Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ mercinary of the gods ❯ Welcome to Konoha ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: ok so this is chapter ten and a very important part in this story I might add I must say your lack of reviews is starting to become depressing and I really do not need another depressing thing in my life right now oh and another thing for your people who put me on your author alerts and favorite my story without writing a review you guys are pissing me off and I sincerely wish to hunt you down and scream my anger out at you as I chase you down a street holding a Falcata anyway here is where things start to get good and we start to learn more about naruto's family I will try and make this chapter at least two thousand words because I have been posting rather short chapters and I don't like doing that and with that I am very happy to say CHAPTER TEN IS A GO
Kyuubi speaking/thinking
Anyone talking/thinking
“Naruto come here I must make sure that you look presentable before we go and see Kami” Gabriel said
“Stop messing with my hair Gabriel-sensei if you weren't pulling me by it on the way up here you wouldn't be doing this” Naruto replied
“If you weren't such an indignant brat I wouldn't have to pull out your hair now shut up and be on your best behavior” Gabriel shot back as they neared the door to Kami's chamber
“Enter” a mysterious yet kindly voice said
And with these words Gabriel opened the twenty foot tall doors only enough to slip through and as soon as he entered and kneeled in reverence the doors were slammed opened by a ten foot tall deer standing on his hind legs holding two katanas (A/N Naruto's hikku ketsunoana shika kasei technique from ch.7 full description there) suddenly the deer kneeled and sheathed the swords in sheaths on his lower back (A/N the sheaths are perpendicular to his body and have the openings facing opposite directions one is red one is black)
“Gomen for my rude intrusion Kami-baba but I wanted to show you one of the techniques I was taught while outside of your realm” Naruto said as he released the transformation jutsu returning to his normal form
At the sight of his transformation Gabriel had his claymore drawn and was moving toward naruto with it raised over his head until he transformed meanwhile ten angels with Halberds formed a circle formation around Kami with their Halberds facing outward and Kami herself was holding a crossbow in each hand that was fitted for rapid fire and loaded with silver bolts(the cross bow from Van Hellsing)both were aimed at Naruto until he transformed back and him being Naruto he was completely oblivious to the proceedings going on around him
As he looked up he ask completely oblivious “Is there some really big scary guy behind me or am I suddenly what is going to be eaten for dinner”
At the sight of his normal state Gabriel sheathed his Claymore and Kami replaced the crossbows to their holsters on her back but the angels guarding her refused to stand down “Naruto if you ever use that jutsu in my presence without my permission I will have you expelled from heaven and your soul taken from you” Kami said with pure unbridled rage and bloodlust the killer intent radiating off her in waves
“What's wrong kami-baba” Naruto asked
“That is the jutsu used by Shinigami's elite guard and himself and the last time any of us saw it was when Shinigami last tried to take my throne from me we thought it was another attack from the depths” she replied her anger receding slowly
“Oh……I was only trying to impress you and show you how well my training has been going” Naruto replied in a small voice his mistake now obvious to him and he was sorry for it
“I want a full demonstration of your powers later, stand down Seraphim” she said in a commanding voice as the angels encircling her slowly drew apart and formed a path to her throne from the door standing five feet apart and facing each other a Halberd in one hand and a silver broadsword in the other they wore plate armor that appeared to be made out of pearl flawless in its whiteness and seemed to glow with six slots in the back of their cuirass so that their six wings would be able to be used while the armor was worn
“Kami may I have a word in private with you” Naruto asked in a polite voice as he showed her the most flawless puppy dog face known to man as she tried to look away she was drawn to his face that had a ray of sunlight shining on it and was sparkling
“I will never understand how you do that, fine, Gabriel, Seraphim leave me I can protect myself after all I am Kami master of the universe and all” Kami replied
As Gabriel and the Seraphim let the throne room Kami asked “what is it you wish to speak to me about”
About Wyrms and how they might be defeated” he replied at these words Kami's eyes got as big a saucers for she knew of only four beings who were called “Wyrm” Shinigami and the leaders of the three great dragon clans
“Ookami told me that you would be interested if I said that” Naruto said with victory in his voice
“Why do you wish for a Wyrm to be killed” she asked tactfully
“One has dealt wrongs that myself and others that we feel are unforgiveable and we wish for the policies of his domain to be changed” he replied with just as much tact
“Shinigami is the only one called Wyrm that is a male the others are all female Naruto, Banpai and Urufukami clans must be planning a coup against Shinigami” Kami thought to herself “Let me guess you wish my help and think that I will give it to get revenge on Shinigami for leaving my side at the dawn of creation” Kami asked
“Actually……… yeah pretty much you hit the nail on the head” Naruto replied
“Well then I am glad that the Urufukami clan know me so well” Kami replied “But who will take control over hell after he is dead”
“Ookami-sensei and Kyuuketsu-sensei will rule it together that way they can look over each others shoulders so to speak and make sure neither becomes to cruel or domineering” Naruto replied
“Who are Ookami and Kyuuketsu” Kami asked
“Ookami was my Sensei during my stay in hell and Kyuuketsu a mutual ally and friend also he was head of the Banpai clan and Ookami is head of the Urufukami Clan it was Ookami who taught me the Shika Kasei” Naruto replied
“So it was they who last attacked my kingdom” Kami spat with venom
“No it was not they are Shinigami's personal bodyguards and were controlling hell at the time of the attack it Seru and Vena were the ones with Shinigami during the attack they are some of his more fanatic followers” Naruto replied
“Go now leave me I have much to think on and you have training to do also I have a new Sensei that I wish you to meet I expect a full demonstration of your new abilities by next week” Kami said
“Hai” Naruto said as he kneeled and began walking out of the room as he exited the room he was glomped by a large bunny that was frothing at the mouth
GABRIEL-SENSEI HHHHHEEEEELLLLPPPPP A DEMONIC BUNNY IS ATTACKING ME” Naruto screamed while trying to get out from under the ten foot tall bunny ( A/N : think of a fully grown black bear and then replace that image with a fluffy bunny of the same size frothing at the mouth)
“ I WILL SAVE YOU NARUTO” Gabriel screamed while swinging his Claymore wildly and flames burned in his eyes
Haha got you Gabriel-Sensei thanks Fluffy” Naruto said as the bunny now know as fluffy rolled on his back and twitched his leg like crazy as naruto scratched his belly
That was very mean Naruto-baka and for that stupid stunt of yours you will spar with Hikyuu for three hours strait then you will balance on a spear tip with your finger using only your Chakra to hold you there” Gabriel said while his sadistic joy was turning the air red
“Now now Gabriel-san it was only a harmless prank and he need not be punished so severely” a strange girl with white eyes said as she scratched Fluffy's ear lazily
“Hikari this boy must be taught respect and this is the only way to do it” Gabriel replied
“No this will not teach him respect this will only make him lash out more” Hikari told him in a motherly voice “ I should know I had kids you on the other hand have no children and don't even have a girlfriend”
“ooo low blow there who are you by the way” Naruto said as Gabriel whined softly when Hikari reminded him of his single state
“ My name is Hikiri Hyuuga but you may call me Hikari and I will be your new Sensei” Hikari said “ Kami wants me to teach you the Mizubuki yobidasu”
“Why does she want me to learn that Hikari-Sensei” Naruto asked
“Since you already know the Fiabuki Yobidasubut do not know the Mizu, Tsuchi, or Kazebuki yobidasu (fire, water, earth, and air weapon summoning respectively) and you need to know all four to complete your training to become the true Mercenary of the gods” Hakari replied
“And I will be showing you the art of Smithery and you will forge your own weapon be it sword axe or bow” Gabriel said “I will also show you the Rekkr Ulfr (warrior wolf in Old Norse I'm part Swedish and a Berserker on top of that and the Rekkr Ulfr style I am developing it is mine ALL MINE) Taijutsu style”
“Sensei I have never heard of that style before” Naruto said
“That is because only a select few know of it the majority of them being in your father's clan but since Kami is Omnipotent she knows it and taught me to teach you since it was the style your father preferred” Gabriel said
One week time skip
“Now Naruto what is the reason the Rekkr Ulfr style was made” Gabriel asked
“To kill and cause pain and nothing more, to effectively turn anything you see into a deadly weapon, to protect those close to you and kill all who oppose you, and to ensure that the mission you are given is completed” Naruto replied
“Good now “kill” that dummy” Gabriel commanded
And with that Naruto began to run at the dummy twenty feet away as he passed a small Cedar sapling he ripped it out by the roots and broke it in two over the dummy's head making a dent in it's stomach with a palm strike and kicking it where it's crotch should be and impaling it's head with the broken end of the sapling doing all of this in under ten seconds
“Good now show me the jutsu you were supposed to develop yesterday with Hakiri-San”
“Hai sensei” Naruto said before screaming “KumoriKen”
“Um Naruto nothing happened” Gabriel said as he sweat dropped
“Sensei don't move” Naruto said
“Why” Gabriel asked as he took a half step and had the arteries in both his thighs and his wrists cut
“That's why Sensei” Naruto said as he sweat dropped and his hands began to be covered in a bluish green light and healed Gabriel's wounds
“Naruto explain to me why I should not kill you now” Gabriel said his voice turning cold and hard as his Claymore began to inch out of it's sheath
“That is the Jutsu you asked me to create I call it the Shadow Blade It takes the air around the target and turns it into blades effectively making a perfect assassination jutsu if the target moves even slightly the will be fatally injured unless healed immediately also very good for interrogation” Naruto replied
“Fine then good job now let us go show Kami your progress and Naruto” Gabriel said
“Hai Sensei” Naruto replied
“Your Shadow Blade as you like to call it is the Kazebuki yobidasu so you do not need to train on that anymore with Hakiri-san” Gabriel told him as they began the walk to Kami's chambers “Also good job on the Rekkr Ulfr you have come much farther than I had expected”
“Thank you Sensei” Naruto replied
At Kami's Chambers
“Ok Naruto we know that you have the Shika Kasei but what else have you learned from Shinigami's realm” Kami asked as they began walking to a meadow the size of a football field
“I learned a Taijutsu style that Kyuuketsuki -Sensei called chakra kick boxing and how to use a battle axe and a Scimitar , and Ookami-Sensei had an advisor named Muramasa ( Yes the swordsmith from Ise province who forged “Demonic” blades) who taught me how to use a Dai-Katana and use the Muramasa sword style his swords were creepy it was like they had minds of their own I couldn't put them back into their sheaths until they drew blood own even sliced my wrist one time by itself, but Ookami-Sensei taught me jutsu which would you like me to demonstrate first” Naruto asked
“I would like to see your jutsu first but I must ask that you never use a sword that Muramasa forged unless it is absolutely necessary his swords were actually forged with demons inside them and they “drink” blood their thirst must be sated before they will allow themselves to be put back into their sheathes sometimes driving the wielder to commit suicide to sate their unholy thirst” Kami replied as naruto shivered at the thought
“Ok well here we go, Mori Shenshi Ken Gisou” Naruto yelled as a redwood forest began to appear out of the ground surrounding Naruto, Kami, and his Sensei's (Full description in ch.7 to lazy to explain only difference is that there is a wall of redwood trees at the perimeter letting no one in or out with sharpened stakes pointing out to impale any trying to get in) Shadow Clone” Naruto yelled as thirty Narutos appeared out of thin air “Shiki Kasei Naruto yelled again as he and all his clones transformed into Red Deer with sharpened antlers and began charging at Kami and his Sensei's stopping a few mere inches from them before Naruto dismissed his clones and transfored back while the forest began to turn back into a meadow FiaBuki Yobidasu, KazeBuki Yobidasu” Naruto yelled as the air around him slowly morphed into a KusariGama (the scythe attached to a chain with a ball on the end) and was outlined with fire he then swung it in a large circle and sliced a training dummy in two the air slicing and the fire cauterizing then throwing the ball end which was studded with spikes at another training dummy punching a hole in it's stomach the size of a watermelon
This continued for a while before naruto went through his whole arsenal of Jutsu, Kendo, and Taijutsu Kami just looked on at the proceedings with a dull yet slightly interested expression as naruto came to the end of his demonstration “spar with my Seraphim now” Kami said quietly yet the strength in her voice made the command unmistakable
“Hai” Naruto replied getting into a defensive position infusing his feet with chakra and drawing the two fighting knives in his waistband (the knives from The Chronicles of Riddickgame for the PS3 that game is the best!)
Meanwhile three Seraphim thinking this would be an easy fight charged him with Halberds held in front of them like spears hoping to impale him
Naruto bent back his legs so that he was parallel to the ground as the three weapons passed mere inches from his face and he swung the knife in his left hand cutting off the axe head of the Halberds leaving only wooden sticks in the angel's hands he then pushed the now staffs up hitting their holders in the face as naruto delivered three quick chakra infuses kicks to the angels groins leaving them incapacitated
RRRRAUUUUUSSSS Naruto screamed running at the seven remaining angels his knives trailing the ground rolling into a donkey kick into one of the angels chin knocking him out another charged Naruto with his broadsword held above his right shoulder as he began to slash downward naruto stopped his blade with both of his knives wrenching the sword from the angel's grasp and kicking him in the groin as the Seraphim commander came up behind naruto and broke his Halberd in two overtop his head knocking Naruto out
Wow kit four Seraphim in under two minutes not bad for one so young” Kyuubi said
“ I have been trained well” Naruto replied coldly his face a mask of stone
“wonder whats getting him down…well I know how to cheer him up anyway”Kyuubi thought as she said “Hey Kit I wanna show you something
“yeah what is it” Naruto said looking over at a stark naked Kyuubi in all of her beautiful glory which promptly made him do a back flip and slam into a wall form the force of his nosebleed
When Naruto finally came to he was in his chambers with Hikari, Gabriel, and Kami looking at him with concern on their faces and in Gabriel's case confusion as to why he had a hard on and why the other two hadn't seen it naruto merely groaned in pain before asking “how did I do”
“Better than most young one, Gabriel's record is six and Hikari can take five makes you wonder at how strong you are don't it” Kami replied
“So I passed” Naruto asked hopefully
“Yes Naruto you pass when you are fully rested go back to training come back to my chambers before you leave so that we can discuss what you asked me about” Kami replied tiredly
“Hai Kami-sama” Naruto said joyfully
The day before Naruto leaves
“Hikari-Sensei why can't I do this stupid jutsu I can do most others just fine but why can't I do this one” Naruto asked with a whine in his voice
“Now now Naruto how about you give it one more try before you give up” Hikari said encouragingly
“ fine ok” Naruto sighed before yelling out “Mizubuki yobidasu” the water in the air slowly began to form into a dagger like weapon attached to a ring on Naruto's right hand he held the jutsu for a few seconds before the water exploded making him all wet
“See Hikari-Sensei it isn't working” Naruto said sounding a little emo
“Here let me try something, Naruto hold this card” Hikari said while wondering why she had never thought of this before
“What is it, will it explode, are you still mad about putting chocolate exlax into your cookies” Naruto asked
“Yes yes I am still mad but no this is a chakra affinity card it will tell me a few things about you and hopefully tell us why you are having trouble with the Mizubuki” Hikari replied as Naruto grasped the card which was ripped apart by wind the moment he touched it the remaining pieces caught fire that burned blackthen a small yew sapling began to grow out of it further cutting the paper before the paper shards began burning like small suns then reformed into a pebble
“You have almost every single chakra affinity except shadow and water no wonder the Mizubuki is hard for you” Hikari exclaimed in wonder
“So what does that tell you exactly Hikari-Sensei cause to me it looked like a Jutsu gone wrong or that prank I tried to pull on Kami that she blew up” Naruto asked in confusion
“It tell me what I already knew that the Mizubuki will be very hard for you to master” Hikari replied
“And stupid angel says what” Naruto said
“What” Hikari asked
“Nothing” Naruto replied with a snicker
“Naruto may I talk to you” Hikari asked
“Of course Sensei” Naruto told the older women wondering why she was being so formal
“You know I have two daughters correct” Hikari said
“Hai Sensei you have told me that” Naruto replied wondering where she was going with the conversation
“When you return to earth I want you to promise me you will protect them with you life” Hikari said a tear starting to form in her eye “I want you to make sure they are provided for like I cannot”
“Hai Sensei I promise you don't have to worry if they are as kind and gentle as you I am sure they will be fine” Naruto replied wiping away her tears
“But that's just the problem they cannot protect themselves because they are to kind and caring towards others” Hikari bawled as she started to cry on Naruto's shoulder
`“I will protect them Hikari-Sensei” Naruto replied
“Thank you Naruto” Hikari told him wiping away the tears “Oh look at me all broken down and crying you need to go to Gabriel-san so you can forge that weapon of yours you invented”
At the forge
“You are late Naruto” Gabriel said with anger
“I know I know but I had to draw out blueprints for a second weapon I thought of” Naruto replied in boredom
“Well let me see the blueprints for your weapons” Gabriel commanded as he look at very detailed sketches of a shortsword about two feet long that bowed towards the hilt making it look like an axe fused with a sword with a pistol grip hilt(a Falcata is the true name) and a chain like object that has nine bars the size of a finger interlocking like chainmail so the pieces can be moved and influenced individually with a pointed spear tip on one end with a red ribbon attached to it (not sure what this is called It is a weapon used by the Shaolin monks and I saw it on Deadliest warrior If anyone knows the real name please tell me so I can put it in)
“These are impressive weapons to be sure Naruto but I do not have the molds to make them” Gabriel told naruto kind of depressed that he wouldn't be able to forge such beautifully planned out weapons
“I took the liberty of making molds for them Ookami-Sensei” Naruto said watching the joy in Gabriel's eyes so much so that he did the “eye smile” Kakashi patented
“Good now what material would you like the weapons to be made of” Gabriel asked barely able to contain his eagerness at forging a new weapon the likes of which he had never seen
“May I use silver” Naruto asked
“Yes but why silver” Gabriel asked
“Because it has an adverse effect upon ghosts and demons and things that can't usually be harmed oh and I want to mix some iron into the mix as well to deal with anything the silver doesn't cover” Naruto said as if it was an everyday thing for fourteen year old boys to worry about fighting ghosts and demons and the like
“An odd request but one I will grant all the same” Gabriel replied “now stoke the forge and find your metal so we can heat it” (I am not going into the whole forging process because it takes a long time to explain and I am lazy google it if you really wish to know)
As the molten silver-iron combination was poured into molds naruto slipped small red discs into the concoction behind Gabriel's back (yes his mother's scales Ookami gave him a few he had left over from the forging of his katana)
After the forging process
“Okay now that that's done we need to make sure there are no flaws or impurities in the weapons Naruto go and attack those training dummies” Gabriel commanded wondering why weapons made of silver and iron had a reddish tint to them as naruto ran and decapitated on dummy with his falcata as he called it and shot the chain like thing out of a hole in his fingerless gloves sending some chakra into it so that it curled around the dummy's neck before burying the spear tip in its eye socket
“I like these weapons Sensei” Naruto exclaimed in joy as he began to pet his new “Toys” as he liked to call them
“Your strange obsession with weapons is beginning to make me uneasy but regardless the forging is complete and the weapons are flawless you may take the rest of the day off but be at Kami's chambers at sunrise she wanted to talk to you about something” Gabriel said with a sigh
“Hai” Naruto said happily as he went to “kill” more dummies with his brand spankin new weapons
The next day at Kami's Chambers
“You wished to speak with me Kami-baba” Naruto said as he neared Kami's throne and kneeled
“You friggin indignant brat call me baba again and I'll turn you into a Hermaphrodite” Kami screamed at Naruto playfully as Naruto held his crotch in fear “Anyway you wanted to talk to me about killing a Wyrm and I think I have just the plan” Kami said (Hehe I am evil you will not know the plan until it happens MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA *ahem* anyway on we go)
“Wow it's perfect with this plan we can definitely beat him” Naruto exclaimed with happiness
“Now Naruto we must go to purgatory for your gifts” Kami said
“Gifts, what gifts” Naruto asked in confusion as Kami teleported them both to Iskerdanas' cave home in the center of purgatory where she, Draconius, Shinigami, Kyuuketsuki, Ookami, and Ikatsui Karite (the grim reaper for those of you that don't remember from chapter two but from here on out he will be referred to as this) were waiting for them “Man nobody ever tells me anything”
As Naruto landed the three parties formed a Triangle around him Iskerdanas stepped foward(before we go any further I just relized that I have never described Iskerdanas and Draconius they are both dragons about ten feet tall who stand on their hind legs and use the front ones as arms 99556894 this is a link to what Draconius looks like and Iskerdanas looks pretty similar cept she wears a trench coat) and began to make handsigns faster than a Kage could follow before blowing fire out of her mouth enveloping naruto when the inferno stopped she said “Naruto I have now bestowed upon you the Kekkei Genkai of the Hinotekami (blazing fire god) clan you now have the ability to control fire completely and once mastered will not need a jutsu to do so also you now have the hunters sight which will allow you to detect life up to three hundred yards away and you can see in the dark and a scroll on how to use your newfound abilities”
After this Draconius stepped forward before handing him a scroll and saying “This contains all of my wind Jutsu master them and use them well hopefully they will serve you better than I”
Then Kyuuketsuki Stepped forward holding a bundle of rags which he slowly unwrapped revealing a Scimitar about three feet long that had a slit down the middle with teeth like protrusion inside it and an amber colored gemstone imbedded in the pommel “This Naruto is Dawnfang (for those of you who love the Elder scrolls as much as I do yes the sword from the shivering isles expansion pack only curved) she is a blood drinker and an ancient relic from the Banpai clan she will never dull and has some rather “magical” qualities about her now hold out your hand” Naruto did as he commanded wondering why this was needed before Kyuuketsuki slashed the blade across Naruto's wrist twice making a cross that was instantly cauterized yet there was still blood on the blade that seemed to just get sucked into it
“And with that the blood rite is complete I now pass on dawnfang the blood drinker to you Naruto the next in line to hold this blade and wield it's power” Kyuuketsuki said before flipping the scimitar and catching it by the blade offering the weapon hilt first to Naruto as he grabbed it he noticed the same cross-like scar on Kyuuketsuki's wrist “Here is her sheath I suggest you keep her in it unless you absolutely need her” Kyuuketsuki said as he slipped the blade into its sheath and strapping it to Naruto's back with the hilt at his left shoulder
Next Ookami stepped forward saying “I name you Naruto my successor as UrufuKage when I die may you allow our clan to prosper here is a scroll that details our entire history down to the most insignificant detail study it well sure helped me, oh Naruto you remember those bracers that you always eyed in my office well here” Ookami said presenting Naruto with fur bracers black as night reinforced with hardened leather and decked with four studs making a Cross-like shape
Next Ikatsui Karite stepped forward bearing what looked like a black bow staff and saying “Youngling this is for you I have taught you how to use it and it is exactly like mine save the enchantments” before pressing a button near a portion of the staff wrapped in rawhide to act as a grip making a black damask steel blade spring from the staff then folding it back and Handing it to Naruto
Shinigami Stepped forward and said “I give you a rank within my personal guard seeing as how you know all their jutsu anyway, I also present you with this scroll that shows you how to use the Youkai that Kyuubi is injecting into your chakra pools hehe thought I didn't know little fox I am Shinigami I know where all of my followers are”
Then Kami stepped forward “Naruto Gabriel and Hikari both gave me their gifts for you Hikari gives you a scroll on how to master the Mizubuki yobidasu and various other jutsu that she says will complement your fighting style, Gabriel presents you with a scroll on every move know to the RekkrUlfr taijutsu style and blocks of that Iron-silver combination for you to forge new weapons with he said that if you don't show him your new designs as you make them he with personally hunt you down and melt all of your weapons down to slag, and I present to you scrolls for all of your chakra affinities”
she then began to do handsigns even faster than Iskerdanas had before enveloping Naruto in a ball of light his clothes changed magically into blood red camouflage army pants, black Geta sandals with steel lining the bottom and muffled by a deerskin covering, a black Chinese style shirt (don't know what they're called) with a werewolf on the left and a dragon of the right outlined in Gold trim that was unbuttoned showing off his six pack, his katana and falcata parallel with the ground with their handles facing opposite directions his spear-chain wrapped around his neck like a choker with his scythe strapped to his back and Dawnfang strapped to his right hip
“You now wear the garb of the Mercenary of the gods you will find that it protects you from cold and heat, allows you to remain unseen when you wish it, and is rather stylish if I do say so myself also you will now find the you have the ability to travel between the four planes at will Earth, Hell, Heaven, and Purgatory you must see myself, Shinigami, or Iskerdanas for contracts however for your first contract you must go and join the Village of Konoha talk to their Kage first and from then on train yourself gain knowledge of their customs and way of life then come back to us for more information”
As Kami finished her sentence a great rumbling started to happen in the ground like an earthquake making Naruto wonder what was going on and thinking things like “How the heck can there be an earthquake when the ground is made of clouds” Kami just said “Iskerdanas was there really this need” as she shook her head slowly a great dragon larger than Gamabunta and the color of blood burst through the cloud ground roaring in agony and pain spitting fire from her great gaping maw when Naruto saw this all he could think about was how beautiful this creature looked and how she sounded like she had lost someone very dear to her
As she landed she stared at each of them for a very long time before staring at Shinigami and saying “If you do not leave killer-of-my-mate I will kill you and enjoy the act I wish to speak with the youngling you stole from me” Shinigami merely blinked like this was an everyday occurrence and teleported back to his realm with Ikatsui Karite, Kyuuketsuki and Ookami however stayed
The dragon turned her head to Ookami and said “Hatch-mate to my Mate I am glad that you have been with my youngling and taught him his father's ways” To Kyuuketsuki she said “You made my youngling a bearer of Dawnfang, this is something I do not condone nor like however for the sake of my Mate-now-gone I will let the matter drop” she then turned to Naruto and burst into flames and when the flames died down a woman with red hair full D-cup breasts and a red Chinese kimono hugged him so hard he couldn't breathe and told him “ My youngling you look just like your Sire”
Naruto that is your ka-chan” Ookami said “Kushina you forget your strength while you look human you still have the power of a dragon and are choking your son”
“Gomen Naruto I'm just so happy to see you Shinigami stole you from me after I tried to take you to the Clan grounds” Kushina said “ He didn't hurt you did he” she asked donning a motherly tone and smothering Naruto with her breasts again
“Not that I am not enjoying this or anything but the lack of air is painful” Naruto managed to gasp out before being released and collapsing to the ground gasping for air
“Hatch-Mate-Kushina I am glad you could come” Iskerdanas said
At these words Kushina spat fire at Iskerdanas and they sparred with each other making Naruto think his newfound mother was going to kill his Sensei until they started laughing and hugged like old friends
“Hatch-Mate-Iskerdanas it is good to see you again after all of this time” Kushina said
“Kyuubi” Naruto thought
yes kit
“Can you pull me into the dreamscape I need to think”
“Yes” Kyuubi said
In the Mindscape
“Kyuubi is this woman really my mother” Naruto asked
Yes kit I matched her smell to the memories of your first few hours and some images as well she is your mother” Kyuubi replied
“How can I believe that though if she were really my mother why did no one ever tell me about her except you and why did she never come to visit me did she not care about me” Naruto asked
Kit could you do something for me
“Anything” Naruto replied “You're the first person to ever just try and get to know me ask away and if it is in my power to grant it it's yours”
You see that seal on the cage” Kyuubi said and pointed “yes that one right there… I want you to rip it off…It will release my power into you and I can move freely around your mindscape and can teach you special jutsu and tricks that only I know and you can even summon me outside your mind after I show you how
As she said these words naruto ripped the seal off of the cage and tore it into shreds
In the Real world
“I smell a fox” Kushina hissed a look of extreme anger appearing on her face as she turned back into her dragon form (by the way she is not an Asian style dragon but a European one) and glared in the direction the smell was coming from a look of pure surprise appearing on her face when she saw her son with nine glowing red tendrils coming from behind him before they wrapped around him and covered him in a blood red light that slowly sank into his flesh
“So it has finally happened” Kami said “It was inevitable I guess”
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY YOUNGLING” Kushina screamed taking Kami into her claws fire burning in her eyes
“I have done nothing” Kami said “After your son was taken from you Shinigami stopped in the village of Konoha because there were people there that spurned his name so to make an example to all humans of his power he provoked the Bjuu Kyuubi no Kitsune the mightiest of the nine great spirits into attacking the village by killing her family when she was away from her den he then disguised himself as your husband, who was dead by then from his fight against Shinigami with the Brother but the Village did not know of this, and he fought the Bjuu eventually sealing her inside of your son knowing that the village would hate your child thinking he was the Bjuu that attacked their village instead of just her jailor” Kami took a breath here “as of right now however I am guessing that she was the first person to ever want to know him just for himself and not his battle prowess and he released her from her cage and now she is joining her power with his”
“One of the spirits you say” Kushina muttered thinking of how this would affect her son “Will it affect him adversely” she asked Kami
“Not to my knowledge unless he allows it to” Kami replied
“Let us see how this plays out then before I try and kill you for allowing this to happen” Kushina stated
In the Mindscape
“Kyuubi it hurts” Naruto gasped out as the intense pain from his chakra pools being overloaded with Kyuubi's power began to make him black out
When he came to he felt very warm and he realized his head was laying on something very soft, when he opened his eyes he realized that his head was resting on Kyuubi's lap as she was stroking his hair
“Kyu-Kyuubi” Naruto managed to groan out
kit your ok,I was so worried about you I thought I killed you” Kyuubi said in a small scared voice
“Sssh it's ok I'm fine now” Naruto said as he took her into his arms and she began to sob into his shoulder “What's wrong Kyuubi” Naruto asked
I thought I lost you too” She replied telling him of how she had lost her Family and attacked Konoha realizing to late that it was Shinigami that had killed them “I couldn't bear to lose you too…you're all I have left
For you see when Kyuubi was sealed inside of Naruto she was alone and in pain as anyone would be after losing everyone they ever cared about and she latched onto Naruto like a drowning man to driftwood outing all of her resources and power into helping him and healing him so that she would never lose anyone else again
Kit” Kyuubi asked in a small voice
“Yes Kyu-Chan” He replied making her smile at the nickname
Can we be friends” she asked
“You're the only friend I have” he replied getting her to hug him tighter
“What are we gonna do about my “ka-san” Naruto asked Kyuubi
“Kyuubi…uuummmm hhhheeeelllllloooo earth to Kyuubi” Naruto said trying to get her attention because she had just realized how comforting and earthy Naruto's smell was and had her head buried in his shoulder
oh sorry what happened” Kyuubi said flustered
“I asked you what are we going to do about my Ka-san” Naruto said amused
How about we just wait and see for now see if she can prove she is your Ka-san but first can you change this sewer décor it's rather drab how about a nice forest instead” Kyuubi replied
“Haha ok” Naruto replied laughing as he willed the Sewer to change into a forest
Goodbye for now kit” Kyuubi said
“See ya Kyuu-chan” He replied his image slowly fading from the dreamscape
Back in Purgatory
“Yo Naruto-Baka wake up Before I throw ground up chili peppers into your eyes” Draconius said with a sadistic grin poking the prone Naruto with his mace(Don't ever do that btw it hurts REALLY bad still twenty bucks was worth it I think)
“You lay on finger on my youngling and I will eat you I don't care if you are the last of your clan I will eat you” Kushina said without batting an eye as Draconius cringed in fear
“He is opening his eyes Hatch-Mate” Iskerdanas told Kushina
“I was so worried about you little one don't you ever do that to me again” Kushina said drawing Naruto into another crushing hug
“Not…breathing…windpipe…being crushed” Naruto gasped out before Kushina let him go and he slumped to the ground
“You say you are my Ka-san, but can you prove it” Naruto asked slowly getting up
“You don't believe me” Kushina said looking hurt while tears began to form in her eyes
“Gabriel-Sensei and Kyuuketsu-Sensei always taught me that trust is something never given lightly let me put it this way assuming you are my Ka-san if Soshikiba were to suddenly appear in front of you would you not be suspicious” Naruto asked calmly
“I see you have had good teachers in my absence yes I can prove it you have a birthmark on the inside of your left thigh in the shape of a werewolf and one on your right in the shape of a dragon but even beyond that I can show you the Ryuujin clan mark on your stomach” she replied
“What are you talking about what clan mark” Naruto asked
“The dragon clans each have individual markings that can only be seen by dragons to distinguish between the clans in the case of the Ryuujin clan it appears on the stomach or the left palm and is in the shape of a burning crown” Ookami explained “Soshikiba showed me his after he and Kushina were married”
“But if only those from the dragon clans can see them how will she show me mine” Naruto asked
“Like this” Kushina replied before shooting a concentrated stream of fire onto his stomach then enveloping her left hand in fire revealing identical markings “Now will you believe me” Kushina asked
“Kami-Sama” Naruto asked
“She is your Ka-san” Kami replied
“Ok then I will believe her forgive me if it takes me a while to get used to the idea of family” Naruto replied
“Iskerdanas why did you invite Kushina here anyway” Kami asked
“She has not seen her son since the day he was born comes to mind but also because she has a gift for him as well” Iskerdanas replied
“That is right Hatch-mate I do have a gift for my youngling” Kushina replied transforming back into her dragon form and shaking violently dropping about a hundred scales then transforming back
“You now have enough scales to last until you can produce your own Youngling and I have this” she said pulling a scroll from here pocket “Your sire was a master at the sealing arts this is a scrool that contains all of his knowledge, study it well and this” she said pulling a small pouch out of her other pocket “ is a kunai and shurikan set made out of your sires claws and my scales you can also channel chakra into the stones set in the handles to store it there so that you may draw on the power when you need it”
“Can you show me how to seal these gifts into my body Kushina” Naruto asked
“Yes I can youngling” she replied the sadness evident in her voice at her son calling her by name “How can I blame him though” she thought “he has never known any family outside his Sensei's and Kyuubi”
“Here give me your arm” Kushina told Naruto taking his arm and using her claw like nails drew complex designs on the joint between his forearm and arm drawing blood wherever her nail touched the blood seemed to melt back into his body so that when she was done it looked like nothing had happened “Now take your scythe and push the bottom of it into the seal”
Naruto thinking that this was a hoax pushed the scythe into his arm amazed when it went through his skin without harming him
She then repeated this process with his other arm and drew seals on both of his shoulders the backs of his hands and his palms
“Now youngling the seals I drew will hold an infinite amount of materials so when you wish to draw you scythe for example think of the weapon the reach into the seal willing your hand through your flesh you CANNOT activate these seals unless you make a mental effort to that way your hand won't go through your skin by accident, now choose spots for your weapons and here are some seals you can put in your pockets to hold your scrolls” Kushina finished
“Hai” Naruto replied as he tied the weapons pouch that had his clan mark on it in red at his waist he slipped the scroll seal and the scrolls into his pockets he put his fighting knives into the sheaths sown into the inside of his waistband that he discovered, he placed his chain-spear into the palm of his left hand his katana and falcata he left in their places on the small of his back and as he took Dawnfang and was about to slide it into the joint of his left arm Kyuuketsu said “ Naruto if you will hold off on sealing that until Ookami tells you what he wishes to there are certain aspects of wielding that blade that cannot become apparent until the sun falls”
“So the stories are true” Ookami whistled with awe
“Aye friend they are” Kyuuketsu replied as Naruto looked on with confusion at the conversation that was transpiring
“No one ever tells me anything” Naruto muttered before remembering the axes Ookami showed him earlier “hey Ookami-sensei where are those axes you showed me huh huh huh huh huh”
“Patience Naruto and all will be revealed” Ookami replied “Kushina with your permission I wish to tell your son about the Berserker”
“I give my permission he should be told rather than have to learn himself as my poor Mate-that-is-now-gone had to” She replied
“Thank you Kushina-San” Ookami said clearing his throat “Now Naruto long ago before the Banpai and Urufukami clans were forced to become Shinigami's servants both clans lived on the ocean near what is now called wave country there was a ship that appeared out of nowhere one day off the coast it looked deserted but upon inspection there was found to be one man in a coma covered in blood clutching an axe with twenty corpses piled around him when the healers of our clans came to him and awakened him from his slumber he was a raving maniac had the elders of that time had to foresite to take away his axe he would have tried to kill all of the clan realizing that his weapon was gone he fought with his fists and he killed three werewolves before a combined effort of the two clans restrained him and threw him in a cage with chakra draining shackles that seemed to have no effect on him to the amazement of the clans he blacked out again after slamming a hole in the cage with his head
When he came to he was very weak and seemed quite calm a completely different person than the one found in the boat covered in blood he was asked why he attacked the clans after they saved his life and he profusely apologized and explain that he was the captain of that ship and his crew started a mutiny he was forced to kill them with something he called the Berzerkergang your father and I figured out that it was similar to a Kekkei Genkai he went on to say that when activated you cannot tell between friend and foe and attack anything that moves with anything that can be turned into a weapon he said that it makes you as strong as ten men but when it leaves you are weaker that ten as well
He was held a prisoner for three years doing back breaking labor for the families of the werewolves he had killed he eventually gained a liking for a young werewolf maiden and after the clans found him to be harmless unless he activated the Berzerkergang which he never did since the day they found him so he was allowed to marry the werewolf maiden and they had many litters of cubs of which only one was found to have the Berzerkergang his family was shunned by most of the clan so they split off from the main clan for a long time until the time of your fathers great grandfather when they were accepted by Shinigami for their fighting prowess the axes I showed you are ones that he forged for his children and their children on forever to be passed from father to son Soshikiba was the last descendant of that line to my knowledge and he had the Berzerkergang since your are his only ere this means you have it as well it only forms in the firstborn son
There are ways to tell if someone is a Berserker which I have written down in this scroll as well as all the knowledge I have on the Berserkers your mother might know more so speak with her if you wish the RekkrUlfr style is the fighting style of the Berserkers I arranged you to be taught it by Gabriel because it was also the style your father used and now I am sure you are tired of hearing me ramble on so here are the axes the double headed great axe was the axe that belonged to that man they found in the boat a Viking as he called himself the fact that you seem to remember the axes proves you are a carrier of the Berzerkergang I have placed a scroll with these axes that details the Berzerkergang” Ookami finished
“How can I activate the Berzerkergang” Naruto asked
“It's activation is different for everyone for some it takes great anger for others when they are at deaths door I activates in a effort to survive you must discover how to activate it on your own” Ookami replied
“Hai, Now Kyuuketsu-Sensei what did you want to show me about Dawnfang” Naruto asked turning in his direction
“Draw the blade then wait” Kyuuketsu replied as the sun began to set
“Oooookkkkkk” Naruto said skeptically after a few minutes of just staring at the blade half expecting it to explode it disappeared at the exact same instant the sun set “WHAT THE HECK” Naruto screamed
“Wait a minute Naruto man we really need to teach you patience” Kyuuketsu said as a new weapon that looked exactly like Dawnfang appeared in Naruto's hand the only difference being that the stone in the pommel took on the color of ice and the blade had a slight bluish tint to it almost like it had frostbite “Naruto that is Duskfang the blade itself disappears for a few minutes at dawn and dusk and will reappear I do not know why this happens only the first of our order knows and he has been dead since the time of the original Berserker he and the first of our order grew to be close friends and in the forging of this blade he put his entire soul into it legend says that when his body died his mind was transferred to that pommel stone but I do not know if this is true I was never contacted by the maker you should be able to keep it in the seal just fine during dawn and dusk but be mindful of these times for you will not have the blade for a few minutes each time”
“Hai Sensei and thank you for such a wonderful blade” Naruto said before he tried to put the blad back into its sheath “Sensei why won't the blade return to its sheath”
“As I said It is a blooddrinker and must taste blood before it will return to its sheath it will not try and attack you like some of Muramasa's blades but it will stay in your hand which is why I brought this” Kyuuketsu replied taking a small rat out of his pocket and offering it to Naruto “kill it with the blade”
“Ha-hai Sensei” Naruto said taken aback by the information he received before killing the animal just as he finished killing it and the blood from the rat was draw into the blade a voice said “Duskfang has extinguished one life” when Naruto heard it he jumped a few feet in surprise and tried to find out who said it as he began to look around Kyuuketsu said “The forger of the blade did that once you kill twelve things it will transform into an improved blade there are four levels each with their own abilities”
“That's cool” Naruto said returning the blade to it's sheath as everyone looked with confusion at the conversation they just had
“Naruto you are to remain here until you have read all of the scrolls you received today on history then Ookami will take you to Konoha” Kami commanded “Kyuuketsu inform Shinigami that Ookami will be here for a while” Kami said before she vanished taking Kyuuketsu with her
“I will go to sleep now” Ookami said “I'm tired Naruto do as you wish for now but finish the scrolls in a week we need to be in Konoha in a few weeks”
“Night Sensei” Naruto called as Ookami walked to a cave set out for him Draconius and Iskerdanas soon followed
“Youngling I am sorry that I could not see you sooner Kami would not allow me entrance to any of the realms you were in until your training was complete but from now on I will see you at least once a week to be a mother and teach you of our clan and ready you to be the Ryuukage when my father dies” Kushina said before flying off back to her home
One week later
“Ookami…Ookami-Sensei wake up we have to leave” Naruto said poking him with his folded up scythe
“Naruto-Baka It is three in the morning and you want to leave NOW” Ookami asked screaming the last part angry that his sleep was interrupted
“Well yeah actually I do it will give us time to meet the kage before anyone else will know of us” Naruto said
“You know something Naruto that is probably the only idea I have ever heard from you that Isn't stupid” Ookami replied taking a look at his student “What happened to your weapons”
“I sealed them all my katana and falcata I sealed in the back of my left hand and Duskfang is in the back of my right hand I didn't want my knowledge of weapons advertised” Naruto stated
“The boy is growing” Ookami thought “ his is beginning to think like a Tactician and a diplomat he is smart”
“Hey Sensei before we leave can we play Go or maybe Shogi” Naruto asked hopefully
“We don't have time unfortunately but how about this take these two scrolls” Ookami said handing him two scrolls as Naruto looked at him quizzically “they hold my Shogi and go boards as well as the sets for them”
“I will protect them with my life” Naruto said reverently looking at the scrolls trying to worship them with his eyes
“Come on lets go” Ookami said teleporting them a few miles from Konoha
“I like this forest kit”
“Me too” Naruto thought “All of this life surrounding me its so beautiful”
“Come on Naruto we must get to the gate soon” Ookami said
“Coming Sensei” He replied
At the gate
“Halt who goes there” A voice said from the top of the gate
“My son has come to take the Gennin exam and I am escorting him here so I can watch his performance” Ookami called back before an ANBU with a wolf mask appeared in front of them in a swirl of leaves
“It is good to see you again brother” the ANBU said hugging Ookami
“You as well Kibune” Ookami replied returning the hug “Can you get us to see the Hokage this is Soshikiba's son and Kami wants him to become a Gennin here” Ookami asked as they separated
“The son of Soshikiba” Kibune muttered reverently “I can get you into see the Hokage”
“Thank you” Ookami replied taking hold of Kibune's hand “Naruto take my hand”
After Naruto grabbed his Sensei's hand they disappeared in a swirl of leaves reappearing in a room that reminded Naruto of Draconius slightly as they entered an old man jumped out of the bed with a Kunai in hand but put it away when he saw the ANBU
“What do you want Kibune and who are they” the man asked
“This Hokage” he said pointing to Ookami “Is my brother and this” pointing to Naruto “Is the Lone wolf come home”
“You mean that he is”
“Hai Hokage-Sama he is” Kibune said cutting the Hokage off “He wishes to become a Gennin but he needs a passport and a place to stay”
“Done there is an abandoned apartment complex that has been renovated on the inside to be modernize for his return” the Hokage said as he walked over to his desk and grabbed something off the top “here is his passport I assume that you will be staying here until he becomes a Gennin” the Hokage asked Ookami
“Hai I am to watch his progress and I will check in periodically I am his god-father” Ookami said
“Sensei you never told me that” Naruto exclaimed
“You had no reason to know” Ookami replied nonchalantly
Since you will be back I am giving you special Jonnin status and this” the Hokage said giving him a leaf Headband and a piece of paper with a seal on it “those will allow you past the gates and I will inform my secretary to allow you entrance here at anytime you wish Kibune you are dismissed”
“I will meet you later brother” Kibune said before disappearing in a swirl of leaves
“Now young one what is your name” the Hokage asked turning towards Naruto
“I am Naruto UrufuKage” Naruto told him
“I thought that you said he was his son” the Hokage asked Ookami pointing to Naruto
“He is though he belonged to a different clan than your village was told that was his cover and you” Ookami said turning to Naruto “will go by Naruto Namikaze or some other name but never tell anyone of the UrufuKage or I will make the things Shinigami does to his prisoners seem like heaven to you”
“Does this mean that he had a different first name as well” the Hokage asked Ookami as Naruto's face got very pale and he gulped in fear
“Since you were like a father to him then I will tell you yes he had a different name it was Soshikiba I am entrusting you with this knowledge but my promise extends to you as well if you tell anyone of this” Ookami said completely serious which made the Hokage take a small gulp
“I am Sarutobi Hiruzen but you must call me Hokage-Sama in the presence of others” Sarutobi told Naruto and Ookami “Naruto I will send a bushin to show you where you and your god-father will be staying I suggest you take some time to get to know the village and those in it especially the ones who will be taking the Gennin test with you and here are papers with my seal on them same as the ones I gave your god-father they will allow you entrance to myself and the gates anytime you wish
“Before we leave Sarutobi-san may I ask you a question” Naruto asked
“Yes you may” Sarutobi replied
“Is there a clan by the name of Hyuuga in this village or any village that you know of” Naruto asked
“Yes there is there are two members in fact who will be taking the Gennin test with you” Sarutobi replied wondering how he knew the Hyuuga though he had never been in this village
“Thank you Sarutobi-Sama” Naruto said gratefully
At the apartment complex
“Naruto go get settled in we can catch a few hours rest before we need to go explore the village I don't care when you come and go you are more than equipped to take care of yourself but I expect you here at dusk and dawn whenever I am here for as long as it takes for Duskfang and Dawnfang to switch out” Ookami said “I am going to sleep now goodnight”
“Goodnight Sensei” Naruto replied as he walked into a room with nothing in it and began to unseal the things he needed out of various scrolls he had in his pockets he placed a pile of furs that were mainly deer with one black bear pelt he used as a blanket that Ookami-Sensei had given him on his third birthday, he placed a weapons rack on the wall for his various weapons, he unsealed a miniature forge that was in one of the scrolls Hikari-Sensei had given him and placed it near the window setting all of his metals and tools for forging on the ground next to it he then took the throwing axes he had strapped to his right thigh and hung them on the weapons rack along with his fighting axe and battle axe then he took off his pants and shirt wearing only red boxers fell down on his pile of furs and drew the bear skin over him as he fell asleep clutching one of his fighting knives in his right hand
The next day
“Naruto you must wake up” Ookami said nudging his side with a boot
Naruto awoke with a start jumping up and slashing towards Ookami with his knife which Ookami dodged expecting the move
“Sorry Sensei I didn't mean to attack you its reflex” Naruto said shrugging sleepily
“I know Naruto I do the same thing” Ookami replied giving Naruto a pouch full of money “Now go explore the village and tell me if you find any good restaurants when you get back oh and before I forget I want to know where the best smith in town is I want to see what kind of weapons and armor this village has”
“Hai Sensei I will” Naruto replied as he began to get dressed he resealed his two fighting axes into his left shoulder and strapped his throwing axes to his right thigh
“Are you sure you want to wear your axes in public” Ookami asked “I thought you wanted to keep your knowledge of weapons a secret”
“Every ninja carries a weapons pouch and mine includes these axes” Naruto replied as he jumped out the window and applied chakra to his feet so he could run to the top of the building
“This place is rather large” Naruto thought as he looked over the layout of the city
“This is a good time to try out that Hunters sight thing Iskerdanas gave you kit” Kyuubi said
“Your right Kyuu-Chan” naruto thought as he began to do the necessary handsigns the pupils of his eyes became slitted like a snakes and his normally blue eyes took on a reddish tint
“Wow it looks so different” Naruto said
“what are the three things you will see when you activate the hunters sight” Kyuubi quizzed
“Blue auras for humans, green for plants, and red for animals” He replied looking around slowly seeing that there was a few stray dogs and cats in the alley nearby through the roof of the building and that there was some mold in the basement of the building
“I was not aware you could see through objects with this” Kyuubi stated
“I can see the outline not the object” Naruto said back “Well I'm hungry how about some breakfast”
“Sounds good Naru-kun” “Kyuubi replied
Naruto jumped back down to the ground and started to walk the city streets taking in all of the sights and smells until he caught and aroma that smelled like pure heaven he bagan to walk towards it in a trance like state until he came to a small stall that had Ichuraku's ramen shop painted above the entrance Naruto entered and sat down as a very pretty girl that was a few inches taller than he was with black hair that went down to the small of her back, C cup breasts and an apron over her t-shirt and jeans came up and said “Hi my name is Ayame what would you like to eat”
“I don't know actually I have never had ramen before it just smelled so good I had to come in” Naruto replied as Ayame gasped in shock
DAD WE GOT A CUSTOMER WHO HAS NEVER HAD RAMEN I NEED A SPECIAL ASAP” Ayame yelled behind her at an old man whose eyes got really big at these words and began cooking like crazy “Ramen is like Kami coming down and cooking you a meal that makes your taste buds explode with happiness” Ayame said as she continued to rant at Naruto until his food got to him
“Man if the food is this good how come Kami never did fix me any” Naruto wondered as he took his first bite and feinted from happiness
When he finally came to Ayame was standing over him fanning him with a towel when she was his eyes open she said “I did that the first time I had ramen too good thing you're the only customer right now”
“Make me more of that stuff” Naruto said and Ayame was happy to oblige by the time Naruto was done eating he had eaten thirty bowls Ayame and her father watching him with awe as he ate enough ramen to pay for the months rent and bills
“Please come back at any time bring your friends “ Ayame said as Naruto began to walk out the door making a mental note to bring Ookami here for every meal when he left the shop there was a pudgy boy that looked like he was wearing a pair of boxers as a that stepped in his way and exclaimed with shining eyes “Never have I ever seen anyone eat as much as you I am Choji and I wish you would train me to be as great as you”
“ugh Choji you are so troublesome sorry about my friend here he gets overexcited at times” a boy behind Choji wearing a fishnet shirt with pants on said “I am Shikimaru and this silent one behind me is Shino”
“I am Naruto and I would be happy to teach you Choji anyone who loves that heavenly concoction called ramen as much as I do couldn't possibly be a bad person” Naruto told the three “Let us go eat more of it now”
HOORAY Choji exclaimed before dragging Shikimaru and Shino into the shop as Naruto followed
“Ayame my friends and I would like more ramen” Naruto told her
“Dad we got another rent payment here I need you to cook faster than you ever have before we got Naruto AND Choji here” Ayame said happily as she watched the two boys eat until they were ready to burst
“I have never seen anyone eat more than Choji” Shikimaru said with awe
“Neither have I” Shino thought as he sent a bug to gauge Naruto which Naruto grabbed before it even got to him making it look like he was just stretching before tossing it back in Shino's direction giving him a look that said “Nice try”
“No one has ever detected one of my bugs before” Shino thought a look of surprise coming over his face “Let us show you around town” Shino said as Shikimaru and Choji's eyes bugged out
“That's the first time I have heard you talk in three years Shino” Choji said in awe a whole new level of respect for Naruto forming in his mind for getting Shino to talk
“Do you play Shogi” Shikimaru asked
“Yes I do do you” Naruto asked getting excited that another person other than Ookami wanted to play Shogi
“Yes I do and if you can get Shino to talk I want to know how good you are” Shikimaru replied as Naruto whipped out his board from the scroll he had it sealed in for just such an occasion
An hour later
“You win” Shikimaru said with a look of defeat in his eyes
“You are really good I've never had such a challenge before” Naruto said “Anyway how bout we have rematch later after you guys show me around town”
“I will definitely win” Shikimaru exclaimed with fire in his eyes “Let's go Shino now” Shikimaru said impatient for his Shogi match
“Lets go see Ino and Sakura first” Choji said
“Ok” Shikimaru replied as Shino began walking to the Yamanaka flower shop (before I go any further I would like to say that everyone looks the same as in cannon unless I say otherwise and I am to lazy to describe them all to you)
“Where are we going” Naruto asked
“To Ino's family flower shop” Choji replied
“How long till we get there” Naruto asked the thought that he could find an abundance of flowers since the last time he saw Hikari's flower garden exciting him
“Just a few minutes” Choji replied as the flower shop came in sight
“Oh look Sakura and Ino are fighting again what a surprise” Shikimaru said while muttering troublesome under his breath
“Anorexic lady”
“Sasuke is MINE”
This is what Naruto heard as they neared the shop he saw two girls trying to kill each other as Choji pulled them apart he asked “Why are you guys fighting”
“Because Choji the Fashion Whore thinks she is going to get Sasuke first” the pink haired girl said
“Because I am forehead” the blonde shot back
“Would both of yall shut up for like two seconds your giving me a migraine” Naruto said
“Naruto this is Sakura” Shikimaru said gesturing to the pink haired girl “ and this is Ino” he said gesturing to the blond
“Who does he think he is” Sakura thought “Telling me to be quite only Sasuke can order me around he thinks he is so much better than Sasuke well he is wrong” similar thought were going on inside Ino's mind and Naruto though they should be institutionalized
Talk about your fangirls” Kyuubi said
“Choji put em down if they wanna kill each other over a boy I say let em I am going to look at the flowers” Naruto said walking over to a display of Irish moss in the front window and walking inside as he was assaulted by a thousand different smells and he loved it he stayed in there for almost an hour sniffing each plant and staring at them all as Ino, Sakura and the rest just watched him as he went off into his own little world
“Ok now where are we going” Naruto asked Choji as a kid with a dog on his head walked up he smelled werewolf
He looked at the boy and the dog on his head jumped into Naruto's arms
“Akimaru you traitor” the boy yelled at his dog
“Hey Kiba this guy is Named Naruto he got Shino to talk this morning” Choji said as Kiba, Sakura, and Ino's eyes got really big and they wondered what kind of god he was to get Shino to talk
Meanwhile Akimaru and Naruto were having a conversation of their own
“Hey Choji I'm going to go off on my own for a while are yall gonna be taking the Gennin test later this week” Naruto asked
“Yeah we all are” Kiba replied as Akimaru jumped back onto his head
“Ok I'll see you then I am sorry Shikimaru but I will have to postpone our Shogi game until after then I have some business I just remembered I have to attend to” Naruto said as jumped onto the Yamanaka shop's roof and began to run back to the Apartment building via rooftops leaving a stunned group of teens in his wake
“Ookami-sensei must be informed of this” Naruto thought “If what Akimaru told me is true then there might be a broken off part of the UrufuKage clan here in this village”
In the apartment
“Ookami-Sensei I have wonderful news” Naruto yelled as he burst open the door to see a a stunned looking Ookami with a cup of coffee and a newspaper in hand
“What do you want Naruto” Ookami asked slightly annoyed that he had been interrupted
“You remember someone from the UrufuKage clan named Inuzuka” Naruto asked barely able to contain his excitement
“Yes I do I see you have studied our history well what of him he was our champion a few Hundred years ago before he died” Ookami asked back
“I may have found his descendants” Naruto said about to explode with excitement
“What, Naruto explain NOW” Ookami asked now fully alert as he began to don his armor
“I met some kids who are going to take the Gennin test too but one of them smelled like a werewolf and he had a dog on his head that jumped into my arms and told me all about this boys clan that is named Inuzuka the dog recognized my scent and realized that I had ties to the UrufuKage so he told me where to find their compound” Naruto finished taking a breath
“Show me where the compound is NOW” Ookami commanded
“Hai Sensei” Naruto said as he ran out the door with Ookami close behind
At the Inuzuka compound
“Naruto go knock on the door” Ookami commanded
“Fine” Naruto groaned wondering why he had to do everything
When the door opened there was a lady that looked to be about thirty five or fourty with wild messy black hair when she caught Naruto and Ookami' scent she jumped out the door tackling Ookami slashing at him with her claws before He threw her off and Naruto had his Falcata at her throat and his katana at her heart
“Tell me why you attacked my Sensei before I kill you” Naruto commanded his voice gaining an edge to it
“You must first promise me by the moon mother that you are not here to harm myself nor my clan” The woman relpied
“You have our word by the moon mother we were sent here by a dog named Akimaru” Ookami replied “Naruto sheath your weapons before someone sees them”
Naruto grudgingly began to put the weapons back into their seals as the woman got up and spoke
“I am Tsume Inuzuka a descendant of the UrufuKage champion Inuzuka NightHunter he was not killed he escaped from hell so that his family would be protected we took on his name for our clan we have found a way to change without entering the kinsmen to protect our families past the last emissary from the old clan tried to kill us I could not allow that to happen KUROMARU COME HERE” Tsume screamed back towards the house as an large bluish colored wolf with a white underbelly with an eye patch walked out and upon seeing Ookami he slowly morphed into a human covered in thick blue fur with white fur on his chest and stomach with wolf ears and a tail and of course his trademark eyepatch
“You have grown cub” was all the werewolf said before an awestruck Ookami said with a questioning voice “Un-Uncle”
“Hai cub it's me” he said before taking Ookami into his arms “Before you ask I staged my death when I met Tsume here when she was just a child I wanted to escape Shinigami and she gave me a way out”
“Kuromaru here taught me the old UrufuKage ways and we figured out how to transform together he helped me kill the last werewolf that showed up at my door” Tsume explained
As this conversation was going on a girl of about sixteen was looking out a second story window at the proceedings below wondering why her mother had attack that man below and how the boy could draw a blade faster than her mother could react and why in the world Kuromaru was doing the four legs technique without her mother any why he was hugging the man well that is until she caught the scent of the boy as she was downwind of him he smelled of power, wood smoke, and the most pure earthy forest smell she had ever encountered
As the wind began to shift Naruto caught her scent which smelled heavily of fur and raw venison though he caught just a hint of roses which made him wonder about this strange girl that smelled so wonderfully delicious
“How can I be sure that you will not betray my clans position to Shinigami” Tsume asked waking Naruto up from his dazed state
“In the old days back before we were enslaved to Shinigami it was tradiotonal to settle fights through binding the two families together through marriage” Ookami replied
“I give my approval cub” Kuromaru told Ookami
“Looks like that's already taken care of” Tsume said chuckling as she pointed towards Naruto and the girl in the window “Seems the young one has met my daughter Hana”
“His name is Naruto and I do believe you are right” Ookami said before whispering in Tsume's ear “Though I was thinking of a woman a little older” which gained a slight blush from Tsume
“Wait back up his name is NARUTO” Kuromaru said in awe “Then the rumors are true”
“Hai uncle Soshikiba son stands before you” Ookami said
“Who is Soshikiba” Tsume asked
“My cousin, and the greatest warrior our clan has ever know” Ookami replied
“If he is to marry my daughter I believe this to be a most suitable arrangement” Tsume replied content in the knowledge that her daughter would have a sufficient alpha
“Naruto run along now I will be staying here for the duration of my stay so as to better build the bridge between our clans” Ookami said
“Oh get off it cub we all know you just wanna bang Tsume I approve by the way” Kuromaru said changing back into a wolf and curling up before snoring slighty as both Tsume and Ookami blushed
“Haha Sensei's got a girlfriend Sensei's got a girlfriend” Naruto chanted which didn't help anything
“Before you go Naruto go around back to the kennels and talk to Ashamaru to get yourself a canine companion” Tsume said “You would be surprised how many times they can save your life”
Naruto learned the hard way to take the advice of those older than he it had helped him exceed in his training before so why not now he thought as he walked behind the compound wondering about the girl in the window he saw a large animal that he thought was a dog or maybe a wolf laying on it's front paws that he assumed was Ashamaru
“Are you Ashamaru” Naruto asked the dog reaching to scratch it's ears
“Hai cub but more importantly why is there a werewolf approaching my kennel” Ashamaru asked not even opening an eye
“Tsume sent me back here apparently Kuromaru is my Sensei's uncle or something I don't know I wasn't paying attention but since my father's name seems to get me anything I am the spawn of Soshikiba” Naruto said wondering why his father was so important
At these words Ashamaru sat up now fully alert remembering every story Kuromaru had told him and his brothers about the greatness of Soshikiba “What is it that Tsume sent you here for” Ashamaru asked
“Something about marriage I think no wait was it meh I wasn't paying attention to that part she wanted me to get a companion said it would save my life or something” Naruto replied
“Well in that case we have the finest selection of dogs in the village we even have a few wolf cubs here for treatment so look around and tell me which one you like” Ashamaru replied as Naruto entered the kennels looking around at all of the different breeds everything from Irish Wolfhounds and the way to the Japanese Shika Inu he finally stopped at a fenced in area that held a few Irish wolfhounds, great Pyrenees, and some Timberwolves
“Hey Ashamaru what type of dog are those” Naruto asked pointing to a few of the cubs in the enclosure
“Those are a completely new breed that my human cub Hana has been trying to develop the “Perfect guard dog” she calls them they are a mix of Irish Wolfhounds, great Pyrenees, and Timberwolves those cubs you see are only a week old and are already the size of a six month old and already weaned too” Ashamaru said with pride
“May I enter the enclosure” Naruto asked
“Hai but be warned those dogs are very territorial and you might be attacked” Ashamaru said with a chuckle as Naruto jumped the fence and was mobbed by all the dogs
HANG ON NARUTO I WILL SAVE YOU” Ashamaru yelled as he jumped in after Naruto
“HAHAHAHAHAH IT TICKLES STOP IT STOP IT I CAN'T BREATHE” Naruto yelled as the dogs began to lick and nuzzle him as Ashamaru muttered something that sounded like “troublesome”
“Whew that was close” Naruto said as the dogs began to get off of him “thought I was going to die laughing “Naruto chuckled as he looked at the new breed of dog “What are they called” Naruto asked one of the wolves
that is Niramumaru” the wolf replied gesturing to one of the breed that's face was shaped to make her look like she was always glaring “And that is Hamaru” the wolf said gesturing to the dog beside Niramumaru that had a snout full of huge sharp teeth “he is name aptly” Naruto thought the pun making him laugh Ha meaning both tooth and edge of a sword the dog had many teeth that looked about as sharp as his katana
“Ashamaru can I have these two” Naruto asked
“You need their permission not mine” Was all he said in reply
“Niramumaru, Hamaru will you consent to being my companions” Naruto asked
“What will we get in return” Hamaru asked
“The ability to visit heaven, hell, and purgatory as much meat as you can eat, and a lifetime full of fighting and adventure” Was Naruto's reply
“He had me at meat” Niramumaru said to Hamaru
“I like the fighting” Hamaru said growling in expectation
“I take it that means you will come with me” Naruto asked hopefully
“Hai” both the dogs said at once before jumping on top of Naruto and licking his face
“Allright allright get off that tickles” Naruto chuckled “Now since you're a brand new breed what will we call you”
“How about something cool” Hamaru suggested “Like Deathbringers”
“Or something more stealthy” Niramumaru “Like Nightfang”
“I have it” Naruto exclaimed “the Berserkers”
“I like the sound of that” Hamaru said
“Fine” Niramumaru said with a huff
“Yo Ashamaru we picked out a name for their breed” Naruto called to him
“And what would that be” Ashamaru called back tiredly
“The Berserkers” Naruto called back
“This is a most agreeable name cub” Kuromaru said walking over “You are welcome to stay the night I do not recommend it though with the noises Ookami and Tsume are making you won't sleep at all
“Yeah thanks for the offer Kuromaru but I think I will pass on it I want to take my new buddies home so we can get some sleep the Gennin exams are in a few days and we need to train” Naruto said back
“In that case Tsume presents you with this scroll that details the Jutsu and abilities the Inuzuka use with their partners” Kuromaru said dropping the scroll out of his mouth
“Thanks Kuromaru I'll see you later come on Hamaru come on Niramumaru” Naruto called as they began to jump rooftops back to the apartments
Back at Naruto's apartments
“Allright guys the Hokage gave me this whole building so you can come and go as you please I'll show you to my room if you wanna sleep with me but you can sleep wherever you want” Naruto said after showing them around the building “I'm gonna go take a shower make yourselves at home”
When Naruto came back from his shower he saw the two dogs sprawled out on top of his bearskin and he smiled softly “Looks like our family just got a little bigger Kyuu-Chan” Naruto thought as he hung up his axes and fell asleep
“Goodnight Kit” Kyuubi said softly as he lay in between the two massive dogs their body heat making the need for a blanket nonexistent
Timeskip to the day of the Gennin exams
“Ok guys now rememeber we need a big flashy intrance any ideas” Naruto asked Hamaru and Niramumaru
“OH OH I HAVE AN IDEA PICK ME PICK ME” Niramumaru shrieked
“Man from your appearance I would never had expected you to be hyper all the time” Naruto muttered
“She discovered an addiction to sugar when you left it out the other day” Hamaru explained
“Kami help us all” Naruto said “Anyway what is your idea Niramumaru”
“Well first you bust open the doors then you vault the desks and chairs and land next to Kiba and Shikimaru then you can play go with Shikimaru and we can talk to Akimaru” She said really fast as Naruto looked to Hamaru for a translation
“kick door down, jump next to Kiba and Shikimaru, play Go with Shikimaru, we talk with Akimaru” Hamaru said slowly
“Ok I like that but please Niramumaru lay off the sugar” Naruto said with a sigh
“But it tastes so good and it makes me talk really fast and I see things” she relied faster than either of them could hear
“Hamaru lets go before I harm your sister” Naruto said
At the exam hall
“Hey Shikimaru where is Naruto” Choji asked wondering where his hero was and just then the doors were kicked open to reveal Naruto jumping to the bottom of the stairs then jumping to the seat next to Shikimaru and Kiba as he set up a Go board
“You may go first Shikimaru” Naruto said as Hamaru and Niramumaru landed behind him on one each side resting their heads on his shoulders
“Yo Naruto what's up” Kiba said remembering the first time his mother had told him about Naruto a few days ago she said Naruto's clan was part of theirs and he had to agree they smelled the same and Akimaru liked him so he could think of no reason not to accept him “Hey why do you have Hana's Super dogs”
“HeHe Ashamaru let me have them as my companions at you mothers behest” Naruto replied “Niramumaru has become addicted to sugar so be happy she isn't at the kennels still she won't shut up” Kiba just laughed at this understanding why his sister was so angry yet oddly happy at the same time
Naruto began to look around the room scanning all of the candidates he saw many people who he knew wouldn't pass just from the looks of them but he saw an emo looking kid and asked “Yo Choji who is the emo goth”
“That's Sasuke the Last of the Uchiha and the councils pet project” Choji explained “His brother slaughtered their family a few years back and now the council elders made him their best friend you can hardly touch him without getting fined for it”
“So we got a brooding psychopath ready to explode at any moment he reminds me vaguely of Muramasa wonder if they are related “Naruto thought
Hey kit look over there” Kyuubi said drawing his eyes over to a girl with lavender colored hair and a large jacket on “she remind you of anyone”
Naruto wondered what Kyuubi was talking about until the girl turned her head and he saw her eyes “She looks like the spitting image of Hikari-Sensei” Naruto thought as he gasped involuntarily
“I see you have found Hinata and her sister Hanabi” Shino said which made everyone around him look in awe at the boy who could make Shino talk
“Hey look there's Tenten” Naruto thought remembering there first run in at her father's weapon shop he chuckled as he remembered Ookami-Sensei walking in with shining eyes talking furiously to the owner about weapons then sharing a bottle of Sake with him like old pals getting Tenten to yell at him for drinking while on the job after that they became good friends and Naruto showed her how to forge and throw axes he saw she had two throwing axes at her belt gaining him a smile “Wait why is she here isn't she already a Gennin”
She is a proctorremember” Kyuubi reminded him
“Oh yeah” Naruto replied as a crow flew through the window and creamed “ BA-KKA BA-KKA” before flying out the other window
Wonder if Sarutobi-Sama is watching this in that viewing orb thingy of his” Kyuubi asked
“I wouldn't doubt it”
In Sarutobi's office
“Allright everyone I have hooked the viewing orb up to this projector so that we may all watch in peace oh and Kakashi you are required to watch this and as insurance I had Kurenai take your Icha Icha collection hostage” Sarutobi told everyone
“You are an evil EVIL old man” Kakashi said as tears formed in his eyes
“Wow Kurenai you stole his porn good for you been hopin someone would do that for years” Tsume said as she laughed “Yo Anko come over here I wanna show you something”
“What do you want Tsume” Anko asked
“See the kid next to Kiba and Shikimaru, hey Kurenai Hana pay attention” Tsume told her little group “Watch him carefully I want you to tell me what you think of him”
“Ummmmm suuuurrrreeee Tsume are you sure your not just going senile he looks just like any other kid” Anko said while she thought “Except he's FUCKING HOT”
Kurenai was thinking along similar lines
“Ok everyone quite now it's starting” Sarutobi said as everyone quieted down
Back at the testing hall
“Ok everyone I am Iruka I will be your Sensei and tester for the day” Iruka said “This test is compiled of four parts a written test, a Taijutsu test in the form of a sparring match , a Ninjutsu test, and a Genjutsu test you will have a half hour to finish the written part of this test each question is worth ten points you must have seventy points to pass” Iruka said passing out the tests
“Pshaw they think these are questions I had a harder time remembering the tenets of the RekkrUlfr” Naruto thought finishing the test in a few minutes then resting his head oh Hamaru as he started to snore softly
“That dobe I bet he missed every question” Sasuke thought smugly
“Wow a perfect score good job” Iruka said as Sasuke face planted
A half hour later
“Ok the second part of the test is a Taijutsu test in the form of a spar you get twenty points for using a personal or clan taijutsu style and ten points for using the academies' style and if you do a really good job of use some really good moves I may award you with another ten points you are not allowed to use any Ninjutsu or Genjutsu you will be penalized by fifteen points if you do up first Shikimaru Nara and Choji Akimichi” Iruka said
“I resign” Shikimaru said raising his hand “To troublesome to fight” then he went back to sleep
“Well then Choji wins by default” Iruka said “Hanabi Hyuuga and Hinata Hyuuga please step up”
As they both started to walk to the ring Naruto watched them intently realizing these were Hikari-Sensei's children “She was right” Naruto thought “Hinata looks like she wouldn't harm a fly she looks squeamish about a spar for pete's sake but her sister…I'm not so sure about her she seems more cold more refined less afraid of dealing pain”
“Let us watch how this match turns out kit” Kyuubi said
“Hai” Naruto replied
“BEGIN” Iruka yelled Hanabi wasted no time going for a gut strike that Hinata blocked this continued for about ten minutes Hanabi attacking and Hinata blocking before Hanabi finally landed a blow to Hinata's forehead knocking her out
“Hanabi wins” was all Iruka said
You will need to toughen her up kit” Kyuubi said “She has an almost unbreakable defense I think that Chakra kickboxing would suit her well to compliment her defense”
“I agree” Naruto replied “Let us meet with her later”
“Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame step forward” Iruka called
“Sensei” Shino asked
“Hai Shino” Iruka responded
“Is using my bugs considered a Jutsu” Shino asked
“You may not use them” Iruka said
Shino grunted in reply
“BEGIN” Iruka yelled as Kiba tried to do a front flip ending in a kick to the back of Shino's head but Shino dodged at the last second and pushed Kiba's foot out of the way knocking him off balance before landing a blow to the throat which ended the match
“The winner is Shino Aburame” Iruka said as they both walked back to their seats after Shino helped Kiba up telling him in his own way that it was nothing personal
“He doesn't overdo anything” Naruto thought “He does what he needs to do and nothing more his fighting style reminds me of a modified RekkrUlfr”
“Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka please step forward” Iruka called as they stood up taking shots at each other like “Forehead” and “Fashion whore” this eventually lead to a scratching match before they got halfway to Iruka who said in a questioning voice “be-begin”
It ended with Ino taking a crotch shot to Sakura incapacitating her “Um Ino wins” Iruka said as Ino dragged Sakura back to their seats
“Next up Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Nami-Namikaze” Iruka called out tripping over Namikaze realizing who this child was
In the Hokage's office
A collective gasp was given by all present save Tsume, Hana, Ookami, and Sarutobi who just chuckled slightly “I bet you guys were wondering why he looked so familiar huh” Sarutobi asked the crowd “Well know you know”
“Psht so what if he is the fourth's son Sasuke will wipe the floor with him” Kakashi said
“I got a hundred Ryo that says Naruto wins” Ookami said calmly as a hush descended over the crowd
“I got two hundred that says Naruto will win” Hana said as the room got even quieter if that was possible
“Five hundred says Sasuke wins” Asuma put in until everyone one there was calling out bets in the end it filtered out to Ookami, Anko, Sarutobi, Hana, Tsume, Kibune, and Kurenai with Naruto and everyone else was with Sasuke
“Let us watch how this match will go then I will collect on the money my student will make for me” Ookami said calmly a little to calmly for those than had bet on Sasuke making some of them wonder if they had made the right choice
At the testing hall
“BEGIN” Iruka yelled as Naruto bowed to his opponent and Sasuke out of habit bowed back but as he did so Naruto kicked him in the crotch sending him to his knees
“You must learn oh emo goth that there are people in this world stronger than you and you must beat them all in order to kill your brother” Naruto said coldly as Sasuke began to get up the rage evident in his eyes at being had by such a simple trick he charged Naruto fist swinging wildly as Naruto sidestepped and kicked him in the balls again
“Anger clouds the mind emogoth a true warrior feels nothing during battle” Naruto said again Sasuke's rage beginning to manifest itself physically it was so strong
“Can he really be this strong” Sasuke thought “No it's not possible I will beat this child even if I have to kill him” GÅkakyu no JutsuSasuke screamed as he shot a large fireball that enveloped Naruto completely consuming him as Sasuke released the Jutsu he smirked in victory “I am unbeatable it is fate that a worm like you should die by my hand” Sasuke said
As he said these words the firs dissipated to reveal Naruto who was chuckling slightly “You call that a fire jutsu emogoth-teme all you did was raise the temperature in here by a few degrees see this” Naruto said pointing to his hair “You just singed it a fact I am very unhappy about” Naruto said a cold edge coming into his voice that balanced upon madness making Sasuke piss his pants from the shear amount of killer intent coming from the blonde in front of him “Feel my pain” Naruto whispered in Sasuke's ear as he ran behind him so fast it looked like he teleported form ten feet away before delivering a kick to Sasuke's groin a chop to his neck-shoulder joint then he did a front flip over Sasuke's head that ended with a kick to Sasuke's face Naruto pushed off Sasuke's stomach with his other foot as he fell propelling him to the ceiling that he landed on upside down and began walking to his seat via the ceiling to the amazement off all there
“The winner is Naruto” Iruka said as an axe whirled past his face so close he could feel the wind from it and imbedded itself in the floor next to Sasuke's hand which held a Kunai he was fixing to throw at Naruto
“Try and kill me again emogoth and I will make what your brother did seem like heaven to you you think his Sharingan Is the worst thing you have ever felt” Naruto said letting the suspense build “You have only began to get your feet wet in the realm of pain” Naruto said as he sat down in his seat and Hamaru grabbed the axe in his teeth growled at Sasuke and brought it back to Naruto who clipped it back onto his pants leg
In the Hokage's office
“So oh mystically masked man where is my money” Ookami asked
“Oh well um you see on the way here there was this guy on the street yeah that's right and when I wasn't looking he hit me over the head and stole my wallet” Kakashi said hoping he would believe it
“Kakashi remember your collection of porn I am holding hostage” Kurenai said the threat evident as Kakashi begrudgingly handed over the money as did everyone else all agape that the Uchiha prodigy had lost
“HeHe I can eat dango for a month strait with all of this money” Anko said her smile rivaling Gai's during one of his “Flames of youth” rants
“Screw dango me and Toushou (sword smith) (Tenten's dad) are getting wasted while drawing weapons designs” Ookami said with joy which earned a glare from Tsume “Or I could take you out to dinner Tsume” she smiled at these words and whispered in his ear giving his balls a slight pat“Good choice I would hate for you to lose your little friend down there we had so much fun playing last night” which made him noticeably gulp
“What an interesting boy” Hiashi thought thinking of the small blonde and asking himself why his friend and leader had left them fighting the Kyuubi and missing the fourth's guidance
Back in the testing hall
“Good aim kid” Iruka thought what he said was “Sasuke fifty points off for using a deadly weapon and a jutsu, now for the Jutsu test Hinata you are up first”
She did her families HakkeshÅ Kaitenno Jutsu (Eight Trigrams Palm Rotation)
Hanabi did the Eight trigrams thirty-two palms on a dummy
Shino did his bug clone technique displaying its ability to be attacked yet still remain whole
Kiba did the fang over fang much to everyone's surprise
Ino did her body switching technique on Sakura making her fart and pick her nose in front of the class
Choji did his families body enlargement technique
Sakura did the Bushin technique because it was the only one she knew
Sasuke was exempt from this part having already displayed a jutsu
When it was Naruto's turn he had a big grin on his face as he pulled a fiddle out of thin air and began to play a very fast beat song and began to sing
“The devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal.
He was in a bind 'cos he was way behind: he was willin' to make a deal.
When he came across this young man sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot.
And the devil jumped upon a hickory stump and said: "Boy let me tell you what:
"I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
"And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
"Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy, but give the devil his due:
"I bet a fiddle of gold against your soul, 'cos I think I'm better than you."
The boy said: "My name's Johnny and it might be a sin,
"But I'll take your bet, your gonna regret, 'cos I'm the best that's ever been."

Johnny you rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard.
'Cos hells broke loose in Georgia and the devil deals it hard.
And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold.
But if you lose, the devil gets your soul.

The devil opened up his case and he said: "I'll start this show."
And fire flew from his fingertips as he resined up his bow.
And he pulled the bow across his strings and it made an evil hiss.
Then a band of demons joined in
at this point nine exact copies of Shinigami exploded from thin air with a surge of Black fire singing along and playin guitar
and it sounded something like this.
When the devil finished, Johnny said: "Well you're pretty good ol' son.
"But if you'll sit down in that chair, right there, and let me show you how its done."

Fire on the
mountain , run boys, run.
The devil's in the house of the risin' sun.
Chicken in the bread pin, pickin' out dough.
"Granny, does your dog bite?"
"No, child, no."

The devil bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat.
He laid that golden fiddle on the ground at Johnny's feet.
Johnny said: "Devil just come on back if you ever want to try again.
"I told you once, you son of a bitch, I'm the best that's ever been."
At this point the pseudo Shinigamis bowed their heads and layed down their instruments down on the ground before disappearing in another explosion of black fire when Naruto raised up his fettle and screamed in victory slashing his bow back and forth towards the ground causing slash marks to appear in the rock floor

And he played fire on the mount, run boys, run.
The devil's in the house of the risin' sun.
Chicken in the bread pin pickin' out dough.
"Granny, does your dog bite?"
"No, child, no."
As the song ended all of the people there save Sasuke, Sakura, and Ino burst into applause making Ookami question why he let Kyuuketsu talk him into teaching naruto the fiddle and guitar “Oh its to help him pass the time he said to keep him entertained he said stupid bloodsucker” Ookami thought
Meanwhile somewhere in hell a confused Kyuuketsu sneezed
“Naruto while that was a very good song how is it a jutsu” Iruka asked
“Because Sensei I made wind blades from my bow creating those slash marks he said pointing to the ground and I manipulated black fire during the entrance and exit of my pseudo Shinigamis” Naruto explained “If I were to use this Jutsu in combat the Shinigamis would be holding weapons and would attack my enemies meanwhile there is a protective sphere made out of wind blades that forms around myself and anyone touching me that kills anything that tries to touch it I call It Charlie Daniels revenge
“well then very good return to your seat” Iruka replied aghast at the fact that a boy of fourteen came up with a jutsu this complex and was able to use it and hold it for so long without handsigns “Now then onto the Genjutsu test” Iruka said Sakura your up first
Everyone cast low level Genjutsu except Naruto who cast a low Jonnin level Genjutsu but that was just because he was bad at Genjutsu after the test everyone received a ninja headband after Iruka said “Everyone be here at noon tomorrow and you will be assigned you teams and Sensei's”
After he had his headband naruto walked out the door and jumped onto a nearby rooftop waiting for Hinata and Hanabi to come out while he was waiting he extended the headband to wrap around his waist so that he could loop it through his belt loops and use the metal part as a belt buckle he told Hamaru and Niramumaru to go find Ookami and bring him back to Naruto
As they were leaving Naruto caught sight of Hinata coming out of the testing hall with her head held low and her shoulders slumped her sister right behind berating her about her posture and telling her that she is unworthy of becoming the Hyuuga heiress and that's why their father had chosen her instead
What a mean little child that Hanabi is” Kyuubi said “I prefer Hinata she is much more caring and I approve of her as well”
“Approve of her for what exactly” Naruto wondered
You'll see kit, you'll see” Kyuubi said in a Lecherous voice as Naruto followed the two Hyuuga's to their compound he used the Hunter's sight to watch them from outside the gates mentally marking their positions noting that they stopped in front of a man that slapped Hinata and hugged Hanabi making Naruto's blood boil
He jumped onto the compounds roof and vaulted into the room where the two girls were
“Why do you dare hit a girl” Naruto asked in a menacing tone as he grabbed the man's arm before he could land another blow against Hinata
“Ah the Yodaime's son I was waiting for your entrance” the man said acting like blonde teens jumping through his window was an everyday occurrence “Hinata, Hanabi leave my presence” he commanded as he sat down behind his desk
“They will not be leaving quite yet” was Naruto's response “I made a promise and I intend to uphold it”
“You dare undermine MY authority Hiashi Hyuuga leader of the Hyuuga clan and these girls father on whose authority do you do this” Hiashi asked laughing
“Your wife's” Naruto said coldly “She made me promise her I would protect her children and if that means form their own father then so be it, it is easy to see that Hinata is afraid of harming others so you withdrew your attention from her when you realized that she could not perform as well as others because of this so you turned your sights to her younger sister making her cold hard and calculating turning a fourteen year old girl into an emotionless tool I will do whatever it takes to uphold my promise even if it means your death”
The look in Naruto's eyes told Hiashi that he would indeed try and kill him if he deemed it necessary “My WIFE surely you jest she has been dead nigh on fourteen years ago and you say you promised HER” Hiashi said all traces of amusement gone from his voice “You defile her memory with your talk leave my presence before I have you killed”
“He did promise your wife that he would protect her and yes she is dead but if we had not come into contact with her how would we have this” Ookami asked jumping through the window in the same fashion as his student and holding a choker made of the purest sapphires that were the color of the ocean and were shaped to look like the Hyuuga clan seal
“Explain to me why you have my wife's choker” Hiashi demanded
“Naruto take the girls to our apartment Gabriel is waiting there to prove what we have claimed I will follow in a minute with Hiashi” Ookami told his student
“Hai Sensei” Naruto said before grabbing Hinata and Hanabi by the arm and disappearing in a swirl of leaves
“If you will wait a mere ten minutes I will grant you the chance to meet your wife again” Ookami said coldly “Now you are going to sit there and I am going to explain some things to you about your precious fourth he was MY cousin and Naruto is HIS son since Naruto has the Kyuubi sealed in him Kami took him away from this horrible place to be raised by herself and her angels because she knew he would wind up dead by the age of five if he was allowed to stay here, If you say one word before we reach my apartment I will kill you” Ookami finished as he grabbed Hiashi roughly by the back of his neck and brought him up to eye level before disappearing in a swirl of leaves
“Mo-Mother” Hinata gasped out at the sight that awaited her when she, Naruto, and her sister reappeared in Naruto's apartment
Hai my Child it is I” Hikari said before taking both Hinata and Hanabi into her arms
“Hey Gabriel how about we leave these three to their peace I'll show you a new weapon design I have been working on” Naruto suggested though it came out more like a command as Gabriel followed him into Naruto's room where Hamaru and Niramumaru were asleep on top of Naruto's pile of furs
Back with Hinata
“Sssh sssh there there Hinata it's ok I'm here now” Hikari said soothingly as he daughter began to cry softly into her shoulder
“Your not our mother” Hanabi said pushing away from Hikari which brought tears to Hikari's eyes at being rejected by her own daughter “Mother died when she was giving birth to us, why try and make the pain worse by pretending to be our mother” by the time she finished her sentence Hiashi was behind her and Ookami was walking to Naruto's room to catch up with Gabriel before telling the four Hyuugas “I soundproofed the whole building room by room individually so you can be private I you wish without fear of detection”
“Thank you Ookami-san tell naruto to come in here in a few minutes if you would” Hikari said before turning towards Hiashi “Hello Shi-Kun our daughter does not believe that I am me”
“You cannot still live I held your hand as you died and cried over your dead body” Hiashi said awestruck
“You are correct Shi-Kun I am dead but Kami can do all things even raise the dead and turn them into angels” Hikari replied happily before releasing Hinata and taking Hiashi into a hug “I missed you Shi-Kun”
“And I you Kari-Hime” Hiashi replied returning the hug
“Father how can we be sure she is our mother and your wife” Hanabi asked doubtfully as Hiashi looked over and realized Naruto was right “I have turned my own daughter into a monster” Hiashi thought
“Because my daughter I know that you have a birthmark on bottom of your foot that you try and hide in the shape of a heart your father's nickname in the academy was the Hyuuga reject and Hinata is the second Hyuuga in existence to have a water affinity like me” Hikari finished
“Hinata, Hanabi go into another room for a minute you father and I need to talk about something” Hikari said
“Hai Ka-San” Hinata replied grabbing Hanabi by the hand and dragging her to a vacant room
“Shi-Kun I am disappointed in what you have done to our daughters you turned Hanabi into a heartless machine and Hinata into a Kuinichi that refuses to fight” Hikari said accusingly
“I did all I knew to do Kari-Hime” Hiashi said “After you left I didn't know what to do I had to get up every morning and act like everything was ok because I am the clan head I did what was expected of me I knew of no other way to survive”
Hikari slapped Hiashi “Have you lost all of your compassion what happened to the kind caring man that I married and mothered two children with” Hikari asked accusingly “Look at what you have become Hiashi a self righteous bigot I remember back in the days when we were first married that you would hospitalize someone because they tried to control you and now look you are letting the entire village do it”
“What am I to do then Kari-Hime you took my love with you when you died I am only half a man without my wife” Hiashi said sadly “I need you guidance Kari-Hime how can I make up for the wrongs I have commited”
“Well for a start you could try and spend time with our children that doesn't involve training and for second you could marry Hinata to Naruto and turn Hanabi into a normal girl her age” Hikari said knowing that when he got like this he would do anything she said and knowing that Naruto would be kind to Hinata and that she needed someone as strong as he in her life Hanabi could marry whomever she chooses Hinata had always been her favorite anyway and her kindness would do Naruto good after he has been alone all this time
“You want me to marry our daughter to that that CHILD” Hiashi asked
“Think about it like this he Sasuke was a pushover for him why not test him the way my father tested you” Hikari suggested
“I think I will Kari-Hime” Hiashi said “Will Kami allow you to stay with us”
“Unfortunately no she gave me the next few hours and then I must leave” Hikari replied sadly
“We will make the best of it then” Hiashi said provocatively
“Indeed we shall Shi-Kun” Hikari replied “But first I must get some things squared away I will go get the girls you bring in Naruto and the rest”
“Hai Kari-Hime” Hiashi said as he brought Naruto, Ookami, and Gabriel into the room leaving the dogs asleep
When Hikari brought Hinata into the room she was blushing furiously from what her mother had told her that she would be able to marry this smoking hot piece of flesh she had met today her inner pervert was running overdrive and she began to get a nosebleed Hanabi however just shook her head in shame at her sisters antics
“Naruto come with me we must go outside for this” Hiashi commanded
“Why” Naruto asked indignantly
“Go with him Youngling”
“What Ka-san when sis you get here” Naruto asked
“Just now actually” Kushina replied “Hello Hiashi”
“Hello Kushina-san” Hiashi replied “Would you mind getting your son outside so I may test him”
“it would be my pleasure Hiashi” Kushina said as she squealed happily at the prospect of her son getting married before she picked him up and threw him out the window “There you go Hiashi he will be ready for you outside” Hiashi just stared at her with wide eyes for throwing her son out of a five story window
“That was not very nice Ka-san” Naruto said with one arm hung over the windowsill before Kushina kicked his arm so hard it went through the wall
“STAY OUTSIDE UNTIL I TELL YOU YOUNGLING” Kushina yelled after him while Kyuubi laughed like a maniac loving Naruto's mother more and more with every passing second as Naruto landed making a small crater in the ground

“Just ignore her antics” Ookami said “It makes life a whole lot easier”
“O-Ok” was Hiashi's response as he acted like a normal human being and took the stairs
“Ok Naruto this is a strictly Taijutsu match use and weapon you wish and strike to kill if you wish to win” Hiashi explained Naruto was just happy he would get to fight someone new though he was confused as to why he was fighting Hinata's dad but Naruto being Naruto this was not hard to understand
“Ok” Naruto replied as he drew his katana and fighting axe but held them backwards to that he would strike with the blunt end of the blades when Hiashi saw this he gave and approving nod before drawing a kunai in his left hand
“BEGIN” Kushina yelled acting as a referee
Naruto and Hiashi began circling each other gauging each others' weakness and strengths
“He has the advantage of larger weapons and possible speed depending on if his actions with Sasuke were a fluke which I highly doubt but I have experience on my side” Hiashi thought
“RRRRAAAAUUUUUSSSS” Naruto screamed out as he charged Hiashi, Hiashi sidestepped and did a Juuken strike to Naruto's neck which made him sprawl out onto the ground but to Hiashi's amazement he began to get back up before saying “Thought you said this was a taijutsu match”
“I did but in real combat sometimes people don't follow the rules your match with Sasuke today for example” Hiashi replied trying to place a Juuken strike to Naruto's forehead but Naruto bent back causing Hiashi's hand to pass over him Naruto took this advantage noticing Hiashi's legs were apart and delivered a chakra infused kick to his balls knocking Hiashi to the ground “That was a cheap trick Naruto”
“In real combat there are no rules” Naruto said before he raised his axe and brought it down faster than all save Gabriel and Ookami could follow but he stopped just above Hiashi's throat displaying his excellent control and instead of beheading him as all thought he was going to do he slid the blade across his throat drawing a thin line of blood
“I accept your win” Hiashi said in amazement knowing that Hinata would be in good hands if this boy could defeat him
“congratulations youngling” Kushina squealed taking Naruto into one of her bone crushing hugs as Naruto barely managed to gasp out “Air….circulation….being….cut off” before he blacked out and was rescued by Ookami before any real damage was done
“Come Naruto” Ookami said as Gabriel and Kushina followed him back into the building leaving the Hyuuga's to themselves “we should leave them to their peace”
“Hai Sensei” Naruto replied as he followed his Sensei into the building
The Next day around eleven
“Naruto your Ka-san and I need to talk to you about something” Ookami said
“What is it Sensei” Naruto asked “And why so formal”
“Because we have an important matter to discuss with you youngling” Kushina replied “It's about some changes that might come over you in next year”
“What do you mean changes” Naruto asked
“Kyuubi has informed you of your dragon half correct” Ookami asked
“Hai but what does that have to do with anything she said it's dormant” Naruto replied
“It is dormant until your fifteenth birthday” Kushina said with urgency “It is a powerful force and may consume you if you let it you will see changes in your interests and tastes you will come to horde shiny things especially gold but eventually around the time of your birthday more Physical changes will happen for me I got covered in scales and blew fire whenever I spoke but you can come to control these urges as I have youngling”
“So I should change around the time of the Chunnin exams correct” Naruto asked
“Actually Naruto you will change during them” Ookami replied as Naruto began rubbing his temples trying to take all of this in
“I expect you will train me to control them Ka-San” Naruto asked
“Hai but also ways to use it as a weapon” Kushina replied “Like my strength that comes from my dragon but also others like the ability to fly and shoot fire”
“We also came here to tell you that after you get your new Sensei's that I must leave” Ookami said “When I am gone if you need anything Find Kibune or Kuromaru they are the only werewolves in this village for help concerning any other matters seek out Tsume, Toushou, or Hiashi oh and tomorrow Hiashi wishes to speak to you in his office”
“Now run along to the academy so that you may find out who your Sensei is” Kushina said as Naruto woke up Hamaru and Niramumaru and began to roof run towards the academy
Looks like I get the pleasure of showing the kit here how to pleasure a woman” Kyuubi thought to herself “I'll be sneaky about it HeHe show it to him when he is asleep that way when he faces a real situation he knows what to do but doesn't know how he knows” Kyuubi began laughing maniacally at this point which made Naruto worry about what was going to happen to him in the next year
At the academy
“Ok everyone take your seats I will be telling you your Sensei's and teams” Iruka called “Sasuke, Ino, and Sakura will be paired with Kakashi Hatake” (Hey don't patronize me for this Ino and Sakura deserve such a stuck up brat like Sasuke plus it entertains me to watch two people try and kill each other for no apparent reason like Sakura and Ino do)
Shikimaru, Choji, and Hanabi you will be paired with Asuma Sarutobi”
“Naruto, Hinata, Shino, and Kiba since we have an even number of students this year you four will be on a team with two Sensei's to make up for it you will be paired with Kurenai Yuhi and Anko Maharishi” when the class heard Anko was to be a Sensei they thanked Kami she wasn't theirs while everyone on Naruto's team shivered in fear except him who was asleep on the floor with Hamaru, Niramumaru, and Akimaru curled around him
Three hours and two Go games with Shino later
“Where are our Sensei's” Kiba asked impatiently
“You haven't noticed yet” Naruto asked nochalatly
“Noticed what” Kiba asked as a means of reply
“The two disturbances in the corner over there” Naruto said “Kurenai is a Genjutsu master after all” at these words a purple blur came shooting at Naruto's back which he ducked and shot his Chain-Spear at impaling it as it disappeared in a puff of smoke he then parried a kunai thrust to his leg with his bow staff before extending the scythe blade on it nicking whatever it was attacking him as it jumped away
“Kurenai” a voice whined “That little brat made me bleed”
“That's what you get for underestimating your opponent Anko you saw what he did to Sasuke yesterday” Kurenai said
“Yeah but he didn't have to cut me” Anko shot back before Naruto grabbed her arm and licked the wound he gave her
“Pardon moi Mademoiselle” Naruto said in a French accent “I was merely responding to a threat on my life you have tasty blood by the way”
“Wow this kids good” Anko thought
“Naruto pleas let go of Anko and meet us up on the roof all of you” Kurenai said surprising herself with the fact that she wished it was her arm Naruto was licking
“What if I don't wanna let him go” Anko asked
“To bad” Kurenai replied as she grabbed Anko's collar and disappeared in a swirl of leaves
“Race you Kiba” Naruto suggested
“Not if I get there first” Kiba said already running for the door Hinata and Shino shared a glance that told each other of their mutual surprise about their teachers before taking the stairs like normal people instead of running up the outside of the building like Naruto and Kiba were doing
On the roof
“Ok guys lets introduce ourselves and tell us a little bit about yourself” Kurenai said “I will start my name is Kurenai Yuhi I like Genjutsu and hanging out with my friends and I want to be the greatest Genjutsu master in the world”
“My name is Anko Mitarashi I like dango and blood and I hope to one day kill a certain Snake bastard”
“My name is Kiba Inuzuka I like dogs and fighting and hope to one day beat my sister and become head of our clan, that's Shino by the way he doesn't talk much but he likes bugs”
Shino just grunted at this
“My name is Hinata Hyuuga I like Sticky buns and” she blushed furiously here before touching her pointer fingers together and going into stalker mode “I hope to someday prove my worth to my father”
“My name is Naruto Namikaze I like playing with black fire playing the fiddle and guitar and designing weapons to test out my dream is to one day return my father's clan to it's former greatness as well as finding the other Berserkers” Naruto finished as he sharpened his fighting knives nonchalantly
“Naruto just how many weapons do you have on you” Anko asked
“Uuuuuhhhhh I'm not sure actually let me check” Naruto said as he began to pull various swords, axes, and spears out of his seals as well as a few modified versions of his chain-spear
“Naruto put those away” Kurenai commanded as she shook her head slowly and Tenten appeared out of thin air to drool over the multitude of weapons apparently being turned on by them
“Tenten go back to Gai” Anko said as she pushed Tenten off the building “What Kurenai was trying to say is that you four need to meet us at training ground sixteen tomorrow at seven and if you don't wish to hurl I suggest you not eat breakfast”
A/N: so there you go chapter ten is up after almost four months and 21,461 words laster here we are at the end of chapter ten I hope you guys like it from now on I will try and make my chapters at least fifteen pages but this also means it will take longer to write them and for those of you that were wondering when Hinata was going to make an appearance there you go also the girls who will be in the harem are as follows
femHaku (Maybe)
that's all I have for now if you would like to see any other girls please tell me and I will put them in there depending on who they are also don't expect lemons from me or at least not a lot of them cause I absolutely suck at them so unless you write them and send them to me via email they won't be in here also please tell me what summons you want for naruto I am still having a hard time deciding also I listen to a lot of music when I am writing so I thought I would start telling you guys what I listen to so you can check it out too for this chapter it was
Killswitch Engage
Three days grace
Demon Hunter
Do As Infinity
The All-American Rejects
Hank Williams Jr.
The Charlie Daniels Band
Ookami no Getsuei
Son of the Celts, Vikings, and Cherokee