Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Almost Impossible ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay, so here’s chapter two.

Warnings: This contains yaoi, meaning boy/boy love. Also, some of the people might be OOC, but I don’t care. xD

Main Couple: Sasuke/Naruto.
Other Couplings: Kakashi/Iruka, and little bits of Shikamaru/Ino and a few others. :)

Disclaimer: Of course I don’t own it. Are you stupid?

Mission: Almost Impossible
Chapter Two
Chapter Written: August 25, 2006

“Iruka, I’m back!” Kakashi greeted his shinobi lover when he walked into his home. Iruka had spent the night there for, well, certain reasons…

“Hello, Kakashi-chan,” Iruka said from his seat on the sofa. He put his novel down and grinned. His chest was bare, making Kakashi drool a little, and a blanket was covering his legs. Kakashi could only imagine what was under it. “Did you tell your students about the festival?”

“Yes. You should’ve seen the look on Naruto’s face!” Kakashi laughed, walking over to the other man, but stopped when Iruka playfully slapped him on the arm.

“Who do you think they’re going to go with?” Iruka queried, placing a finger on his lips in thought. Kakashi shrugged and took a seat behind Iruka, wrapping his arms around him.

“Well, Sasuke and Naruto most likely. I mean, isn’t that obvious? If only they weren‘t so dumb about things and just admit it to each other.” Iruka nodded at this. “But I don’t know who the other kids will end up going with, but I know that you’re going with me.”

Iruka blushed and nodded. “Yeah.”

Kakashi, now rid of his mask, kissed his lover softly. ““If Naruto and Sasuke don’t get together soon, what do you think we should do? I can’t stand watching two people who obviously like each other not be together.”

“Like how we were?” Iruka said, grinning.

“Exactly. That’s why I don’t want those two to be the same way. It was way too confusing, no?” the older man laughed along with Iruka, and kissed him on the cheek. “I don’t want them to have to wait as long as we had to.”

“I love you, Kakashi.”


“This one’s good, don’t you think, Sasuke?” Naruto didn’t know why he was asking Sasuke. He liked the kimono; the bottom was white and the top a blue with a blue jacket(1), almost the same color of his eyes. Plus, it fit nicely, and it didn’t look childish or girly. So why did he ask Sasuke if he approved of it? It was as if Naruto actually cared what Sasuke thought, not about the kimono, but what Sasuke thought about him in the kimono.

Do I care?’ Naruto asked himself, but it was only followed by a mental slap. ‘Of course not! It’s just that teme Sasuke. I. Don’t. Like. Him. I don’t! Being gay is gross, remember?’

“I like it. Change, and then go buy it,” Sasuke told him.

Naruto nodded, but when the other boy started to walk off, he insisted, “Wait, Sasuke. I’ll help you since you helped me. It’s only fair,” Naruto thought Sasuke wouldn’t like the idea of a dobe like him helping ‘The Great Uchiha Sasuke.’

“Okay. Let’s go look back in the men’s then.” Then again, Sasuke did prove him wrong a lot, didn’t he?

Oh well. I might as well pick some out for him, since he’s the one that grabbed this one first.’ They were at the men’s department now. Sasuke told him the size to look for with no shame, unlike Naruto, who Sasuke had to force it out of because Naruto thought it was too embarrassing. He didn’t know he was as small as he was until today. But when he heard Sasuke’s size, he wasn’t as embarrassed by his own; Sasuke’s was the smallest in the men’s, and if he was any shorter, they’d still be looking in the kid’s department right now.

“I think you should get purple, Sasuke. It’d look so nice on you!” Naruto laughed.

“Shut up, dobe.” Sasuke rolled his eyes. He had picked a blue, a black, and another blue kimono.

“Don’t you wear anything other than blue or black?” Naruto asked. “You’re so depressing!” he giggled.

Sasuke rolled his eyes again. “Then what do you think I should get, baka?”

“Don’t call me that!” Naruto yelled. The cashier looked over at the boys in distaste, well, he looked at Naruto in distaste, and to Sasuke with sympathy. Sasuke just glared at him until he quit looking. “Oops?” the blonde said, almost embarrassed by his loud tone.

“Just be more quiet.”

“Whatever,” Naruto growled. “Well, anyways, you should get red.”

“Why red?” Sasuke didn’t wear red often. Why would Naruto pick that color?

Because of your sharingan; it reminds me of it. Red looks nice with your face and hair. Because your skin is pale and red just looks good…What the hell?’ Naruto thought.

“Well, I don’t know. Maybe because you have dark hair or something. Just try a red one,” Naruto blushed. “Here, this one has black in it too.”


“Why not? It’s perfectly fine to me!” Naruto pouted. ‘What the hell is his problem?’

“Why can’t I wear blue?” Sasuke never wore red. It was the color of blood; who’d want to parade that around? Sometimes the color gave him bad memories. Nightmares.

“I never said you couldn’t I’m just saying pick a different color for once, teme. I did!”

Sasuke snatched the kimono away from Naruto; he had a point, for once. “Fine I’ll try it. Just shut up now. I’m becoming sick of you.”

‘Ouch.’ Naruto frowned, feeling this ping in his heart, and a clenching in his stomach. He didn’t say anything, figuring he’d just be a bother to the Uchiha. ‘Just a troublesome baka. That’s me.’


“Naruto?” a voice called out to him. It was Sakura, the girl who hurt him again and again. The girl Naruto believed that he was in love with, but with every rejection, the feeling slipped further and further away. She was the girl who was obsessed with the boy she could never have. She knew how Naruto felt, but would never admit it.

“Yeah?” Naruto asked in reply.

“Are you still shopping, or waiting for the dressing room?” Sakura noticed that he already had his clothes.

“No, I’m waiting for Sasuke to hurry the hell up,“ Naruto said innocently, not really thinking about how she’d react.

Sakura’s left eye twitched. “You came with Sasuke-kun?” she almost screeched. ‘That jerk! Sasuke-kun is MINE!’ the inner-Sakura screamed, punching her fists rapidly into the air.

The blonde cocked an eyebrow, “No, I was here first and the bastard saw me and bothered me, like he usually does. It wasn’t like we met here on purpose, unless he followed me. I find that, well, uh…,” he scratched his head in thought.

“Unlikely?” Sakura offered, rolling her eyes.

“Yeah! That’s it!” Naruto grinned, now rubbing the back of his neck. “Who’d you come with? If you’re all by yourself I can help you!”

Sakura sighed. “No, Naruto, it’s fine; I’m here with Ino-chan.”

“That’s cool!” Naruto smiled as he said this, loudly. “Who’re going to the festival with?”

“I’m not positive, but probably Lee-san. Ino’s going with Shikamaru, isn’t that cute?” Sakura smiled politely.

“Yeah, I’m glad they finally got together!” Naruto agreed.

“Yeah. Well, I have to go, see ya!” she left so abruptly, Naruto was left dumbfounded.

“Stupid girls,” he grumbled to himself, shaking his head slightly.

“Yes, I agree.” Sasuke said from behind him, making Naruto jump slightly.

When Naruto turned, he gasped at the boy. He looked absolutely beautiful in red, just like Naruto thought he would. Wait…beautiful?

Stupid Sasuke and his cuteness. Stupid teme. ARGH! I can’t be gay, right!’ Naruto thought, a string a curses following afterwards. ‘Why do you have to be so beautiful?’

“Is it that bad?” Sasuke asked, confused at Naruto’s reaction.

“No, it’s just…uh…well-”

“Spit it out, dobe. If you don’t like it, then I’ll put it back.”

“Why do you care if I like it or not? Do you?” Naruto asked, avoiding answering.

Sasuke blushed. ‘I wonder why he’d blush at that. Wow, he looks cute when he blushes. Ugh.’ Naruto thought.

“Well, I just wanted to know. As a second opinion.” in truth, Sasuke didn’t care if he liked it, he just wanted Naruto to.

“Well, do you like it”

“Yes, it‘s fine. Now, do you?”

“I love it.”


“Seriously, Sakura! Can’t you tell they like each other?” Ino whispered to her friend from behind the racks.

“Yeah,” Sakura replied, sadly.

“Don’t be so sad! You have Lee, remember? Forget Sasuke, okay? He’s a waste of time!”

Ino grinned. ‘I don’t want to be mean to her, but she does not know when to give up!’

Sakura shushed Ino. “I know, but they’ll hear us if you don‘t shut up. I want to know what happens!”

Ino quietly giggled. Her pink-haired friend was so weird.


Sasuke blushed. “Uh, okay.”


“Well, go change. Then we can buy these,” Naruto said, breaking the awkward silence and getting up and stretching. Sasuke changed as quickly as he could, and the two boys went to go pay for their things. Well, they would’ve if they hadn’t seen two girls hiding in the racks.

Sasuke glared at the two girls fiercely. Ino grinned up at him, and Sakura blushed heavily.

“Uh, Sakura-chan? Ino? What’re you two doing?” Naruto asked, confused.

“Uh. Nothing! Bye!” Ino ran off, with Sakura close behind her.

“Girls. They’re still stupid.”

“Definitely. To think, he didn’t even realize they were spying on us,” Sasuke said.

“I guess that means we‘re stupid too then.”

“No, it means you’re stupid. I was in the fitting room for most of the time,” Sasuke smirked.

“You’re such an ass, Sasuke,” Naruto growled.

The boys paid for their clothes and silently headed out of the shop, only to be stopped at the door.

“Naruto-kun! Sasuke!” a skinny boy around the same age with the thickest eyebrows anyone has ever seen was there, waving at them.

“Oi, Fuzzy-brows! What’s up?” Naruto grinned. Sasuke smirked. Naruto would never call him by his name, probably.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, not bothering to say hello. But the boy didn’t care, so he just continued, “Is Sakura-chan here?”

“Yeah. Somewhere.” Sasuke told him. “See you, Lee.” with that, Sasuke took off out the door with Naruto not far behind.

“Sasuke, wait!” Naruto called. Sasuke turned around. He has an impatient look on his face.

“What, dobe?”

“Well, uh… who are…well, what… I mean who are you goingtoasktothefestival?” Naruto spluttered out.

“What? I can’t understand what the hell you’re talking about, dobe.”

“Who. Are. You. Taking. To. The. Festival,” Naruto said slowly, looking at the ground. He was blushing, but he couldn’t understand why. Hell, he didn’t even know why he was asking the other boy such a ridiculous question. Why should he care who Sasuke was going with? It’s not like he was going to ask Naruto or anything!

“Actually, I was thinking about asking a blue-eyed blonde,” Sasuke smirked. ‘Eh, what the hell? I might as well ask. He’s been acting weird enough around me lately.’

“Ino? Sorry, Sasuke, but I heard she was going with Shikamaru,” Naruto told him, disappointed. Well, what else could he expect?

“No, dobe. You.”

Right. Sasuke did prove him wrong a lot, didn’t he?

-----To be continued-----

Well, it looks like Naruto is having a fight with himself over being gay or not. How will he take this? hm. You'll just have to wait and see.

(1)I’m sorry if that is not correct. Eh, I don’t know much about kimonos other then what I see in pictures. So I’m really sorry if that’s wrong!

Sorry that this one was kinda short. It only got to seven pages because of all the dialog. I think I maybe getting rusty. Whatever.

Please review!