Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ mercinary of the gods ❯ Who survived.... ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

First off guys I would like to apologize for my embarrassing mistake in the chapter entitled Enter Kyuubi 2.0. I said the White Snake was holding a knife called a shiv….only to play the chronicles of Riddick game later that night and face palm at my stupidity…especially seeing as how I collect exotic knifes and have an odd obsession for any bladed object (MY COLLECTION IS GROWING MuaHaHAhA). I have officially changed it on the chapter to it's correct name. The blade is called a Kris a southeast asian knife commonly used in the martial arts forms of Kali, Escrmina, and Arnis which oddly enough I'm looking for a teacher that can teach me any of the three preferably Kali. The only accurate description I can give of the blade is a foot long version of the sword used by the Magi in the first two mummy movies. Anywho on with the show I guess.
A few days after last chapter, random clearing in the forest
“Wonder when Ookami will get back” Naruto thought absentmindedly as he stared into space. Naruto chuckled when Hamaru dropped a tennis ball into his waiting hand. “Guess you beat Niramumaru then huh”
“She has discovered a plant `better than sugar'” Hamaru replied “Her words not mine mind you”
“Ugh let me guess she's high as a kite” Naruto asked in frustration as he face palmed
“Understatement” Hamaru told him “Now Throw.The.Damn.Ball.”
Naruto chuckled as he threw the ball in a random direction, laughing even harder as Hamaru chased blindly after it. “So one of em is a druggie and the other addicted to fetch, and yet they say they can function in combat”
Naruto fell off the stump he was sitting on, clutching his sides with laughter as Niramumaru stumbled into the clearing. Her eyes were literally bugging out of her head and she was stumbling around like a drunk muttering random and incoherent words.
“You know” Naruto muttered as an idea began to formulate in his devious mind “Perhaps with a little incentive I can turn their odd needs into a beneficial attack stradegy.”
When Hamaru came back some fifteen minutes later he dropped the ball at Naruto's feet and whined expectantly. “Ok, go get the ball” Naruto yelled with a laugh as he threw the ball at a makeshift training dummy he set up, pleased when it gave the desired effects.
“Kick ASS” Naruto screamed in happiness when he learned it would work.
“NNNNNNNAAAAAARRRRRRUUUUUTTTTTOOOOOO” An angry Momochi Zabuza screamed from nearby
“SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSSSSSHHHHHHIIIIIITTTTT T” Naruto screamed in his head as he whistled to his dogs then ran for dear life in a direction that would carry him away from that demon man as quickly as possible.
Meanwhile with Jiraya
Jiraya stopped what he was doing, feeling a strange disturbance in his perv senses. “It feels as if an aspiring pervert somewhere in the world is being chased by the one thing that can kill us. Pissed off fathers.” Jiraya shivered in fear at memories of running from angry fathers wielding every weapon imaginable and gazed at the sky, praying that whomever it was would survive the ordeal. This moment of empathy was destroyed completely from Jiraya's mind when a rather busty lady walked by without a bra on inspiring his newest soon to be written book.
“She must be followed” Jiraya thought to himself as his nose began to bleed and a perverted smile appeared on his face. “FOR PERVERTS EVERYWHERE”
With Haku
“waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitWAIT. He did WHAT.” Tazuna asked incredulously
“Well seeing as how he does have to revive his clan and all” Anko began guiltily while she scratched her head trying to think up an excuse “Kurenai knows the details”
Kurenai looked flabbergasted(yes this is a word muahaha) as Anko pushed her in front of the starry eyed drunk and promptly disappeared in a swirl of leaves. “that's just like her” Kurenai thought to herself as she rubbed her temples with frustration.
“three at ONE TIME and still he has that much energy” Tazuna marveled
“Hiashi is going to kill someone” Kurenai thought with a groan
Speaking of which
“I don't know why” Hiashi thought for particular reason “But I think I'm going to castrate Naruto when he gets back. My gut says it's the right thing to do…or was that the sushi I had for lunch. I forever curse whoever sent me that box of sushi…I have been on this toilet for five hours now”
Hiashi screamed in pain as his bowels did their best to force their way out of themselves.
Back with Naruto
“Why do I feel as though that sushi trap worked” Naruto thought absentmindedly before a zanzobato cleaved the tree he was leaning against in half
“You will die” Zabuza stated simply without hate or anger, this caused Naruto to fear even more
“now Zabby” Naruto began as the Beserker slowly edged towards him “Can I call ya Zabbz”
Zabuza roared in anger trying to cut Naruto in half with his prized weapon. “Ok maybe we don't have that kind of relationship yet, but maybe since you're kinda my father-in-law now you could not kill me”
Zabuza's only reply came in the form of a kunai aimed at Naruto's balls. “You deflowered my precious DAUGHTER” Zabuza screamed coming at Naruto with twice the anger as before
“Maybe yeah” Naruto began as he continued to dodge blows “But hey we're kinda married now and it's not like she didn't like it too”
Zabuza swung downwards at Naruto's skull, stopping the blade a fraction of an inch from cleaving him in two. “Remember this day new-blood, remember how it could've gone and didn't. And if she ever even HINTS of mistreatment, you'll wish this day had ended differently” Zabuza finished his promise by calmly smiling, sheathing his sword, and walking away whistling as if nothing had happened.
“I've fought angel, demons, monsters, ghosts and Kami knows what else but THAT GUY is by FAR the scariest of em all” Naruto thought to himself, trying to calm his heart down so he didn't have a heart attack. “Wonder what Hana'll think”
Speak of the devil
Hana was not happy, in fact Hana was PISSED. She didn't know why, and frankly she didn't care. What she did know was that win Naruto got back she was going to take him however she wanted and he didn't get any choice in the matter. Well if he liked his genitals attached to his body and not lopped off and fed to wild animals that is.
Naruto's fear becomes palpable at this point
Naruto shivered in fear as thoughts of Hana's reaction entered his mind. He noticed a nearby hawk perched on a tree and whistled to it softly, it screamed in response and flew away. “I feel as though that moment will never affect my life adversely” Naruto said to himself as the memory of the hawk quickly faded from his mind
The hawk flew a long way, out of wave country and deep within the mountains of Iwa. It stopped before a hooded figure and alighted upon the figure's outstretched arm, moving it's beak near the being ear almost as if whispering to it.
The being spoke to itself quietly. “Much planning must be done” it muttered darkly “He has strong allies, and stronger enemies to accompany them, the question now becomes which side's victory will benefit us more”
A few days later
Naruto sighed with relief, glad that all the tension was gone from him claiming Haku, Hinata, and Anko as is own. At least for now…Naruto shivered at the thought of what he faced back in Konoha. His worries were quickly meaningless as he vanished in a burst of red light, only to appear in purgatory in from of Shinigami, Kami, and Iskerdanas.
“You have a new contract” Shinigami whispered evily “Find this man, kill him, and burn the body” Shinigami handed Naruto a picture of a man that looked to be completely normal, wearing simple civilian clothes and glaring at whoever took the picture.
Shinigami disappeared in a pillar of flames and an evil cackle.”He may not look like much” Iskerdanas began “But if he does not die within two years you will be killed, two months after that if he still lives you will lose those you love, two days after that you will lose your kingdom, two hours after that nothing will remain.”
“From here on out this is to be your only contract, you may not return to any of the realms other than the mortal plane. You are on your own, if this rule is broken everything will cease to exist.” Kami told Naruto before sending him back to Tazuna's living room in another flash of red light.
“What the hell” Naruto asked out loud
“Cub we must leave” Ookami told Naruto hurriedly “NOW”
“Wh-what” Naruto asked, still trying to get his bearings
“We need to get to the clan grounds NOW, before Shinigami fucks anything else up” Ookami told him hurridly “Bah there isn't enough time” Ookami grabbed Naruto and threw him over his should before finding Kiba and causing the three of them to disappear in a swirl of leaves
Small archipelago, east of wave
Naruto and Kiba marveled at the architecture around them, high vaulted ceilings, intricate carvings and metal workings. “no time to stare now cubs, hurry this way” Ookami called over his shoulder, sprinting down a long twisting hallway. Naruto and Kiba had no choice but to follow, and follow they did. In and out of kitchens, armories, bedrooms and everything else a clan might need to be self sufficient. After what Naruto assumed to be a few hours they finally came to a huge set of doors at least thirty feet in height and almost as wide.
On the left door there was a carving of a wolf howling at the moon, on the right a carving of a man locked in combat, and in between where the doors met a large carving of a werewolf in half wolf form snarling and bearing it's teeth and claws menacingly.
Ookami opened the doors hurriedly, dragging Naruto and Kiba in tow before shutting them roughly and placing a large tree in slots on the inside of the doors to prevent them from opening. Ookami then gestured to a cave entrance at the back of the room, partially obscured by a tapestry displaying a werewolf wielding Ageless Fury in one hand and Bloodbath in the other, the three throwing axes Naruto had strapped to his leg held to the werewolf's as well. Ookami led them through a series of caves and caverns deep beneath the surface of the earth until they entered a room dominated by a huge jewel that gave off a milky white glow, Naruto noticed there were other less prominent jewels placed around the room.
“Took you long enough” Kibune called from behind one of the stones
“I was to late” Ookami replied stoically
Naruto looked around and realized the rest of the Urufukage clan was present, Okiji and the newly inducted White Snake and Bone Blades leaning silently against a wall. Naruto noticed however that three of the clan members that had been at the trial were not present, he also noted that the ones not there were all male.
“What's going on” Naruto asked quizzically
Okiji sighed before speaking “Shinigami found out about yall's little plot to kill him, turns out he wasn't too happy and killed the three you see aren't present. We are the only one's of the clan still living save for the Branch that Tsume is now head of in Konoha who's survival is questionable at most at the moment.”
Kiba looked at Okiji with disbelief as Akimaru popped his head out of Kiba's jacket and growled.
“Grandfather what are you talking about” Naruto asked
“Konoha has officially ceased to exist” Kuromaru told the group “Ashamaru, Tsume, myself and a few others were able to lead some of the shinobi out of the village before it's destruction but I don't know about the civilians.”
Kiba looked on with disbelief, trying to reconcile with what had just been told to him.
“what happened” Naruto asked solemnly
“A group called Akatsuki attacked Konoha” Kibune stated “We didn't even know they were attacking until the Hokage was dead…they have…abilities I never seen. One man had a Naginata thrust through his heart and he pulled it out and killed it's wielder with it, laughing insanely the whole time. As far as we know this place and various other safehouses the supernatural clans have set up across the nations are the only safe places left.”
“You mothers clan has agreed to shelter the refugee's for now” Okiji put in trying to lighten the mood a little “And with the backing of all the dragon clans I believe there is no safer place for them.”
“Why are we here Uncle” Naruto asked Kuromaru, trying to figure out this whole mess
“Because I asked them to bring you here” A voice called from the darkness
Naruto and Kiba went back to back and dropped into a defensive stance. The voice chuckled from the darkness before pointing out weak points in their technique.
“You are strong mighty warriors” The voice said again, but this time from a different spot in the room “But you need to be stronger, the last time the red clouds surfaced all was destroyed.”
“Who.Are.You.” Naruto demanded surprised when a boy that looked to be his age stepped out of the darkness wearing a full black bodysuit made of silk that covered everything except his eyes.
“I have had many names over the past thousand years or so, I believe the one you would be most familiar with would be The Sage Of The six Paths. Though I prefer Kylar Stern.” The boy replied, taking off his face mask to reveal a handsome face with short cropped blond hair.
Yes I realize this probally is one of the shortest chapters I put out but I think this cliffhanger is amazing and incorporates enough of the Night Angel Trilogy to be even more amazing but hopefully this will tide you guys over until I get the next chapter out which I promise will be at least 6,000 words to make up for this chapters shortness also incase no one has noticed I have put up story challenges on my profile so if you haven't looked at em yet I would appreciate it
PEACE YO oh and I almost forgot to say Éirinn GoBrách