Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror Mirror ❯ Mirror Mirror ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
'Aniue' He cried out as he felt the weight beneath him disappearing. Kawarimi no jutsu? No, he felt suspended. He hadn't fallen. Just where had he been anyhow? His brother had been carrying him because he sprained an ankle...

No wait, he'd already gone to sleep since then. Itachi had once again, refused to train him. A dream? He stood up. Or rather, realized that he already was standing. He looked down at the ground beneath him. It was reflective, like glass. It almost seemed like he was walking on himself. He smiled and stifled a giggle at the though. His brother would have made fun of him for laughing. He frowned.

Or maybe just ignored him.

He started walking, not noticing the ripples his feet made as he went. There was nothing else around for as far as he could see. He heard the distant tingling of bells, like the ones he always imagined accompanying kami through the mist. A pale hand with black fingernails reached out from the mirror surface beneath him and latched onto his leg. Sasuke looked down not to find his small reflection beneath him, but his brother, Itachi's. Before he could show much surprise, he was pulled through, and he found himself gasping for air.

Yet before he had the chance to lack for air, he was gasping air in, awake. He found his elder brother before him, yet not as he knew him.

He was paler than Sasuke remembered him. Older as well. His konoha headband had a rough gash across the leaf symbol, and he wore a netted shirt with loose black pants. A dark black cloak with red clouds scattered about it lay besides him. His eyes seemed to be frozen into a perpetual sharingan.

Itachi's expression was cold, colder than Sasuke had ever seen him, he tried to smile at his brother but for a moment he got absolutely no response back, not even the half-amused smile his brother usually seemed to humor him with.

He shivered, and realized he was bereft of any clothing. He hugged his arms around himself. Itachi, this older one, pulled Sasuke towards him. And the younger Sasuke realized his brother's hand hadn't left his ankle. It was warm, his hand, and it was shortly placed to the opposite side of his head as Sasuke found himself laid out underneath Itachi.

His eyes widened as Itachi removed his netted shirt, that hadn't covered much anyways. Yet his sinewy muscles flexed as he did it, something Sasuke found himself being envious of, for a short moment before the confusion set in. What was his brother doing?

He felt disoriented and ultimately, confused. The room was dark, and he couldn't distinguish any details about it other than the feel of what could be satin beneath him. Something was strange and he felt oddly withdrawn. Nothing seemed to register until he felt one large hand envelop his wrists, pulling them together, he looked up at his brother again, just as the red-eyed man started to tie his hands together with the discarded shirt.

When he finally thought to resist, he found his fingers entangled between the netting, it cut into his flesh and he stopped, a look of anguish on his face. And there it was. The elusive smile. Why was his brother smiling now?

"What are you doing aniki?" Sasuke asked, trying to keep the fear and slight tone of complaint out of his voice. He succeeded only in it shaking further. His own voice sounded odd to him. The smile that had graced his brother's face briefly had dissipated, like so much wind. Itachi pulled Sasuke up to his knees, looping the slender tied up arms around his neck over his head.

"What are you doing, little brother" Itachi's deep voice responded cryptically. Gone was the mark of pre-puberty on his tone, Itachi's voice melted over Sasuke like butter, and he found himself shuddering again, afraid. Sasuke forgot that his question hadn't been answered as Itachi leaned his head down to his neckline and passed his tongue up to the point it reached his shoulder, nipping the flesh as he arrived.

"" Sasuke whispered, the fear was overwhelming, he'd never felt such fear before, and he could tell his thoughts were turning irrational. He was afraid his brother was going to eat him, devour him like an animal. There was a feral atmosphere to the air, and although sharingan eyes were as natural to his family as black hair, this Itachi's eye's couldn't be, they had to be some demonic sign of vampiric possession.

Itachi traced down Sasuke's chest with his mouth, likely looking for a good spot to start his feast, and Sasuke wasn't at all surprised when his older brother bit down right above his nipple, and drew blood. Yet his brother didn't stop there, he dragged his teeth firmly down to his nub, and more softly, nipped. But not soft enough.

"Auhnng" Sasuke choked on a pained cry as it refused to quite get past his heartbeat, which was in his throat. His nerves were going haywire and it felt like he was getting frostbite without the cold. Sasuke tried to pull away, curling his head down to his chest and sucking his stomach in, slouching on it.

But Itachi wouldn't let him, he forced Sasuke's chin up with his hand, and Sasuke's body couldn't help but follow, straightening. Sasuke cursed himself for having a spine. His curse was shortly forgotten as Itachi pulled his arms from his neck, yet his hope for freedom was fleeting as his body was only further exposed to Itachi's blood filled gaze.

Itachi tied his entangled hands to a bedpost that Sasuke couldn't have seen was there, and Sasuke was forced to arch towards Itachi, who was pinning his legs beneath his own. That small cold smile was back on his face again, and he reached the hand that wasn't holding Sasuke's face towards the slight wound on Sasuke's chest. He dragged his well cut fingernails down to Sasuke's stomach, watching the different shades of confusion that crossed his younger brother's face.

He spread his hand out across Sasuke's stomach, the span almost taking up the whole smooth white expanse. He felt like silk. Young nubile silk.

"How many ways" He murmured softly "Can I mark you mine."

Sasuke didn't hear his foreboding comment as he was absorbed by the flurry of emotions running through his body. He felt the cool bite of the air on his skin, and somehow being exposed under such scrutiny heightened his senses. He'd been nude in front of his brother before, never like this, his brother had never touched him. Yet he didn't like it. His brother wasn't talking, the smile on his face was nothing but eerie, His blood felt like it was burning through his veins, his nerves seemed like at any touch they would jump out of his skin. His head was light and heavy at the same time and he wanted to scream 'touch me' and 'go away'.

So he did the only thing his body could handle as all these new feelings overloaded him, he cried.

Not a deep heavy involved cry, nor a weak, hesitant cry, no it was more like the overflow of emotions was pooling up, pouring out of the seems of his eyes. But it only started with a faint mistiness that only served to make his brother look soft and blurry.

And then Sasuke broke slightly, he was still there, he still felt it when his brother's hands moved down to a sensitive spot inside his thighs, yet he could experience it through himself vicariously, as if he weren't really him anymore.

And that's when his body started betraying him. He strained against his captivity, though he wasn't sure whether he was fighting the touch or trying to get closer to it, but his brother had obviously figured it out, whatever it was, because he chuckled.

Sasuke moaned. Not a deep moan but the moan of a confused child that doesn't know how to not want more yet can't fight against the sensation flowing through his body.

Yet then the thing he had feared happened. Itachi started devouring him, right as the moan escaped his mouth Itachi swallowed it whole, his tongue thrusting hotly, just short of forcefully into his mouth. Sasuke was still hovering between here and gone but he didn't resist. He could taste the slight metallic tang of his own blood, and he strained against his bonds, trying to pull Itachi's face towards him more, lacking the arms to do so.

It was intoxicating, being touched, feeling his brother's mouth on his, blood and all, even though it was just a little. Even though he was captive. He felt, in that moment, as if he belonged to his brother, maybe always had, and all in all it didn't seem so bad.

Itachi's fingers sharply pinched his nipple, and not expecting the sudden pain, Sasuke's mouth clamped down, cutting into Itachi's tongue before he locked his jaw to prevent doing any further damage. Itachi opened his eyes, which had been closed during the intense kiss, the brightness of the red was still shocking. Itachi pulled his face away, and Sasuke instinctively tried to follow it, not wanting to loose the closeness he'd never had so soon.

His eyes though, were afraid of how he might be punished for the accident.

He stopped when his body couldn't travel any further without dislocating his arms. Itachi pulled a hand across his mouth, wiping away the generous trail of blood liberally dripping from the corners of his mouth. But then he smiled, seemingly forgiving his inexperienced younger brother as he painted his blood soaked fingers down Sasuke's face.

Sasuke's eyes were wide as he watched his brother's movements. The blood still felt warm for a moment before it started to cool and dry between the open air and his skin where it had thinned out while it dripped downward.

Some of it pooled in the corner of Sasuke's mouth and he licked it, without being consciously aware of what he was doing. Itachi pulled out a kunai, and cut Sasuke free, seemingly trusting the younger sibling not to flee. Sasuke rubbed his sore wrists.

Itachi grabbed his hand and pulled him forward, kunai still wielded in the other. It seemed he had some other purpose to freeing him. Sasuke gritted his teeth as Itachi placed the sharpened tip on one of the most sensitive spots on the human body.

He bit his lip till it drew blood, but it did nothing to dampen the pain. He fought back some gargled sounds of agony and wondered why he didn't try to resist or flee. For some reason, he felt no desire to do so. Itachi finally let go, and Sasuke pulled back a shaking hand.

Itachi had carved his name in the palm of his brothers hand. He was branded, not by fire but by the very blood that bound them together already. It pooled in his palm and ran down his arm when he lifted it to look at it.

Sasuke looked at it as the character disappeared under the freely flowing blood. He looked at his brother who seemed to be waiting for a reaction. Sasuke wondered himself at his lack of reaction, why didn't it matter that his brother was hurting him.

Because he was touching him, came the instant mental reply. He took Itachi's hand and wrapped his tiny fingers around the bigger one, which was a hard feat with it slicked with blood. He placed his other hand on his brother's bare chest and whispered three desperate words.

"Don't leave me."

Itachi just smiled coldly once again, though with a hint of what could be either satisfaction or amusement, and cupped Sasuke's face between a thumb and forefinger, pulling him into a calculated kiss, that only letting go when Sasuke was gasping for air, and his body was inflamed.

He was longing for something more at the same time he was afraid of it. His brother started touching his body again his hands just short of bruising. In fact Sasuke was sure he'd be black and blue by morning, forgetting entirely that this was nothing more than a dream. He flinched at one touch and leaned into another, still unsure though he'd already made his decision. It was alright, what Itachi was doing to him.

Then suddenly everything was not alright, as fingers invaded into territory he thought better left alone. It had come out of nowhere, Itachi's hands had been roving up his thin and childlike thighs, and over the curve of his so slightly rounded butt to the small of his back. Then they'd disappeared for a moment.

Nothing had been wrong with that, Itachi's hands were smooth, yet callused with constant training and use, something Sasuke could easily find himself envious of, with his own clumsy, weak hands. The rough surface had caused a sort of tingling friction when they arrived at his backside, he'd never had anyone touch him there and he'd fought the urge to flinch away instinctively, but he'd calmed as the hands moved up.

Then they were there, wet and tracing briefly around his entrance. He must have paused to lick them, but the saliva was a bit sticky and trailed of on his skin, leaving it cold as air hit it. A part of him realized that a good deal of the stickiness was from the bleeding he'd caused Itachi. Sasuke had frozen at the touch, stilling all movements and tensing up.

It seemed to be a sensitive area, and Sasuke could feel the tingling in his stomach come back again, but the fear was overwhelming, and it completely overtook him as soon as pressure was applied. He stopped breathing and shut his eyes tightly.

He didn't see Itachi narrowing his eyes in annoyance at his actions or he probably would have strove to be positively obsequious. The fingers were taken away and he sighed unconsciously, opening his eyes again to gaze dolefully at Itachi, looking for any anger, of which he saw none. The stony expression was fitted easily over his brother's face once more. One might almost think, if it weren't for the nature of what he was doing, that Itachi was performing some sort of chore.

They sat there for a few moments, Sasuke's legs flung over Itachi's kneeling lap, One looking down at the other, and the other looking a bit apprehensive.

Sasuke wasn't sure what to do. He didn't want his brother to leave no matter the cost, but he couldn't help but think he'd made a grievous mistake while being frightened. He scooted his legs back, but only to position himself to sit up, Kneeling in front of Itachi left him dwarfed by his brother, and even though Itachi was decidedly slim, and not entirely tall, he was overall, still, a lot bigger than his juvenile counterpart.

Sasuke shifted forward, sitting himself on Itachi's lap to narrow the distance between his face and his brothers, but he still had to extend his body to reach Itachi's lips with his mouth, hoping to gain forgiveness. It seemed to work as Itachi didn't turn away, and let Sasuke decide the pace of the kiss. Sasuke decided in this moment that he singularly liked kissing, and tried to deepen it despite his inferior positioning from beneath the others face, and his lack of experience. To anyone else it might have looked like desperation, which might not have been far from the truth.

Itachi finally made his own move, wrapping an arm around Sasuke's waist and pulling him up further on his lap until they seemed to all but mesh together at the waist. Itachi was still wearing his pants, and the fabric slightly scratched against sasuke's sensitive parts, which seemed like a strange feeling to him but his body seemed stimulated by it, and the close proximity also revealed his brother's own 'stimulation'.

The feeling of being wanted, even though he didn't exactly understand what came after, was causing his emotions to churn most uncomfortably again, and his body was feeling enflamed just as Itachi leaned him over his arm and licked softly at his pinked nubs. Both his surprise and pleasure at the softer touch, and the cool air on his newly moistened skin caused them to harden, which gained him a solid nip, just short of pain, and Sasuke almost forgot his fear at this new change in attitude.

Itachi lifted Sasuke's hips as his tongue slid down past his waist, and Sasuke found himself arching backwards drastically, blood rushing to his head and making his vision blurry and somewhat spotted. So he was totally unprepared when Itachi engulfed that other newly hardened part him in his mouth.

He found himself gripping at the sheets, his injured hand stinging dully, but the pain seemed pale now in the face of the other pleasure. When his hands lacked substance to hold onto to deal with this new overwhelming sensation on top of the lightheadedness he'd already been experiencing, he reached out towards his brother frantically. Unable to grab ahold of any part of him, he let his hands fall backwards and there rested on a pillow he hadn't noticed. He grabbed the item in a vice-like grip, covering his face with it just in time to muffle a sob of overwhelming proportions.

He tried to arch his hips further up, but lacked any leverage as his feet no longer touched the bed, and his back was also entirely off the ground, only leaving his shoulders and head. It would have hurt if Itachi hadn't been holding his weight up. Itachi chose that moment to start to pull away. Sasuke protested instinctively by somehow flinging his legs over Itachi's shoulders and using them for leverage.

Itachi seemed to let him do what he wanted and Sasuke gasped for air as he slid his tongue over his small yet hardened pleasure. Yet then he took his chance to move on. This time Sasuke felt him wet his fingers, liberally, because he was still in his mouth when he did it.

Yet the pleasure was peaking, and his thoughts were too out of it to realize what his brother was doing until his fingers had already entered him in one small thrust, just seconds after he started cumming. So it was when his body was in the throes of spasming that Itachi widened his fingers stretching out his brother. The pain was excruciating and it was unfair to have this much pleasure followed by so much pain.

Yet it didn't stop there. Somewhere, some-when, his brother had discarded his pants, because Sasuke found himself impaled on something decidedly ten times bigger and more painful than fingers, before he could start to scream in pain even. And he felt bare legs beneath it so it didn't take long to hazard a guess, even in his disoriented state, what it might be. Itachi sat him up before he started moving, but Sasuke's eyes had started watering and he couldn't tell the difference much in the darkness except that blood was draining slowly from his head to the rest of his body again.

He heard a hiss of air from his brother, and he was lifted up, he hoped off, but it was not to be as his brother drove him back down with his hands on Sasuke's hips. It hurt just as much. There was nothing to soothe the way, what little moisture had been there from his fingers seemed to have been burned off by the scorching heat of the object inside him.

It didn't burn, yet he could feel it throbbing, and while he knew it probably felt bigger, hotter and more painful than it was, Sasuke couldn't help but sob, his head against Itachi's chest as he as raised again. He continued to do it as well, Cry out on every upstroke, in pained anticipation of the downstroke.

It only got worse as it went on, the friction was all but tearing him up, and if he wasn't bleeding yet, he didn't doubt he would be before it was over.

But then just like that, just as he started to quiet, used to the pain, it was. Itachi groaned, and came in him. It was warm and sticky as he pulled out, and Sasuke couldn't help but wish it had been that easy going in. Sasuke sighed and fell back as Itachi's hands no longer supported him.

Sasuke smiled lopsidedly at Itachi, a little painfully too. At least his brother would stay.. he thought to himself as he watched his brother get dressed. But then his heart started to pitter painfully as Itachi grabbed the traveling cloak laying an the bed and slung it over his shoulders. Itachi stopped though and turned around. Sasuke's heart started to calm down, as Itachi walked closer to him.

Itachi grabbed his younger brother's face again, smeared with blood and tears and looked into his small black eyes with his cold ones. Sasuke's heart started thumping heavily in his chest again, and Itachi spoke.

"Someday, little brother." He started coldly "You will hate me for everything I've done to you." He finished simply and started walking off without a backwards glance. The blackness of the room started to swallow his figure and Sasuke finally reacted, crying as he reached out.

"No!" He said sharply sitting up with a hand outstretched. And he found himself alone, sweating and awake in his bed, sitting up as he panted harshly into the cool night air. He looked at his hand, without the name that had been carved in it, he closed it and there was no pain. No pain, but no Itachi. Or...
He stood up, sneaking out through the house to see if he was still there, his brother, his real brother, as he knew him. He wouldn't be gone too, would he?

He arrived just outside his brothers room shortly thereafter. The night was warm, but there was a cool breeze flowing , and his brother's door had been slid open a crack to let in some cool air. He heard the sound of metal against rock and knew his brother was still awake.

Probably sharpening the kunai he'd practiced with just earlier that day. Sasuke raised a hand to his forehead, frowning as he remembered his brother lightly hitting him there. He paused just out of the sight of the door and breathed in deeply, silently.

His brother was still there, he hadn't left. He looked at his unmarred hand again, where it had been carved. He should be glad that the other Itachi had been only a dream. His Itachi wouldn't do anything like that, though it was likely his brother just wouldn't pay much attention to him at all.

Well maybe that wasn't entirely true. Every once and a while his brother would talk to him about things. Important things. Like how people worked, how his dad worked. Sasuke often imagined his brother was his only ally against his dad. Who seemed to hate him. No it was even worse. His dad didn't think any son existed beyond Itachi.

Though he should have hated his brother for that, he couldn't. Itachi always stood up for him, especially when he thought Sasuke wasn't around. He didn't hate his father though, he just wished the distant man would for once, look at him and not over his head.

He could only hope that Itachi would feel like paying some attention to him soon. That dream had really shaken him. Everything had been so real, yet even though he'd been abused, and though he would have fought back in real life, he hadn't been able to even think of doing so. It was disturbing.

Sasuke rubbed the once injured palm of his hand, wincing as he remembered the pain. The blood had been so warm though, almost hot. Was this why some people killed for enjoyment? Because they were cold and lonely and blood was warm?

He turned to walk away, not noticing that the sound of Itachi sharpening his blades had stopped a while ago.

"Sasuke?" Itachi's familiar voice called to him softly. Sasuke turned around to find his brother in the doorway, his chest bare, his arm had opened the door even further. Why hadn't he heard it?

He probably looked like he'd been caught stealing or something. His eyes were wide as he looked at his brother, but all he could feel was relief that it was him, that he looked the same thirteen he always did. That his voice was like it was supposed to be. Not that eerie deep one his dream had.

"Sasuke." His brother said softly again. "What are you doing here" His brother was tall but it wasn't as tall as the other one either. He could only pass under his brother's arm, his hair barely clearing as he stood aside to allow his 'ototou' through into his room.

As soon as he got to the center of the room, and Itachi turned around to look at him, Sasuke looked at his brother, lost. His brother was waiting for an answer, of which he had none. Well, nothing he wanted to say.

His brother sighed and closed the door, walking over to the futon mat laid across the floor. For a second Sasuke felt trapped, but he calmed down as his brother sank lazily onto his bed, without effort. That's right, this one didn't reek of death and endless slaughter. This was his real brother. Skilled, withdrawn, obnoxiously right about everything, and the smartest person he knew. Before tonight his brother had seemed so far away, yet...

He had to keep telling himself that the man in his dream wasn't his brother, because he didn't want to think about his brother leaving him. And he didn't want to imagine.... Why hadn't he tried to escape.

Itachi was starting at him, he finally realized. He looked away guiltily, not wanting to think that his brother could somehow read his thoughts.

"Sit" Itachi spoke to him. Sasuke sat. Itachi smiled at him and waved him closer with a hand. Sasuke got up and walked over to the bed and sat down again, two feet away from his brother. They sat in silence. Sasuke absentmindedly traced the kanji for Itachi into his palm with a finger.

"I... " Sasuke said after a long while, "Wanted to make sure you were still here." He continued to stare at his hand, refusing to look up. He was afraid to see how his brother would react. His brother was silent. Sasuke resisted the urge to flinch. Silence was the last thing he wanted.

"Why." Itachi said softly. In a voice that was kinder than Sasuke would have expected. As if Itachi already understood. But he couldn't right? He never had to fear any one leaving him, the golden child, prodigy. He was everything anyone ever wanted.

"I dreamt," Sasuke said numbly, planting both hands palm down and leaning on them "That you left me." He tried to keep any emotion from perforating his voice. And succeeded, mostly. Not that it mattered, his actions easily betrayed him.

"Sasuke." His brother said to him, solidly. Sasuke couldn't help but look up at him. Itachi met his eyes, and held them there. "I'm right here." Sasuke felt doubtful, noting that he didn't say he'd always be there. Maybe he was just asking for too much.

"Father, doesn't like me, mother... cares but she's too soft sometimes, My classmates, think I'm some sort of genius just because I'm an Uchiha... if they knew, I wouldn't, they'd never." He stopped abruptly there. He couldn't look away from his brother though, and he could feel himself shutting his emotions out so they wouldn't be easily seen bleeding through his eye. Itachi moved his hand, and Sasuke almost jolted in surprise when it rested on his hand, and his face and his brother's became closer by a foot.

Sasuke looked down at his hand.
"You're the only one, the only one who sees me, rather than what I can do. If you go," He could no longer fight his emotions, and tears fell silently down his cheeks as he choked on air. "I wouldn't exist anymore."

Itachi was silent as he pulled his brother into his arms, hugging him for the first time, in a very long time. Sasuke shook for probably five minutes, getting his salty tears on his brother's skin. Itachi finally spoke again after Sasuke had seemed to calm down.

"Sasuke, Otouto," His voice was a murmur. "Someday I promise you, people will love you more than me." Sasuke nodded into his brother's chest, accepting his word. "Someday, you will be strong." Sasuke sighed in relief, had that been what he wanted to hear?

Sasuke buried himself in his brothers arms, embarrassed to have been so frightened and confused by the dream. His brother held him awkwardly, but securely. Itachi tried to run his hands reassuringly up his brother's side, but halted suddenly Sasuke's breath caught suddenly, and he tensed up. Itachi experimentally did it again and he would be damned if Sasuke didn't moan. It was faint, but a sure thing when Sasuke reacted by covering his mouth.

Itachi moved his hands back down across his sides, realizing what it had been on his way down, as Sasuke twitched. He had grazed a nipple with his forefinger on the way down. Sasuke was in a panic. Here his brother was, being nice to him for once, and he was somehow making more out of it.

Was it him that was in the wrong? Had that dream not been a nightmare but a sick fantasy gone wrong? He shuddered as his brother rubbed his sides again, teasing. Or so his body though. He didn't know his brother was amused, wasn't looking to see the half-smile on his face.

No Sasuke had figured it out. The true torture of that dream. He hadn't been able to fight back when there was pain involved, but now, but now it was deliciously absent, and this was no cruel stranger. It was his brother, whose attention he longed for , and he was realizing now, it didn't matter what form that attention came in.

Or maybe somehow, it was a strange aphorism of him wanting to become like his brother, become one and the same as him. Or maybe just become one with him.

With his lack of experience, Sasuke had no way of knowing his brother was intentionally teasing him. He continued to fight his reactions, wanting just to feel cared for in his brother's presence, but a finger just barely teased a nipple on another 'reassuring' pass up his sides and Sasuke gave up.

"Aniki," He said a little strained "Don't stop." And of course at those words, Itachi did just that.

"What do you mean?" Itachi asked cluelessly. Apparently he was an excellent actor. Sasuke clenched his hands at his brother's chest. He felt so wrong to be asking this of his brother after he had just gotten more acknowledgment than he'd ever expected.

"Touch me," He gritted out through his teeth, throwing his pride out the window, "More" he flattened a palm on his brother's chest. Waiting.

"Where," His brother said softly, strangely close to his ear. It tingled. Sasuke shivered. He slid Itachi's hands up. To that sensitive place on his chest. Itachi slid his thumbs across them. Sasuke whimpered pushing away.

Now it was Itachi that was confused. That is until Sasuke pulled off his shirt. Itachi smiled with amusement. The material was too thick?

Sasuke leaned back into Itachi's hands, it definitely felt better without the shirt. It was strange. He never would have imagined human contact could feel this good. The dream he had felt exquisitely out of his mind, but it had been so closely tied in with the excruciating pain. Something about this sensation felt so clean. It spiraled to his abdomen like a rock.

And he was lost. He decided it was already too late and thought to go fro broke he raised up onto his knees and leaned in to kiss his brother. His brother kissed him back, but pulled away just as it was getting good and pushed Sasuke's body to the bed.

"Incestuous brother, I didn't know you thought this way" Itachi teased cruelly. Sasuke looked away, guiltily. "Is this why you wanted me to carry you home today?" Sasuke opened his mouth to protest but Itachi silenced him with a finger to his lips.

"Don't tell me you don't want me to touch you." Itachi wound his fingers with Sasuke's hand, Sasuke looked over at them entwined and swallowed audibly. He looked at Itachi again. It was true he wanted his brother to touch him.

But what if his brother didn't want to. He would suffer horribly, he couldn't even imagine being left now, and his heart nearly stopped at the though. Maybe if he...

He would get his brother interested. He hoped.

"Let me," He said softly "Let me touch you?" Itachi let him up, and leaned back on his arms.

"Alright." Sasuke paused, not knowing where to start. Itachi looked at him with a challenge. He couldn't back down, wouldn't back down with his sanity at stake.

He looked his brother up and down, and if he though about it, he couldn't help but notice the appeal to his older brother's body shape. He reached out his hands and ran them over the smooth planes of his brother's torso. He ran them up his brother's back and traced the line of his flexed shoulder blades His brother's skin was smooth, warm, and Sasuke couldn't help but compare to the man in his dream.

This Itachi wasn't quite as hard or weatherworn, but Sasuke almost wanted to bury himself in his brother's skin, rub himself all over his body. He felt himself almost doing so as he lined himself up with his brother. He couldn't resist rubbing against him just once. He stopped as he could feel his brother's heartbeat. Calm.

He remembered what he was trying to do. Seduce his brother. For that he'd have to get excited, that heart-rate wouldn't do.

Sasuke sunk his body down on the bed his hand following down after him as he let his instincts guide him. He reached the hem of Itachi's pants and tried to pul them down. Itachi lifted his hips after a while, letting his brother do what he would.

Sasuke was surprised to find his brother already hard. But hadn't he learned that the body was the biggest traitor? Well, his brother could easily crush him if he didn't like what he was doing. Sasuke grabbed his brother's root with two hands and took a moment to marvel at the softness of the skin. No wonder it had felt so hot inside him, he squeezed a bit and it hardened more. He looked up at his brother who was strangely unaffected.

He lowered his head to it and hesitantly ran his tongue up the side to the tip, it was salty, a bit sweaty, and at the tip white pre-cum dotted the top. He sunk his mouth down on it, gagging at first, he stopped and corrected his angle and swallowed the saliva gathering in his mouth. Itachi groaned at that. Sasuke tried it again. It was difficult but it got a jerking response from his brother, who was even harder now. He slid as far down as he could go and tried to get into a consistent up-down pace.

He wasn't very experienced though and it was a little jerky, he hoped it would still work to get his brother to want to touch him. He was trying to be careful and slow about it.

Finally Itachi's patience snapped and he grabbed both of Sasuke's wrists in one hand, pulling them forward and effectively sinking Sasuke's mouth all the way down onto his dick. Sasuke made a muffled complaint as he choked, his throat contracted around Itachi and he groaned but let up until Sasuke was okay. He used his other hand to guide his younger brother 's pace, a little to fast for Sasuke to handle but he didn't complain.

Itachi came just as Sasuke thought he'd forget how to breath and was struggling to swallow the saliva that was threatening to drip out of his mouth. Sasuke swallowed it and the white substance dripping down his chin as Itachi pulled his head up and off him.

"Alright brother, you win, I'll touch you" Itachi said and Sasuke was surprised. Itachi had known his game? then what was the point...

Itachi leaned over Sasuke's chest and took a small nub into his mouth rolling it around with his tongue and teeth and Sasuke forgot what he was thinking. He kept expecting Itachi to bite down but it never happened. He left delicious little nibbles all over the sensitive spots on his body, ones he didn't even know he had. It figured his brother would be good at anything he did.

Itachi pulled away from him though and he mewled, until Itachi removed his pants, but he didn't go down, no instead he sunk his tongue into Sasuke's mouth in a deep erotic kiss. He braced either hand on the wall besides Sasuke and after he was finished ravaging Sasuke's orifice, he made a trail down to the crook of his neck and bit down just short of hard. Instead of pain though, it sent all sorts of nerves tingling all over the place.

While he was still tingling Itachi dragged Sasuke away from the wall so he was lying beneath him, but he moved downwards as well, licking Sasuke's child's manhood once and before Sasuke could grab at his head to beg for more, he moved down and licked around his tight little rim. Sasuke could feel himself harden at the sensation he didn't expect, blood rushing and straining against his skin, but he nearly screamed as Itachi plunged his tongue where it shouldn't belong, he could never have though anything could feel good there, yet it did.

It was strange to feel so damp there as he was coated liberally by saliva, and Sasuke could only wonder what other new sensations Itachi could give him, which only served to turn him on more and he couldn't help but thrash in near ecstasy.

Itachi pulled away again, but instead of complaining, Sasuke took the moment to catch his breath. It was short lived though as Itachi pushed against him with a large blunt object, slowly. Sasuke tensed. Itachi stopped and kissed him until Sasuke started to relax, and then pushed again.

Sasuke refused to tense up this time, he trusted this brother, he hadn't hurt him yet. Although the stretching was uncomfortable and his eyes watered, it wasn't exactly painful. It did feel better with lubrication it seemed, and the strange sensation almost felt good. And he definitely felt filled.

When Itachi didn't move again, Sasuke sat up, still on Itachi, and sunk himself further down. And saw red. He gasped as a sharp pleasure overwhelmed him, and arched backwards wanting to keep that sensation there but it was too much. He moved up and then down again, hitting that spot again. God it felt good. But god was the furthest thing on his mind, the only thing on his mind was his brother.

Itachi grabbed his hips to encourage him to a faster pace, but there was no need as Sasuke was not one to deny himself pleasure. It left Itachi's hands free to roam his body as he frantically pumped his brother's throbbing essence.

He paused breathing heavily on a downstroke as it became too much to handle. The pleasure was too hard to work against.

"A.. Aniki" he pleaded, and somehow, Itachi knew what he wanted as he flung his younger brother on his back and pounded him into the bed, kneeling at his entrance with Sasuke's legs flung over his shoulders. Sasuke was far from quiet moaning and mewling at the end of every stroke. As he approached the cliff of sensations, everything stiffened for a moment as if rigger mortis had set in, and then he fell, exploding into red stars in his vision before everything went black, He was vaguely aware of being warm and slightly sticky.

He sunk into the futon slowly, and Itachi realized, Sasuke had passed out. He pulled out of his brother, cum leaking out after him, and covered his face with a hand stifling silent laughter. He entangled a hand with his and lifted it to his mouth, biting a finger at the tip till it bled, his sleeping brother only barely flinched.

He rubbed his finger across the small spot of blood and let go of the hand, afterwards wiping the trail of Sasuke's cum messily off of his stomach he lifted his hand, fingers thickly coated with the stuff, and a little blood. He licked a finger and looked at Sasuke mysteriously.

"How many more ways," he said smoothly, not murmuring this time. "Can I make you mine."