Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mijikaku Koi ❯ Mijikaku Koi ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the characters implied therein.
AN: pointless W.A.F.F., I started writing with no idea what the heck I was doing and this was my finished product. My lil' bro. says its good enough to post, while its not my best, I think I did fairly good. Tell me what y'think, maybe I'll feel like writing more KakaIru. (My first shonen Ai fic, if you ask, I'll be glad to read anyone that's posted any others.)
NOTICE: As a matter of principal I'm not going to give any warnings, its a stupid, pointless process to warn about Shonen Ai because, Guess what? NOTHING FREAKIN' HAPPENS. Thank you very much. ;P
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Iruka lay silently, not daring to move. Kakashi had never been on time for anything in his life, so why would he expect him to be on time waking up? He looked over to Kakashi, his silver hair mussed and sticking up all over the place. The headband was still in place, but it was at a funny angle.
And amazingly, that facemask was still no where to be seen.
Last night he had seen Kakashi's face, so beautiful. He looked amazingly young asleep, though in truth Iruka knew that he wasn't that much older, he wasn't sure how old he was. He loved Kakashi, and he really hadn't looked forward to everyone finding out, but with how touchy-feely they had been last night, he couldn't find the energy to care what others thought. He was more concerned with Kakashi.
Yesterday had been the fall festival. The village had looked amazing as it always had, but the rich reds, browns and gold's that had shown on the trees and
in the sky had only enhanced his mood.
All the teachers always attended the festival, they were expected to watch the fall market to watch out for trouble to make sure no one tried to prank the patrons. He had almost laughed his head off when he found Naruto and Sasuke behind the Hokage's home with fireworks, no idea how they had snagged those without getting caught...Really, those two could have blown their fingers off. It had been a nice thought though.
Kakashi had caught him in the middle of his lecture and had sent the two Genins's off with a mild reprieve. Iruka had been slightly insulted when Kakashi had let them off until Kakashi asked him to help him set up the light display...behind the village...
While they'd succeeded in launching the lights, neither of them had much
of a mind to watch them, they were...busy. Iruka felt his face go hot.
Last night had been amazing, and he was grateful for Kakashi oversleeping, he didn't think he could keep from blushing or even stop stammering if he was awake. The worst possible scenario would be, of course, the night ending up being a one night stand.
So he stayed still, Kakashi's arm splayed over his hips, dangerously low. The
deep, even breathing beckoned him to go back to sleep, but he was too flustered. Wouldn't that seem too...presumptuous? For all he knew, Kakashi expected him
to be gone and at his own home by the time he woke up.
Kakashi had always flirted, always been shameless in teasing him, so it was very possible that he meant nothing. The mere thought made Iruka's throat constrict. His first, the only. He wasn't sure what he would say, what he was supposed to do when Kakashi woke up, but he was fairly sure that he would be less than graceful...
If he tried to leave he would wake up Kakashi and may have to explain his absence. If he stayed he would risk completely ruining what chance was left of ever even talking to Kakashi again...If Kakashi wanted him gone...
His mind made up, Iruka slowly tried to lever his way out of Kakashi's arms.
He jumped when he heard the throaty voice interrupt his thoughts.
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Opening one bleary eye Kakashi was greeted to a fretting Iruka. Humph... honestly, the guy could be so childlike...It suited him really, but the man was only
six years younger than himself, barely in his mid twenties. He did look cute when
he was biting his lip like that though...
Poor kid, Iruka probably didn't have a clue of what he was supposed to do. Kakashi, being a Jounin, had been awoken by the stressed breath the Chounin had released when he had shifted in his sleep, twenty minutes ago. Iruka had obviously been more than a little tender when he'd jarred his hips.
Fifteen minutes later it seemed like he'd adjusted and showed only minimal signs of discomfort. The only reason Kakashi hadn't alerted Iruka that he was awake was because he had yet to stop worrying those delicious lips...Yes, the minute he stopped doing that he'd tell him...
An incredibly sorrowful look came over Iruka's face at that moment. What the hell? He could even feel the slight fall of his Chakra. Kakashi covertly examined Iruka's face, trying to decipher his thoughts. Seconds before he saw it, he felt Iruka's muscles bunch, slowly leaving his warmth.
He was close enough that he could still feel the shiver that passed through the young man as the cold morning air assaulted him. Now really, if he had to act awkward he could at least take care of himself in the process!
Enough was enough, he wasn't about the let the boy go outside in the middle
of fall, he knew for a fact that he'd left their clothes on top of that roof...He been somewhat slightly preoccupied with other thoughts at the time.
The young man froze immediately like an errant child scolded. "Umm...ah...?"
"What are you doing? It's too cold, and too early."
Heaving a long sigh, Kakashi grabbed the younger man's shoulders, pulling him back into bed, and wrapping the covers around them both. Iruka was stiff for
a moment, and Kakashi was completely aware of why, he was in an even more compromising position than before, his back pressed lengthwise into Kakashi, making him very aware of certain other attributes. He smirked, well tough, the kid had better get used to that, he wasn't gonna be letting him out of his sight for
quite a while.
"Kakashi..." Iruka was brick red.
"Jeez, for someone so good in bed, you sure are skittish the next morning."
"Gahh-!!! ...Kakashi!"
"Heh...Don't worry, I love you anyway."
"I'm not sayin' it again." Iruka's face transformed with an innocent smile... amazing really, after last night that there could be anything innocent...Kakashi smirked as Iruka blushed from the look on his face. "Go back to sleep, I always
get at least another three hours."
"But it's almost time for work!"
Kakashi opened his only visible eye, the headband covering half his face, slightly askew, a wolfish smile came over him...Better than sleep... "Well then, if you aren't gonna sleep..." His hand crept down.
"Ahh-!!!! Ka-..."
"Hn, funny how I can only get you to be noisy in bed..." Kakashi looked down, he loved how easy it was to get the Chounin into this, he could tell whenever his lips swelled and got all red...
"'Love you..."
"Hn, I know..."
AN: *Drools* I love KakaIru...