has left! Naruto-kun!”
The fading slowed, and slowly, the scene returned to focus. Inoshi shivered as piercing blue eyes stared at him.
“Even if I wanted to leave, I cannot. Kami-sama is merciful to the children offered as sacrifices, so if he wants me back so badly, then have Kakashi come and loose me from these chains!”
And all Inoshi knew was black…
Three hours later, Inoshi told Kakashi what he had discovered, and the requirement for waking Naruto.
“Is it possible for a non-Yamanaka to use the Shintenshin, though?” Tsunade asked.
“I don't really know,” Inoshi said, “but there is no reason why it cannot be used by a non-Yamanaka. To my knowledge, only Yamanakas have ever used the Shintenshin. We can consider this an experiment to see if the technique can only be used by Yamanakas.”
The next two days were spent teaching Kakashi the seals to mold the chakra for Shintenshin, and seeing if he could possess Inoshi. Three days, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Iruka, and the Five of Six stood in the room, anticipating the waking of one of their own.
“You'll have to be careful,” Inoshi said, “harm anything in that landscape, and you could potentially destroy Naruto's mind.”
Kakashi nodded and his hands came together and began forming the seals. “Shintenshin no jutsu,” he murmured.
There was darkness for as far as the eye could see. Kakashi took a tentative step forward and jerked back as the glossy black surface under him surged upward to form an arch, and through it, he saw…
Pale, cerulean eyes opened slightly, and the chains rattled softly as the pale, white wings shifted.
Kakashi's hand rose and gently stroked a massive, white feathered wing. “Naruto?”
“Ka…ka…shi…” the pale form strained, leaning forward against the chains.
Kakashi left the wings and moved toward the chained boy and reached up, and found that he could just barely place the tips of his fingers on his waist if he rose onto his toes.
The chains loosened slightly, as the white wings rustled. “How can you be here?” Naruto said, his eyes pained and sorrowful, “Kami-sama decreed that only the vessels may come here…”
“Do you not want me here?” Kakashi said, stroking Naruto's hip gently. “I could always leave…”
“No! No! No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!” the word echoed through the darkness as the chains tightened.
“Don't go…” Naruto went limp in the chains, “Don't leave me here…”
Kakashi's grip tightened on the blonde's hips, his fingers digging into the sensitive flesh. “Don't!” Kakashi growled, “Don't you dare assume that I would come this far, only to leave without you! Don't you dare think that way!”
Their surroundings lightened and the chains went slack and Naruto fell. Naruto gasped in pain as he was jerked painfully to a stop by the chains two feet above the floor. Kakashi blinked but raised his hands from Naruto's hips to his face.
“Will you come back?” Kakashi whispered. “Please… Come back, Naruto…”
Naruto's lips twitched as the chains dissolved, and his wings spread out, allowing him to land lightly on the ground. Then pale white flames surrounded him, lifting his shoulder-blade length hair into the air, as the flames coalesced into his Hunter uniform, his mask hanging from his belt. His wings faded as he allowed himself to be pulled into Kakashi's embrace.
“Kakashi…” Naruto laid his head against Kakashi's chest. “I'll come…”
Kakashi's arms tightened around Naruto's waist before forming the ram seal.
Kakashi's eyes opened, to find himself slumped over the bed, and he sat up, turning expectant eyes toward Naruto, only to wilt in disappointment to see those pale cerulean eyes closed in sleep.
His eyes were closed?
Hadn't his eyes been open the entire time?
Kakashi blinked and Tsunade's amused voice cut into his musings.
“He fell asleep a moment ago,” the Godaime said, “Real sleep this time.”
Kakashi sighed and nodded, grabbing a chair and dragging it the bedside. He sat down and reached forward, taking Naruto's hand in his, clasping it between both of his hands and sat still, watching the peaceful expression on the blonde's face.
There was a quiet shuffling behind him, and a quiet click from the door as the room emptied…
Kakashi woke to a warmth resting on top of his head, and a gentle tug at his hair and quiet laughter. Kakashi shifted and the warmth vanished and the Copy-nin sat up, turning his head to meet sparkling blue eyes.
“Naruto!” Kakashi was on top of his lover in seconds, his mask lying somewhere on the floor, their tongues touching, stroking, teasing.
Then Kakashi's hand was parting Naruto's robe and Naruto was tugging at Kakashi's clothes.
The door suddenly opened and a shocked voice cried, “Oh my god~!”
Surprised, the two lovers pulled apart, and Naruto glanced at the door and turned red at the sight of a blushing Iruka.
“I-I'm glad you're awake, Naruto,” Iruka stuttered, “I'll just go find the Hokage now, bye!” and the door closed behind him.
“Hmm…” Kakashi turned his attention to his blushing lover. “Shall we continue where we left off?”
“Kakashi!” Naruto flushed even darker.
Kakashi chuckled and captured Naruto's lips again in a softer kiss before pulling away and placing a kiss on the top of the blonde's head.
“I'm going to let the others know about the good news. Will you be alright here?”
Naruto smiled. “I'll be fine. I'm in the hospital, not the battlefield.”
Kakashi's face darkened and he nodded. “That's true…”
“Kakashi?” Naruto reached out, his hand tentatively touching Kakashi's shoulder. “What…”
The dark look faded from Kakashi's face and he smiled happily. “It'll be fine. I promise.”
Naruto watched as Kakashi pulled the mask on over his face walked over to the door. The blonde watched with a sinking feeling in his stomach as the door closed behind his lover and leaned back against the pillows.
“What happened while I was unconscious, Kakashi…” he whispered.
Naruto was released from the hospital three days later with orders to rest.
Naruto sat wordlessly in his apartment, staring pensively at the photo of Team 7 on his desk, his eyes lingering on Kakashi's features. The Jounin had been distant of late, and while the Konoha 12 visited often, it seemed to him as though a large rift had grown between them. Even the Hunters Primary Six was different. Ookami had replaced Suzaku as Commander, and he had become First Seat while three Potentials were being trained to take the empty seats of power in the Second, Third and Fourth Seats. He had no doubt that Suzaku was dead, as Commanders rarely retired, and even if Suzaku had retired, Rin at the very least would come to visit him. The simple thought sent a pang of pain through his heart….
Kakashi wasn't sure what to do. Naruto had never struck him as the type to run away from his problems, and the incident with Tora had proven him wrong, proven to him that even Naruto's strength had their limits. But that wasn't the only thing that lay between them, Rin's death weighed heavily on the silver haired jounin's mind, and he often felt a faint jealousy against Naruto, as he had grown up with the woman that Kakashi had come to rely on during his childhood.
It was an illogical jealousy, Kakashi knew, since Rin had explained to him that the Yondaime had wanted her to remain a Hunter to protect his son. It had not been Naruto's fault that the Hunters had taken him in, nor had the blonde expected to be taught and raised by the one person the Kakashi had treasured most beside the Yondaime.
But it wasn't the end of it. Kakashi knew that a part of him blamed Naruto for Rin's death. If Naruto had not run away, than perhaps Rin would still be alive. It was an illogical thought since by protocol, the Second Seat, which was Zeiguwa's previous position, was a profiling department, watching and testing potential ANBU and Hunters inside the village. Even if Naruto had been awake for the war, he would not have been at the front lines, but rather occasionally traveling from Konoha to observe, record, and report, then regulating fresh ninja to replace dead, injured, ill, or exhausted shinobi in the field.
Naruto sat silently at the window, staring out into the darkness.
It had been almost a month since he had last seen any one besides Ookami who had dropped off his mission scrolls. Naruto glanced over at the clock and sighed, and slipped his mask on and vanished out the window…
History was repeating itself all over again, Ookami thought as he watched Zeiguwa's lithe figure slip through the streets of the Hunter's District and fade into the shadows.
Naruto was away on a mission, Kakashi thought as he left the Hokage's office. It was Team 7's third Chunnin Exam all over again. What is that boy trying do? Kakashi wondered.
It seemed to Kakashi that Naruto was always away on some sort of mission nowadays. Was he trying to make up or lost time, or was it something else? Kakashi couldn't help the sinking sensation in his stomach…
He hadn't been available for a while, Naruto thought. Maybe it would be a good idea to go out rather than trying to become a hermit.
Sasuke and Sakura were laughing, with Sasuke's arm thrown around Sakura's shoulder. Kiba was making out with Hinata in a secluded corner. Shikamaru was escorting Temari of the Sand, Chouji was with Iruka, pelting the inattentive brats with bits of chalk and yelling at them to pay attention. Lee and Tenten were sparring and Neji and Shino were away on a mission. There was Kakashi getting good and drunk with Genma and Kotetsu and Izumo, and there was Asuma and Kurenai in the café, lost in one another's eyes, and there was Gai, screaming about the flames of youth while people simply walked past him without a second glance.
It seemed that everyone was happy, with no thought about the silent watcher who watched them, who made little effort to hide his presence. They simply didn't notice him. Not even Kakashi… They no longer cared… He no longer had a place in their little world… Cerulean eyes darkened with pain and sorrow, and the figure vanished…
Kakashi frowned as he approached the apartment. The faintest scent of blood reached his nose, though he didn't give it much thought. Hunters often carried that scent, the scent of careful control and stale blood overlaid by the scent of fresh blood. It was a subtle scent that only experienced ninja would detect, a scent that was familiar to all ninja above the rank of chunnin, after all, they all had that same scent…
Once in front of the door, the unsettling feeling in his stomach was almost distracting. The scent was far too strong, as though a fresh kill had been made, and the blood was still pouring from living veins… There was the faintest flickering of chakra behind the door, and a near silent thump of something heavy dropping…
Kakashi felt panic well up in him, and he kicked the door, snapping the flimsy wood of the doorjamb. As the door slammed against the wall, a horrifying sight filled his sight…
Illuminated by the pale light of the moon was a lake of blood, and lying in the ever growing pool of crimson life was…
He knelt beside the blonde, heedless of the blood soaking into his pants, and applied force to the cuts, attempting to staunch the flow of blood. The blood, there was so much of it… Far too much to be kept in a human body…
Obviously the Kyuubi was trying to keep its host alive.
Kakashi had never been more glad for the Kyuubi than at that moment.
“Who…” milky lids fluttered to reveal glazed blue eyes, “who's there?”
“Why Naruto?!” he cried, “why are you doing this!”
“How can you do something so stupid?!”
“I… I don't have a place… Not anymore…”
“You do have a place!” Kakashi was screaming now, “You have a place with me!”
There was a rustle of fabric and Kakashi found himself surrounded by Oinin, one of whom knelt next to him, her hands glowing green with healing chakra while another Hunter gently pulled Kakashi aside so another Medic could kneel beside Naruto and aid the first medic…
Kakashi stayed with Naruto for the four days of his recovery, and on the fifth day, the two ensconced themselves in Kakashi's apartment…
Kakashi wasn't quite sure what he had expected from Naruto, but he knew that the boy sitting in silence, his hands fisted in the material of his pants was not it. Kakashi sighed and reached over to gently hold one bandaged wrist, lightly rubbing his fingers over the rough cloth. He pretended not to notice Naruto's flinch at his touch.
“Why?” he whispered. “Why did you do this?”
Naruto turned his face away. He simply didn't want to see the disappointed and heartbroken look in Kakashi's eyes…
“Naruto… Please look at me…” Kakashi whispered.
That heartbroken voice was never something he could say no to, but Naruto found that he couldn't look at him. And so, Naruto raised his head and fixed his eyes in a point beyond Kakashi. The silver haired jounin reached out and gently cupped Naruto's face in his hands and leaned in, placing a soft kiss on the blonde's lips.
“You don't have to talk,” Kakashi whispered, “Just know that I'm here. I promised you, didn't I? I won't leave you, I won't ever leave you…”
Naruto closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Kakashi's neck and laid his head on the jounin's shoulder. Kakashi wrapped his arms around Naruto's waist and the two sat there in each other's embrace.
Kakashi smiled slightly and pressed his lips to Naruto's temple. It wasn't much, but it was a start. With time, Naruto would recover, and Kakashi intended to be there with him every step of the way…
CSA Version 7 Mended Hearts What Are You Hiding?