Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Missing ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Naruto!!!! He belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. Nor do I own the song `Missing' by Evanescence.
I suggest you listen to the song while reading, or perhaps sometime soon. Its really pretty, I love her voice.
Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
Maybe someday you'll look up,
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one;
"Isn't something missing?"
Naruto picked up his black bag, in it was 20 dollars, he suspected it might come in handy, some ramen, various weapons and tools and a photo of his team, all of them so happy. If only they knew, it was a façade. He knew they were ignorant, but so was he. He had believed they cared for him, if only for a moment.

You won't cry for my absence, I know -
You forgot me long ago.
Am I that unimportant...?
Am I so insignificant...?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?
He looked around his shabby apartment, he would leave it in this condition, and he knew it would be days, weeks, and maybe months before they noticed his absence. When they finally notice, if they do at all, they'll only celebrate my leaving… he thought.
Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't someone missing me?
Why me? He asked himself why must I be the one no one cares about? He let a silent tear drip from his cheek. He knew why, why they hated him, why the ignored his existence. It was because of her. The demon fox, Kyuubi. She tormented him constantly, whispering into his head, they all hate you, they'll never respect you… never… such is the way of humans, when something is too harsh or unpleasant or embarrassing for them, they reject it, erase it from their memories,consciously they've forgotten it all. Yes, they forgot you even though they see you every day.

Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
I know what you do to yourself,
I breathe deep and cry out,
"Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?"
He looked out his broken window, the park… it brought back memories… painful memories… how alone he had been even then, years ago, they seemed so long yet so close… he had always been abandoned, neglected, alone… no one to show him he even lived, even now…
Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't someone missing me?
Kakashi… Sakura… Sasuke…Iruka… none of them cared, no not even his former sensei. They looked through him, like glass or cellophane. He was transparent to them. Once they all became Chuunin, without a team, they would be like the rest of the village; they wouldn't need to acknowledge him… never…
And if I bleed, I'll bleed,
Knowing you don't care.
And if I sleep just to dream of you
I'll wake without you there,
Isn't something missing?
Isn't something...
He glanced at his sleeves, pulling them up, small pinkish lines criss-crossed his entire arm; the other was identical to it. Even his legs had the marks. His tenant gave up healing the scars, saying it was a waste of precious chakra. The hollow eyed blonde reached into his leg pouch for a kunai. He dragged it across his arm, smiling as the tension released. Warm crimson liquid trailed down his arm. He licked it, the metallic taste stinging his mouth. He loved it… Kyuubi found it amusing; he loved the taste of blood. He would survive. Yes, she would make sure of it. Maybe someday, yes someday, they would show them that they can't ignore them. However, that time was to come, one day but not today. Today they would start over. They would leave and be free… yes freedom sounded so nice.
As Naruto picked up his bag, he could only wish that someone would miss him…
Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't someone missing me?