Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Passing ❯ Challenge 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Midnight Passing
Author: scottishfae
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Jiraiya x Naruto - non-romantic
Challenge #: 7
Rating: M
Summary: Every person passes through another's life leaving behind a distinct fingerprint that molds them into who they will eventually become (series of oneshots/drabbles) Yaoi/Shonen-Ai, Het

A series of One-Shots according to the 20Loves Challenge. Each one-shot is mildly related to each other by one repeating character or another.

All Normal Disclaimers Apply
The similarities were undeniable. Same messy blond locks, same vibrant blue eyes. Naruto couldn't help but think he was looking into a mirror as he looked at the aged photo.
Tsunade sat behind her desk watching Naruto and her guest carefully.
"Who," he began. He cleared his throat before continuing. "Who is this?"
"This is your father. Can't you tell?" The elder man said. "A bit daft isn't he?"
"He must get that from his grandfather," Tsunade snipped.
Naruto looked up at the man. The minute he walked into his boss' office he recognized the him from the airport when Gaara had come home.
"Wait, what? My father?"
"Yes." They both answered.
"My father?"
This time neither answered. Jiraiya rolled his eyes and sunk down comfortably into his chair. Tsunade fiddled with a pen on her desk.
"If this is my father, how do you have it?"
"He's really not that bright. Are you sure it's wise to employ him?"
"Shut up Jiraiya and explain before I do."
Naruto was thoroughly confused as he looked back and forth between the two other occupants of the room. The man, Jiraiya, sighed and ended the bickering by turning his attention back to the blond man. He was a really energetic man whose personality grated on Naruto's nerves.
"I have that picture," he said. "Because it belongs to me."
Naruto felt like bashing his head against the wall. Tsunade decided to do just that, but with Jiraiya's head instead.
"Woman get off of me!"
"No! You ass, there can be no doubt you two are related, you're both too stubborn for your own good."
Naruto had gone silent. He stared, wide-eyed at the two, processing what he had just heard. "What?"
Tsunade froze and Jiraiya used that to pry her off of him. "Sorry about that, women just can't seem to keep their hands off of me."
He ducked right before a stapler made contact with his head. Instead it whizzed past and crashed into the wall, leaving a large dent.
"Now for this picture," Jiraiya continued like he didn't nearly have a concussion via stapler to the head. "This picture is very special to me."
"Because it's a picture of my only son."
Naruto's body was shaking to the point where the whole chair was quaking as well.
"Naruto?" Tsunade asked more than a little worried.
When he next spoke his voice was barely a whisper. "Liar."
"I'm sorry, but I'm not. Well not about this at least."
"Liar! This isn't my father and you sure as hell aren't related to me, pervert!"
"Naruto you can see the resemblance between the picture and yourself. It's too much to be a coincidence and you know it."
"Listen you brat. You can't deny we're family. It may be a shock but get over it. We're family, the only ones we have left. Deal with it."
Naruto had been reduced to tears both from hurt and anger. "Where were you then? Your supposedly my family, where were you? All those years by myself, with no one else in the world, where were you?"
Jiraiya looked away from the emotional blond and out the window. Tsunade could see his own body shaking slightly. She stood up and walked over to Naruto's side, kneeling so she could look him in the eyes.
"Naruto, it's not his fault. When your parents died you were left in his custody but the city courts stepped in. They deemed Jiraiya's lifestyle ill-suit for raising a child,"
"No matter that I had already raised one and a damn fine man he turned out."
"so they took you away and made you a ward of the state."
"But he could have been there still."
"Now that is my fault," Jiraiya said. "I was angry and stubborn. I left and didn't want to return."
"Didn't even do that all that well," Tsunade mumbled.
"Well I couldn't go without seeing my only grandson graduate could I?"
"You were there?"
Jiraiya turned to Naruto. He smiled and reached out to ruffle the blond locks. "Of course brat. I was there a lot more than you think. Once my anger ran out and I began to think about my cute grandson that I had left behind, I decided," he paused. "I decided that I would rather watch you from the shadows if only to ensure your happiness."
"And what did you see in your shadows?" Naruto didn't bother to hide the bitterness. "Did you see me happy?"
"No. I saw a boy who pretended to be happy for those around him and got so good at pretending that everyone else became oblivious to his own misery."
"So your plan failed."
"Shut up brat and don't interrupt."
Tsunade tightened her hold on the younger man.
"I saw your loneliness when no one else could because I felt that same loneliness. It was during the worst of it when I almost broke the court order and took you away but then," Jiraiya said. "Then you found that Uchiha brat."
Naruto's breath hitched at the mention of Sasuke.
"Though I can't say I approve of that type of relationship, I do want great grandchildren someday, I could never deny you your happiness."
Naruto scooted back in his chair so he could bring his legs up to his chest. He rested his chin on his knees. Confused blue orbs came to rest on the woman beside him. "And you knew all this? You two seem to be pretty buddy-buddy."
"I knew who you were. It's kind of hard not to recognize Yondy's boy when he is the spitting image of him."
"Is that the only reason I got this job? Is my whole life a fucking lie?"
His anger was returning and he began to rock back and forth in the chair.
"Nothing in your life is a lie boy." Jiraiya's voice was loud and sharp. All the command of a parent filled his tone. "You are who you are and the life you led formed you into a mighty fine man. A son that Yondy would be happy to have. A grandson I am very proud of."
"Why now?" Naruto asked. "Why tell me this now?"
Jiraiya smiled. "I just got back into the country from an extended vacation. I've been touring the world doing research for my novels. Also, you're of age now that the court order has expired. I know, I'm overdo, sorry. I never did have good timing."
He shot a look over to Tsunade who rolled her eyes.
"How do I know you're doing this for me and not to try and get into Tsunade's pants."
Something about that last sentence deeply disturbed the blond and he felt like gagging. His horror must have been evident because Tsunade began to laugh. Jiraiya had a grin across his face. "Ah, now there is some of Yondy's intelligent. Astute little brat, isn't he?"
He was leering at Tsunade and she decided to stop that before it got any farther. The window shattered as a hole punch went through it and plummeted the long length towards the ground.
Naruto was laughing and Jiraiya, after getting over the shock of a near death experience via hole punch, joined in. Tsunade looked at her shattered window in horror. She moved to her desk and flipped on the intercom.
“Shizune, call maintenance and tell them I need my window fixed.”
“Yes ma'am,” Shizune's voice came through.
“And get me some aspirin. These two are giving me a headache.”
The end. First of two non-romantic, family relationship stories. The next will be Itachi x Sasuke going more into why Itachi has such control over his life, and of course their basic relationship. Expect that one out soon. I do have a paper due Thursday, another paper due Friday and two mini-tests on Friday as well, so I'll try to get out the next scene as quick as I can.
Much love to everyone who has reviewed. I love you all! :::huggles:::