Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Midnigth Love ❯ Midnight Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


She’s like a lost flower, Growing out through a crack. In the bustling sidewalk, Moving like a river so sad. So hey, where we going? Tell me where we've gone.
Placeing fire red hair into a low hanging pony tail,the girl smile.Sliver fange glisten in the moon light.Bright amber gold eyes burned with an inhuman fire,and glowed with a passion for what she was doing.Casting her golden fire gaze to the girl next to her.Gold amber clashed with warm firy hony brown.
A smirk grace the child like face of the burnet next to the red head.Fliping her shoulder length brown hair behind her,she turned her cat like eyes to her friend.
"So,who are you feeding on tonight Dana?"
Was there love and fury, Energy and passion. So fuck your rules man, You step up, you'll go down fast. I've got to release all the, Shit that has made up my past.
The red head smirked at the young lycain's question.
"Why my dear Ashley,I'm not feeding,you are."the red head's voice was soft and soothing,like a mother's voice as she calmed her rageing child.But the look in those amber,gold eyes was full of wild promise.
Ashley's eyes widden at the vampire's statment.Sure they were both good looking woman,but who on earth would want to let someone like her feed on them?'Besides I'm a werwolf,why would I need to feed?'
So go paint your face and, Proclaim thy warrior soul. Cause life is a brutal, Fight until we show. A shade of timelessness, For we are all distinct. And a waiting hour, Transcendental release.
"Why my friend,well that's simple.We are starting a game."The vampire smirked as she saw the look in her friend's eyes.''we ar going to see who can sleep with the most men from this village.."she trailed of as she read the sign"The village of Kohana(Hidden leaf village)"
So fuck your rules man. You step up, you'll go down fast. I've got to release all the, Shit that has made up my past. So go let your soul dance baby, Time to free yourself at last. Unshackle your life's spirit, Pry away from the past.
The werwolf smirked.
"Does rape count?"she questioned,her honey colored eyes turning blue with excitment.
"Yes both only half"The vampie chuckled softly at the pout ao her sister like campoins face."But you'll have nothing to worry about,you'll have more then me."Dana closed her eyes as she spoke,the wind comeing to play with there hair.
Cause, cuz it's gone. Like a lost flower, Growing with mad wind. Like a sad river, Who has no end. So fuck your rules man, Cause here comes my passion. So fuck your rules man, Cause here comes my love. So fuck your rules man, Here comes pure energy. So fuck your rules man, Cause here comes my fury!
Both of them stood and walked into the quit village.Dana walked stright,while Ashley went to the left.
With Dana(Her Point of view)
The sliver light from the moon helped light the street I was walking on.Me being a vampire love the night.Walking a little bit more down the road,I come to a wooded area of the town.
Trees lined the path,there green leaves glowing a pale sliver as the moon light beamed down on them.Fallowing the dirt path I came to a large tree.Sakura blossoms covered the ground around the large tree.The pale pink blossoms danceing around in the slight breeze.
Some of my long hair escaped it's loose prison.A soft smile played on my lips as I looked at the beatiful tree.I could sense a person watching me from one of the trees.'Let the games begin.'I thought as I walked over to the large sakura tree.The person watching me jumped down form his tree.He pulled out an orange book.I looked at the cover,with my vampire sight I could read it.The book was one of the many me and Ashley read,I smirked in my mind.'So he likes mae out pardise to,this man shall be fun to get into bed'
The man is hot.Silver hair stood messy on his head,the smybole of the village I'd persumed covered on of his eyes,well the other read the dirty book in his hands.I could tell he had just the right frame.Not to muscler,but still a six pack.
I watched through half closed eyes as he walked over to me.
"Why is one such as you out at a time like this?"he questined me,his form tower over me.
"I fear not the night."I spoke softly,my slight irish accent comeing.
"You should,many things are not what they seem around hear."He spoke,his voice deep,sending shivers of antisapashion(sp?)down my back.
"That may be so,but the beauty of the night erases thouse fears.''I smirked as he took my bait and sat down next to me.Yes this sliver hair man will birng great pleasur.
So go let your soul dance baby, Time to free yourself at last. Unshackle your life's spirit, Pry away from the past. (last of the song)
With Ashley(Her Point of View)
As Dana went stright,I went left.The moon shing down,lighting my path.Sure I had good night vision,but Dana being a vampire,a creature of the night had better vision for the night.
I countined walking,nothing really cought my eye.I could fell the blue laveing my eyes,so to keep the color I sinfed the air.The sent that i caught was oh sooo yumy.Spirbg rain with just the hint cholcate.Ya that sure smells instering,but what made the sent even better was that it was male.The musclent underline of the unuasle sent got me excited once more.
I had to be carful to keep my puples round,for if the went into slits like a cat,well then Dana just won the fucking game.As I follwed the sent,it lead me into the forest,where the sent meet with one that smelled like...I took a sinf..oh my god I almost died,it smelled like rotting fish.I mean come on how could a guy that smells so good,hang out with a dude that smells like dead fish!?That's just wrong!
I was cute out of my thoughts as I felt something sharp dig into my tender flesh at my neck.That's when I relaize four things.
1).I must have been either A).speaking out loud,B).Makeing alot of noise,orC).all the above.
2).I was being held by the nice smelling guy by knife point.
3).He had a nice chest^-^
4).The knife was sliver.That's when I started freaking!I mean I'm a werwolf for Pete's sake,sliver kills us,I'm no eception.I stared to try to wiggle out of his ams with out useing any of my powers,but he just tighten his grip.
"How have you found this place?"The nice smelling guy wispered into my ear.His voice was deep,dark and to me seductive.Shivers ran up my spine,he must have thought they were from fear,because I could feel him smirking aginst my neck,but boy was he wrong.But the knife I relized was only metal.I gave a mentl sigh.
But then his words came back to me.
"What am I doing......."I looked around as I triled off.I was standing in the middle of there camp.Shit,I didn't think I was that deep in thought!Giveing a nervous laugh I picked up were I left off."I..umm..don't know?"It sounded to me more of a question the an answer.
"Why do you question your own answer?"Damn him and his sexy voice.And shit it was a question,oh well more fun for me!Looks like I found my guy.Ha beat that Dana!!
With Dana & Kakashi(Kakashi's POV)
I watched as the red head woman walked down the path.She had on baggy blck pants that huged well firmed hips.Long crismon bell sleaves fell of her pale ivory shpulders,and down slim corvey arms,to cover her long,slender fingers that were panted a red soo like blood it was if they were diped in the life giveing liquid itself.The crisomn top had a sliver ring in between her full breast.The slikly metarl criss crossed through the sliver ring,allowing some of her large breast to spill out of the tight cloth.Two thick straps of the crismon shirt fell out of the ring and wraped across her slender stoamge in an X shape.
A sliver belly ring gleamed inthe moonlight.A sliver cross huge for her neck,in the center was a red stone.Sliver bracelets fell gracefuly onto the back of her pale hand.The red head woman looked like a fallen angel.Her ivoy pale skin seemed to glow a pale sliver in the light of the moon.A soft samle played on her pale pink lips as I watched her move to sit benth the old sakura tree.
Pulling out my make out pareids book,I watched her try to read the cover with her firy amber gold eyes.I've never seen eyes that color on any one expect Orochimaru(sp?).I walked over to her,my 5"11 towering over her.
"Why is one such as you out at a time like this?"I questioned her.Her lided eyes opened as she looked up at me.
"I fear not the night."She spoke softly,her voice seductive with a slight irish hint to it.(An:/You know Lust from FMA?Well her voice is like that except softer and with a light irish to it.)
"You should,many things are not what they seem around hear."I spoke serously as I removed my uncovered eye from the book.
"That may be so,but the beauty of the night erases thouse fears.''She spoke as I sat down next to her.
"The night may hold beauty,but it can be deadly."I could feel her gaze on me more than see it.
"And are you hear to keep all the monsters away Sir Knight?"She questioned in that voice,a soft laugh to it.
I looked at her.For some reason I could not look away from her enchanting golde amber gaze.It was like they were drawing me in.The next thing I know,my mask is gone,her boudy is flushed aginst mine,and her lips are touhing.
Ashley & Itachi(Itachi's PoV)
I could feel some one was following ne,but who I know not.I was makeing my way back to Kisame.He's a good fighter and all,but his sent...As I entered our camping sight for the night the one who was follwing me came into the clearing.
Baggy black pants huged her lush hips.Gold chains fell form the spiked belt,well a chained belt hung off her hips.Shoulder length burnet hair hid her eyes from my view.One thin black strip fell of her slighty taned shoulder,the other stayed in place.The topcover her meduim size breats(An:/unless you want large ones^-^)A small gold ring held the black cloth toghter.The cloth left the top and sides of her breasts for all to see.The only thing that the lace like(An:/It that shinny stuff,like some black bras are shinny like...well like that.)top coverd were her nipples and the sides not by the ring.Short crisomn fishnet cover her brests but not her well toned stomage,and only fell to her elbows.Dark purple fishnet covered her small hands,her long nails paint an inky black.
Moveing fast I got behind the brunet beauty.Takeing out a kunai.I held it at her throt.She seemed not to relize what I've down,so I added a little pressure.She seemed to come out of it,but she started to squrim.
Leaning down I whispered into her ear."How have you found this place?"
I could feel shvers running up her bare spine.I smirk
"What am I doing......."She trailed off into space.."I..umm..don't know?"I could tell by the way she flinched that she know it sounded like a questione.
"Why do you question your own answer?"I decide to play with her why?I don't know the answer myself.But there was something about her that drew me to her.Her voice was soft,but she spoke as if she were a worrier and had seen things one should never see.
"Well now that you ask..I dont't know..."The girl in my arms tailed off,streaching the know.
Kisame had long ago left to do smething.Turning the girl in my arms to see her face.I tilted her chin.Electric blue eyes looked back at me.The daced with excement,and held the gleam of an anmail.For reasions unknow to me,I pressed my lips tp hers.
Dana & Kakashi(Her Pov)

"You should,many things are not what they seem around hear."The sliver haired man spoke.Oh how right you are.I thought as he remover his onyx eye from his book.
"That may be so,but the beauty of the night erases thouse fears.''I spoke what was the truth,well at least to me.
"The night may hold beauty,but it can be deadly."He looked back to his book as he spoke.A chuckled softly.
"And are you hear to keep all the monsters away Sir Knight?"I teased him with a slight laugh.That worked,he turned from his book and looked into my eyes.As soon as he did I knew I had him.Hey I'm a vampire,like the song goes I'll put a spell on you and now our mine,well...that's what I did.
I could feel his tounge slideing along my bottom lip,begging me to allow him in.Of course I did.His skillful tonge entered my mouth.We battled,but I allowed him to win.He explored me.His hands were at the small of my back,they pulled me flushed aginst him,and worked with the tie of my shirt.My handes were in his untamed sliver hair.Soon the sliver hair man mouth left mine,as he kissed his way down my neck.He got to the junction were my neck and shoulder meet,he sucked,licked and lightly bit.I couldn't help,I let out a soft moan.Come on you would to.
The tie of my shirt came undone,as it slid down my arms.Damn that shirt sure hurts your breast,but nw they were free.Removeing my hands from his hair,I traveled them down his chest and unziped his vest.The green ugly thing fell to the ground.Next came his shirt.Well I thought wrong,he was well muscled.Running my fingures down his toned abs(an:/sp?)They twiched under my touch.
"I don't like fore play."His voice wa shusky and his eye glazed over with lust as he removed our pants and under garments in one swift move.Befor I could do anything he was in me.I didn't have time to prepare for it.Trying to hold back my desire to bit him and trying to stay in crontrol was hard.His pace quick,and his thrusts became harder and deeper.Wrapeing my legs around his waist so I could focus on staying in control the keeping up with his thruts,I lost myself as I came,he followed seconds latter.
Ashley & Itachi(Her PoV)
"Well now that you ask..I dont't know..."I trailed off,the blue guy from befor long gone.The dude that held me had sexy blood red eyes.Long raven black hair fell into his werid thing he wore.He leaned in and kissed me.I smirk aginst his lips as I forced my tounge into his mouth.Hey I'm a werwolf aka Lycain,I like to be in control.Puling at his coat thing I removed it.Under neath was fishnet and black pants.
Moveing my lips to his neck I sucked my way down,but befor I could go any firther,he stoped me.Forceing my head up he slashed his lips aginst mine,riping off my fishnet.Backing me into a tree he bit into my neck hard.I let out a gaspy moan.Hey what can I say I like it ruff.
Licking away the blood,he uncliped my bra top,it fell from my breasts to the ground.I to remove his shirt,but befor I could do anthing he bit my nipple!Do you know how big of a turn on that is?!His other hand robed my other boob,backing me into a tree,somehow during this movement he enter me a removed the rest of our cloths.Damn this guy is good.He started fast and ruff,my nalis dug into his plae flesh on his back,all to soon for me I came,bringing hime with me
Dana & Kakashi(Normal Pov)
Kakashi clasped onto the red head womanhis brath hard.Sweat covered his body.The woman benath huma was gasping for air,sweat covered her body as well.Her red hair was spead out beneath her head,the light pink blossoms covered her body,as Kakashi pulled himself out.Pulling the red head close to him,he closed his eyes.
"To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower . . .hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour"Dana spoke softly,pulling her self from the Jounins embrace."I can never have the warmth you offer me....Kakashi........goodbye."with that the red head vampire kissed his forehead.Dressing herself and him,she left him were he lay.Sakura blossoms danceing in her leave.
Ashley& Itachi(Normal Pov)
Itachi clasped aginst the brunnent.His breathing heavy.Pulling her body to his,he through the clok over them,closeing his eyes he drifted off to sleep.
"You can die at any time, but it takes true courage to live"
Ashley spoke,and just like Dana left Itachi's arms."I'm one of the cursed ones,what you want can never happen.But you did something all the others could made me happy..even if it was only for a moment."She to dressed him and herself and let to find her vampire firend befor the sun rose.
Dana&Ashley(Noraml PoV)
"This way my friend."Ashley spoke as the two who made the bet met up,the Lycain leading the vampire to safty.
'"To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower . . .hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour,truely I can....but he was different...he made me want to stay in his arms forever....for once,I didn't fear the sun,but I felt safe..what of you?"Dana questioned repeating the fraise she said befor.
"You can die at any time, but it takes true courage to live,the same my friend,the same...but it's no far you can wear sliver!"And soo Ashley hid her pain behind her mask.Dana looked on at her friend with sad amber gold eyes.
"One day we will have a lover to call our own."

Ok..tell me what you think.This is the most I ever typed,and I want to know what you think befor I post it.