Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mikomi ❯ What's Up With Sakura? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: What's Up With Sakura?
“Hello Sakura-chan!”, Naruto yelled, running over to Sakura.
`What's with her? She didn't even bother me this morning.' Sasuke scowled. `Like I care'
Sakura didn't even move, she was deep in thought.
`Where are you, Mikomi?' Sakura frowned.
`That dobe, he's gonna get hit.' Naruto was almost right in Sakura's face now.
“Naruto baka, what are you doing?” Sakura asked as she bonked him on the head.
“You're late!” Naruto yelled accusingly, but then backed off when he realized he was the only one yelling. He looked back at Sakura who was staring at the ground almost in tears.
`That was weird, what's up with Sakura?' Kakashi thought worried. It was unusual for her not to yell at him for being late.
“Sakura-chan?”, Naruto asked confused.
She didn't even look up.
“Sakura”, she jumped at Kakashi's voice right beside her.
“Are you okay?”
Sakura looked up and Kakashi could tell something was tearing her up inside.
“I'm fine”, she said getting up, “I just didn't sleep well last night.”
`Alrighty then. First things first. Go home.' Mikomi thought as she passed out.
Chapter 2: Who Are You?
“Sakura, are you feeling okay? You've been really off today.” Kakashi said, noticing she was somewhere else. “Sakura?”
“I'm fine Sensei.” Sakura smiled,” just tired.”
“Okay, go home and sleep.”
“No buts. If you keep going like this, you'll be killed by a few simple training exercises.” Kakashi smiled.
“Yes Sensei.” Sakura turned to walk home.
“Where's Sakura-chan?”
`That's what I'd like to know.' “She's going home. Naruto, Sasuke, it's just us for training.”
“Konaha, how I've missed you!” Mikomi replied running to the gates.
“Who are you and why do you need into Konaha Village?” one of the guards at the gate asked her.
“I live here, I just returned from a long mission.”
“I've never seen you before.”
“Like I said, I'm returning from a long mission, and I need to talk to Hokage-sama.”
By then five more guards had come to see what the commotion was about.
He grabbed her in a big bear hug.
“I haven't seen you in years. Where've you been?”
“Mission. Same old, same old. Except I've never been questioned about coming into the village.”
“He's new. Come on, Tsunade'll be glad to see you.”
Genma said ushering her thru the gates.
“See ya later boys.”
Chapter 3: Who Are You? Part Two
`Knock, knock'
“Go away!” Tsunade practically growled through the doors.
She heard the doors open.
“I thought I told you to go away, I don't want to be disturbed.” Tsunade said without even looking up.
“Come on now, is that anyway to treat your only student?”
That got her attention.
“Mikomi!, you're back, finally!” Tsunade exclaimed.
“Yeah, it took longer than expected, but everything went as planned.”
“Sit, sit. I want you to tell me everything that happened.”
“I will, but first I need to know, how's Sakura?”
“Straight to the point aren't we?” Tsunade smirked.
“Shut up. You know I've missed her, and it sucked not being able to tell her where or what I was doing so she wouldn't worry.” Mikomi said as she sighed. “I want to see her.”
“Fine, fine. She should be at training.”
“Who's her instructor?”
“Hatake Kakashi…”
`What the hell?'
“It seems like Sakura isn't the only one off today.”
Naruto was on the ground trying to catch his breath, while Sasuke sat against a tree, trying to keep his nonchalant attitude.
“Sen-pant-sei why -pant- did Sakura -pant- chan -pant- leave?”
“She was distracted, and even though it wasn't that hard of training, it still needed her to focus.”
`Not that hard my ass' Naruto and Sasuke thought simultaneously.
“I guess we can call it a day”
“That is unless you want to train some more, Sasuke-kun.”
“Bye, then. Don't be late tomorrow.”
“Hatake, don't you dare `poof' on me.”
Kakashi looked to the voice, it was hidden in a tree.
“Only one person has ever dared to call me Hatake and lived.” He smiled. “Welcome back home, Mikomi.” He took a slight bow towards the tree.
“Always so formal Hatake. Thanks; it's good to be back home. I've missed it.” She said jumping down from the tree.
“She looks just like Sakura-chan.”
“Well I would hope so, may I ask who you are?” Mikomi asked as politely as she could.
“My name is Umizaki Naruto, and I love ramen and I'm going to become the next Hokage!”
`Umizaki Naruto, the Kyuubi is sealed inside of him. Interesting.'
“Sure are energetic enough, I'm guessing you're Saki's teammate.”
“Whose Saki?” asked Sasuke.
Mikomi turned to him.
“It's a nickname for Sakura. May I ask your name?”
“Uchicha, Sasuke.”
`The only living member of the Uchicha clan, besides Itachi. Very interesting.'
“It's a pleasure to meet you both. Now, where's Sakura?”
“I told her to go home a couple of hours ago, she wasn't paying attention, and she was about to get herself killed.”
“Kuso! Kuso! Kuso!”
“Well at least you cut back on your cussing.”
“Oh bite me Hatake.”
Kakashi pulled out his little orange book.
“You're worse than I am, besides you got me into it in the first place.”
“If you're trying to embarrass me, you already know I don't embarrass that easily.” She said getting right up in his face.
“Uh guys, me and Sasuke are still here.”
“It's Sasuke and I and I'm pretty sure you're gonna need to rest up for tomorrows training.”
“And why is that?” Sasuke asked.
“Because I'll be lending a hand. And I'm a bitch when it comes to fighting.” She smirked.
“She really is most of my scars are from her and her training exercises.” Kakashi said showing them what they thought were past ANBU scars.
“So rest up, and come earlier. Because even if Kakashi isn't here on time, I will be. Ja Ne boys.” Then she walked over to Kakashi and gave him a kiss. “Hatake, be on time for once.” `Poof' and she was gone.
“Sensei, who was that?”
Kakashi looked at the two boys, “She's…” He pondered for a moment, “an old friend.”
“I'm going for Ramen. You wanna come?”
“Like I'd want to go anywhere with a dobe like you.”
“Whatever, Sasuke-Bastard.”
Chapter 4: Training Surprise
`Beep, beep, beep, beep'
Sakura reached over and threw her alarm clock out her window. `That's the third one this week. All of my money goes to buying new alarm clocks. Stupid training.' She sat up.
Sakura bowed her head, “Please be safe, Mikomi.”
“Alright time to get ready. Even though Sensei won't be there for another couple of hours. Stupid late people who head up stupid training. Arrgh!”
“Hey, hey, Sensei you're late again and that person we met yesterday didn't show up at all and Sakura isn't even here yet.”
“Naruto, Mikomi is being detained by Hokage-sama for a little while, and as for Sakura…”
“As for Sakura, she's right here.”
“You're late Sakura-chan.” Naruto said shocked.
“Ya I guess I am since Sensei got here earlier than me.”
“Why are you late Sakura?” Kakashi was wondering what was going on with his only female student.
“I had to buy a new alarm clock. I threw my old one out the window. Usually I keep at least 4 or 5 in case I lose my temper, but this week I've already broken 3.” Sakura said sheepishly.
“Okay let's start with one-on-one training. Naruto, and Sasuke are going to fight.”
“What about me Sensei?” Sakura inquired.
“You'll be fighting me.”
`Mikomi'. The voice came from behind her and she couldn't turn around, afraid as soon as she did, she would wake up.
“Aren't you happy Saki?” Mikomi asked, her brow creased.
`She's been gone for so long and she just expects me to be happy.'
Sakura turned, no emotions showing when she saw Mikomi.
“Hello Miki.”
“Well I thought that this would be a happier reunion myself…”
“Shutup Hatake.” Sakura and Mikomi said together. Kakashi just smirked, at least they think it was a smirk, you really couldn't tell with his mask and all.
“Hey, hey, what's with all the `Saki' and `Miki' stuff?”
“Naruto, Sasuke, I'd like to introduce you to Mikomi.”
“We already know her name Sakura-chan, she came by yesterday.”
At that Sakura's eyes flared up in anger.
“So, you came home yesterday and didn't even feel fit to say hello to your only sister.”
`Sister?' Sasuke and Naruto thought simultaneously.
“I came by but you know how Tsunade is, she wanted the details. It took awhile, I mean I was gone for awhile.”
“Awhile? You were gone for 12 years Mikomi.”
“Like I said before, awhile. You know I've always gotten the intricate missions. Just like you will.”
“Forget this. You wanted to fight, right? Well let's fight.”
“Uh, Sakura-chan, no offense but you've never really, well, ya know, been good at fighting.”
“Naruto, you've never seen me fight, and when I do I'm a bitch on the battlefield.”
“Alright Saki, lets see what you've got.”
Sakura did some hand seals and you could feel the chakra coming off of her in waves.
“So I see you know how to get your chakra.”
“Well I was always the bookworm. I didn't have a mother or sister to teach me how to do it. By the way how is our lovely brother?”
“Last time I checked, he'd been caught by one of the Hidden Villages.”
“Good, and I hope Mother and Father are with him.”
“Last I heard.”
“Uhh, Sakura-chan, why is most of your family in one of the other Hidden Villages.”
“Our clan, the Dogus is known for violent killings and showing no mercy to anyone. That's how we were brought up. To show no mercy.”
She looked at her teammates, they were confused.
She sighed.
“The Dogus, is an almost extinct clan, except for me, my sister, my brother, and my parents.”
“But you're a Haruno, Sakura-chan.”
Sakura and Mikomi both rolled their eyes.
“No I'm not. We have followers that worship us for some reason, and the Haruno's are two of them. They took me in when I was young and brought me up, as well as my sister. Nobody really knew that any Dogus were still alive.”
They both looked at her in awe. Well Naruto did, Sasuke's look was more of an annoyed one.